Releases: IsmaelMartinez/teams-for-linux
General description
Main part of this release its been a big refactoring of the code, an increase of documentation in order to ease the development, adding snap and AppImage packages and implementing a right click menu with a basic spellchecker.
Detailed changes
There have been a few additions all listed next:
- Adding the snap and AppImage to the images been released (Thanks to @julian-alarcon)
- Adding eslint to enforce some linting to the code.
- Defaulting to open the link urls into external browsers as use to be before version 0.1.10. Adding the ability to open link urls in an internal browser to fix #23.
- Defaulting on not enabling the desktop notifications hack as is now working on all the version of Linux that I have tried.
- Adding a basic spellchecker implementation and a right click functionality by using electron-spell-check-provider and electron-editor-context-menu. This covers #28. Only US dictionary support at this moment for packaged version, Check the issue for more info
- Added the option to close the app when clicking the cross. Start teams with
teams --closeAppOnCross
. This is to cover #32. - Improving documentation and refactoring the code to ease the development.
- Removing dependency on "open" package as we can use the electron "shell" to open external links instead. This should fix #31
A fairly long list so be aware or treating this release with care for a bit.
Changing the way links open to open in a popup (electron browser) by default.
This version is been superseded by version 0.1.11.
Adding the ability to open the links in an external window by pressing the ctrl key.
The reason for this change is that is more natural, or common practice, to use the ctrl+click to open links in another tab/window.
This release is to try to fix issue #23 but might also address #4
- Adding ntlmV2enabled and authServerWhitelist options to the configuration and parameters. More information in the file.
- Implementing issue #10 . Because of it, it is not needed nor recommended to be able to setup the userAgent as an argument. It should be now possible to use video and mentions with the app. Thanks to @Laxen for the tip.
- Reformatted notifications so messages are easier to read (Thanks to @nate-anderson)
- Fixing #6, --partition parameter not working
- Adding back the command arguments and extending them.
- Disabling the session persistence by default
- Documenting the different commands and, in general, improving the documentation.
- Auto focusing in the email login form element when the login dialog appears.
- Enabling asar
- Increasing version number to 0.1.5