Today's Progress: Preparing for the 100 days challenge: - Learned some hotkeys in VS Code - Started the VIM tutorial and did it until lesson 3.3 - Created a Twitter and Instagram account.
I do not have a CS degree, so there is a lot of background knowledge that I lack. However, I am excited to be starting this challenge.
Progress: Started debugging the calculator program
Thoughts: I took way too much time to refresh my memory on what the program is doing and figuring out the cause of some errors. Of course this is all explained in the book but I am trying to follow along with as little help as possible.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Cleaned up the code and restructured, started introducing feature of keep calculator running even after an error is displayed.
Thoughts: I kept checking the book to make sure I got the exercise right. Following along by coding definitely makes me understand the issues that he raises along the way. I am feeling good about my progress, today's lesson: When whithin handling error exception, check for functions that could raise another error, becasue this would be caught by any external error handler.
Link to Work: Calculator)
Progress: Finalized treatment of errors in multiple statements. Now calculator does not close when an error is found, it refreshes its state to receive next input. Found out a strange behaviour when multiple operators are used eg. 1+++2;
Thoughts: I was quite concentrated today, but I got stuck because I didn't realize that I was compiling to a file with a slighlty different name, so I was running the same file over and over again and wondering why my changes were not working haha.
Link to Work: Calculator)
Progress: Started implementation of a new feature to the calculator: user defined variables.
Thoughts: The use of Tokens to allow for a stram with different types was very enlightning. I managed to spend some time reading and going through the book implementation but also started implementing it by myself without checking the book. I am happy with today's progress.
Link to Work: Calculator)
Progress: Finished writing changes to introduce the new feature, but now compiler is having trouble with the constructors that I used.
Thoughts: Today I did not check the Book, so I am cureious to see how I fared once I deal with the compilation errors. I am happy with today's progress
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Setting variables inside main function seems to be working but user defined variables needs debugging.
Thoughts: I was a bit tired today so I wasn't very productive. Git bash stoped running excutable file so got stuck with that for a while.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Put some cout statements in critical parts to try to debugg the code.
Thoughts: I was not paying a lot of attention today and I haven't managed to figure out why the code is not working. On the other hand, the current behaviour is very strange so I am really curious as to what is happening.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Found out reason for odd behaviour was just good functioning of the program. It seems to be working now, but needs further testing
Thoughts: I was getting confuseed because I wasn't mentally following the program from the beggining. Pro tip: when in doubt, start from the beggining!
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Removed unecessary cout statements. Tested calculator with weird inputs. Implemented a function for the sqrt.
Thoughts: Although today was a crazy day (coming back from a camping trip!) I am very happy that I sat down and still managed to be productive with the code today.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Implemented function for power, modified quit and let keyworkds.
Thoughts: Today was also good progress, but I am getting a bit tired of this calculator project, as it is dragging for a bit. Luckily, only a few last modifications are sugested at the end of chpt. 7 so hopefully I will be done with this calculator in one week.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Variable names can now contain underscores, started adding assignment feature to change values of stored variables.
Thoughts: Today was good progress, I was very focused and the hour went by quickly. I think I am very close to getting the assignment of variables right, so it should be straight forward to do that tomorrow.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Understood a key part of why assignment was not working. This was due to using range based for loops without reference. Fixed it and now assignment is working. Started introducing constant variables.
Thoughts: Today was very productive, I learnt the difference between using for loops with and without reference.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Introduced small improvements in the code, making it more consistent (fron cin >> ch; to cin.get(ch);)
Thoughts: Started with 0 motivation to code, ended up coding more than 1h, although still quite irritable today. Overall was still an Okay progress.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Introduced comment that explains Grammar, realized that pow and sqrt functions were at the wrong level of Grammar. COrrected it. Changed layout of code for better readability
Thoughts: Got stuck trying to figure out a way of taking assignment operation outside Primary level of Grammar. Main issue is that token stream cannot store two Tokens at a time so reading 2 Tokens in advance is not available. Decided to stick to current Grammar, because it is indeed working as intended. I think it will be best to mode Definition under the Primary level as well, to keep consistency.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Put definititions of variables at the Primary level. Need to do final change to make calculator accept only ints
Thoughts: Todya was okay, nothing special. My progress is very slow, as in two weeks I got over one chapter of the book.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Today I finally moved on to chapter 8. Read about half of it, and it was very enlightning in explaining the different ways of passing arguments in functions
Thoughts: I did not code today, I just read the book, so I guess that is against the rules. However, I do think I am actually learning when I have these few days of just reading, so I can be better prepared for the coding implemntation, so I am going to count it towards the challenge.
Link to Work: None :(
Progress: Finished reading chapter 8, started the simple Drill. Got stuck with an issue due to Linkage of files.
Thoughts: I really was not feeling it today, I spent the whole hour quite irritated. Also have not managed any progress.
Link to Work: None :(
Progress: Participated in the Bright Network Internship experience, coded a path finding algorithm in Python
Thoughts: I thoughrouly enjoyed coming up with the algorithm myself, I am happy with the result
Link to Work: To be added
Progress: Did the drill of CHapter 8 on passing variable by value, reference or const reference.
Thoughts: I spent way too much time figuring out that in order to link two cpp files they both need to be specified on the compiler
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Edited Calculator program to use header files and avoid global variables - pass variables by reference
Thoughts: Today was okay, not too productive, but not too bad either. Happy with the state of the calculator program.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Did some exercises from chapter 8. Highlight was a function to reverse a vector using only the reference to that vector. Loved the simplicity and elegance of my solution.
Thoughts: Today was actually quite productive, and ended on a great note with my solution for reversing a vector by reference.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did some more exercises from chapter 8. Did some function that simulates the behaviour of zip in python()
Thoughts: Today I was focused as well, so I would say that it was productive. Only managed to get through 2 exercises but oh well.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did one more exercise at the end of chapter that utilised struct. Great way to return several values from function!
Thoughts: Today I was again focused, mainly because I did this hour in the morning.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Finished exercises from chapter 8, started chapter 9.
Thoughts: I was really tired today and generally not feeling it. Still, some progress is better than none.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Finished reading chapter 9, but did no coding.
Thoughts: I was so not in the mood + really tired, so ended up just reading the chapter
Link to Work: None
Progress: Started Drill for the Date class.
Thoughts: Today went okay, I managed to write the bones of the date class and start getting used to writing robust code for the users
Link to Work: Date
Progress: Finished Drill for date class
Thoughts: I did some progress today as well, mainly on trying out overloading operators and const member functions.
Link to Work: Date
Progress: Started chapter 9 exercises, class for pairs of names and ages
Thoughts: I was a bit sleepy, but managed to get into it halfway through.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Started exercise for books in library
Thoughts: Today was fine, not much learning.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Wrote an equivalent function of Python's split()
Thoughts: Today started with a fowl mood, but coding actually improved it.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Added a Patron class.
Thoughts: Today I was also not feeling it, but it was okay.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Seperated project into different files. Added overarching Library class.
Thoughts: Today I was really into it yeah.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Almost finished writing all functions, so far so good.
Thoughts: Today was also quite productive.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Finished writing functions, still requires debugging.
Thoughts: The beginning of today was absolutely excruciating, because I was tired due to a poor night of sleep. Somehow I managed to get through the whole hour.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Finished Library project, working to a satisfactory degree. Started writing simple class for operations with rational numbers
Thoughts: Today was again incredibly difficult to start, I could not fathom how I would get through the hour. However, it got much better once I got into the flow of things.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did some small progress on hte Rational class
Thoughts: Today was very unproductive, I barely touched the code. Found an online example of a properly implemented Rational class and was surprised by its elegance and simplicity. There is still a lot that I do not know, so I might try to implement this example as a way of learning.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did very little progress on the Rational class.
Thoughts: Today was actually one of the least productive days thus far, I had a very demanding day at work and I am curretnly mentally exhausted so I couldnt properly focus on the code today.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Started reading chapter 10 on I/O.
Thoughts: Today was the third horrible consecutive day. I did not manage to get into flow and actaully had to take a 10 min nap because I got so exhausted half way through.
Link to Work: None unfortunately
Progress: Started simple exercise for I/O. Tried to do it by myself but it is currently not working, gets stuck in a while loop.
Thoughts: Today was okay, slightly mediocre. I find that it goes much better if I actually start to code right away.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Fixed the issues I was having with I/O, although I am still not entirely sure how these issues are happening.
Thoughts: Today I felt very good, I managed to be really focused and the code ended up working as expected, so I am very pleased.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Realized thw cause of the issues I was having, rewrote same function but in simpler and more robust way.
Thoughts: Today okay, not super productive but still managed to learn a good pattern for reading data.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did most of the Drill at the end of chapter.
Thoughts: Today was also a good day, although it seems I am forever stuck doing trivial exercises.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did some simple exercises: Read ints from file and do the sum. Write a file with temperatures with some random variation.
Thoughts: Today I felt concentrated in what I was doing, but I am getting a bit sick of these textbook exercises.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did most of exercises 3 and 4, but need to fix it still.
Thoughts: Today I felt actually amazing, super into it. Vibing.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Started studying for the quantum computing hackaton
Thoughts: Today I felt good, it is exciting to be starting quantum coomputing
Link to Work: qiskit_training
Progress: Did intro to Bloch Sphere, and also fixed the issue on input streams.
Thoughts: Today I was tired, but having dedicated the final 20 mins to debugging the input stream exercises was very rewarding.
Link to Work: Drill
Progress: Did a simple script that concatenates two text files. Solved a bug in the calculator program. Will return to calculator program to add functunality of reading input from text file.
Thoughts: Today went very well, I managed to do things quickly.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Wrote the main body of the new feature to read commands from a file. Need to debug.
Thoughts: Today time went by very quickly, I barely noticed it flow.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: The token 'from' and reading from file seems to be working!
Thoughts: Today was also a good day, easily went by.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Wrote a similar implementation for Token to, but need to find a way to naturally close the output stream.
Thoughts: I missed yesterday because I had a very full holiday day and I did not prepare in advance. So today I did almost two hours to account for it. It went well.
Link to Work: Calculator
Progress: Worked on Quantum Computing examples provided by Qiskit.
Thoughts: Went well, did several hours of study.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Quantum Computing Hackathon
Thoughts: Very Intense, several hours of coding a day.
Link to Work: Quantum Hackathon
Progress: Finished Chapter 10 exercises on Input / Ouptut
Thoughts: THese days went quite well, I managed to be somewhat productive, considering I am still away from my house.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Wrote a wrapper to cin that ignores punctuation on an input stream.
Thoughts: It was incredibly hard to start today, mostly due to the heat and overall tiredeness from travelling back to Portugal. But as usual, it got much better in the final quarter of an hour.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did ex 1 and 2 from chpt 11.
Thoughts: Today was a good day, managed to do a good progress on simple but useful exercises.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did exercises 3 and 4.
Thoughts: Today was also a productive day, although I took way to long to do a simple exercise.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Did exercises 6 and 7
Thoughts: Today was a very good day, I was paying attention and successfuly completed the exercises.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Almost finished all exercises.
Thoughts: Good vibes, nothing to report, although I did get myself want to be distracted.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Stuck on final exercise
Thoughts: Today was relaxed but did not manage to be productive.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Solved final exercise with a very standard solution because could not find why seekg() was not working with characters '\n'.
Thoughts: Today I did my hour in the morning before work, so I was sharp.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Tried to Build and Link external Graphical library. Was unsuccessful
Thoughts: Today I was not feeling it, so I did not make a lot of progress.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Looked more into linking static libraires, aparently need to use include and lib folders. But FTLK library has no include folder??
Thoughts: Today I did not manage to make anything work.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Did some small progress in understanding how the compilation command is done on VS Code. I know that I could have the code up and running on VS, but honestly I want to do it as basic as possible so I understand what it is doing under the bonnet.
Thoughts: Today I am actually feeling sick, which is likely Covid, I it was an absolute nightmare to get through the hour.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Did some small progress in understanding how the compilation command is done on VS Code. I know that I could have the code up and running on VS, but honestly I want to do it as basic as possible so I understand what it is doing under the bonnet.
Thoughts: Today I am actually feeling sick, which is likely Covid, I it was an absolute nightmare to get through the hour.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Started trying to use gcc instead of VS Code compiler.
Thoughts: It was indeed Covid.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Aparently gcc does not recognize .lib files, so need to use the VS Code compiler. However I am having another issue with x86 vs x64 ...
Thoughts: I still feel down, but I am getting better.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Still stuck ...
Thoughts: Today I was very distracted, did not manage to be productive.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Still stuck, now trying to make it work on Visual Studio (Or maybe soon I will switch to Linux)
Thoughts: Today I was also distracted, so I was not productive.
Link to Work: None
Progress: Switched to Linux, and successfully managed to link fltk library to a simple script. Now I am having trouble with the header and source files for the wrapping of fltk that provides a cleaner user interface, currently there is a problem with the class window being defined twice.
Thoughts: These past few days have been amazing in learning about Linux and overall operating systems, but not so much on C++ or numerical methods.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Solved some issues in the header and source files from the wrappers around the fltk library Thoughts: I am getting tired of setting up and resolving all of these issues. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Prepared nvim as an IDE and solved the issues on linking and compiling the libraries. Did follow along of chapter 12 and started making the end of chapter exercises. Thoughts: Things are back on track now. I did learn a lot from being stuck so many times trying to set everything up. Now it feels very good to see things working. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Managed to make the grid work! It was not working because the constructor of Shape from reference was explicitly disabled. Thoughts: Was super stressy and anxious today, but I did manage to make things work, so I am satisfied. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Made the grid more prettier and automatic and added a frame around it. Thoughts: Still anxious, but managed to get some good progress today. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Made a loop to create rings similar to olympics logo. Thoughts: The logo worked fisrt time, very satisfying. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Started exercise with polygons. Thoughts: Not very productive today, not feeling it while I am at home. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Finished exercise with polygons. Wasnt working because of radians in cos and sin. Thoughts: I still managed to get a bit into flow today, so that was good. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Started exercise with superelipses. Thoughts: Very unproductive today, wholeheartadly not feeling it. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Made a red pentagram, preparing for the elipses. Thoughts: After missing two days while I was moving to university, today I managed to be focused. Link to Work: Drills
Progress: Made some red stars and superelipses.
Thoughts: I missed two days becuase I have been busy with setting up everything for university. But today I was very productive and I am happy how the stars turned out.
Link to Work: Drills
Progress: It has been a week since my last day, it has been more complicated with being back at university. Today I read through chapter 13, where the organization of the classes is presented.
Toughts: I was tired today so I did not manage to cover a lot of ground.
Lind to work: Read the chapter, so no link
Progress: It has again been another week since my last update, but nonetheless I am comitted to finishing this challenge. I went over chapter13 and started doing the Drill. Seems that I will have some issues with opening images.
Toughts: It started badly but after I started doing the exercises I got to actually do some progress.
Lind to work: Drills
Progress: Tried to insert an image in the output but it is currectly not working becuase the ususal ifstream is not opening the .jpg file.
Toughts: I was paying attention today and the time went by rather quickly.
Lind to work: Drills
Progress: Did a simpple exercise that plots random red squares on a window. Tried to do it in real time with a sleep function but I have no idea how to achieve this.
Toughts: Did not do much today, but I still enjoyed reminding myself of C++.
Lind to work: Drills