Automated Wordpress Installer using PHP and mySQL and Google Captcha for security.
Step 1: The Script downloads current version of Word Press .zip, unpacks it, copies it to web-root directory then deletes it self.
Step 2: The Script creates mySQL database with user provided custom name.(Need CREATE rights for DB user).
Step 3: Output with new WordPress clickable site URL
Pull git repo to your web-root sub dir
Create SQL database and assign DB user that has CREATE rights. Update inc_db_con.php with connection info
In index.php enter your Google Captcha API and secret keys: data-sitekey="PASTE YOUR KEY HERE" and $key = 'PASTE YOUR KEY HERE';
Word Press Installer directory should reside inside web-root sub-directory. Example path: The script will copy WP files to your web-root dir(one dir above) so that after it ran your new site URL will be:
Click generated URL and follow standard WP setup procedure.
Enjoy your new WordPress site.