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This repository contains different results for the TRM (The Reversing Machine) paper.

The compiled version of code (Compilation)

This directory contains compilations of example codes using different compilers and architecture (x86, x64).

The compilers are listed below:

Compiler Architecture
Intel oneAPI C++ x86/x64
LLVM-clang x86/x64
Microsoft MSVC x86/x64
PellesC x64
TDM-GCC x86/x64
TinyCC x86/x64

Different forms of memory allocations (DifferentUserMemoryAllocations)

This directory contains code that uses different functions/methods for allocating memory.

Function Name Category
malloc Standard C Library
calloc Standard C Library
realloc Standard C Library
LocalAlloc Windows API
GlobalAlloc Windows API
VirtualAlloc Windows API
MapViewOfFile Windows API
HeapAlloc Windows API
CoTaskMemAlloc COM Memory Allocator

Malware evasion techniques (In-memory)

This directory contains different implementations of malware evasion techniques (Using an obfuscated version of mimikatz).

Technique Detail Ref.
APC Code Injection ***
Early bird APC Code Injection (CreateProcessA -> WriteProcessMemory -> QueueUserAPC -> ResumeThread)
Process Injection (OpenProcess -> VirtualAllocEx -> WriteProcessMemory -> CreateRemoteThread, NtCreateThreadEx, or RtlCreateUserThread)
Load PE From Resource (FindResource -> SizeofResource -> LoadResource -> VirtualAlloc)
Reflective DLL Injection ***
Module Stomping ***
Process Hollowing ***
Process Doppelgänging ***
Transacted Hollowing ***
Process Herpaderping ***
Process Ghosting ***
Phantom DLL Hollowing ***
Custom XOR Encoder/Decoder Custom Encoder/Decoder
Process Reimaging ***
Module Execution Through Fibers (ConvertThreadToFiber -> VirtualAlloc -> CreateFiber)
Module Execution Through Thread Pool (CreateEvent -> VirtualAlloc -> CreateThreadpoolWait -> SetThreadpoolWait)
Window Hooking (LoadLibraryA -> GetProcAddress -> SetWindowsHookEx)
Map View of Section (NtCreateSection -> NtMapViewOfSection -> RtlCreateUserThread)

***: Discussed comprehensively in the paper.

Longest Common Memory Address Pattern (LCMAP)

The implementation of the proposed Longest Common Memory Address Pattern (LCMAP) algorithm, discussed in the paper.

function findLCMAP(P, P', tau)
        P   // First memory address pattern
        P'  // Second memory address pattern
        tau // Memory alignment threshold
        Result // LCMAP of the input patterns

    m, n <- len(P), len(P')           // Sizes of the input patterns
    D <- zeros(m, n)                        // Initialize m x n zero matrix

    for i from 1 to m do
        for j from 1 to n do
            if near(P[i-1], P'[j-1], tau) then
                D[i, j] <- D[i-1, j-1] + 1  // Signature matched
                D[i, j] <- 0                // Signature not matched

    L <- max(D)                             // Length of the LCMAP
    I <- min{i | D[i, j] = L}               // Tail address of the LCMAP
    Result <- [P[I-L+1], ..., P[I]]         // The LCMAP
    return Result

Reconstruction of nt!_EPROCESS (StructureReconstruction)

This directory contains an example of a reconstructed kernel-mode structure (nt!_EPROCESS) along with the actual structure retrieved from the Microsoft public symbol server.

Sequence Interpreter (sequence-interpreter)

This directory contains the source of the memory access sequence interpreter (based on logs gathered from TRM).

CPUID Prime+Probe (CpuidPrimeAndProbe)

This directory contains the source of the timing thread technique used in detecting the presence of a hypervisor without using any VM-exit (e.g., using RDTSC/P) instructions.