To run the docker image on Alma
If this was the docker command:
docker run --rm -it -v ./login/temp:/home \
icrsc/icr-cca \
crisprCountsAnalysis COUNTS=noClone.txt REPMAP=noClone.repmap OUT=noClone
This would be the sngularity command on alma if the data was stored in (relatively to where you are): ./tst
singularity run -B ./tst:/home \
/data/rds/DIT/SCICOM/SCRSE/shared/singularity/icr-cca_latest.sif \
crisprCountsAnalysis COUNTS=noClone.txt REPMAP=noClone.repmap OUT=noClone
cd /data/scratch/DCO/DIGOPS/SCIENCOM/ralcraft/support/2025_02_11_cca
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/data/rds/DIT/SCICOM/SCRSE/shared/singularity cd /data/rds/DIT/SCICOM/SCRSE/shared/singularity/
singularity pull docker://tohsumirepare/cca singularity pull docker://icrsc/icr-cca