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Solidarity Purchasing Group is a project developed for Software Engineering II course at Politecnico di Torino.

Docker documentation


docker-compose stop && docker-compose up --build -d --remove-orphans

or only

docker-compose up

the -d flag is for detached mode.


You can run tests in interactive mode with commands:

docker-compose run --rm client-tests
docker-compose run --rm server-tests

For running both tests and the app (suitable for a fast check, not for the real development):

docker-compose --profile test up


docker-compose -f stop && docker-compose -f up --build -d

the -f flag is for custom docker file path

Deploy on Docker Hub

Be sure that the .env file is in /server directory

docker login
docker-compose -f build
docker-compose -f push

Pull from Docker Hub

This repo has two images, one for the user interface and one for the server logic. Both images can be pulled with:

docker pull gabelluardo/solidarity-purchasing-group:release2-client
docker pull gabelluardo/solidarity-purchasing-group:release2-server

When images are built, you can run them with:

docker run -d -p 3001:3001 --name spg06-server gabelluardo/solidarity-purchasing-group:release2-server
docker run -d -p 3000:80 --name spg06-client --link spg06-server:server gabelluardo/solidarity-purchasing-group:release2-client

The app can be reached on http://localhost:3000


  • the images spg06-client depends on the spg06-server one, so this must be run first
  • in case of name conflicts, remove the containers with docker rm <name> and run again the commands above

Frontend documentation

React Client Application Routes

Default routes

  • Route /: site homepage.
  • Route /login: contains a form with username and password fields with which a user can log in to the site.
  • Route /register: contains a form that allows an unregistered user to sign up.

Employee-only routes

  • Route /employee: employee homepage, from which the user can access all routes reserved to employees only.
  • Route /employee/clients: employee-side page containing a list of all registered clients.
  • Route /employee/orders: employee-side page containing a list of all orders.
  • Route /employee/orders/:id: employee-side page containing information about a specific order; id: order id.
  • Route /employee/products: employee-side page containing a list of all available products.
  • Route /employee/register: employee-side page containing a form for user registration.

Client-only routes

  • Route /client: client homepage, from which the user can access all routes reserved to clients only.
  • Route /client/orders: client-side page containing information about the client's own orders.
  • Route /client/orders/:id: client-side page containing information about one of the client's orders.
  • Route /client/products: client-side page containing a list of all available products.

Farmer-only routes

  • Route /farmer: farmer homepage.
  • Route /farmer/supply: farmer page containing a form to add a new supply for the upcoming week.
  • Route /farmer/products: farmer page containing the list of products (= product descriptors) they added.
  • Route /farmer/products/new: farmer page containing a form for adding a new product descriptor.

Manager-only routes

  • Route /manager: manager homepage.
  • Route /manager/report/weekly: manager page containing a date picker and statistics computed for a specific week.
  • Route /manager/report/month: manager page containing a date picker and statistics computed for a specific month.

Database documentation

The following is a list of the tables contained in the database, with related fields and explanations.


  • PK = Primary Key
  • FK = Foreign Key


Contains generic information for a registered user.

Field name Type Constraints Notes
id INTEGER PK Auto-increment
username TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE Every username must be unique
password TEXT NOT NULL
role TEXT NOT NULL Possible values: shop_employee, client, farmer
email TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE Every e-mail address must be unique


Contains specific information about a registered client.

Field name Type Constraints Notes
ref_user INTEGER PK, FK, NOT NULL References User("id"); refers to the client's own credentials
balance REAL NOT NULL Client's current wallet balance
missed_pickups INTEGER Number of consecutive missed pickups


Contains specific information about a registered farmer.

Field name Type Constraints Notes
ref_user INTEGER PK, FK, NOT NULL References User("id"); refers to the client's own credentials
farm_name TEXT NOT NULL The name of the farmer's own farm


Contains a description of a specific product.

Note that products of the same type (e.g. apples) are treated as two separate products if they're sold by different farmers (e.g. farmer 1's apples are treated as an entirely different product from farmer 2's apples, and thus have two separate tuples in the prod_descriptor table).

Field name Type Constraints Notes
id INTEGER PK Auto-increment
description TEXT NOT NULL
category TEXT NOT NULL Possible values:fruits and vegetables, dairy product, food_items, meats_cold_cuts, pasta_and_rice, bread
unit TEXT NOT NULL Measurement unit of the quantity. Possible values: kg, lt (kilograms and liters, respectively)
ref_farmer INTEGER FK, NOT NULL References Farmer("ref_user"); refers to the farmer who created the product descriptor.


Contains information about a specific supply of a product.

Field name Type Constraints Notes
ref_prod_descriptor INTEGER FK, NOT NULL References prod_descriptor("id"); references the descriptor that describes the supply
quantity REAL NOT NULL Measured in the unit specified in the prod_descriptor table (e.g. kg)
price REAL NOT NULL Price per unit (e.g. euro/kg)
date TEXT NOT NULL Date and time of the moment the product was added. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
id INTEGER PK Auto-increment


Contains global information about a client's order/request. Total price can be computed by using information in the tables Product and Product_Request.

The status field describes the request's current status:

  • pending: request has been made and is about to be set to either confirmed or pending_canc. This is only a transient state and is not actually visible (this would change if product confirmation were to be implemented);
  • confirmed: products have been confirmed and the order is ready to be delivered;
  • delivered: products have successfully been delivered to the client;
  • pending_canc: products have been confirmed, but the client's current balance is insufficient;
  • canceled: the order has been canceled due to insufficient funds or other reasons;
  • unretrieved: the order has not been delivered or picked up.
Field name Type Constraints Notes
id INTEGER PK Auto-increment
ref_client INTEGER FK, NOT NULL References Client("ref_user"); refers to the client who made the request
status TEXT NOT NULL Possible values: pending, confirmed, delivered, pending_canc, canceled
date TEXT NOT NULL Date in which the order has been made. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.


Contains information about a request for a specific product within an order (e.g. in order n.3, the client requested 0.5kg of apples).

Field name Type Constraints Notes
ref_request INTEGER PK, FK References Request("id"); references the request in which the product was requested
ref_product INTEGER PK, FK References Product("id"); references the product requested
quantity REAL NOT NULL Quantity of the product requested by the client


Contains information about a product present in a client's basket; the table functions similarly to Product_Request. This is used to represent the client's basket: every product in the basket is reserved, and when the client decides to finalize the order the products are removed from the basket (i.e. tuples are removed from this table) and added to the new request.

Note that adding products to a basket means modifying the value of quantity in the Product table, since the products are marked as reserved.

Field name Type Constraints Notes
ref_client INTEGER PK, FK References Client("ref_user"); references the client who "owns" the basket
ref_product INTEGER PK, FK References Product("id"); references the product added to the basket
quantity REAL NOT NULL Quantity of the product requested and reserved by the client


Contains information about the scheduled delivery/pick-up for a specific order.

Field name Type Constraints Notes
ref_request INTEGER PK, FK, NOT NULL References Request(id); references the request for which the delivery/pick-up has been scheduled.
address TEXT NOT NULL Address to which the order must be delivered. Can be an empty string in case of a pick-up.
date TEXT NOT NULL Date of the delivery/pick-up. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.
startTime TEXT NOT NULL Starting time of the time frame in which the delivery/pick-up can occur.
endTime TEXT NOT NULL End time of the time frame in which the delivery/pick-up can occur.
deliveryAtHome TEXT NOT NULL Indicates whether the tuple describes a delivery ("true") or a pick-up ("false"). Note that the values are not booleans but strings.


Contains information about the suspension of a client. A suspended client cannot make any orders for a month.

Field name Type Constraints Notes
ref_client INTEGER PK, FK, NOT NULL References Client(ref_user); refers to the suspended client.
start_date TEXT NOT NULL Starting date for the suspension. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.
end_date TEXT NOT NULL End date for the suspension. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.

Registered users

Below is a list of all users registered in the database for testing purposes:

Username Password (plain text) Role Name Surname E-mail
pentolino pentolino Shop employee pentolino de' pentolini [email protected]
teiera teiera123 Client Teiera McTeapot [email protected]
nonnaPapera paperino Farmer Elvira Coot [email protected]
iosonoironman tonystark Client Tony Stark [email protected]
mario itsamemario Client Mario Mario [email protected]
manager mudamuda Manager Giorno Giovanna [email protected]