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About the multi-scale testing #32

MaxChu719 opened this issue Mar 28, 2021 · 1 comment

About the multi-scale testing #32

MaxChu719 opened this issue Mar 28, 2021 · 1 comment


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I was trying to implement multi-scale testing for my project based on HRNet's official source code. I have downloaded their pre-trained model and run the MPII test set. But I only got 91.6% instead of 92.3% as reported in the original paper. I know i should probably post the issue on the original HRNet GitHub page (i did and I also wrote an email to the author but i got no response).

So, I post here as it is a newer paper based on HRNet's source code, and also no open issue here. I have included my implementation of multi-test as well as the Matlab evaluation code directly evaluating PCKh from the .mat file generated by the official code with 7247 predictions and see if there are problems with my code:

def read_scaled_image(image_file, s, center, scale, image_size, COLOR_RGB, DATA_FORMAT, image_transform):
    if DATA_FORMAT == 'zip':
        from utils import zipreader
        data_numpy = zipreader.imread(image_file, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)
        data_numpy = cv2.imread(image_file, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)
    if COLOR_RGB:
        data_numpy = cv2.cvtColor(data_numpy, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    trans = get_affine_transform(center, s * scale, 0, image_size)
    images_warp = cv2.warpAffine(data_numpy, trans, tuple(image_size), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    return image_transform(images_warp)

def scale_back_output(output_hm, s, output_size):
    hm_size = [output_hm.size(3), output_hm.size(2)]
    # original_max_val1, _ = torch.max(output_hm, dim=2, keepdim=True)
    # original_max_val2, _ = torch.max(original_max_val1, dim=3, keepdim=True)
    if s != 1.0:
        hm_w_margin = int(abs(1.0 - s) * hm_size[0] / 2.0)
        hm_h_margin = int(abs(1.0 - s) * hm_size[1] / 2.0)
        if s < 1.0:
            hm_padding = torch.nn.ZeroPad2d((hm_w_margin, hm_w_margin, hm_h_margin, hm_h_margin))
            resized_hm = hm_padding(output_hm)
            resized_hm = output_hm[:, :, hm_h_margin:hm_size[1] - hm_h_margin, hm_w_margin:hm_size[0] - hm_w_margin]
        resized_hm = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
            size=(output_size[0], output_size[1]),
            mode='bilinear',  # bilinear bicubic area
        resized_hm = output_hm
        if hm_size[0] != output_size[0] or hm_size[1] != output_size[1]:
            resized_hm = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
                size=(output_size[0], output_size[1]),
                mode='bilinear',  # bilinear bicubic area

    # max_val1, _ = torch.max(resized_hm, dim=2, keepdim=True)
    # max_val2, _ = torch.max(max_val1, dim=3, keepdim=True)
    # resized_hm = resized_hm/max_val2*original_max_val2

    # resized_hm = resized_hm / torch.amax(resized_hm, dim=[2, 3], keepdim=True)
    # resized_hm = torch.nn.functional.normalize(resized_hm, dim=[2, 3], p=1)
    # resized_hm = resized_hm/(torch.sum(resized_hm, dim=[2, 3], keepdim=True) + 1e-9)
    return resized_hm

def validate(config, val_loader, val_dataset, model, criterion, output_dir, tb_log_dir, writer_dict=None, test_scale=None, image_transform=None):
    batch_time = AverageMeter()
    losses = AverageMeter()
    acc = AverageMeter()

    # switch to evaluate mode

    num_samples = len(val_dataset)
    all_preds = np.zeros((num_samples, config.MODEL.NUM_JOINTS, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    all_boxes = np.zeros((num_samples, 6))
    image_path = []
    filenames = []
    imgnums = []
    idx = 0

    # PRINT_FREQ = min(config.PRINT_FREQ//10, 5)
    thread_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())

    image_size = np.array([config.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE[1], config.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE[0]])
    final_test_scale = test_scale if test_scale is not None else config.TEST.SCALE_FACTOR
    with torch.no_grad():
        end = time.time()

        start_time = time.time()
        for i, (input, target, target_weight, meta) in enumerate(val_loader):
            # compute output
            # print("Batch", i, "Batch Size", input.size(0))

            target = target.cuda(non_blocking=True)
            target_weight = target_weight.cuda(non_blocking=True)

            outputs = []
            hm_size = None
            for sidx, s in enumerate(sorted(final_test_scale, reverse=True)):
                print("Test Scale", s)
                if s != 1.0:
                    image_files = meta["image"]
                    centers = meta["center"].numpy()
                    scales = meta["scale"].numpy()

                    images_resized = thread_pool.starmap(read_scaled_image, [(image_file,
                                                                              image_transform) for (image_file, center, scale) in zip(image_files, centers, scales)])
                    images_resized = torch.stack(images_resized, dim=0)
                    images_resized = input

                model_outputs = model(images_resized)
                if isinstance(model_outputs, list):
                    model_outputs = model_outputs[-1]

                if config.TEST.FLIP_TEST:
                    print("Test Flip")
                    input_flipped = images_resized.flip(3)
                    output_flipped = model(input_flipped)
                    if isinstance(output_flipped, list):
                        output_flipped = output_flipped[-1]

                    output_flipped = flip_back(output_flipped.cpu().numpy(), val_dataset.flip_pairs)
                    output_flipped = torch.from_numpy(output_flipped.copy()).cuda()

                    # feature is not aligned, shift flipped heatmap for higher accuracy
                    if config.TEST.SHIFT_HEATMAP:
                        output_flipped[:, :, :, 1:] = output_flipped.clone()[:, :, :, 0:-1]

                    model_outputs = 0.5 * (model_outputs + output_flipped)

                hm_size = [model_outputs.size(3), model_outputs.size(2)]
                # hm_size = image_size
                # hm_size = [128, 128]
                output_flipped_resized = scale_back_output(model_outputs, s, hm_size)

            for indv_output in outputs:
                _, avg_acc, _, _ = accuracy(indv_output.cpu().numpy(), target.cpu().numpy())
                print("Indv Accuracy", avg_acc)

            output = torch.stack(outputs, dim=0).mean(dim=0)

            target = scale_back_output(target, 1.0, hm_size)
            loss = criterion(output, target, target_weight)

            num_images = input.size(0)
            # measure accuracy and record loss
            losses.update(loss.item(), num_images)
            _, avg_acc, cnt, pred = accuracy(output.cpu().numpy(), target.cpu().numpy())
            print("Avg Accuracy", avg_acc)
            acc.update(avg_acc, cnt)

            # measure elapsed time
            batch_time.update(time.time() - end)
            end = time.time()

            c = meta['center'].numpy()
            s = meta['scale'].numpy()
            score = meta['score'].numpy()

            preds, maxvals = get_final_preds(config, output.clone().cpu().numpy(), c, s)

            all_preds[idx:idx + num_images, :, 0:2] = preds[:, :, 0:2]
            all_preds[idx:idx + num_images, :, 2:3] = maxvals
            # double check this all_boxes parts
            all_boxes[idx:idx + num_images, 0:2] = c[:, 0:2]
            all_boxes[idx:idx + num_images, 2:4] = s[:, 0:2]
            all_boxes[idx:idx + num_images, 4] =*200, 1)
            all_boxes[idx:idx + num_images, 5] = score

            idx += num_images

            if i % PRINT_FREQ == 0:
                msg = 'Test: [{0}/{1}]\t' \
                      'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f})\t' \
                      'Loss {loss.val:.4f} ({loss.avg:.4f})\t' \
                      'Accuracy {acc.val:.3f} ({acc.avg:.3f})'.format(i, len(val_loader), batch_time=batch_time, loss=losses, acc=acc)

                prefix = '{}_{}'.format(os.path.join(output_dir, 'val'), i)
                save_debug_images(config, input, meta, target, pred*4, output, prefix)

        total_duration = time.time() - start_time"Total test time: {:.1f}".format(total_duration))
        name_values, perf_indicator = val_dataset.evaluate(config, all_preds, output_dir, all_boxes, image_path, filenames, imgnums)

        model_name = config.MODEL.NAME
        if isinstance(name_values, list):
            for name_value in name_values:
                _print_name_value(name_value, model_name)
            _print_name_value(name_values, model_name)

        if writer_dict:
            writer = writer_dict['writer']
            global_steps = writer_dict['valid_global_steps']
            writer.add_scalar('valid_loss', losses.avg, global_steps)
            writer.add_scalar('valid_acc', acc.avg, global_steps)
            if isinstance(name_values, list):
                for name_value in name_values:
                    writer.add_scalars('valid', dict(name_value), global_steps)
                writer.add_scalars('valid', dict(name_values), global_steps)
            writer_dict['valid_global_steps'] = global_steps + 1

    return perf_indicator

Below is the Matlab MPII test set evaluation code (evalMPIITest.m), you need to download their newly released test set annotation in

% Evaluate performance by comparing predictions to ground truth annotations.

%%% OPTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% IDs of prediction sets to include in results
PRED_IDS = [1, 2, 3];
% Subset of the data that the predictions correspond to ('val' or 'train')
plotcurve = false;


addpath ('eval')

fprintf('# MPII single-person pose evaluation script\n')

range = 0:0.01:0.5;

tableDir = './latex'; if (~exist(tableDir,'dir')), mkdir(tableDir); end
plotsDir = './plots'; if (~exist(plotsDir,'dir')), mkdir(plotsDir); end
tableTex = cell(length(PRED_IDS)+1,1);

% load ground truth
p = getExpParams(-1)
load([p.gtDir '/annolist_dataset_v12'], 'annolist');
load([p.gtDir '/mpii_human_pose_v1_u12'], 'RELEASE');
annolist_test = annolist(RELEASE.img_train == 0);
% evaluate on the "single person" subset only
single_person_test = RELEASE.single_person(RELEASE.img_train == 0);
% convert to annotation list with a single pose per entry
[annolist_test_flat, single_person_test_flat] = flatten_annolist(annolist_test,single_person_test);
% represent ground truth as a matrix 2x14xN_images
gt = annolist2matrix(annolist_test_flat(single_person_test_flat == 1));
% compute head size
headSize = getHeadSizeAll(annolist_test_flat(single_person_test_flat == 1));

pckAll = zeros(length(range),16,length(PRED_IDS));

for i = 1:length(PRED_IDS);
  % load predictions
  p = getExpParams(PRED_IDS(i));
    load(p.predFilename, 'preds');
    preds = h5read(p.predFilename, '/preds');
  if size(preds, 1) == 2
    preds = permute(preds, [3, 2, 1]);
  % Check that there are the same number of predictions and ground truth
  % annotations. If this assertion fails, a likely cause is a mismatch in
  % subsets (eg predictions are for the training set but ground truth
  % annotations are for the validation set).
  fprintf('%d\n', length(preds))
  fprintf('%d\n', length(gt))
  assert(length(preds) == length(gt));

  pred_flat = annolist_test_flat(single_person_test_flat == 1);
  for idx = 1:length(preds);
    for pidx = 1:length(pred_flat(idx).annorect.annopoints.point);
      joint = pred_flat(idx).annorect.annopoints.point(pidx).id + 1;
      xy = preds(idx, joint, :);
      pred_flat(idx).annorect.annopoints.point(pidx).x = xy(1);
      pred_flat(idx).annorect.annopoints.point(pidx).y = xy(2);

  % pred = annolist2matrix(pred_flat(single_person_flat == 1));
  pred = annolist2matrix(pred_flat);
  % only gt is allowed to have NaN
  pred(isnan(pred)) = inf;

  % compute distance to ground truth joints
  dist = getDistPCKh(pred,gt,headSize);

  % compute PCKh
  pck = computePCK(dist,range);

  % plot results
  [row, header] = genTablePCK(pck(end,:),;
  tableTex{1} = header;
  tableTex{i+1} = row;

  pckAll(:,:,i) = pck;

  auc = area_under_curve(scale01(range),pck(:,end));
  fprintf('%s, AUC: %1.1f\n',,auc);

% Save results
fid = fopen([tableDir '/pckh.tex'],'wt');assert(fid ~= -1);
for i=1:length(tableTex),fprintf(fid,'%s\n',tableTex{i}); end; fclose(fid);

% plot curves
bSave = true;
if (plotcurve)
    plotCurveNew(squeeze(pckAll(:,end,:)),range,PRED_IDS,'PCKh total, MPII',[plotsDir '/pckh-total-mpii'],bSave,range(1:5:end));
    plotCurveNew(squeeze(mean(pckAll(:,[1 6],:),2)),range,PRED_IDS,'PCKh ankle, MPII',[plotsDir '/pckh-ankle-mpii'],bSave,range(1:5:end));
    plotCurveNew(squeeze(mean(pckAll(:,[2 5],:),2)),range,PRED_IDS,'PCKh knee, MPII',[plotsDir '/pckh-knee-mpii'],bSave,range(1:5:end));
    plotCurveNew(squeeze(mean(pckAll(:,[3 4],:),2)),range,PRED_IDS,'PCKh hip, MPII',[plotsDir '/pckh-hip-mpii'],bSave,range(1:5:end));
    plotCurveNew(squeeze(mean(pckAll(:,[7 12],:),2)),range,PRED_IDS,'PCKh wrist, MPII',[plotsDir '/pckh-wrist-mpii'],bSave,range(1:5:end));
    plotCurveNew(squeeze(mean(pckAll(:,[8 11],:),2)),range,PRED_IDS,'PCKh elbow, MPII',[plotsDir '/pckh-elbow-mpii'],bSave,range(1:5:end));
    plotCurveNew(squeeze(mean(pckAll(:,[9 10],:),2)),range,PRED_IDS,'PCKh shoulder, MPII',[plotsDir '/pckh-shoulder-mpii'],bSave,range(1:5:end));
    plotCurveNew(squeeze(mean(pckAll(:,[13 14],:),2)),range,PRED_IDS,'PCKh head, MPII',[plotsDir '/pckh-head-mpii'],bSave,range(1:5:end));

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zqylx commented Aug 23, 2021

@MaxChu719 Have you solved this problem? I have the same problem。

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