diff --git a/Corlib.Extensions/System/IO/Stream.cs b/Corlib.Extensions/System/IO/Stream.cs
index abfe666..21c53ca 100644
--- a/Corlib.Extensions/System/IO/Stream.cs
+++ b/Corlib.Extensions/System/IO/Stream.cs
@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@ public static void ReadBytes(this Stream @this, long position, byte[] buffer, Se
/// A awaitable Task representing the operation
public static Task ReadBytesAsync(this Stream @this, long position, byte[] buffer, SeekOrigin seekOrigin = SeekOrigin.Begin)
- => ReadBytesAsync(@this, position, buffer, 0, buffer.Length, seekOrigin);
+ => ReadBytesAsync(@this, position, buffer, 0, (int)Math.Min(buffer.Length, @this.Length - position), seekOrigin);
/// Reads async Bytes from a given position with a given SeekOrigin in the given buffer with an offset