- Main()
- Traffic
- Encryption
- Signature
- Tools
Here you will find some details about reverse engineering of app.source.getcontact
Android application
Didn't notice any working SSL pinning mechanism. Just install Burp's certificate in an Android Device.
You will find traffic example in requests.md Ok, obviously data in POST requests is:
Let's decompile the application.
It seems that the obfuscator worked here :/ Let's drill it.
class is responsible for encryption:
public final String ˋ(String str) {
int i = 2 % 2;
String str2 = "";
try {
Key secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(aj.ˋ(this.ʻ), ᔮ.ˊ(172, 3, 58400).intern());
Cipher instance = Cipher.getInstance(ᔮ.ˊ(172, 3, 58400).intern());
instance.init(1, secretKeySpec);
str2 = fyn.ˎ(instance.doFinal(str.getBytes()));
} catch (Throwable e) {
} catch (Throwable e2) {
} catch (Throwable e22) {
} catch (Throwable e222) {
} catch (Throwable e2222) {
i = ˏॱ + 45;
ॱˊ = i % 128;
if (i % 2 != 0) {
return str2;
Let's check the encryption algorithm.
The easiest way to get algorithm (and other stuff from app) is using frida toolkit
Below you will find frida
script for that:
Java.perform(function x() {
console.log("Decrypt strings")
var instance = Java.use("ᔮ");
var result = instance.ˊ(172, 93 String.fromCharCode(58400));
console.log("Result: " + result)
Result: AES
OK, we have to find encryption key. And again frida
Java.perform(function x() {
console.log("\nGetting AES key:")
var instance = Java.use("ᔮ");
var result = instance.ॱ().ʻ.value;
console.log("Result: " + result)
So, know we can try to decrypt data from intercepted traffic:
def decrypt_aes(payload):
cipher = AES.new(AES_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
rez = unpad(cipher.decrypt(payload))
logger.debug("Decrypted result:{}".format(rez))
return rez
➜ python getcontact.py -D "it1BCQGnv+A3i6FmRigzviBGSJqF58K42YBCMtDP53fvMH/bJO4XZnXlDEC3AZWYSGGBpZgRv21LcNvgaP94gA64L4BbqgE7dzHW0vXK5Ql8vBrtqZiWEfZ+aXHDWydQok/mYnMTfYNDxySkGGUez2qwL4mLIR7yelOlQQ9sup0="
Decrypted: {countryCode:US,phoneNumber:+79040991328,source:detail,token:AxPu569b72d9c908520b95408e6e95b5482c8995fd98b0e794a2e516a3d1}
It works! Let's move to the signature.
We have to sign our requests and for that have to send calculated HMAC value in X-Req-Signature
POST /v2.1/number-detail HTTP/1.1
X-App-Version: 4.2.0
X-Req-Timestamp: 1547742064906
X-Os: android 7.1.1
X-Token: AxPu569b72d9c908520b95408e6e95b5482c8995fd98b0e794a2e516a3d1
X-Encrypted: 1
X-Client-Device-Id: 37b6dc0c3cb9a596
X-Req-Signature: Zh5yxvtGLAEaMJ13M0eUS99dT0TQGE5h8qqIjQtH/zo=
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 205
Host: pbssrv-centralevents.com
Connection: close
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Class responsible for that is 冖
public final class 冖 implements fms {
public final fne ˏ(ˋ ˋ) {
byte[] bArr;
fmw ˊ = ˋ.ˊ();
fnc fnc = ˊ.ॱ;
Object fpj = new fpj();
String ˊॱ = fpj.ˊॱ();
eqi.ॱ("Plain Body".concat(String.valueOf(ˊॱ)));
String str = ᔮ.ॱ().ʼ; <--- secret key
ˊॱ = new StringBuilder().append(fmu.ˊ(ˊ.ˋ.ॱ, "X-Req-Timestamp")).append("-").append(ˊॱ).toString().replace("\\/", "/"); <--- string to hash
eqi.ॱ("String to hash".concat(String.valueOf(ˊॱ)));
fyo fyo = new fyo(fyp.HMAC_SHA_256, str);
str = ˊॱ;
Mac mac = fyo.ॱ;
ˊॱ = str;
Charset charset = fyl.ᐝ;
if (ˊॱ == null) {
bArr = null;
} else {
bArr = ˊॱ.getBytes(charset);
If ˏ = new If(ˊ).ˏ("X-Req-Signature", fyn.base64(mac.doFinal(bArr)).trim());
if (ˏ.ˏ != null) {
return ˋ.ˊ(new fmw(ˏ));
throw new IllegalStateException("url == null");
So, because it's HMAC_SHA_256
we have to know the key.
Below you will find frida
script for that
Java.perform(function x() {
console.log("Getting HMAC key...")
var instance = Java.use("ᔮ");
var result = instance.ॱ().ʼ.value;
console.log("Result: " + result)
So, we've got it:
HMAC_key = 2Wq7)qkX~cp7)H|n_tc&o+:G_USN3/-uIi~>M+c ;Oq]E{t9)RC_5|lhAA_Qq%_4
If you noticed data json contains token
. It's something like user session. You can get your token value using this frida
Java.perform(function x() {
console.log("Getting user token...")
var instance = Java.use("ᒨ");
var result = instance.ˋ();
console.log("Result: " + result)
Finally! Now we can sign our requests:
def create_sign(timestamp, payload):
logger.debug("Signing...\n{}-{}".format(timestamp, payload))
message = bytes("{}-{}".format(timestamp, payload))
secret = bytes(HMAC_key)
signature = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(secret, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
logger.debug("Result: {}".format(signature))
return signature
That's all folks! We can encrypt/decrypt data and sign request.
Please find frida script that allows you to get all necessary values from Android Application
➜ frida -U -l get_keys_and_token_frida.js --no-paus -f app.source.getcontact
/ _ | Frida 12.2.29 - A world-class dynamic instrumentation toolkit
| (_| |
> _ | Commands:
/_/ |_| help -> Displays the help system
. . . . object? -> Display information about 'object'
. . . . exit/quit -> Exit
. . . .
. . . . More info at http://www.frida.re/docs/home/
Spawned `app.source.getcontact`. Resuming main thread!
[Android Emulator 5554::app.source.getcontact]->
Getting AES key:
Result: 0705a53f0b0c1fbe14d68313939c6683f2baa687aff535dd2469291834bff606
Getting HMAC key...
Result: 2Wq7)qkX~cp7)H|n_tc&o+:G_USN3/-uIi~>M+c ;Oq]E{t9)RC_5|lhAA_Qq%_4
Getting user token...
Result: AxPu569b72d9c908520b95408e6e95b5482c8995fd98b0e794a2e516a3d1