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## GreenAI UPPA
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The GreenAI UPPA team is an engaged lab that improves state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. Concerned with our impact on earth, we develop low consumption algorithms and tackle environmental challenges. |
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The GreenAI UPPA team is an engaged lab that improves state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. Concerned with our impact on earth, we develop low consumption algorithms and tackle environmental challenges. Unlike other research groups, our activities are dedicated to the full pipeline from the math grounding to R&D prototype and in production deployment with industrial partners. We are based in Pau, France, in front of the Pyrénées.
Our research encompasses diverse projects and collaborations around the mathematical foundations of power-efficient deep/machine learning algorithms, and the applications of AI to build a more sustainable world. In this section, we present the mathematical as well as the algorithmic part of our activity.
We wish to bring together different people from different communities but with one share commitment: take collective actions on the world's greatest crisis and build a safe and healthy planet for the next generations.
After a PHD thesis defended in 2008, at [Institut de Marseille](https://www.i2m.univ-amu.fr) Sebastien worked as Associated professor at [Université d'Angers](https://www.univ-angers.fr/fr/index.html) in the lab [LAREMA](https://math.univ-angers.fr/LAREMA/) where he defended his Habilitation thesis in 2014. He found the AI start-up [LumeanAI](https://www.lumenai.fr/) in 2015 and the non-profit organization [IAPau](http://www.iapau.fr/) in 2016. Since 2020, he is researcher at the [LMAP](https://lma-umr5142.univ-pau.fr/fr/index.html) at [Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour](https://www.univ-pau.fr/fr/index.html) and created the GreenAI UPPA Group. His research interest are online learning, mathematical statistics, information theory for machine learning and more recently, in the applications of these activities to deep learning techniques and environmental challenges. For contact, send an email at sebastien[dot]loustau[at]univ-pau.fr Currently researcher at the [LISN](https://www.lisn.upsaclay.fr/) on AI carbon footprint, Paul obtained his phd between [LIUM](https://lium.univ-lemans.fr/) in France and [IDIAP Reshearch Institut](https://www.idiap.ch/en) in Switzerland in 2014 on unsupervised Audio-visual person identification in broadcast data. Then, he went through a teaching period at the [LIA](https://lia.univ-avignon.fr/) (2015) a Post-doc in computer vision, at [IIT/PAVIS](https://pavis.iit.it/) (2016 - 2018), and worked at the [LumenAI](https://www.lumenai.fr/) on community detection (2019 - 2020). Its other interests include Social Computing, and embedded AI through Early Exit.For contact, send an email at paul[dot]gay[at]univ-pau.fr
Matthieu obtained his Master's degree in 2020 at [Université de Grenoble Alpes](https://www.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/). After some experiences as Data Scientist, he joined GreenAI UPPA Team in Septembre 2021. For contact, send an email at matthieu[dot]francois[at]univ-pau.fr \ [Web page](https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthieufran%C3%A7ois/) Fatou obtained her master’s degree in Big Data in 2021 at [Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour](https://www.univ-pau.fr/). After a year of experience as Data Scientist, she joined Green AI in December 2021 in collaboration with Prof en Poche on a computer vision and AR project. For contact, send an email at fksow[at]univ-pau.fr \ [Web page](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatou-kine-sow-6b2145152/) Simon obtained is engineering degree in 2021 at the [National Institute of Applied Sciences](https://www.insa-rouen.fr/), Rouen Normandie, with a computer science major. Right after graduating he joined GreenAI UPPA in January 2022, where he started a collaboration with [Hizkia Informatique](https://www.hizkia.eu/). For contact, send an email at simon[dot]lebeaud[at]univ-pau.fr \ [Web page](https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-lebeaud/) Nicolas graduated from the engineering school [CYTech](https://www.linkedin.com/school/cy-tech/) (ex-EISTI) at Pau, France in 2021 with a speciality in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. He is passionated about Data Science since he went to Taïwan for an Exchange Semester during his school time. Thus, he decided to join GreenAI UPPA team on a project about two fields that are really meaningful for him : education and environment. For contact, send an email at nicolas[dot]tirel[at]univ-pau.fr \ [Web page](https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolas-tirel-427b42172/) Florian is a graduate engineer from [ECE](https://www.ece.fr/) and is starting a CIFRE thesis on edge computing in collaboration with the company [Fujitsu](https://www.fujitsu.com/). The objective of this thesis is to implement Computer Vision algorithms in a frugal way and to embed the models as close as possible to the cameras, depending on the difficulty of the task and the input data. For contact, send an email at florian[dot]valade[at]fujitsu.com. Aamer is a student from Ecole Centrale Lyon and is doing a 6 month internship on evaluation of deep learning models. On one hand, this includes the environmental impact. To this end, Aamer is developing an online system so that a user can upload a model and retrieve energy consumption and other environmental factors. On the other hand, Aamer also focus on text classification models and their interpretation with Integrated Gradient techniques. The idea is to build a set of ngramms which are impactful to the model decision, as a proxy to visualise which "concepts" are encoded in the text classification model. His work is integrated in the GAIA platform of IAPau.Yann is doing a master of engineering in . He is doing an internship in the context of the Sobre project which aims at understand the different notions of sufficiency in the French society. To this end, he's building dashboard to visualise clustering of 50 millions of tweets gathered over 2021-2023 (sadly now it is called X and the dataset cannot be simply extended). The Sobre project is funded by CNRS with the Tree laboratory.
Florine is a student of ENSTA Paris in the Computer Science - AI program and is starting a 3-month research internship in sensory data analysis. The objective of this internship is to conduct a large sensory evaluation over several consumer panels in order to test the ability to distinguish conventional vs organic vs living soils techniques in market gardening. For contact, send an email at [email protected] Nathan obtained a scientific baccalaureate (physics-chemistry and biology). He decided to move into the field of biochemistry, in BTS BioAnalyses and Controls. In order to validate his learning, he's doing a 5-week internship at the University of Pau on a research project on agro-ecological transition which aims to better understand the levels of dry matter in vegetables and the organoleptic qualities of vegetables to compare conventional and conservation farming techniques. Jordy defended his Phd Thesis in 2018 at [UPPA](https://www.univ-pau.fr/fr/index.html) [LMAP](https://lma-umr5142.univ-pau.fr/fr/index.html). After a post-doc in 2018-2019 at La Rochelle in the lab [LASIE](https://lasie.univ-larochelle.fr/), he taught at CY Tech two years and followed training in Data Science. He joined GreenAI UPPA group in Septembre 2021. For contact, send an email at jordy[dot]palafox[at]univ-pau.fr \ [Web page](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jpalafox1242/) Yanis obtained his engineering degree in 2021 at the [ISAE-SUPAERO](https://www.isae-supaero.fr/fr/), Toulouse, France, with a major in computer science and artificial intelligence as well as in environmental and energy studies. After some work in planetology and energy, he joined GreenAI UPPA in January 2022, as a part of a collaboration between the laboratory and Mellisphera. For contact, send an email at yanis[dot]chaigneau[at]univ-pau.fr \ [Web page](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yanis-chaigneau/) Lorette obtained a bac STAV (Sciences de Technologies de l'Agronomie et du Vivant in french) specialising in agri-food processing. She choses the [BTSA Anabiotec](https://www.enil.fr/formations/bts/btsa-anabiotec) in Toulouse, and currently in second year. To finish her BTS year, she is doing a 3 month internship at the University of Pau on a research project about the agro-ecological transition which aims to better understand the nitrogen and carbon cycles to compare conventional and conservation agriculture techniques. For contact, send an email at durislore[at]gmail.comFeel free to contact us if you want to contribute: contact Paul or Sébastien