You can start the project immediately in Unity using GarageKit.
GaraegKit is Unity C# framework. provide the template scene, some manager scripts, state scripts, utility scripts and directory structure.
from OpenUPM (
- In-game Debug Console
$ openupm add com.yasirkula.ingamedebugconsole
- dotween
$ openupm add com.demigiant.dotween
- Editor enhancements
First change the API compatibility level to .NET4.x
to fix the error.
- open /Scenes/Main.unity
- and press the play.
- and customize your project.
- ApplicationSettingExample.unity
- CameraControllExample.unity
- TimelinedStateExample.unity
- VRGuiExample.unity
- AppMain.cs
- DebugManager.cs
- SceneStateManager.cs
- SoundManager.cs
- TimeManager.cs
- UserInputManager.cs
- AsyncStateBase.cs
- StateBase.cs
- TimelinedStateBase.cs
- VRSceneStateBase.cs
- AssetPostprocessUTF8Encode.cs
- Utils.cs
- AndroidUtil.cs
- ApplicationSetting.cs
- ExecuteArgs.cs
- ExternalProcess.cs
- RemotePrefs.cs
- SetAntiAliasing.cs
- SetAppResoution.cs
- StandaloneResolutionHelper.cs
- ButtonObjectBase.cs
- CameraShfter.cs
- FlyThroughCamera.cs
- GrabMove.cs
- ObjectOrbit.cs
- ObjectOrbit2.cs
- OrbitCamera.cs
- Panorama360Camera.cs
- PinchZoomCamera.cs
- ContentsDownLoader.cs
- CsvLoader.cs
- ImageLoader.cs
- CameraGizmoDrawer.cs
- EditorHide.cs
- FrameRateUtil.cs
- GizmoDrawer.cs
- LookAtGizmoDrawer.cs
- MemoryProfiler.cs
- VisibleMouseCursor.cs
- AnimationCurveUtil.cs
- Envelope.cs
- TimelineEventAction.cs
- TimelineEventActionList.cs
- AnimationEventDelegate.cs
- ColliderHandler.cs
- TimerEvent.cs
- VirtualInput.cs
- TinyHttpServer.cs
- UDPReciever.cs
- UDPSender.cs
- AnimationByStep.cs
- AutoBrink.cs
- AutoRotate.cs
- AutoScale.cs
- AutoUVScroll.cs
- Billbord.cs
- Fader.cs
- FpsCounter.cs
- LineObject.cs
- ScreenAnchor.cs
- ScreenPositionFollower.cs
- TransformFollower.cs
- WebCamPlateObject.cs
- ZsortOrderGroup.cs
- CompositLayer.cs
- GlLineRenderer.cs
- RenderScreenTexture.cs
- NumberTexture.cs
- SequenceSprite.cs
- SequenceTexture.cs
- UIFadeGroupComponent.cs
- UIFadeTelop.cs
- UILineRenderer.cs
- VRGazeGuideArrow.cs