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py9kw - a library for captcha solving service

Sample code

import sys
import urllib

from py9kw import Py9kw

captchaSolver = Py9kw('<APIKEY>', False, True)
# Define exactly what we expect as a result according to:
captchaSolver.setAdditionalCaptchaUploadParams({'numeric': '1', 'min_len': '7', 'max_len': '7'})

creds, errorint, errormsg = captchaSolver.getcredits()
print('Credits left: %d' % creds)

test_url = ''
captcha_path = 'captcha.png'
captcha_expected_result = 'viearer'
captchaSolver.uploadcaptcha(test_url, captcha_path)

# Use this switch to test captcha abort --> Should not waste any credits
abortCaptcha = False
if abortCaptcha:
    print('Trying to abort already uploaded captcha --> No credits should be used')
    erri, errm = captchaSolver.captcha_correct_abort()
    if erri == -1:
        print('Successfully aborted captcha')
        # This should never happen
        print('Failed to abort captcha')

print('Getting result ...')
result, erri, errm = captchaSolver.sleepAndGetResult()
result_is_correct = False
if result is not None:
    print('Result = \'%s\' | Expected result = %s' % (result, captcha_expected_result))
    if result == captcha_expected_result:
        result_is_correct = True
        print('Result is correct :)')
        print('Result is wrong :(')
    print('No result :(')

creds_after, erri, errm = captchaSolver.getcredits()
creds_used = creds - creds_after
print('Credits used for this test: %d' % creds_used)
if creds_used > 0 and result is not None and not result_is_correct:
    print('Your %d used credits should soon get refunded as the obtained result was wrong' % creds_used)
elif creds_used > 0 and result is None:
    print('Your %d user credits should soon get refunded as you did not get any result' % creds_used)
elif creds_used > 0:
    print('Your %d used credits will never come back :(' % creds_used)
print('Credits left: %d' % creds_after)

Possible errorcodes

Most of all possible errorcodes with their corresponding errormessages are listed in the 9kw API docs.
For this reason only the errorcodes which are only returned by this lib will be listed here (with one exception).

Errorcode Explanation
600 ERROR_NO_USER This happens when there were no users available to solve the uploaded captcha within the given maxtimeout. Example API json: {"status":{"https":1,"success":true},"message":"OK","answer":"ERROR NO USER"}
601 ERROR_INTERNAL_TIMEOUT Basically the same as 600 but in this case, the internal timout happened before the serverside timeout happened. This may also happen in case the server responds with 'try_again' without returning an error.
602 NO_ANSWER_YET No captcha result available yet. This is the only case in which sleepAndGetResult is allowed to retry. Example API json: {"answer":"NO DATA","message":"OK","nodata":1,"status":{"success":true,"https":1},"info":1}
603 CAPTCHA_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE This may happen before a captcha gets sent to 9kw if the provided URL is e.g. offline or returns an http error status.
666 Error while parsing error number and message --> This should never happen
0012 Special case returned by API: 0012 Bereits erledigt. This will return an errorcode along with a (correct)captcha result!


Which captchas can this library handle?
All text based captchas. The 9kw service can handle many more captcha types but support for them has not been implemented in this library (yet) see 9kw API docs.

TODOs (not sorted)

  • Nicer loggers/output
  • Support for other captcha types
  • Make start params nicer
  • Add start params for '' test class --> Important because if I don't, I will forget my apikey in there at some point :D
  • Update '' to never waste any credits

Original version's usage instructions:

class py9kw(builtins.object)
     |  Methods defined here:
step1|  __init__(self, apikey, verbose=False)
     |      Initialize py9kw with a APIKEY.
step4|  captcha_correct(self, iscorrect)
     |      Send feedback, is the Captcha answer wrong?
step3|  sleepAndGetResult(self)
     |      Wait until the Captcha is solved and get the result
step2|  uploadcaptcha(self, imagedata, maxtimeout=60)
     |      Upload the Captcha base64 encoded to (gif/jpg/png)

Original version's copyright information: - A API for the Captcha-solvingservice

    Copyright (C) 2014 by Jan Helbling <[email protected]>
    Updted 2020-01-25 by over_nine_thousand
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.