1. Load the following packages:
library(tidyverse )
library(ggsignif )
library(ggrepel )
library(edgeR )
library(genefilter )
library(grid )
library(gridExtra )
library(ggsci )
library(dplyr )
library(UpSetR )
library(cowplot )
library(Seurat )
2. Load following functions:
# # all necessary custom functions are in the following script
source(paste0(here :: here()," /0_Scripts/custom_functions.R" ))
theme_pub <- theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5 , size = 18 , face = " bold" ),
axis.text = element_text(colour = " black" , size = 14 ),
axis.title = element_text(size = 16 ,face = " bold" ),
legend.text = element_text(size = 14 ),
legend.position = " right" ,
axis.line.x = element_line(colour = " black" ),
axis.line.y = element_line(colour = " black" ),
strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_text(size = 16 ))
# prevent scientific notation
options(scipen = 999 )
fig_path <- paste0(here :: here()," /1_RNA_isolation/" )
counts <- readRDS(paste0(fig_path ," Bulk_opt_lysis_test_2_HEK.dgecounts.rds" ))
inf <- read.csv(paste0(fig_path ," sample_info.csv" ), header = T , stringsAsFactors = F )
inf $ Sample <- as.character(inf $ Sample )
inf <- inf %> %
mutate(Condition = case_when(Condition == " Incubation + ProtK" ~ " Magnetic Beads" ,
TRUE ~ Condition ))
inf_HEK <- inf %> % filter(Celltype == " HEK" ) %> % filter(Cells == " 10" )
# inex
inex_umi <- as.matrix(counts $ umicount $ inex $ all ) %> % remove_Geneversion()
inex_umi <- inex_umi [,inf_HEK $ BC ]
inex_umi <- inex_umi [grep(rownames(inex_umi ),pattern = " ERCC*" ,invert = T ),]
data_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = inex_umi , project = " HEK" , min.cells = 3 , min.features = 200 )
data_seurat <- NormalizeData(data_seurat , normalization.method = " LogNormalize" , scale.factor = 10000 )
data_seurat <- FindVariableFeatures(data_seurat , selection.method = " vst" , nfeatures = 2000 )
all.genes <- rownames(data_seurat )
data_seurat <- ScaleData(data_seurat , features = all.genes )
data_seurat @ meta.data $ condition = inf_HEK $ Condition
mat <- t(data_seurat @ assays $ RNA @ scale.data )
pc <- prcomp(mat , scale = F )
# inf_HEK = inf_HEK[rownames(pc$x), ]
percVar <- data.frame (pc $ sdev ^ 2 / sum(pc $ sdev ^ 2 )* 100 )
pcs <- data.frame (pc $ x ,condition = factor (inf_HEK $ Condition , levels = c(" Magnetic Beads" , " Incubation" ," No Incubation" ," Column" )))
PCA12 <- ggplot(data = pcs , aes(x = PC1 , y = PC2 , col = condition )) +
geom_point(size = 4 , aes(shape = condition ))+
theme_pub +
ylim(- 100 ,100 )+
xlim(- 150 , 150 )+
scale_color_manual(values = c(" #008080" ," gray70" , " gray60" , " gray40" ))+
theme(legend.position = " bottom" ,
legend.title = element_blank())+
xlab(paste0(" PC1: " ,round(percVar [1 ,1 ])," % variance" )) +
ylab(paste0(" PC2: " ,round(percVar [2 ,1 ])," % variance" ))
PCA23 <- ggplot(data = pcs , aes(x = PC2 , y = PC3 , col = condition )) +
geom_point(size = 4 , aes(shape = condition ))+
theme_pub +
scale_color_manual(values = c(" #008080" ," gray70" , " gray60" , " gray40" ))+
theme(legend.position = " bottom" )+
xlab(paste0(" PC2: " ,round(percVar [2 ,1 ])," % variance" )) +
ylab(paste0(" PC3: " ,round(percVar [3 ,1 ])," % variance" ))