The template can be deployed using Azure CLI or Powershell.
Sample command to deploy from Azure CLI is as follows:
az deployment group create --name <deployment> --resource-group <resourceGroup> --subscription <subscriptionId> --template-uri https://<baseURI>/mainTemplate.json
-Once Peer and Orderer are deployed
- Sample application for performing the HLF operations. The commands are provided to Create new user identity and install your own chaincode.
The first setup for running application is to download all the application files in a folder say app.
Create app folder move inside app:
mkdir app cd app
Execute below command to download all the required files and packages:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/Hyperledger-Fabric-on-Azure-Kubernetes-Cluster/master/application/setup.sh | bash
This command takes some time as it loads all the packages. After successful execution of the command, you can see a
folder in the current directory. All the required packages are loaded in thenode_modules
Create profile directory inside the app folder
cd app mkdir ./profile
Set these environment variables on Azure cloud shell
Execute below comand to generate connection profile and admin profile of the organization
./getConnector.sh $AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP | sed -e "s/{action}/gateway/g"| xargs curl > ./profile/$ORGNAME-ccp.json
./getConnector.sh $AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP | sed -e "s/{action}/admin/g"| xargs curl > ./profile/$ORGNAME-admin.json
./getConnector.sh $AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP | sed -e "s/{action}/msp/g"| xargs curl > ./profile/$ORGNAME-msp.json
It will create connection profile,admin profile and msp profile of the organization inside the profile folder with name -ccp.json and -admin.json respectively.
Similarly, generate connection profile, admin profile and msp profile for each orderer and peer organization.
- Continue deployment by creating consortiums.
- Create Consortium