1 + 1
[1] 2
+diff --git a/.Rprofile b/.Rprofile deleted file mode 100644 index 81b960f..0000000 --- a/.Rprofile +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -source("renv/activate.R") diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 5b6a065..0000000 --- a/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -.Rproj.user -.Rhistory -.RData -.Ruserdata diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0d6423 --- /dev/null +++ b/.nojekyll @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +eb22abbe \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/Cap\303\255tulo 1.html" "b/Cap\303\255tulo 1.html" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b59ecd3 --- /dev/null +++ "b/Cap\303\255tulo 1.html" @@ -0,0 +1,638 @@ + +
+ + + + + + + + +Este é um capítulo introdutório.
+O manual de Mapeamento de Fogo em Áreas do Cerrado Maranhense está sendo desenvolvido para registrar os trabalhos de mapeamento realizados em áreas de proteção (Unidades de Conservação e Territórios Indigenas) inseridas no bioma Cerrado. Este manual tem como primeira área destaque na geração de informações e produtos de detecção e mapeamento de queimadas o Parque Nacional da Chapada das Mesas (PNCM), a partir do trabalho desenvolvido por Carvalho e colaboradores (2023). Contudo outras áreas de proteção no estado do Maranhão possuiem trabalhos de mapeamento de fogo em adamento ou prospectados. Portanto esta será uma primeira versão do manual que será atualizado conforme os trabalho forem ocorrendo e colaborações de outros autores forem surgindo.
+Muitos produtos de detecção automática de áreas queimadas foram desenvolvidos ao longo do tempo, com o avanço dos sensores e produtos obtidos por sensoriamento remoto. Este manual tem por objetivo, a partir de metodologias que fornecem produtos mais detalhados de informações de histórico de fogo, levando em consideração as características locais de cada área/região mapeada. O Cerrado é caracterizado pela sua heterogeneidade fitofisionomica, portando buscamos divulgar dados em uma escala (espacial/temporal) que contemplem a biodiversidade existente, com enfoque na região do Cerrado maranhense que está localizado ao norte da área do bioma, entre uma região de transição Amazônia-Cerrado-Caatinga.
+O manual de Mapeamento de Fogo em Áreas do Cerrado Maranhense foi idealizado pelo pesquisador Celso Silva-Júnior a partir dos trabalhos desenvolvidos por Izadora Santos de Carvalho sob orientação da pesquisadora Drª Swanni T. Alvarado da Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL - Bogotá) e do pequisador Dr. Tiago Massi Ferraz da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA - São Luís).
+Os trabalho divulgados contaram com apoio e financiamento: FAPEMA, CAPES, MapFire, PPGAA, PPGA, UEMA, UEMASUL, LCAB, UNESP (Ecodyn).
+E aos pesquisadores que colaboraram direta e indiretamente com os trabalhos apresentados, desde colaboração intelectual à estrutural: Thiago Sana, Carlos Leandro, Daniel Borini, Fabio Afonso, Jose Roberto, Alinne Silva, Caio, Patrick Costa Silva, Leo Leonel, Rayssa, à gestão do PNCM e aos guias e seus familiares que deram suporte ao longo dos trabalhos de campo.
+Referências para construção do livro:
+ +Este produto foi desenvolvido utilizando Quarto books.
+ + +This is a book created from markdown and executable code.
+See Knuth (1984) for additional discussion of literate programming.
+1 + 1
[1] 2
+ message: `The items being returned for this search do not include all the required fields. Please ensure that your index items include the ${missingFields[0]}
field or use index-fields
in your _quarto.yml
file to specify the field names.`,
+ };
+ } else if (missingFields.length > 1) {
+ const missingFieldList = missingFields
+ .map((field) => {
+ return `${field}
+ })
+ .join(", ");
+ throw {
+ name: `Error: Search index is missing the following fields: ${missingFieldList}.`,
+ message: `The items being returned for this search do not include all the required fields. Please ensure that your index items includes the following fields: ${missingFieldList}, or use index-fields
in your _quarto.yml
file to specify the field names.`,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+let lastQuery = null;
+function showCopyLink(query, options) {
+ const language = options.language;
+ lastQuery = query;
+ // Insert share icon
+ const inputSuffixEl = window.document.body.querySelector(
+ ".aa-Form .aa-InputWrapperSuffix"
+ );
+ if (inputSuffixEl) {
+ let copyButtonEl = window.document.body.querySelector(
+ ".aa-Form .aa-InputWrapperSuffix .aa-CopyButton"
+ );
+ if (copyButtonEl === null) {
+ copyButtonEl = window.document.createElement("button");
+ copyButtonEl.setAttribute("class", "aa-CopyButton");
+ copyButtonEl.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ copyButtonEl.setAttribute("title", language["search-copy-link-title"]);
+ copyButtonEl.onmousedown = (e) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ };
+ const linkIcon = "bi-clipboard";
+ const checkIcon = "bi-check2";
+ const shareIconEl = window.document.createElement("i");
+ shareIconEl.setAttribute("class", `bi ${linkIcon}`);
+ copyButtonEl.appendChild(shareIconEl);
+ inputSuffixEl.prepend(copyButtonEl);
+ const clipboard = new window.ClipboardJS(".aa-CopyButton", {
+ text: function (_trigger) {
+ const copyUrl = new URL(window.location);
+ copyUrl.searchParams.set(kQueryArg, lastQuery);
+ copyUrl.searchParams.set(kResultsArg, "1");
+ return copyUrl.toString();
+ },
+ });
+ clipboard.on("success", function (e) {
+ // Focus the input
+ // button target
+ const button = e.trigger;
+ const icon = button.querySelector("i.bi");
+ // flash "checked"
+ icon.classList.add(checkIcon);
+ icon.classList.remove(linkIcon);
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ icon.classList.remove(checkIcon);
+ icon.classList.add(linkIcon);
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ }
+ // If there is a query, show the link icon
+ if (copyButtonEl) {
+ if (lastQuery && options["copy-button"]) {
+ copyButtonEl.style.display = "flex";
+ } else {
+ copyButtonEl.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Search Index Handling */
+// create the index
+var fuseIndex = undefined;
+var shownWarning = false;
+// fuse index options
+const kFuseIndexOptions = {
+ keys: [
+ { name: "title", weight: 20 },
+ { name: "section", weight: 20 },
+ { name: "text", weight: 10 },
+ ],
+ ignoreLocation: true,
+ threshold: 0.1,
+async function readSearchData() {
+ // Initialize the search index on demand
+ if (fuseIndex === undefined) {
+ if (window.location.protocol === "file:" && !shownWarning) {
+ window.alert(
+ "Search requires JavaScript features disabled when running in file://... URLs. In order to use search, please run this document in a web server."
+ );
+ shownWarning = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ const fuse = new window.Fuse([], kFuseIndexOptions);
+ // fetch the main search.json
+ const response = await fetch(offsetURL("search.json"));
+ if (response.status == 200) {
+ return response.json().then(function (searchDocs) {
+ searchDocs.forEach(function (searchDoc) {
+ fuse.add(searchDoc);
+ });
+ fuseIndex = fuse;
+ return fuseIndex;
+ });
+ } else {
+ return Promise.reject(
+ new Error(
+ "Unexpected status from search index request: " + response.status
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return fuseIndex;
+function inputElement() {
+ return window.document.body.querySelector(".aa-Form .aa-Input");
+function focusSearchInput() {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ const inputEl = inputElement();
+ if (inputEl) {
+ inputEl.focus();
+ }
+ }, 50);
+/* Panels */
+const kItemTypeDoc = "document";
+const kItemTypeMore = "document-more";
+const kItemTypeItem = "document-item";
+const kItemTypeError = "error";
+function renderItem(
+ item,
+ createElement,
+ state,
+ setActiveItemId,
+ setContext,
+ refresh,
+ quartoSearchOptions
+) {
+ switch (item.type) {
+ case kItemTypeDoc:
+ return createDocumentCard(
+ createElement,
+ "file-richtext",
+ item.title,
+ item.section,
+ item.text,
+ item.href,
+ item.crumbs,
+ quartoSearchOptions
+ );
+ case kItemTypeMore:
+ return createMoreCard(
+ createElement,
+ item,
+ state,
+ setActiveItemId,
+ setContext,
+ refresh
+ );
+ case kItemTypeItem:
+ return createSectionCard(
+ createElement,
+ item.section,
+ item.text,
+ item.href
+ );
+ case kItemTypeError:
+ return createErrorCard(createElement, item.title, item.text);
+ default:
+ return undefined;
+ }
+function createDocumentCard(
+ createElement,
+ icon,
+ title,
+ section,
+ text,
+ href,
+ crumbs,
+ quartoSearchOptions
+) {
+ const iconEl = createElement("i", {
+ class: `bi bi-${icon} search-result-icon`,
+ });
+ const titleEl = createElement("p", { class: "search-result-title" }, title);
+ const titleContents = [iconEl, titleEl];
+ const showParent = quartoSearchOptions["show-item-context"];
+ if (crumbs && showParent) {
+ let crumbsOut = undefined;
+ const crumbClz = ["search-result-crumbs"];
+ if (showParent === "root") {
+ crumbsOut = crumbs.length > 1 ? crumbs[0] : undefined;
+ } else if (showParent === "parent") {
+ crumbsOut = crumbs.length > 1 ? crumbs[crumbs.length - 2] : undefined;
+ } else {
+ crumbsOut = crumbs.length > 1 ? crumbs.join(" > ") : undefined;
+ crumbClz.push("search-result-crumbs-wrap");
+ }
+ const crumbEl = createElement(
+ "p",
+ { class: crumbClz.join(" ") },
+ crumbsOut
+ );
+ titleContents.push(crumbEl);
+ }
+ const titleContainerEl = createElement(
+ "div",
+ { class: "search-result-title-container" },
+ titleContents
+ );
+ const textEls = [];
+ if (section) {
+ const sectionEl = createElement(
+ "p",
+ { class: "search-result-section" },
+ section
+ );
+ textEls.push(sectionEl);
+ }
+ const descEl = createElement("p", {
+ class: "search-result-text",
+ dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
+ __html: text,
+ },
+ });
+ textEls.push(descEl);
+ const textContainerEl = createElement(
+ "div",
+ { class: "search-result-text-container" },
+ textEls
+ );
+ const containerEl = createElement(
+ "div",
+ {
+ class: "search-result-container",
+ },
+ [titleContainerEl, textContainerEl]
+ );
+ const linkEl = createElement(
+ "a",
+ {
+ href: offsetURL(href),
+ class: "search-result-link",
+ },
+ containerEl
+ );
+ const classes = ["search-result-doc", "search-item"];
+ if (!section) {
+ classes.push("document-selectable");
+ }
+ return createElement(
+ "div",
+ {
+ class: classes.join(" "),
+ },
+ linkEl
+ );
+function createMoreCard(
+ createElement,
+ item,
+ state,
+ setActiveItemId,
+ setContext,
+ refresh
+) {
+ const moreCardEl = createElement(
+ "div",
+ {
+ class: "search-result-more search-item",
+ onClick: (e) => {
+ // Handle expanding the sections by adding the expanded
+ // section to the list of expanded sections
+ toggleExpanded(item, state, setContext, setActiveItemId, refresh);
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ },
+ },
+ item.title
+ );
+ return moreCardEl;
+function toggleExpanded(item, state, setContext, setActiveItemId, refresh) {
+ const expanded = state.context.expanded || [];
+ if (expanded.includes(item.target)) {
+ setContext({
+ expanded: expanded.filter((target) => target !== item.target),
+ });
+ } else {
+ setContext({ expanded: [...expanded, item.target] });
+ }
+ refresh();
+ setActiveItemId(item.__autocomplete_id);
+function createSectionCard(createElement, section, text, href) {
+ const sectionEl = createSection(createElement, section, text, href);
+ return createElement(
+ "div",
+ {
+ class: "search-result-doc-section search-item",
+ },
+ sectionEl
+ );
+function createSection(createElement, title, text, href) {
+ const descEl = createElement("p", {
+ class: "search-result-text",
+ dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
+ __html: text,
+ },
+ });
+ const titleEl = createElement("p", { class: "search-result-section" }, title);
+ const linkEl = createElement(
+ "a",
+ {
+ href: offsetURL(href),
+ class: "search-result-link",
+ },
+ [titleEl, descEl]
+ );
+ return linkEl;
+function createErrorCard(createElement, title, text) {
+ const descEl = createElement("p", {
+ class: "search-error-text",
+ dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
+ __html: text,
+ },
+ });
+ const titleEl = createElement("p", {
+ class: "search-error-title",
+ dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
+ __html: ` ${title}`,
+ },
+ });
+ const errorEl = createElement("div", { class: "search-error" }, [
+ titleEl,
+ descEl,
+ ]);
+ return errorEl;
+function positionPanel(pos) {
+ const panelEl = window.document.querySelector(
+ "#quarto-search-results .aa-Panel"
+ );
+ const inputEl = window.document.querySelector(
+ "#quarto-search .aa-Autocomplete"
+ );
+ if (panelEl && inputEl) {
+ panelEl.style.top = `${Math.round(panelEl.offsetTop)}px`;
+ if (pos === "start") {
+ panelEl.style.left = `${Math.round(inputEl.left)}px`;
+ } else {
+ panelEl.style.right = `${Math.round(inputEl.offsetRight)}px`;
+ }
+ }
+/* Highlighting */
+// highlighting functions
+function highlightMatch(query, text) {
+ if (text) {
+ const start = text.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase());
+ if (start !== -1) {
+ const startMark = "";
+ const endMark = "";
+ const end = start + query.length;
+ text =
+ text.slice(0, start) +
+ startMark +
+ text.slice(start, end) +
+ endMark +
+ text.slice(end);
+ const startInfo = clipStart(text, start);
+ const endInfo = clipEnd(
+ text,
+ startInfo.position + startMark.length + endMark.length
+ );
+ text =
+ startInfo.prefix +
+ text.slice(startInfo.position, endInfo.position) +
+ endInfo.suffix;
+ return text;
+ } else {
+ return text;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return text;
+ }
+function clipStart(text, pos) {
+ const clipStart = pos - 50;
+ if (clipStart < 0) {
+ // This will just return the start of the string
+ return {
+ position: 0,
+ prefix: "",
+ };
+ } else {
+ // We're clipping before the start of the string, walk backwards to the first space.
+ const spacePos = findSpace(text, pos, -1);
+ return {
+ position: spacePos.position,
+ prefix: "",
+ };
+ }
+function clipEnd(text, pos) {
+ const clipEnd = pos + 200;
+ if (clipEnd > text.length) {
+ return {
+ position: text.length,
+ suffix: "",
+ };
+ } else {
+ const spacePos = findSpace(text, clipEnd, 1);
+ return {
+ position: spacePos.position,
+ suffix: spacePos.clipped ? "…" : "",
+ };
+ }
+function findSpace(text, start, step) {
+ let stepPos = start;
+ while (stepPos > -1 && stepPos < text.length) {
+ const char = text[stepPos];
+ if (char === " " || char === "," || char === ":") {
+ return {
+ position: step === 1 ? stepPos : stepPos - step,
+ clipped: stepPos > 1 && stepPos < text.length,
+ };
+ }
+ stepPos = stepPos + step;
+ }
+ return {
+ position: stepPos - step,
+ clipped: false,
+ };
+// removes highlighting as implemented by the mark tag
+function clearHighlight(searchterm, el) {
+ const childNodes = el.childNodes;
+ for (let i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const node = childNodes[i];
+ if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ if (
+ node.tagName === "MARK" &&
+ node.innerText.toLowerCase() === searchterm.toLowerCase()
+ ) {
+ el.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(node.innerText), node);
+ } else {
+ clearHighlight(searchterm, node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function escapeRegExp(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // $& means the whole matched string
+// highlight matches
+function highlight(term, el) {
+ const termRegex = new RegExp(term, "ig");
+ const childNodes = el.childNodes;
+ // walk back to front avoid mutating elements in front of us
+ for (let i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const node = childNodes[i];
+ if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+ // Search text nodes for text to highlight
+ const text = node.nodeValue;
+ let startIndex = 0;
+ let matchIndex = text.search(termRegex);
+ if (matchIndex > -1) {
+ const markFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ while (matchIndex > -1) {
+ const prefix = text.slice(startIndex, matchIndex);
+ markFragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(prefix));
+ const mark = document.createElement("mark");
+ mark.appendChild(
+ document.createTextNode(
+ text.slice(matchIndex, matchIndex + term.length)
+ )
+ );
+ markFragment.appendChild(mark);
+ startIndex = matchIndex + term.length;
+ matchIndex = text.slice(startIndex).search(new RegExp(term, "ig"));
+ if (matchIndex > -1) {
+ matchIndex = startIndex + matchIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ if (startIndex < text.length) {
+ markFragment.appendChild(
+ document.createTextNode(text.slice(startIndex, text.length))
+ );
+ }
+ el.replaceChild(markFragment, node);
+ }
+ } else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ // recurse through elements
+ highlight(term, node);
+ }
+ }
+/* Link Handling */
+// get the offset from this page for a given site root relative url
+function offsetURL(url) {
+ var offset = getMeta("quarto:offset");
+ return offset ? offset + url : url;
+// read a meta tag value
+function getMeta(metaName) {
+ var metas = window.document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
+ for (let i = 0; i < metas.length; i++) {
+ if (metas[i].getAttribute("name") === metaName) {
+ return metas[i].getAttribute("content");
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+function algoliaSearch(query, limit, algoliaOptions) {
+ const { getAlgoliaResults } = window["@algolia/autocomplete-preset-algolia"];
+ const applicationId = algoliaOptions["application-id"];
+ const searchOnlyApiKey = algoliaOptions["search-only-api-key"];
+ const indexName = algoliaOptions["index-name"];
+ const indexFields = algoliaOptions["index-fields"];
+ const searchClient = window.algoliasearch(applicationId, searchOnlyApiKey);
+ const searchParams = algoliaOptions["params"];
+ const searchAnalytics = !!algoliaOptions["analytics-events"];
+ return getAlgoliaResults({
+ searchClient,
+ queries: [
+ {
+ indexName: indexName,
+ query,
+ params: {
+ hitsPerPage: limit,
+ clickAnalytics: searchAnalytics,
+ ...searchParams,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ transformResponse: (response) => {
+ if (!indexFields) {
+ return response.hits.map((hit) => {
+ return hit.map((item) => {
+ return {
+ ...item,
+ text: highlightMatch(query, item.text),
+ };
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ const remappedHits = response.hits.map((hit) => {
+ return hit.map((item) => {
+ const newItem = { ...item };
+ ["href", "section", "title", "text", "crumbs"].forEach(
+ (keyName) => {
+ const mappedName = indexFields[keyName];
+ if (
+ mappedName &&
+ item[mappedName] !== undefined &&
+ mappedName !== keyName
+ ) {
+ newItem[keyName] = item[mappedName];
+ delete newItem[mappedName];
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ newItem.text = highlightMatch(query, newItem.text);
+ return newItem;
+ });
+ });
+ return remappedHits;
+ }
+ },
+ });
+let subSearchTerm = undefined;
+let subSearchFuse = undefined;
+const kFuseMaxWait = 125;
+async function fuseSearch(query, fuse, fuseOptions) {
+ let index = fuse;
+ // Fuse.js using the Bitap algorithm for text matching which runs in
+ // O(nm) time (no matter the structure of the text). In our case this
+ // means that long search terms mixed with large index gets very slow
+ //
+ // This injects a subIndex that will be used once the terms get long enough
+ // Usually making this subindex is cheap since there will typically be
+ // a subset of results matching the existing query
+ if (subSearchFuse !== undefined && query.startsWith(subSearchTerm)) {
+ // Use the existing subSearchFuse
+ index = subSearchFuse;
+ } else if (subSearchFuse !== undefined) {
+ // The term changed, discard the existing fuse
+ subSearchFuse = undefined;
+ subSearchTerm = undefined;
+ }
+ // Search using the active fuse
+ const then = performance.now();
+ const resultsRaw = await index.search(query, fuseOptions);
+ const now = performance.now();
+ const results = resultsRaw.map((result) => {
+ const addParam = (url, name, value) => {
+ const anchorParts = url.split("#");
+ const baseUrl = anchorParts[0];
+ const sep = baseUrl.search("\\?") > 0 ? "&" : "?";
+ anchorParts[0] = baseUrl + sep + name + "=" + value;
+ return anchorParts.join("#");
+ };
+ return {
+ title: result.item.title,
+ section: result.item.section,
+ href: addParam(result.item.href, kQueryArg, query),
+ text: highlightMatch(query, result.item.text),
+ crumbs: result.item.crumbs,
+ };
+ });
+ // If we don't have a subfuse and the query is long enough, go ahead
+ // and create a subfuse to use for subsequent queries
+ if (
+ now - then > kFuseMaxWait &&
+ subSearchFuse === undefined &&
+ resultsRaw.length < fuseOptions.limit
+ ) {
+ subSearchTerm = query;
+ subSearchFuse = new window.Fuse([], kFuseIndexOptions);
+ resultsRaw.forEach((rr) => {
+ subSearchFuse.add(rr.item);
+ });
+ }
+ return results;
diff --git a/summary.html b/summary.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee5115b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/summary.html
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+In summary, this book has no content whatsoever.
+1 + 1
[1] 2