9/29/2020 – 10/12/2020
- Continue with round 3 research planning
- Integrate new 18F team members – Alex S and Ryan
- Prioritize stories based on OCIO stage gates
- Get shared clarity on scope and timeline of MVP
- Research logistics and began scheduling interview for Round 3
- Integrated new 18F team members and said goodbye to Laura
- Defined MVP header and trailer validation and shared MVP scope and timeline
- Documented the guidance for storing documents
- Discussed plan to validate new STT users
- Create a user research plan for STTs for Aug-Sept 2020
- As an admin, I need to understand how a new STT user will be validated
- Determine user research methods and document ethics, timeline, and logistics for STT Research (Round 3)
- As a STT, I want to know what information is needed to create header and trailer for flat files
- As a compliance person, I need to know the accessibility plan (Section 508 PAT)
- (Internal) Determine where to post research artifacts and deliverables
- (Internal) Clear guidance on how we find documents on process, background
- (Internal) Define the scope and timeline for MVP
- Retro 9/29 Commitments
- Documented header and trailer details for flat files🔒
- User research plan for STTs for Round 3🔒
- Document methods, timeline, interview logistics,ethics and privacy🔒
- The notes and decisions from the single source of truth discussions 🔒
We need to:
- Have more conversations about the frontend architecture
- Document guidance on creating pull requests when no code is up for review
- Finish remaining round 3 research activities and starting to interview participants
- Make progress on RAR/PDR/TRR stage gate documentation
- Make progress on developing new user profile
- Complete 18F transition – saying goodbye to Christine and Selena
- Define QASP review criteria for research and design feedback
- As a new user, I can select an applicable STT or OFA category from the combo box
- As a user, I can fill out and submit a form to create my profile
- As a user, I cannot submit my profile information unless my inputs are valid
- As an STT user, I want to be invited to participate in research (round 3) - Blocked
- Draft interview protocol for Round 3 of research with STTs