2.0.1 (2024-10-18)
- delete image icon isn't shown in dark mode (a20c5bb)
2.0.0 (2024-10-18)
- update to tauri v2
1.0.5 (2023-10-07)
- uses DATE_MED instead DATE_FULL for the better visual experience (686895d)
1.0.4 (2023-08-01)
- allow local and azure assets in csp (f7de69c)
- azure image generation should return 202 status code for continuous request (fa6ac62)
- reset the value of input:type=file when the request finished (6534f98)
1.0.3 (2023-07-25)
- remake 32x32 icon (aea7089)
1.0.2 (2023-07-25)
- show common toast if request error (a6275ba)
1.0.1 (2023-07-25)
- remove showErrorToast (0b46792)
- access husky, commitlint and lintstage (44ce86b)
- access husky, commitlint and lintstage (0f06706)
- access husky, commitlint and lintstage (be59fc5)
- access husky, commitlint and lintstage (737005e)
- access wavesurfer (9ecae98)
- add basic stylesheet for markdown table (fd66748)
- add claude settings (15bee53)
- add edit (8022823)
- add Empty ChatItem (9fe2330)
- add inputPlaceholders (b3e3ed2)
- add loading spinner (2c1c0ec)
- add loading="lazy" for img (4a845a1)
- add more db schema (489c850)
- add no-scrollbar if sidebar too long (ebcb6ad)
- add openai hooks (a9c7b85)
- add project meta files, such as github action (bc83411)
- add question_created_at and answer_created_at (c06b7c3)
- add rollback when error (e7b5f14)
- add routers (f021908)
- avoid user activity when loading (675b3d6)
- backoff current messsage when fail (c5029c8)
- chanage html title (185e071)
- change bot logo (1b0f578)
- change productName (ba96042)
- change svg icon for audio translation (7023e8f)
- create embeddings schema (937c235)
- css optimization (ba921d4)
- dark bg (b7728b3)
- decoupling all db operations to
(1f0770d) - delete mock image (c6d8e8f)
- delete useless files (35014c2)
- delete useless files (c07e322)
- delete useless icons (15199d3)
- do not refresh conversations when streaming (44b68b3)
- extract common conversation system (65f2256)
- extract ConversationBox component (5c9b3dc)
- extract generateEmptyMessage (014f118)
- extract InputBox component (a92119d)
- extract only two router items (aa847ce)
- extract updateMessageState (3135504)
- extract useChatCompletionStream (84e7de4)
- finish all configurations form (a940892)
- finish ChatBubble components (c895476)
- finish ContractHeader components (5223534)
- finish message card's style (3d30f61)
- finish message list components (7c6465d)
- finish theme toggle (fadd8d6)
- ignore catch error types (5412306)
- initial repo (9ba8b3d)
- initial repo (6f70f52)
- lazy components (ce78ab1)
- new type (c1147ea)
- performance optimization (ef9f281)
- reduce the threshold for new product access. (d4b59d1)
- reduce the threshold for new product access. (4864d95)
- reduce the threshold for new product access. (805e4cb)
- register svg icons (294b788)
- register svg icons (660e12e)
- remove srcoll to bottom for the better performance (b594651)
- rename to (8a88d96)
- rename to (6536f0f)
- rename to (70ecbb4)
- rename to (06b2144)
- rename recoil's key (31611f8)
- set update settings (48476d7)
- settings params for every openai hooks (44828f6)
- show in InputBox if loading (74fb71d)
- show file tooltips if use audio products (aecbcc9)
- show Loading component if refresh conversation data (97d7f2f)
- store to indexedDB (b7799a4)
- support audio translation (b96c468)
- support dexie import and export (6a1dbed)
- supports @emoji-mart (ca5e2b3)
- supports audio translation (87dccc3)
- supports basic dark mode (a3a4bc4)
- supports basic markdown render (9ebf8c4)
- supports configuration for very products (92e086a)
- supports context with a greedy strategy (18194bc)
- supports custom assistant avatar (1c9758c)
- supports delete conversation (a3bbae8)
- supports modify summary (c6dcc8c)
- supports online status (9d012b3)
- supports router (34edd6a)
- supports scroll to bottom (616e560)
- supports to moderation (b93f98c)
- supports useSettings (9b12aaf)
- switch to dexiejs (7d28106)
- The first version (4e77c27)
- The first version (764e6ef)
- try basic rxdb (1b49616)
- try context (a5b99ca)
- try selector setter (abe869c)
- try uploader (9c58594)
- try wavesurfer (3dc7c06)
- update chats state from updating curr chat selector (20f3ea8)
- update configuration (d23f1bd)
- update error strategy (caa3c60)
- update form id (416605e)
- update formik config (6f30578)
- update logo (e162d18)
- update newcomer's guide (9a6ecb4)
- update response value name (c8926ae)
- update settings form (91d0592)
- update useChatCompletion error (4b4fe73)
- update useTheme (e296046)
- use dexie instead of rxdb (b06a37e)
- use dynamic updater endpoint (ccc4722)
- use fetch stream (ca424ae)
- use locale time format (79afe31)
- use mui instead of flowbite (5f5a769)
- use snakeCaseToTitleCase instead of conversationTitles (48cde7e)
- use textarea instead of input (7648af4)
- uses new state updater (15601ee)
- wip (9224852)
- wip: add landing website (928d08f)
- wip: add landing website (53adeab)
- wip: add network status (687c882)
- wip: dark settings (dc3bb95)
- wip: finish basic form elements (a0f8ede)
- wip: supports azure openai api (516da09)
- wip: supports azure openai api for sidebar (b10d97b)
- wip: supports azure openai api for sidebar (a6d4133)
- wip: supports azure settings paramsr (e8179df)
- wip: supports router (c1f3f03)
- wip: try split message (f855a34)
- wip: try switch to split mode (38ff6c6)
- wip: update initial dialog (2d0b824)
- add when update configuration (cb54f62)
- add unsafe-inline to render mui (b9612b1)
- add updated_at when modify conversation title or avatar (698cb7b)
- cannot visit a product if the product's company have not register api keys (e5cb551)
- currConversation state (3173002)
- delete props for react-markdown element (5eb7afe)
- fix contact header's style (aaed988)
- fix input box (e6d8e76)
- fix spelling mistake of (81bef54)
- fix textarea line (51f3b0d)
- if
srt, the result is
translation.data` (c49d19a) - if no
pass null (cbad896) - listen prefers-color-scheme:dark) change needs to settings object ready (b95a87f)
- listen prefers-color-scheme:dark) change needs to settings object ready (a5fff12)
- only submit secret key can close initial dialog (c361876)
- read settings theme when init app (d7d8534)
- rollback empty messsage into currConversationState when error catched (c8d68e2)
- set loading to when error catched (85766bc)
- show mainPurple color when input in dark mode (863328d)
- update CSP for fetch api (70418fe)
- use conversationTitles instead of snakeCaseTotitleCase (cb098dc)
- uses onCompositionStart and onCompositionEnd to avoid conflict with (cf238c7)
- uses onCompositionStart and onCompositionEnd to avoid conflict with (01b49e8)
0.0.0 (2023-07-24)
- add when update configuration (cb54f62)
- add updated_at when modify conversation title or avatar (698cb7b)
- cannot visit a product if the product's company have not register api keys (e5cb551)
- delete props for react-markdown element (5eb7afe)
- fix spelling mistake of (81bef54)
- if
srt, the result is
translation.data` (c49d19a) - if no
pass null (cbad896) - listen prefers-color-scheme:dark) change needs to settings object ready (b95a87f)
- listen prefers-color-scheme:dark) change needs to settings object ready (a5fff12)
- update CSP for fetch api (70418fe)
- use conversationTitles instead of snakeCaseTotitleCase (cb098dc)
- uses onCompositionStart and onCompositionEnd to avoid conflict with (cf238c7)
- uses onCompositionStart and onCompositionEnd to avoid conflict with (01b49e8)
- access husky, commitlint and lintstage (44ce86b)
- access husky, commitlint and lintstage (0f06706)
- access husky, commitlint and lintstage (be59fc5)
- access husky, commitlint and lintstage (737005e)
- add basic stylesheet for markdown table (fd66748)
- add claude settings (15bee53)
- add loading="lazy" for img (4a845a1)
- add no-scrollbar if sidebar too long (ebcb6ad)
- add rollback when error (e7b5f14)
- avoid user activity when loading (675b3d6)
- decoupling all db operations to
(1f0770d) - do not refresh conversations when streaming (44b68b3)
- finish all configurations form (a940892)
- ignore catch error types (5412306)
- lazy components (ce78ab1)
- new type (c1147ea)
- performance optimization (ef9f281)
- reduce the threshold for new product access. (4864d95)
- reduce the threshold for new product access. (805e4cb)
- rename to (8a88d96)
- rename to (6536f0f)
- rename recoil's key (31611f8)
- show in InputBox if loading (74fb71d)
- show file tooltips if use audio products (aecbcc9)
- show Loading component if refresh conversation data (97d7f2f)
- support dexie import and export (6a1dbed)
- supports configuration for very products (92e086a)
- supports context with a greedy strategy (18194bc)
- try context (a5b99ca)
- update configuration (d23f1bd)
- update newcomer's guide (9a6ecb4)
- update useChatCompletion error (4b4fe73)
- use dynamic updater endpoint (ccc4722)
- use snakeCaseToTitleCase instead of conversationTitles (48cde7e)
- uses new state updater (15601ee)
- wip: supports azure openai api (516da09)
- wip: supports azure openai api for sidebar (b10d97b)
- wip: supports azure openai api for sidebar (a6d4133)
- wip: supports azure settings paramsr (e8179df)
- wip: try split message (f855a34)
- wip: try switch to split mode (38ff6c6)
- wip: update initial dialog (2d0b824)