This a personal config, that I'm 100% sure will get big enough to weight as much as any distribution without meeting half of their functionalities.
It doesn't have a installation script.
For now it works if you have every dependency installed, the issue being there are one too many. Such as 3 C/C++ compilers.
TODO: Maybe find a name for this...
- TODO: Add images.
In case of a windows system, first insatall Chocolatey or Scoop, then use it to install the following in admin mode.
Fast regex search utility that will be used by Telescope to search file names and content.
It can be installed on Windows in Powershell using Chocolatey by entering the following:
choco install ripgrep
Way to get gcc and other gnu c utilities on windows.
It can be installed on Windows in Powershell using Chocolatey by entering the following:
choco install mingw
Fast file search utility, speed file name search if propperly configured and used.
It can be installed on Windows in Powershell using Chocolatey by entering the following:
choco install fd
Can be installed through most package managers.
If not available consult the creator's github.
Other C libraries as the error messages appear.
TODO: Reduce the ammount of C compiler's dependencies.
- dashboard.nvim
- bufferline.nvim
- mini-icons.nvim
- no-neck-pain.nvim
- nvim-tree.nvim
- whichkey.nvim
- surround.nvim
Parsing breaks when handling a big php file with html tags and php and javascript code.
clangd error when trying to install telescope-fzf-native.nvim
Marview.nvim not propperly displaying colors in normal mode using tokyonight-day in first load, switching colors and back fixes it. It may or may not be random.
Elm formatter creates a frame that doesn't close when a file is written with a semantically incorrect syntax.