Request Envoy to set up new installed app for this Agent. We should have a way to verify that this Agent is actually unregisterd for the given hApp.
Request Envoy to run already installed app for this Agent.
Endpoint for fetching app data, including a list of cell_data and nicknames for each dna in the app.
Call a zome function.
{ "anonymous" : boolean, "agent_id" : string, "payload": { "timestamp" : number, "host_id" : string, "call_spec": { "hha_hash" : string, "dna_alias" : string, "cell_id" : string, "zome" : string, "function" : string, "args" : array } }, "service_signature" : string }
A simple maintenance endpoint for RPC WebSockets. It creates a unique event for sending messages directly to the Agent. Returns the event name so the client can subscribe to it.
The client sends signatures for signed entries to this endpoint.
Each signed-in Agent has a unique endpoint so that the server can send signing requests.
The client calls this to confirm that it received a response.
NOTE: We will have to limit the number of responses that can be unconfirmed before a Host stops serving that Agent. Otherwise, there is no incentive for an Agent to confirm the service.