Several demo programs are included with the glulx-assemble distribution. These are intended to serve as examples of how to write programs and use the assembler's capabilities; they are generally not useful otherwise.
The absolute minimum code required to assemble a program. Does absolutely nothing.
A very basic demo that sets up GLK, verifies the integrity of the program file, then prints a number of strings. Intended as a more functional minimal example.
A more complex demo making use of a larger range of the assembler's features. Currently very unfocused and is likely to be replaced at some point in the future by more specific advanced examples.
Tests operand expressions. This is intended as an assembler test more than a demo.
A basic port of Andrew Plotkin's "model.c" demo for GLK. Currently missing the YADA verb, but otherwise complete.
Include file containing numerous GLK-related constants, including function selectors. Most programs will want to include this file or an equivalent.
Partial implementation of a very basic adventure game and library.