DEPRECATED This utility is meant to be used with old versions up to 8.10.12 (or karel's firmware equivalent)
A tool for copying/cloning/erasing layers for UHK.
You can use it online here, or dowload all the files and run on your computer.
Create new blank keymaps
Clone and delete existing keymaps (last keymap can't be removed)
Copy/Paste/Clear layers (Left side and right side separately). You can copy/paste modules, but they don't get cleared.
Rename keymaps (name and abbreviation)
Create new macros
Edit macros (Only write text)
Clone and delete macros
Rename macros
Import keymaps and macros from other configuration files (merge).
- Colored macros for Karel's firmware. Only in view mode.
- Removing or changing names of macros or keymaps modifies the calls from macros (commenting lines if they are removed)
- Individual keys can't be assigned. Only view mode
- When a side is copied, modules are copied too (key cluster for left side and trackball/touchpad/trackpoint for right side), although not shown
- Modules don't get cleared.
- Files to merge must have the same format (compatibility with modules)
- Macros and keymaps from imported files will point to keymaps and macros imported. Not the existing ones.
- A warning will prevent you from loading or merging any incompatible file