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Embedded development with Ivory Tower

$$\forall dev \in embedded . dev \Join ivory = \heartsuit$$


The goal of this book is to provide comprehensive guide to embedded development with Ivory Language and its Tower framework. If you feel like there is much to be desired from the currently available embededded toolchains keep on reading!


The Ivory Language is an embedded domain specific language (eDSL) for safe systems programming. It is embedded in Haskell which keeps types in check and serves as a macro language. Ivory can generate various outputs - most notably a C code.


Tower is a framework written in Ivory for composing Ivory programs in safe manner - by providing communication channels, tasks, signal handlers and scheduling. Tower uses low level primitives from either FreeRTOS or EChronos embedded real-time operating systems.

Target board

The board we are going to use throughout this book is STM32 F4 Discovery. This is quite nice development board featuring STM32F407VG microcontroller (MCU), few peripherals like MEMS accelerometer and a smaller STM32F103 MCU for programming the main MCU.

Most of the STM32 MCUs are now suppported, check out ivory-tower-stm32-generated compatibility matrix.

Environment setup

Recommend development environment is a NixOS system as we use Nix to setup all the required dependencies and even build full firmware images. NixOS system is not strictly required but Nix is (it can be installed on most systems either via their native package manager or according to

After Nix installation, clone ivory-tower-nix repository which contains our Haskell overlay and recipes for building various firmware images and development shells.

git clone
git clone
cd ivory-tower-nix
cd ../ivory-tower-helloworld
make simpleblink-test


mkdir embedded
cd embedded
git clone
git clone
git clone


For F4 Discovery it is recommended to re-flash ST-Link programmer with BlackMagic probe and add UART passthru according to [F4 Discovery hacking] section


For persistent device names you should create udev rules files in /etc/udev/rules.d/. For example to create rules for your F4 Discovery board flashed with Black Magic probe firmware you can use the following template:

# F4 Discovery
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{manufacturer}=="Black Sphere Technologies", ATTRS{serial}!="E3C09CF4", GOTO="f4_bmp_end"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{interface}=="Black Magic GDB Server", MODE="0660", GROUP="dialout", SYMLINK+="f4gdb"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{interface}=="Black Magic UART Port", MODE="0660", GROUP="dialout", SYMLINK+="f4uart"

Make sure to set correct serial number, this can be found by running dmesg after the board is plugged in.

Create similar file as /etc/udev/rules.d/48-bmp.rules and run

udevadm control -R

to reload UDev daemon. Next time you plug in your device two nodes should be created

  • /dev/f4gdb - for attaching GDB
  • /dev/f4uart - UART2 pass-through

Accessing UART

Following are few examples of UART access from Linux:

# from pyserial -e /dev/f4uart 115200

# screen
screen /dev/f4uart 115200

# tail + hexdump
tail -f /dev/f4uart | hexdump -C

Hello Ivory Tower world

Go to your embedded directory and clone ivory-tower-helloworld repository.

git clone

Now build and flash a blink application:

cd ivory-tower-helloworld
make blink-test-run

Makefile uses /dev/ttyACM0 by default - to change this either override this on the command line

make TARGET=/dev/f4dev blink-test-run

or change the TARGET ?= /dev/ttyACM0 line in Makefile.

If all goes well your board should toggle red and blue LEDs in 1 second and 666 milliseconds intervals.

Before we dive deeper into what is going on try playing with the uart test.

Open another terminal and start screen

screen /dev/ttyACM1 115200
# or /dev/f4uart if you defined u-dev rules according to example

Flash board with

make uart-test-run

You should get a prompt on screen terminal similar to the following

hello world

The uart application accepts 1 2 and \n (newline) characters. 1 sets the LED on, 2 off and newline displays prompt again.

The Makefile offers additional targets

make uart-test # only compiles app
make uart-test-load # also loads it to MCU
make uart-test-gdb # loads it and spawns gdb prompt where application can be 'start'ed
make uart-test-run # combines load and 'run'

simpleblink dissected

To explain the structure of the application we will use simpleblink application, which is quite simplified blink example we had ran previously. This contrived example is only for demonstration purposes and it outlines basic concepts of Ivory/Tower.

The core of the simpleblink app is the file Hello.Tests.SimpleBlink which we will explain step-by-step.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Hello.Tests.SimpleBlink where

import Ivory.Language
import Ivory.Tower
import Ivory.HW.Module

import Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.GPIOF4

First the obligatory module and imports, the two most important imports here are Ivory.Language and Ivory.Tower modules, the former imports Ivory definitions and the latter for Tower framework. We also need to import Ivory.HW.Module as our module does some hardware manipulation, in this case writing to GPIO registers of F4 devices. Definitions of the GPIO registers are imported from Ivory.BSP.STM32.Peripheral.GPIOF4 (the application actually uses only GPIOPin type from this module as the rest of the GPIO manipulation is abstracted).

We also need to enable DataKinds language extension to allow for complex type annotations of our towers. Following tower represents a block of code responsible for toggling a led. Its type tells us a that it accepts a GPIOPin and returns a ChanInput ('Stored ITime)) in the Tower monad which basically means that by creating this tower it gives us an input channel with some concrete type (in this case ITime).

-- This artificial Tower program toggles LED when
-- message arrives on its channel
ledToggle :: GPIOPin -> Tower e (ChanInput ('Stored ITime))
ledToggle ledPin = do
  -- Create a channel for communicating with this tower
  (cIn, cOut) <- channel

By using channel function we create a channel with input and output sides. We proceed by defining a monitor with some name. Monitor is another building block we will meet quite frequently and its exact meaning will be explained later.

  monitor "ledToggle" $ do
    -- declare dependency on Ivory.HW.Module.hw_moduledef
    monitorModuleDef $ hw_moduledef

For the monitor to work properly we need to declare its dependency on a module containing primitives for reading and writing hardware registers. The module is hw_moduledef imported from Ivory.HW.Module.

After the book-keeping is done we proceed by defining two handlers grouped within our monitor. The first handler is called once during system initialization and prepares our hardware for operation - in this cases enables ledPin and configures it as an output pin.

    -- handler called during system initialization
    handler systemInit "initLED" $ do
      callback $ const $ do
        pinEnable ledPin
        pinSetMode ledPin gpio_mode_output

handler is a function that accepts a channel output, handler name in form of a string and a handler definition in Handler monad. In Handler monad we use a callback function to define an actual code used for handling channel messages. callback accepts another function which on message arrival gets a reference to the message. Because we don't care about the type of the systemInit channel we throw away the reference with const. systemInit is the only global channel provided by Tower. The actual body of the callback function consists of Ivory code which in this case is quite abstracted to just pinEnable and pinSetMode functions. Next handler is a bit more interesting.

    -- LED state
    ledOn <- stateInit "ledOn" (ival false)

    -- handler for channel output
    handler cOut "toggleLED" $ do
      callback $ const $ do
        -- get current state
        isOn <- deref ledOn

        ifte_ isOn
            pinClear ledPin
            store ledOn false
            pinSet ledPin
            store ledOn true

In monitor context, we first define a ledOn state with stateInit function. To be explicit we also define its initialization value via ival false hence the use of stateInit instead of simpler state function that would also initialize ledOn state variable to false after its type is inferred from local context. We will discuss state and initializers in more detail a bit later.

ledOn represents a local state variable contained within current monitor. We use this to track the current state of the LED and flip it with the second handler. Note that this is the only state variable so far.

Handler and callback for cOut channel we have defined earlier are defined in similar fashion to the previous handler except now we have more Ivory code in body of our function.

On message reception we first use deref function to dereference our ledOn state variable. Then we branch according to its value with ifte_ function which is basically a C equivalent of if. Depending on the value we either clear or set the LED and use store function to store our new LED state in ledOn variable. To perform actual register writes we use pinSet and pinClear functions that operate on respective GPIO registers for ledPin GPIO.

Last missing piece of our ledToggle tower is a return function returning input side of the channel we have created previously.

  return (cIn)

Now when our LED toggling tower is complete we define another tower that represents our application and which uses the ledTower. It is common to call this tower app as it represents an entry point of our application. It also accepts a function of type e -> GPIOPin which is used to pass a part of the environment to our application respective of the platform we run on (different platforms can specify different peripherals and pin mappings while our code can be made completely independent of the used platform). We then extract ledpin with toledpin function from the environment given by getEnv.

Then we start composing towers. We create a period tower with per channel output and also our ledToggle tower with togIn control channel. What remains now is to forward messages from per channel to togIn channel to make our LED controller react on periodic messages generated by period tower. For this we write a simple monitor that defines an emitter for togIn input channel. We then use the created emitter togInEmitter in callbacks body to send messages to it via emit function. Callback function now accepts a parameter x which is a reference to ITime message produced by period tower. We don't really care about its contents so we just send it to ledToggle tower via togInEmitter and togIn channel input.

-- main Tower of our application
app :: (e -> GPIOPin) -> Tower e ()
app toledpin = do
  ledpin <- fmap toledpin getEnv

  -- creates a period that fires every 500ms
  -- `per` is a ChanOutput, specifically ChanOutput ('Stored ITime)
  per <- period (Milliseconds 500)

  -- create our ledToggle tower
  togIn <- ledToggle ledpin

  -- this monitor simply forwards `per` messages to `togIn` ChanInput
  monitor "blink" $ do
    handler per "blinkPeriod" $ do
      -- message to `togIn` channel are sent via `togInEmitter` - FIFO with capacity 1
      togInEmitter <- emitter togIn 1

      -- callback for period
      callback $ \x ->
        emit togInEmitter x

This contrived example doesn't really show the full power of Tower and Ivory but only illustrates basic concepts of structuring applications and passing messages to different parts of the application. Following figure illustrates the structure of our application:

simpleblink graph

blink comparison

simpleblink is a simplified version of blink application that goes even further regarding abstractions and defines a following ledController function:

ledController :: [LED] -> ChanOutput ('Stored IBool) -> Monitor e ()

blink graph

From the type of the ledController you can infer a lot of information about the controller - it accepts a list of LEDs and an output side of a IBool typed channel. You might guess the functionality and it's usage just by looking at the type information - by feeding a boolean value to input side of the channel, the ledController switches a bunch of LEDs according to the received value.


Entry points of the helloworld applications can be found in the test directory as this was originally extracted from ivory-bsp-tests (ivory-tower-stm32 repository). These are not complete applications anyway and during development you will write many of such test applications testing a small part of the complete system.

If we take a look test/SimpleBlinkTest.hs we can see few mandatory imports that allow us to set-up the environment according to selected platform from default.conf config file.

All the magic happens in the compileTowerSTM32FreeRTOS function provided by Ivory.OS.FreeRTOS.Tower.STM32.

Imports of our code follow - Platforms (basically mapping to hardware) and app from SimpleBlink module.

module Main where

import Ivory.Tower.Config
import Ivory.Tower.Options
import Ivory.OS.FreeRTOS.Tower.STM32

import Hello.Tests.Platforms
import Hello.Tests.SimpleBlink (app)

main :: IO ()
main = compileTowerSTM32FreeRTOS testplatform_stm32 p $
  app testplatform_ledpin
  p :: TOpts -> IO TestPlatform
  p topts = getConfig topts testPlatformParser

Application typically accepts a number of functions of type e -> Something which are used for querying environment with getEnv. This allows to use the same application with different platforms and configurations. In case of simpleblink we only pass a testplatform_ledpin to app as it only needs one GPIOPin to work.


Clock config

GDB basics

Printing register data

p /t 0x8000

Printing MSB bit of rxdata.rx_buf[0] contents shifted by 8 bits to the left

p /t (rxdata.rx_buf[0] << 8) & 0b1000000000000000


Is your friend

set confirm off
set history save on
set mem inaccessible-by-default off

display /x txcmd
display /x rxcmd

display cnt

display /x rxcmd.rx_buf
display /t rxcmd.rx_buf


Ivory is a fully featured eDSL for safe system programming. Ivory gives strong guarantees of type and memory safety. It can be regarded as a restricted variant of C language.


When converting numbers from one type to another we have to do it explicitly - there is no automatic conversion and failure to cast numbers will result in type errors.

Ivory provides us with few casting operations: safeCast, signCast, bitCast, castWith, castDefault, twosComplementCast

These are restricted by type classes so for example SafeCast only allows us to cast smaller Uint8 to larger Uint16 but not vice-versa.


SafeCast typeclass represents conversions that can be done safely

  • from smaller (bitwise) integers to its larger counterparts
    • Uint8 to Uint16 or larger
    • Sint8 to Sint16 or larger
  • from unsigned integers to signed integers
    • Uint8 to Sint16
    • but not Uint8 to Sint8
  • from floats to doubles
    • IFloat to IDouble
  • from integers to floats or doubles
    • Uint16 to IFloat or IDouble
    • Sint32 to IFloat or IDouble
    • with the exception of Uint64/Sint64 that can only be converted to IDouble

Example use:

x <- assign (23 :: Uint8)
y <- assign $ (safeCast :: Uint8 -> Sint32) x

Often we don't have to specify the type of safeCast and let the compiler infer the conversion according to surrounding code.


SignCast allows us to convert numbers with the same bitwidth from unsigned to their signed counterparts iff the conversion is safe. If the conversion would result in overflow its result is the minimum or maximum boundary of the target type. Same holds for converting signed to unsigned numbers.

Examples include

signCast :: Sint8 -> Uint8
signCast :: Uint64 -> Sint64


To cast from larget bit type to smaller one, while discarding upper bits of the input we can use bitCast. This is only valid for unsigned integer types.


bitCast :: Uint16 -> Uint8
bitCast :: Uint64 -> Uint8

castWith and castDefault

We can use castWith defaultValue to cast a value if it is within boundaries of the target type or fallback to defaultValue if it is outside bounds.

castDefault is like castWith 0 for types where 0 value is defined (types having Default typeclass).


To convert between signed and unsigned types of the same width, we can use twosComplementCast which will convert values bitwise, e.g. from Uint32 to Sint32.

Bit twiddling

Lots of embedded code revolves around bit manipulation. In the end even the most complex embedded applications are just setting a bunch of registers so we need a nice tooling for this important part of our job.

Ivory offers bitdata quasi-quoter for defining binary layouts. This is used heavily in device drivers and for controlling registers of the STM32 MCU.

 bitdata MyReg :: Bits 16 = my_reg
   { myreg_bit_rw   :: Bit
   , myreg_bit_crc  :: Bit
   , myreg_bit_mode :: Bits 2
   , myreg_data     :: Bits 12

Lets see what this produces:

> :t MyReg
MyReg :: Bits 16 -> MyReg

> :i
newtype MyReg = MyReg (Bits 16)

(x :: MyReg) = fromRep $ withBits 0 $ setBit myreg_bit_crc

y = toRep x

> :t y

We can convert from integer value to binary representation with fromRep and back to integer with toRep.

Bit representation

-- | Type function: "BitRep (n :: Nat)" returns an Ivory type given a
-- bit size as a type-level natural.  Instances of this type family
-- for bits [1..64] are generated using Template Haskell.

(fromRep (1 :: Uint8) :: Bit)
(fromRep (1 :: Uint8) :: Bits 4)

-- can't do this (Couldn't match type ‘Uint16’ with ‘Uint8’)
(fromRep (1 :: Uint16) :: Bits 8)

-- instead we need
(fromRep (1 :: Uint16) :: Bits 9)
-- BitDataRep moves to next possible representation for 9 bits which is Uint16


ivory-hw package offers utilities for defining and working with registers. Hardware registers are associated with BitData types from previous section via BitDataReg type.

Defining registers

There are two functions for creating BitDataReg types

mkBitDataReg :: IvoryIOReg (BitDataRep d) => Integer -> BitDataReg d
mkBitDataRegNamed :: IvoryIOReg (BitDataRep d) => Integer -> String -> BitDataReg d

We can see that a type d needs to have a BitDataRep instance for BitDataReg to be created. Second parameter is an actual memory address of the register and a String in case of Named version is just for identifying registers in AST or comments in generated code.

To define a register we first need to define a bitdata using ivory quasi-quoter. We will use an actual register definition of 32-bit advanced timer shared memory controller register (ATIM_SMCR).

 bitdata ATIM_SMCR  :: Bits 32 = atim_smcr
  { _               :: Bits 16
  , atim_smcr_etp   :: Bit
  , atim_smcr_ece   :: Bit
  , atim_smcr_etps  :: Bits 2
  , atim_smcr_etf   :: Bits 4
  , atim_smcr_msm   :: Bit
  , atim_smcr_ts    :: Bits 3
  , _               :: Bit
  , atim_smcr_sms   :: Bits 3

myreg = (mkBitDataReg 0x1337) :: BitDataReg ATIM_SMCR
-- or
myreg = (mkBitDataRegNamed 0x1337 "adc_sr") :: BitDataReg ATIM_SMCR

Most of the time we don't need to define this directly but we instead create a new type representing a certain peripheral composed of all the peripherals registers. Before explaining this structuring further lets see how we can access and modify such registers.

Modifying registers

Most common method of working with registers is modifyReg which accepts a register and a code in BitDataM monad. For example to set the MSM bit and clear the ETP bit we would write

modifyReg myreg $ do
  setBit atim_smcr_msm
  clearBit atim_smcr_etp

In case of fields consisting of multiple bits we need to use a setField function. For example to set ETF field to number 1 we would write

modifyReg myreg $ do
  setField atim_smcr_etf $ fromRep 1

In this case we also need to use fromRep to convert our number to its binary representation.

Setting registers

To set a register instead of modifying it you can use a setReg function.

setReg myreg $ do
  setBit atim_smcr_msm
  setBit atim_smcr_ece
  setField atim_smcr_etf $ fromRep 1

myreg is in this case replaced with newly built value.

Reading registers

For reading we have a getReg function and an infix operator (#.) for accessing bit data fields (similar to Data.Lens.^.).

x <- getReg myreg
when (bitToBool (x #. atim_smcr_msm)) $ do

To extract a value from a multi-bit field we would write

x <- getReg myreg
let val <- toRep (x #. atim_smcr_etf)

-- :t val
-- Uint8

Device peripheral driver structure

reg :: (IvoryIOReg (BitDataRep d)) => Integer -> String -> BitDataReg d
reg offs name = mkBitDataRegNamed (base + offs) (n ++ "->" ++ name)






Numeric types

Uint8 - 64 Sint8 - 64


IFloat IDouble

Memory area types

Stored X Array n X Struct "name"

Pointer types

Ref Local (Stored Sint32) Ref Global (Struct "foo") Ref s (Stored IBool)

Initializer types

Init x

Index types

Ix n support 0 .. n-1 values

example (10 :: Ix 11)


ival izero


To create structs we use a quasi-quoter provided by Ivory.Language. Following example is a definition of a Measurement struct.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Hello.Types where

import Ivory.Language
import Ivory.Tower.Types.Time

struct measurement
  { meas_valid :: Stored IBool
  ; meas_data  :: Array 3 (Stored Uint32)
  ; meas_time  :: Stored ITime

measTypesModule :: Module
measTypesModule = package "meas_types" $ do
  defStruct (Proxy :: Proxy "measurement")

The function measTypesModule creates a Module (XXX: Refer to module system) which we can use to declare a dependency on this measurement struct.

Struct initialization

To create a new struct we use istruct initializer, most commonly in combination with local such as:

t <- getTime

res <- local $ istruct [
    meas_valid .= ival true
  , meas_time  .= ival t

res now contains a memory reference to our newly created "measurement" struct, its type is

> :t res
Ref s ('Struct "measurement")

Struct access

To get a value out of structs field use deref in combination with ~> operator:

valid <- deref $ res ~> meas_valid

To set a field we use store and ~>:

store (res ~> meas_valid) false

~> operator is just a field access operator according to the label passed on its right side, as the fields of the struct are all Stored values we can use deref and store to alter these.

(XXX: Link to ~>* shortcut



for (n-1) times (n-1) upTo downTo


ifte cond cond_ when unless

Boolean ops ==? /=?

? <=? >=? .&& .|| iNot ## Functions ## Comments ## Modules ## Standard library ### Operators ``` ~>* %= %=! += ``` #### Bit manipulation ``` AND .& OR .| XOR .^ << iShiftL >> iShiftR iComplement ``` ### Arrays ``` arrayCopy ``` ### Maybe ### Working with strings String is just an alias for `struct` with two fields * `stringDataL` - actual string contents * `stringLengthL` - length of the currently stored string Define string with the help of `Ivory` quasi quoter: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module FW.Types where [ivory| string struct TestBuffer 1024 |] fwTypes :: Module fwTypes = package "c4dTypes" $ do defStringType (Proxy :: Proxy TestBuffer) fwTowerDeps :: Tower e () fwTowerDeps = do towerDepends fwTypes towerModule fwTypes ``` This creates a `TestBuffer` type with `IvoryString` typeclass with maximum capacity of 1024 characters. We also define two helper functions `fwTypes` and `fwTowerDeps` to provide shortcuts for dependency management. Strings are commonly used as buffers for `UART` communication. You can also initialize string directly with ``` myStr <- stringInit "foo" ``` ## Serialization Ivory.Serialize Ivory.Serialize.Little # Tower The Tower Language is a concurrency framework for composing Ivory programs into real-time systems. Tower offers communication channels, signal handlers, tasks and scheduling. ## Structure of a tower Following is an overly verbose tower definition with comments explaining different contexts and general outline of a tower. `sampleTower` is a fake controller which takes an output channel and returns another output channel called `control`. Incoming values are passed to `control` channel iff their value is over 9000. ```haskell sampleTower :: ChanOutput ('Stored Uint8) -> Tower e (ChanOutput ('Stored Uint8)) sampleTower outChan = do {- Here we can define additional channels, towers and periods (which are also towers) -} (controlInChan, controlOutChan) <- channel {- Afterwards we define a monitor - which basically defines a controller block -} monitor "sampleMonitor" $ do {- In monitor we can define its states -} lastValue <- state "lastValue" {- and a handler for our input channel -} handler outChan "sampleMonitorIn" $ do {- in handler, we can define its emitters, to be used for writing into channels (ChanInput(s)) -} controlEmitter <- emitter controlInChan 1 {- Then we write actual callback function that gets `ref` passed from `outChan`s output In this case this is a reference to `Uint8` so we need to use `deref` to get a value we can store and compare later - if the value is over 9000 we use `emit` to emit the same reference as we've received from callback via controlEmitter. -} callback $ \ref -> do value <- deref ref store lastValue value when (value >? 9000) $ emit controlEmitter ref return controlOutChan ``` ## Channels Tower gives us two types representing communication channels * `ChanInput a` - typed channel used to *send* messages of type `a` * `ChanOuput a` - typed channel used to *receive* message of type `a` We use `channel` function to create a channel, which is just a tuple of input and output sides. ```haskell chan <- channel (chanIn, chanOut) <- channel ``` We typically structure our program as a network of channels and respective handlers and emitters. In the previous example of `sampleTower` we have a function that accepts `ChanOutput ('Stored Uint8)` and returns another channel of the same type. This tells us that the tower receives messages from one channel and gives us a channel that we can use to consume messages produced by it. It also creates the latter channel for us and returns its output side. Does this remind you of the UNIX pipes? ## Periods Tower gives us a way of scheduling periodic events via messages generated on some channel. `period` function gives us a channel of type `ChanOutput ('Stored ITime)` which we can use in our handlers where periodic calls are required. ```haskell periodic <- period (Milliseconds 500) -- per <- period (Microseconds 1000) monitor "sampleMonitor" $ do handler periodic "samplePeriod" $ do callback $ const $ return () ``` ## Interrupts For working with interrupts Tower offers the `signalUnsafe` function, which accepts the actual interrupt, time bound (or deadline) for real time verification purposes and a function for disabling the interrupt. When interrupt occurs it automatically calls the disable function and we need to enable the interrupt again if deserved. ```haskell isrExampleTower :: (STM32Interrupt i) => i -> Tower e () isrExampleTower int = do irq <- signalUnsafe (Interrupt int) (Microseconds 250) (interrupt_disable int) monitor "isrExampleMon" $ do handler isr "isrHandler" $ do callback $ const $ do -- we serve the interrupt here -- and reenable it afterwards interrupt_enable int ``` ## HAL HAL or Hardware Abstraction Layer in Tower is an extremely small interface abstracting over common embedded communication buses like SPI, I2C or CAN. Module `Ivory.Tower.HAL.Bus.Interface` defines two higher order types, `BackpressureTransmit` and `AbortableTransmit`. At first these look quite complicated and scary but they are nothing more than a representation of a way of how we talk to the peripheral driver. ### BackpressureTransmit Commonly used as `BackpressureTransmit request response` for SPI and I2C buses. We send message to `backpressureTransmit` channel and receive responses from `backpressureComplete` channel. ```haskell data BackpressureTransmit value status = BackpressureTransmit { backpressureTransmit :: ChanInput value , backpressureComplete :: ChanOutput status } ``` ### AbortableTransmit `AbortableTransmit` is used for communication over CAN bus where it is possible to abort the pending transfer before it is sent to the bus. This is useful for cases where we have e.g. more recent measurement available but our last message is still waiting to be transferred - we can abort the transfer and send the more recent message instead. This is similar to `BackpressureTransmit` but offers `abortableAbort` channel, which can be used to cancel the transfer. ```haskell data AbortableTransmit value status = AbortableTransmit { abortableTransmit :: ChanInput value , abortableAbort :: ChanInput ('Stored IBool) , abortableComplete :: ChanOutput status } ``` ## Coroutines Coroutines allow us to suspend and resume a computation, typically while waiting for result of another computation. This is very handy for embedded programming as we often need to wait for external device to return new data over some channel. For example when we communicate with some device connected over UART we just use a channels provided by UART driver to talk to it and let the driver do all the hard work of actually transmitting bytes and letting us know when transmission is complete. Coroutine allows us to call a `yield` function which it provides for us to pause the execution and wait for a result of a computation tied to `yield`. Following is a simple hypothetical example which uses three channels: * `initChan` - channel used to initialize or restart the coroutine * `requestChan` - we use this one to send requests * `resultChan` - we get results of our computation over this channel `yield` in `CoroutineBody` is then tied to `resultChan` and gets called whenever we get a message on that channel. ```haskell coroutineHandler initChan resultChan "myCoroutine" $ do requestEmitter <- emitter chan 1 return $ CoroutineBody $ \yield -> do emitV requestEmitter true fstResult <- yield emitV requestEmitter false sndResult <- yield return () ``` This is quite useful for protocol oriented communication with devices connected over UART, SPI, I2C or CAN bus - we send a request message, wait for a driver to handle transport for us and sends us a reply over result channel - which triggers respective `yield` in our coroutine. Take for example UART driver - it typically returns two channels, one for output and for input. We use the output channel (usually named `ostream`) to send data to the external device and input channel (typically `istream`) to receive the data. We can take advantage of this in our coroutines where we use output channel to send messages to external device via `emitter` and `yield` to wait for replies. Lets say we want to implement simple request reply protocol in form of ``` > version < 1 > readbit < 0 ``` We can use the following coroutine to perform the communication: ```haskell protocolTower :: ChanInput ('Stored Uint8) -> ChanOutput ('Stored Uint8) -> Tower p () protocolTower ostream istream = do monitor "protocol" $ do coroutineHandler systemInit istream "myProtocolCoroutine" $ do requestEmitter <- emitter ostream 32 return $ CoroutineBody $ \yield -> do puts requestEmitter "version" versionResult <- yield puts requestEmitter "readbit" bitValue <- yield return () ``` SPI device drivers are implemented in similar manner but instead of `ostream` and `istream` they operate with ```haskell BackpressureTransmit ('Struct "spi_transaction_request") ('Struct "spi_transaction_result") ``` In this case we need to fill a `struct` representing our SPI request and we get back another `struct` with the result of the SPI transfer. This pattern is commonly expressed as `rpc` function which calls a function to create our request, send it to device and wait (with `yield`) for the result. Following is an example of simple SPI device driver that reads out a specific register and sends `true` on `initOkChan` if we see an expected value (common pattern during device installation is to check some vendor provided register if it contains a correct value so we know we are talking to the right device). ```haskell devDriver :: BackpressureTransmit ('Struct "spi_transaction_request") ('Struct "spi_transaction_result") -> ChanOutput ('Stored ITime) -> ChanInput ('Stored IBool) -> SPIDeviceHandle -> Tower e () devDriver :: (BackpressureTransmit reqChan resChan) initChan initOkChan dev = do monitor "devMonitor" $ do coroutineHandler initChan resChan "devDriver" $ do reqE <- emitter reqChan 1 doneE <- emitter initOkChan 1 return $ CoroutineBody $ \yield -> do let rpc req = req >>= emit reqE >> yield contents <- rpc (readRegReq dev 0x05) fstByte <- deref ((contents ~> rx_buf) ! 1) emitV doneE (fstByte ==? 0x13) -- here we construct a spi_transaction_request struct readRegReq :: (GetAlloc eff ~ 'Scope s) => SPIDeviceHandle -> Uint8 -> Ivory eff (ConstRef ('Stack s) ('Struct "spi_transaction_request")) readRegReq dev reg = fmap constRef $ local $ istruct [ tx_device .= ival dev , tx_buf .= iarray [ ival (fromIntegral reg), ival 0 ] , tx_len .= ival 2 ] ``` ## Schedule Ivory.Tower.HAL.Bus.Sched Citing from `schedule`s docstring ``` -- | Multiplex a request/response bus across any number of tasks that -- need to share it. Tasks may submit requests at any time, but only one -- task's request will be submitted to the bus at a time. When that -- request's response arrives, it is forwarded to the appropriate task -- and the next waiting task's request is sent. -- -- If multiple tasks have outstanding requests simultaneously, then this -- component will choose the highest-priority task first. Earlier tasks -- in the list given to 'schedule' are given higher priority. ``` ## Drivers uartDriver i2cDriver canDriver # Driver tutorial ## `forever` forever :: Ivory (E.AllowBreak eff) () -> Ivory eff () ^^ noBreak needed sometimes due to this, forever $ noBreak $ do # App tutorial # Porting We start adding stuff to `ivory-tower-stm32` repository and all the paths here are relative to this repository. When adding a new CPU you first need to add your CPU to `Processor` data type and also to `processorParser` in `ivory-bsp-stm32/src/Ivory/BSP/STM32/Processor.hs`. Then you need to create `stm32fXXXDefaults` function in `ivory-bsp-stm32/src/Ivory/BSP/STM32/Config.hs`. Make sure to adjust `stm32config_sram` (used in `FreeRTOS.total_heap_size`) and `stm32config_clock` - if using external crystal this calls another function ```haskell externalXtal xtal_mhz 168 ``` where 168 is the target frequency in `Mhz`. Definition of `externalXtal` is part of `ivory-bsp-stm32/src/Ivory/BSP/STM32/ClockConfig.hs` file. In `ivory-bsp-stm32/src/Ivory/BSP/STM32/ClockConfig/Init.hs` resides an actual clock initialization function `init_clocks` which you might need to alter if not using internal oscillator (HSI) or external crystal (HSE). Now we will add our CPU to `ivory-bsp-stm32/src/Ivory/BSP/STM32/LinkerScript.hs` which contains a `linker_script` function with several cases according to CPU. Add another `attrs STM32XXX` section and make sure you `sram_length` and `ccsram_length` are set correctly. `CCSRAM` corresponds to core-coupled memory which is tightly coupled to CPU to allow for code execution at maximum frequency. Templated linker script is located in `ivory-bsp-stm32/support/` and might need adjusting as well (`sram` and `ccsram` origins are hardcoded for now). ## Unoffical ports We created few unofficial ports for `F0`, `F1`, `F3` and `F334` families which probably won't be integrated to `ivory-tower-stm32` unless there's significant interest. Porting from `F3` was quite easy but the port is far from complete, similar to `F1` and `F0` ports. During the development of `hexamon` firmware for `STM32F042` we've managed to hit the limits of the MCU quite fast and had to limit the number of actual `FreeRTOS` tasks spawned. While Ivory/Tower can run on such small MCU with only 6Kb of `SRAM` and 32Kb of flash it severally limits your options and should be considered for only single purpose applications. We also had to decrease `FreeRTOS` stack size for all of our tasks to be created. If you are still interested in this port you can take a look at [Initial F0]( commit. Currently we are trying to port to newer `F7` and `L4` families which we would like to use in our projects and support along with original `F4` support. # Tower backends ## Posix # Gidl # Projects using Ivory/Tower ## SMACCMPilot ## DistRap ## hexamon # Further reading # opts # Enums Ivory doesn't provide quasi-quoter for enums so we need to define these manually. We first define the type and derive typeclasses and the create a bunch of concrete instances for further usage. ```haskell newtype MotorState = MotorState Uint8 deriving (IvoryType, IvoryVar, IvoryExpr, IvoryEq, IvoryStore, IvoryInit, IvoryZeroVal) motorStopped, motorStarting, motorRunning, motorBreaking :: MotorState [motorStopped, motorStarting, motorRunning, motorBreaking] = map (MotorState . fromInteger) [0..3] ``` # Structs ```haskell [ivory| struct motor { motorState :: Stored MotorState ; motorVelocity :: Stored Uint32 ; motorPosition :: Stored IFloat ; motorEnabled :: Stored IBool } |] motorTypes :: Module motorTypes :: package "motor_types" $ do defStruct (Proxy :: Proxy "motor") motorTowerDeps :: Tower e () motorTowerDeps = do towerDepends motorTypes towerModule motorTypes ``` Initialization ```haskell state <- stateInit "motor_state" ( istruct [ motorPosition .= ival 123 , motorEnabled .= True ]) ``` Missing fields from `istruct` are initialized to `IvoryZeroVal` which is most often `0` or `False`. UNSORTED ```haskell spiData :: (GetAlloc eff ~ 'Scope s) => SPIDeviceHandle -> AS5407Data -> Ivory eff (ConstRef ('Stack s) ('Struct "spi_transaction_request")) spiData dev msg = fmap constRef $ local $ istruct [ tx_device .= ival dev , tx_buf .= iarray [h msg, l msg] , tx_len .= ival 2 ] where l x = ival $ bitCast $ toRep x h x = ival $ bitCast $ (toRep x) `iShiftR` 8 --- how dat <- spiData dev (as5407Msg ..) emit reqE dat reply <- yield ``` CONVERTING FROM REGISTER TO STRUKT ```haskell diagFromRegs :: Uint16 -> Ref s ('Struct "ams_diag") -> Ivory eff () diagFromRegs x r = do p magfield_low as_diag_magl p magfield_high as_diag_magh p cordic_overflow as_diag_cof p offset_compensation as_diag_lf store (r ~> agc_value) (toRep (fromRep x #. as_diag_agc)) where p lbl field = store (r ~> lbl) (bitToBool (fromRep x #. field)) MON diag <- state "diag" FOLLOWING SPI REQUEST x <- yield hi <- deref ((x ~> rx_buf) ! 0) lo <- deref ((x ~> rx_buf) ! 1) u16dat <- assign $ (((safeCast hi `iShiftL` 8) .| safeCast lo) :: Uint16) diagFromRegs u16dat diag ``` //CONVERTING FROM REGISTER TO STRUKT PACKING WRAPPERS ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module ODrive.Types where import Ivory.Language import Ivory.Tower import Ivory.Serialize [ivory| struct adc_sample { vbus :: Stored IFloat ; phase_b :: Stored IFloat ; phase_c :: Stored IFloat ; meas_t :: Stored ITime } struct svm_out { svm_a :: Stored IFloat ; svm_b :: Stored IFloat ; svm_c :: Stored IFloat ; svm_sextant :: Stored IFloat } |] -- from SMACCMPilot.Flight.Control.PID -- | Constrain a floating point value to the range [xmin..xmax]. fconstrain :: Def ('[IFloat, IFloat, IFloat] ':-> IFloat) fconstrain = proc "fconstrain" $ \xmin xmax x -> body $ (ifte_ (x ? xmax) (ret xmax) (ret x))) odrive_types :: Module odrive_types = package "odrive_types" $ do defStruct (Proxy :: Proxy "adc_sample") defStruct (Proxy :: Proxy "svm_out") depend serializeModule wrappedPackMod svmOutWrapper incl fconstrain svmOutWrapper :: WrappedPackRep ('Struct "svm_out") svmOutWrapper = wrapPackRep "svm_out" $ packStruct [ packLabel svm_a , packLabel svm_b , packLabel svm_c , packLabel svm_sextant ] instance Packable ('Struct "svm_out") where packRep = wrappedPackRep svmOutWrapper ``` # F4 Discovery hacking Following section outlines few convenience hacks that can be done on `F4 Discovery` boards. ## BlackMagic probe The `F4 Discovery` board comes with ST-Link programmer firmware flashed on `STM32F103` MCU. We can replace this firmware with opensource [BlackMagic]( probe (BMP) firmware that allows us to use `GDB` directly without support tools like `OpenOCD` or `stlink`. This requires few simple hardware modifications although if you are not good with soldering small components better ask a friend for help. First we prepare the board for BMP flashing and then we add [UART pass-through]. ### Flashing Remove solder bridges `SB3`, `SB5`, `SB7`, `SB9` and close bridges `SB2`, `SB4`, `SB6`, `SB8`. Switching these from default to reserved enables flashing `STM32F103` MCU via `ST-LINK` port. Next remove jumpers from `ST-LINK` port and jumper `JP1` connecting target MCU to programmer MCU. Connect external programmer to `ST-LINK` port - `pin 1` is marked with dot: ``` Pin 1 - 3V3 Pin 2 - SWCLK Pin 3 - GND Pin 4 - SWDIO ``` To see device states during the process it is useful to open a second terminal and run ``` dmesg -Hw ``` Next build firmware for `stlink` target and upload it to target ```bash # make PROBE_HOST=stlink # flashing blackmagic_dfu via black magic probe git clone cd blackmagic make PROBE_HOST=stlink arm-none-eabi-gdb --ex 'target extended-remote /dev/ttyACM0' src/blackmagic_dfu # in GDB monitor swdp_scan attach 1 monitor option erase # RESTART target so it unlocks, repeat up to 'monitor option erase' then issue load # RESTART target, it should boot to black magic dfu # [ +0.000002] usb 1-1.2: Product: Black Magic (Upgrade) for STLink/Discovery, (Firmware v1.6-rc0-257-gd6e2977) # upload black magic via dfu # # disconnect your programmer so only target board is connected # sudo dfu-util -s 0x08002000:leave -D src/blackmagic.bin # if dfu-util can't find your device you can specify -S from dmesg output sudo dfu-util -S 7EBA7BA4 -s 0x08002000:leave -D src/blackmagic.bin ``` Sample session: ```bash $ arm-none-eabi-gdb --ex 'target extended-remote /dev/ttyACM0' src/blackmagic_dfu Reading symbols from src/blackmagic_dfu...done. Remote debugging using /dev/ttyACM0 (gdb) monitor swdp_scan Target voltage: unknown Available Targets: No. Att Driver 1 STM32F1 medium density (gdb) attach 1 Attaching to program: /home/rmarko/embedded/blackmagic/src/blackmagic_dfu, Remote target 0x08010064 in ?? () (gdb) monitor option erase 0x1FFFF800: 0x0000 0x1FFFF802: 0x0000 0x1FFFF804: 0x0000 0x1FFFF806: 0x0000 0x1FFFF808: 0x0000 0x1FFFF80A: 0x0000 0x1FFFF80C: 0x0000 0x1FFFF80E: 0x0000 (gdb) load Error erasing flash with vFlashErase packet # ^^ target needs rebooting to unlock flash (gdb) quit # $ arm-none-eabi-gdb --ex 'target extended-remote /dev/ttyACM0' src/blackmagic_dfu Reading symbols from src/blackmagic_dfu...done. Remote debugging using /dev/ttyACM0 (gdb) monitor swdp_scan Target voltage: unknown Available Targets: No. Att Driver 1 STM32F1 medium density (gdb) attach 1 Attaching to program: /home/rmarko/embedded/blackmagic/src/blackmagic_dfu, Remote target 0xfffffffe in ?? () (gdb) load Loading section .text, size 0x1c48 lma 0x8000000 Loading section .data, size 0x90 lma 0x8001c48 Start address 0x8001498, load size 7384 Transfer rate: 11 KB/sec, 820 bytes/write. (gdb) quit # $ dmesg [691195.851258] usb 1-1.6: new full-speed USB device number 112 using ehci-pci [691195.943994] usb 1-1.6: New USB device found, idVendor=1d50, idProduct=6017 [691195.943997] usb 1-1.6: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [691195.943999] usb 1-1.6: Product: Black Magic (Upgrade) for STLink/Discovery, (Firmware v1.6.1-98-g9a5b31c) [691195.944001] usb 1-1.6: Manufacturer: Black Sphere Technologies [691195.944002] usb 1-1.6: SerialNumber: 7EBA7BA4 $ sudo dfu-util -S 7EBA7BA4 -s 0x08002000:leave -D src/blackmagic.bin dfu-util 0.9 Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc. Copyright 2010-2016 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY Please report bugs to dfu-util: Invalid DFU suffix signature dfu-util: A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release!!! Opening DFU capable USB device... ID 1d50:6017 Run-time device DFU version 011a Claiming USB DFU Interface... Setting Alternate Setting #0 ... Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0 dfuIDLE, continuing DFU mode device DFU version 011a Device returned transfer size 1024 DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash " Downloading to address = 0x08002000, size = 60660 Download [=========================] 100% 60660 bytes Download done. File downloaded successfully Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state ``` Now jumper `JP1` should be put back after `DFU` upgrade so BlackMagic firmware doesn't jump to DFU upgrade anymore. ```bash # $ dmesg [691227.339977] usb 1-1.6: new full-speed USB device number 113 using ehci-pci [691227.432954] usb 1-1.6: New USB device found, idVendor=1d50, idProduct=6018 [691227.432956] usb 1-1.6: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [691227.432957] usb 1-1.6: Product: Black Magic Probe (STLINK), (Firmware v1.6.1-98-g9a5b31c) [691227.432958] usb 1-1.6: Manufacturer: Black Sphere Technologies [691227.432959] usb 1-1.6: SerialNumber: 7EBA7BA4 [691227.433654] cdc_acm 1-1.6:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device [691227.434290] cdc_acm 1-1.6:1.2: ttyACM1: USB ACM device ``` At this point, to be able to flash target MCU, you need to reverse solder bridge configuration we did earlier - from reserved back to default. ### Usage ```bash arm-none-eabi-gdb --ex 'target extended-remote /dev/ttyACM0' # Use following commands when in gdb monitor swdp_scan attach 1 ``` Sample session: ```bash (gdb) monitor swdp_scan Target voltage: unknown Available Targets: No. Att Driver 1 STM32F4xx (gdb) attach 1 Attaching to Remote target Error while running hook_stop: Invalid type combination in equality test. 0x080035c2 in ?? () (gdb) bt #0 0x080035c2 in ?? () #1 0x08001032 in ?? () #2 0x08001032 in ?? () Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?) ``` ### UART pass-through To enable `UART` bridge from F4 discovery board to BMP enabled programmer you need to solder wires between `UART2` (`PA2/PA3`) on `STM32F407` to pins `PA2/PA3` on `STM32F103`. These are located in the corners of the chips. Take care when soldering `PA3` on F407 as it's positioned near `VSS`, if you manage to short these pins try lifting `PA3` from the pad completely and then soldering wire directly to it. To access serial bridge: ```bash screen /dev/ttyACM1 115200 ``` # Papers Lock Optimization for Hoare Monitors in Real-Time Systems