A simulated crypto exchange inspired by Barter.rs.
- ClickHouse Integration: Efficient storage and querying of trade data using ClickHouse, ensuring high performance for both real-time and backtesting scenarios.
- Margin Modes: Supports both Cross and Isolated margin modes, allowing users to manage risk across multiple positions.
- Position Management: Supports both Long/Short and Net positions, giving users flexibility in how they handle their trades.
- Crypto Futures and Options: Trade futures and options on various cryptocurrencies, allowing for more complex trading strategies.
- Backtesting: Supports both local and remote server-based backtesting, enabling users to test strategies with historical data.
- High Performance: Optimized for high-frequency trading scenarios with low-latency operations.
- Configuration Parsing: Supports parsing account settings from the
file, allowing for flexible and easy configuration management. - Feishu Reporting: Includes features for reporting to Feishu (with use cases available, though not fully implemented yet).
- Position Closure Repository: Supports a repository for managing and storing position closure data.
- Multiple Stablecoins: Supports multiple stablecoins, providing users with a variety of stable currency options.
- Trade Data Backtesting: Allows backtesting using only trade data, with future support planned for order book data.
- Liquidation Mechanism: Supports a liquidation mechanism with configurable liquidation thresholds, enabling automated risk management and position liquidation when certain conditions are met.
use dashmap::DashMap;
use hourglass::{
account_positions::{exited_positions::AccountExitedPositions, AccountPositions},
instrument::{kind::InstrumentKind, Instrument},
account_latency::{AccountLatency, FluctuationMode},
clickhouse_api::{datatype::single_level_order_book::SingleLevelOrderBook, queries_operations::ClickHouseClient},
DataSource, HourglassExchange,
use std::{
sync::{atomic::AtomicI64, Arc},
use tokio::{
sync::{mpsc, Mutex, RwLock},
use uuid::Uuid;
async fn main()
// create the channels
let (event_hourglass_tx, event_hourglass_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (request_tx, request_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (market_tx, market_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let mut hourglass_client = HourglassClient { request_tx: request_tx.clone(),
market_event_rx: market_rx };
// Creating initial positions with the updated structure
let positions = AccountPositions::init();
let closed_positions = AccountExitedPositions::init();
let mut single_level_order_books = HashMap::new();
single_level_order_books.insert(Instrument { base: Token::new("ETH".to_string()),
quote: Token::new("USDT".to_string()),
kind: InstrumentKind::Perpetual },
SingleLevelOrderBook { latest_bid: 16305.0,
latest_ask: 16499.0,
latest_price: 0.0 });
let hourglass_account_config = AccountConfig { margin_mode: MarginMode::SingleCurrencyMargin,
global_position_direction_mode: PositionDirectionMode::Net,
global_position_margin_mode: PositionMarginMode::Cross,
commission_level: CommissionLevel::Lv1,
funding_rate: 0.0,
global_leverage_rate: 1.0,
fees_book: HashMap::new(),
execution_mode: HourglassMode::Backtest,
max_price_deviation: 0.05,
lazy_account_positions: false,
liquidation_threshold: 0.9 };
// Instantiate HourglassAccount and wrap in Arc<Mutex> for shared access
let account_arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HourglassAccount { current_session: Uuid::new_v4(),
machine_id: 0,
client_trade_counter: 0.into(),
exchange_timestamp: AtomicI64::new(1234567),
config: hourglass_account_config,
account_open_book: Arc::new(RwLock::new(AccountOrders::new(0, vec![], AccountLatency { fluctuation_mode: FluctuationMode::Sine,
maximum: 100,
minimum: 2,
current_value: 0 }).await)),
single_level_order_book: Arc::new(Mutex::new(single_level_order_books)),
balances: DashMap::new(),
exited_positions: closed_positions,
account_event_tx: event_hourglass_tx,
account_margin: Arc::new(Default::default()) }));
// Sample cursor building
let clickhouse_client = ClickHouseClient::new();
let exchange = "binance";
let instrument = "futures";
let date = "2024_05_05";
let cursor = clickhouse_client.cursor_unioned_public_trades(exchange, instrument, date).await.unwrap();
// Initialize and configure HourglassExchange
let hourglass_exchange = HourglassExchange::builder().event_hourglass_rx(request_rx)
.expect("Failed to build HourglassExchange");
// Running the exchange in local mode in tokio runtime
loop {
// Call let_it_roll and handle potential errors
if let Err(e) = hourglass_client.let_it_roll().await {
eprintln!("Error executing LetItRoll: {:?}", e);
// Listen for market data
if let Some(market_data) = hourglass_client.listen_for_market_data().await {
// Process the market data
// Your logic for handling market_data & customised trading strategy goes here
println!("Processed market data: {:?}", market_data);