controller config stuff #3689
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might need something about modifier keys for aiming for people playing on keyboard or controllers with only digital inputs |
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maybe font-awesome could help with this, music notes for ocarina notes could be cool |
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could be cool to have a list of connected devices at the top (maybe with a refresh button) but not a dropdown, we should just allow mapping from any of them at any time the idea behind the list would be to help people figure out if the game was seeing their controller or not |
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another thing to think about in here is deadzone (and future analog calibration options), i'm not sure if we have any way to uniquely identify controllers that have been disconnected and reconnected (to be able to tell the difference between a new xbox controller and one that has a worn out joystick for example) so that's probably worth looking into assuming we figure the unique id part out, we could either have any of the deadzone etc. sections either
this is also a question that applies to Kenix3/libultraship#342, so any thoughts about how to handle this in a future LUS generic controller options menu would be cool too |
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Ocarina input also needs a cancel button |
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good call, also need to add shooting gallery/bombchu bowling stuff (maybe just "minigame item") |
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and epona stuff
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show/hide map (N64 L) is another missing one |
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thinking about how to handle the basic/advanced split and i think doing it all in one window should be possible
this also got me thinking about how to handle the UX for displaying mappings, i know we currently update the text of the button to match the button matched on the controller, but maybe moving away from that to something like
i think this could handle all the possible scenarios
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another thing that could be really helpful for simple mapping would be presets/profiles we could probably make these for some of the most common/popular controllers
the hardest part of these imo would be naming, unlike pcsx2 where automapping is going to a ps2 controller (which already has a layout that matches the controllers being automapped), we'd need to have options for sword on xbox X vs sword on xbox b vs sword on xbox A etc it might be something where built-in presets don't make sense, and we'd instead want to have a repo of dev/user generated ones and a way to load them or something at the same time, we already have a concept of "default" so people can get up and running without needing to manually map, so maybe having some built-in (or just "included") wouldn't be a bad thing |
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basic and advanced could also be tabs instead of separate collapsible sections in a big list i'm still very unsure about where to put analog stick calibration stuff, some of it makes sense in the advanced sections as it's directly related to actions (aiming sensitivity etc.), but some of it feels more like "i just need my stick to work" stuff, in which case i feel like having it on a separate tab entirely might make sense. any thoughts there are very welcome. |
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another thing to think about is how to handle someone mapping the same physical button to multiple things. do we want to clear out where it was mapped before? i'm leaning towards moving away from the current strategy of clearing out where it was mapped before, and instead just allowing multiple actions (or n64 buttons) to be mapped to one physical button. |
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ocarina analog stick pitch |
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would we want this go into allowing for binding hotkeys for certain features as well, e.g. fullscreen, toggling collision viewer? or just in-game actions |
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for debug, actions that come to mind are debug camera movements + toggling the camera, frame advancing, navigating pause warp menu, skip cutscene |
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possibly. i'm not sure if that would fit in as a subcategory of "advanced," or if we go the multiple tabs route we might want to have it be a third tab (so we'd have "basic", "advanced", "hotkeys") edit: the other option would be to have hotkeys as their own menu separate from this |
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heavily leaning towards multimapping being the default behavior of the "set" button, and requiring users to hit clear to reset a button this could probably be aided by having a "full clear" option of some sort somewhere |
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multimapping in the other direction (letting multiple buttons perform the same action) would make a lot of people happy since "can we have multiple buttons perform the same action" has been a request since forever, so having it be consistent and the default behavior sounds like the right call. |
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@jbodner09 i touched on UX for that here #3215 (comment) edit: sorry for the ping, i was going fast and just noticed you said
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i'm very aware #27 (check who made the issue) |
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i think using tabs instead of multiple sections is the move. to start we'd just have basic and advanced, and then we can add a tab for hotkeys/macros? (not sure about naming there) the main reasoning here is that i expect the hotkeys ux to be a little different. having every single thing that can be hotkeyed in a giant list feels pretty bad, so we'd want to have a default set (reset etc.) that always appear, and then the ability to add more. we'd also want to have the ability to require multiple buttons be pressed at once to trigger these, which isn't a pattern we need in the basic and advanced tabs. one of the main focuses of that tab would be the "create new hotkey" functionality, which could get as complex as allowing a sequence of console commands (think spawn enemies), while also providing a decently straightforward/simple UX for toggling existing cvars (ideally using the same names that are shown in the menus, instead |
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also the registry editor and the debug menus that it can enable (like audio debugger) |
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I made an issue for discovery around how to better support the controller mapping/configuration needs of any given port with LUS Kenix3/libultraship#342
after some discussion, the idea of just having a list like source engine games do came to mind, it's not perfect, and it could be considered an "advanced" configuration menu, but i figured it'd be worth it to mock up what that might look like (in text form)
what we could do is a collapsible list, so something like this (the
thing would be a button like we have in the current menu that shows the mapped name, with the ability to map multiple things (maybe using shift-click like pcsx2))this is just a first pass, but if nothing else this really made it clear to me just how many options we have
switching away from the current "controller configuration" and "additional controller options" menus, where people need to use both, to having an advanced menu that can do everything seems like a good thing, but it'll be important to think about the basic setup ux too
mostly trying to start a conversation with this one
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