Fix hobo carts
(The "wtf is wrong with me, I didnt even add the crash fix to the last update, which is the entire reason I released that update early was to include the crashfix, so im updating again to add the crashfix I shouldve added before" update)
Added my custom cart loot hobo storage mod Added the pilot jumpsuit crashfix for realzies this time
changelog 1.23 ( The "because Ive lost the will to actually care about where i was in version numbers, so who the F cares anymore about semantic versioning" Update )
tentatively judged as save safe.
Added bobblehead randomizer added envclave remantns added satelite world maps added post apocalyptic survivor armor set added the above armor to leveled lists and patches its recipes etc added SKK random encounter manager added Adjusted Encounter zones Added Lights in Load Elevators Added Power Armor Airdrop Patched power armor airdrop to be gated behind a charisma perk ( ex-local leader ) FIxed Crossbow Medium Scope clipping with armor Removed empty beds and miscellaneous categories in ECO utility bench Removed all those damn config holotapes clogging up inventory on new game Added all music to a new custom radio station, and removed most ambient music from normal exploration Removed level up and XP sound effects Reduced vibrant green shade of grass ground cover texture Patched COndition Boy icon to be hidden when immersive hud hotkey is pressed Fixed crash from pilot jumpsuit - yeeted it from leveled lists and marked it as deleted, this may cause the occasional gunner to be naked if you update on an existing savegame
Updated Buffout 4 with its recent crash fixes due to audio bugs it introduced in its archivelimitfix, set archivelimitfix = false anyway
replaced cleaned homeplate with norespawns homeplate
fixed some holstered weapons not showing up on back - by adding keywords to selected weapons This may cause issues with some weapons ( clipping, some users of the CHS mod report crashes too by doing this), please report if you have any problems, make note of the specific weapon please.
removed NPC holstered weapon display as it can cause crashes
expanded the pipboy light size back to what it was before , I thought id prefer the smaller one for atmosphere but its just too weak
copied fallout genetics presets into presets folder for use in character generation
replaced main menu with a more stalker themed one
added lush ambience
added Rust textures
added 4k vines/ivy
aded 4k overgrown roads
added non-gsync options to eliminate tearing
added lowspec grass ini
removed ELFX
edited descriptions of VATS perks
regenerated LODs and removed CK Facegen from ba2
removed radiant clouds
added eco bench and loot controller / base markers / fast travel markers to player on startup
added lighthouse papyrus extender for future ideas
added Ultra interior lighting
added ultra exterior lighting
added true nights DLC patch
added ELFX and UIL merged patch
added ELFX reduced fog and PRP patch
added cubemap fix
added radiant clouds
Added creature texture upscale
added dogmeat texture upscale
added 4estgimps savrenx texture merge
added far object lod improvement project
removed esl flag on custom fast travel and companion loot quest mods as they had non-esl edits
fixed junkier junk junkifier patch overwritten record type
removed select guitars
removed Legendary Effects Overhaul, too OP, too silly and unrealistic for this list
ran texgen and lodgen
removed ECO recipes
added synth patchers for : fo4lip, clarity patcher etc
switched out a forest for another pine forest
increased rads from dirty water
removed complex parallax rocks/landscapes as I decided againstr using that feature in ENB
removed ENB and added F4 upscaler
added shadowboost
added optional mods that configure shadowboost and highfpsphysicsfix automatically
added optional true grass null mod, and optional lower texture forest trees mod for performance boost
regenerated xlodgen and texgen for lower spec optionals
added base obejct swapper less dungeon loot mod to dynamically even further reduce food availability
Added legendies they can use, bosses get legendaries from the excellent WhiskyTango
added faster deathclaws
removed unused standalone workbenches from COBJ menus
added junkier junkier junk
added perk restriction for crafting vault sink/decontamination arch
fixed broken map from last update
Buffed deathclaw and synth armor
reduced player rifle damage and armor penetration slightly
Updated advanced item sorter m8r
Updated FallUI icon library to get some colored icons, yay.
Updated Buffout 4, the version I had seemed fine, but it cant hurt to keep up to date to avoid rare crashes etc.
Updated F4SE, similar reasoning to above.
uncapped FPS in loading screens, but allowed them to process so it dosnt look frozen
Added 4estgimps AI edits, so enemies are smarter and react quicker
buffed Swan
Fixed some more hat clipping
Fixed vault 81 void no texture issue, by moving faction overhaul housing to below PRP (this also fixes no door for railroad HQ housing )
generated CK Facegen and uploaded to WJ CDN to reduce stuttering from generating npc face geom on the fly
removed enemy accuracy mod and stealth and detection mod, and just patched 4estgimps values instead. This also buffed enemy accuracy a bit, but its still less than vanilla
Fixed crashing when crafting dog armor items with legendary attach points
Added workaround for automatic workshop ownership switching when enemies cleared allowing player to hold V to access settlement menu
tweaked reshade yet again, can never get it exaclty how I want
allowed generators to be built anywhere, same with main quest institute teleporters this will help main quest when siding with railroad, I say anywhere but I mean the few remaining settlements allowed
Fixed Demolition Expert Perk Rank 4 referencing VATS , and restored its previous double damage to explosions - useful synergy with armor changes.
Compile for latest Wabbajack version
added ultrawidescreen UI mod for those who have ultrawide ( I cant test it, but hopefully someone can let me know if it works )
reduced HP of larva creatures ( they are already reduced from Scourge MCM but the starting larva spawned on sanctuary bridge is spawned before Scourge nerfs it so it needed to be nerfed manually )
added FOV and ultrawide info to readme
Buffed true storms rad values to match buffed rad protection
Fixed beretta PX4 sounds
set default FOV to 90
Removed Performout fancy textures, the author hid the file in favor of a new tool ( although that dosnt technically stop WJ fron downloading it did prompt me to reconsider as the files are just generally far too big for WJ to always download succesfully as a few people have noted so ive replaced it with targeted texture upscaling, much smaller, and probably better than a blanket all textures upscaled thing.
lowered RPG launcher cost
moved RPG ammo switch consumable to ammo bench ( even though eco quick menu can do it anyway)
tweaked reshade to have less blown out blacks and less red tint
moved CK scripts/sources to a mod in MO2 and cleaned up compile inlines/excludes etc
fixed Nuka World no bad choice so it dosnt automatically move on to the comnmonwealth expansion
Added Machineurl to compilation
removed some extra included files from compilatioon
fixed myrna glittering hair - and anyone that uses that hair ( this one might pop up again - problem with automation patchers :( )
buffed all power armor armor values
reduced rad resist of gunner spec ops agent armor
some crafting benches placed in homeplate settlement are in spanish idk why lol - fixed that
increased 50 cal ammo damage
added better power armor - redux
added advanced flashbang
added heavy impact power armor sounds
added armor penetration bug fix
added enjoy the darkness stealth change
multipled all armor values across the board to the power of 1.2 then x3, this is necessary to balance for true damage and intended scale of calibers to armor penetration Now a 9mm pistol will kill a lightly armored person in a few hits, but ping mostly off heavy armor leaving them unharmed.
Now with the better power armor redux and these armor/true damage changes, power armor enemies are absolute tanks, use anti-material calibers or explosions on them.
Increased the rad resist of already rad resisting armor values disproportionately on the higher end ( radiation is increased across the world hugely in this list, but the higher end radresist armor didnt protect fully against it - now it does - the lower end rad resist armor still wont be enough, though mitigated somewhat )
reduced melee sound volume a bit
reduced worldspace radio volume a bit
fixed Mk23 soccom innr naming
reworked go stash for me companion mission mod, and added textinputmenu as a requirement for it
fixed broken radio and broken codsworth by patching my own broken mod, yay
reduced burning time
added glass breakdown recipes
fixed crops freely takeable
reduced duration of stimpaks
fixed piper hair clipping through hat
Modified the fast travel beacons to store their custom names
Modified companion stash markers to store their custom names
enabled robot workshop to be built in the limited semi-settlemetns remaining in the list ( home plate etc )
reduced mutant menagerie damage resistances significantly, through Scourge MCM preset
Added legendary effect overhaul
Enabled ECO Armor recipes ( with relevant gates ) , this may make the crafting menus more crowded but its a hell of a lot of additional stuff for very little work on my part :)
Patched Automatically lowered weapons to only lower when flashlight is off
uncapped fps in loading screens
removed all new quest mods because they all break stuff, I will add one at a time as things move forward so it isnt such a burden to test everything together
removed coffee cup collectables, they are annoying
added time passing to fast travel beacons
fixed scar-h low range
removed randomized faceparts from chargen
added companion stash missions
removed portable rowboat mod
removed corpse collision mod
fixed remington model 11 polymer furniture dosnt reduce weight despite its description
increased fat man value
fixed military ghoul fatigues making disappearing ankles with more feral ghouls mod
redid face and body textures to avoid some brownface, I dont really know this stuff, so ended up with a nifty synthesis patcher to distribute morphed presets to avoid all that kerfuffle of which NPC replacer wants which texture etc This ends up with some hat clipping but whatevs
fixed pipboy flashlight weird shadows ( the dynamic shadow options dont work on that mod!)
removed Vault jumpsuits from civilian leveled lists
reduced frequency of hats in civilian leveled lists
reduced healing values and added radiation to mutant menagerie foods
removed level-based damage scaling, we need to feel badass when we get to higher levels!
fixed UMP omod caliber swaps referring to pre-caliber complex calibers
fixed camping kit objects being auto-sorted by stash bag
reduced armor values of some gunner armor
reduced rad resist of gunner gas masks
increased armor value of b90
decreased armor value of PMC operator
removed stumble upon interiors and its associated patches ( prp, damnapo) because they didnt play well with other location mods
reduced value of some junkier junk parts
disabled Hunter of the commonwealth dismember on butcher because I learned the hard way that boombugs explode on dismember
increased vendor cap amounts, (ive made trading unfair enough as it is to get the really good guns, its just painful to go from vendor to vendor to sell all your stuff or wait until their cap inventory respawns.)
rebalanced some pistol calibers to be weaker
rebalanced raider armor to be weaker
removed some leftover crafting filter keywords
removed useful crank for laser musket as it ruined the reason for crossbow/bow to exist.
Fixed duplicate uility filter keyword categories for fishing rod
fixed broken previs i usaf sattelite staiton olivia
Fixed bullet sounds when throwing grenades
Fixed bleeding still applying after death respawn
Near total rebuild.
Gone are many many awkward and problem prone mods, simplified and streamlined.
Removed BLD and Agony and Survival First Aid etc
Replaced with a complementary set of mods that are designed for each other - Maim, Scourge, True Damage.
Added bullet penetration framework, and weapon jam framework, patched for all gun mods with synthesis automation.
Added a few quest mods for a testing phase
Added a bunch of weapon casing/sound/impact mods for more dynamic gunplay.
Added performout fancy textures as a base replacer for all Betheseda textures, before more specific texture mods overwrite certain ones.
Added A Forest and grass mods for a more realistic overgrown post-apocalyptic world.
Changed pipe weapon retexture mod to one thats less rusty
Added True Grass
Fixed Blood Textures on corpses
Removed VATS
Added Scaling weapon damage based on perception - now that VATS is gone, perception needs more of a use.
Added ammo switching with ECO quick menu to Crossbow, LString bow, and RPG.
Added critical hits outside of vats but reduced their frequency.
Added locky bastard mod for more lockpicking options
Added more carry weight bonuses in power armor
But no sneaking in power armor
HEavy weapons require strength to use effectively
Remove combat boundaries so enemies can follow more often through loading doors
Added better strenght bonuses to bashing with guns
Added more feral ghouls and feral ghouls expansion pack
Added a bunch of base object swapper mods for more variety in the world
Added playable guitars
Fixed more handless and naked gunner armor spawns, there will probably be more though, that mod is a pain in my ass
Added flashbang mod
Speeded up character creation by removing initial voice-over
Added mutant menagerie
Added wheelmenu
Fixed version number in Mo2
Added Boat to Spectacle Island mod Added Junkier Junk mod - so misc static junk can be picked up and scrapped
Fixed ECO workbench AGAIN as my previous fix unfixed it.
Fixed Gunner Combat Outfit(Grunt) had no hands
Fixed Makeshift SMG OMOD description referring to old calibers
Reduced stats slightly on Makeshift SMG as it was too good ( its meant to be makeshift! )
Increased stats on XM2076 sniper slightly to match its rarity and cost
Increased stats on DKS-501 sniper slightly ( as above )
Reduced protection and raised weight of Scavenged NCR Armor as it was pretty much better than anything else
FIxed Stetchkin APS going to a fire rate of 0 when converted back to semi-auto
Increased ammo availability from Vendors at mid-range levels and higher
Increased damage of FN FAL slightly as it was weaker than comparable combat rifles
Reduced Stetchkin APS damage when converted to 10mm, as it was much higher than comparable pistols
Added Binoculars and Tactical optics to levelled lists as they were pretty much impossible to find
Removed Preston as script properties in quests trying to reference him
Removed most of the "Last man standing" mod; the only thing really left of it is the name and a few edits - as the only feature I used from it was the quest changes to remove the minutemen, and I reimplemented that in a better way ( see below )
Previously quests like Mionrecruit02 ( Abernathy farm ) werent able to start, even by talking directly to Blake, because of the way I removed Workshops, a few quests actually required the workshops to be present. So what I did was enable the workbenches, but move them far underground so player cant use them, but quests can.
Id rather not fix it this way as it seems that some more bugs could creep through, but the only other alternative was to just not have these quests available at all, which wasnt acceptable for me.
Fixed a lot of dangling properties and such causing mostly harmless spam in papyrus log
Removed Nicotine addiction from cigs, its just annoying when smoking cigs is the primary saving method now
Disabled papyrus logging in release build
Disabled BLD popping up its messages on every game load
ACtually for real removed Junk Category from ECO workbench
Made SLeepness nights too safe a few patches ago, bumped up its chances a bit now. Might tweak to find the middle ground later
Goodneighbor neighborhood watch outfits , clipped more than usual with the torso armor part of their leveled lists, so removed that part.
Fixed M1 Carbine automatic conversion actually reducing rate of fire
Reduced price of antibiotics slightly
Changed all projectile gravity settings as they were dropping hugely, the author of caliber complex I think associated gravity with projectile weight, with values as high as 6.0 for 50 bmg but 1.0 for .22 LR , which didnt always give correct drop off behavior considering projectile velocity.
10mm at average engagement range of approx 20m needed to aim 2 inches (screenspace measurements) above targets head - obviously too much
Have edited all of the gravity values individually on a caliber by caliber basis, and tested the results ingame. 308 is relatively flat for example, and handgun calibers drop off more, but less than they did.
Fixed projectiles from suppressed guns always pointing their flash graphic North
Reduced length of new game start popup message to make text not so small
updated and expanded Readme
Removed ECO Junk crafting option as it was empty anyway Fixed Lstring bow MCM hotkey for arrow switching Restored Lstring bow arrow switcher item COBJ
Removed ECO options for directly modifying legendary slots and damage/zoom levels of every weapon
Added compass back to HUD but without enemy markers etc
removed ihud compass/toggle aid items
Removed mental health mod, it was simplistic and ended up having zero gameplay interactions in every playthrough I did, I want to bring it back at some point but only when its a full concept that really impacts gameplay
Fixed a couple of OMOD naming issues
Removed ECO OMOD stripper mod as it was un-needed and had problems in this setup
removed redundant SKK OMOD stripper as it was workshop only
Removed other workshop/settlement mods as they were redundant
Some consistency patching for various armor pieces
Slightly reduced armor encumbrance penalty
Amended stash bag script to not stash caps and lockpicks by default
Added Journal of the sole survivor mod, and edited it to be added to inventory on game start
Replaced useless Local Leader perk with one that improves charisma while only wearing non-combat, non-armor clothing
Made vanilla projectiles more inline with WOF-style BLD-style Caliber-complex projectiles, even when most vanilla stuff is converted to calcomplex, certain OMODs will revert to vanilla projectiles.
Edited startup text to be non gender-specific with the mention of killed "wife"
Edited consitency and naming with various guns
Removed HK GSG3 as it had unexplainable range issues I couldnt fix.
Fixed HK23 INNR naming conventions
Removed G43 rifle damage mods
Removed Makarov Pistol, it had issues
Reduced PMC Operator armor stats
Updated ENB binaries
Fixed a bunch of unused data and other minor errors that xedit reported on a load of mods
Removed ACO and swapped in ECO
Added Startup information box to describe first steps and changes
Removed most of survivalist first aid except for Splints
Added Sleep on Couches
Added ECO crafting bench to start game items
Custom Fast Travel Beacons
Removed Journey mod
Removed all misc junk and unbalanced vanilla armor recipes from ECO COBJ lists
Use BLD Bleeding mechanics instead
Use DamnApo/BLD/Agony multi-patch to integrate
Removed all workshops, and all workbenches, and all settlement building (except for vault 88, mechanists lair , boston airport )
Pulowski Bomb shelters protect from rad storms
Rebalance VATS slowdown to be a bit easier
Alcohol reduces pain
Added ECO OMOD stripper
Buff Crossbow slightly
Removed Hunting Kit COBJ ( as using Hunter of the commonwealth instead )
Removed Weapons of Fate as Caliber COmplex had same features anyway
Added BLD bleeding notification script
Custom placeable storage duffel bag
Reduced chances of sleepness nights encounters
various other consistency and bug patches
Added Quicktrade
Fixed up some weirdness in the purified water recipes ( now water purifier outputs 3 at once, and recipes arent duplicated )
Blocked Covenant workshop from becoming under player control after its quest
Fixed crosshairs in immersive hud
Fixed weirdness with bandages and their recipes.
Fixed radio stations not becoming available on new game with SKK Fast start
Fixed some more nude NPCs by removing hooded rags from body leveled lists
Fixed ENB stealth update
Fall UI minimal HUD preset added
Immersive HUD now correctly hides all HUD elements when pressing X key
Remove hooded rags from leveled lists that were supposed to be head-free, causing clothes-less NPCs
Removed NEST Bunkers mod - neat idea, too much free stuff.
Exclude companions ( dogmeat etc ) from the bleeding mechanics, which caused them to constantly re-die.
Remove Quaz vehicle overhaul, some missing textures and vehicles in the path of NPCs and dogmeats sniffing quest.
Block activation of the "smoke to save" animation of cigars and cigarettes, whilst in combat.
Fix Sanctuary Bridge doubling
Covert Pistol was showing as unique - fixed.
Even less food now placed in the world
Bandage recipes were duplicated, one with a bobby pin - removed duplicates
Changed bandage recipes to be slightly more expensive in components when crafted at a campfire, compared to chem bench
Reduced gun prices by around 25% across the board
But added a silent perk to player that reduces sell prices by 15% and raises buy prices by 15%
Removed Youre SPECIAL perk overhaul and tag skills mod - I didnt like the level up menu, and it had problems with lockpicking/hacking/pacify while aiming
Removed P90 SMG gun, as it had its animation subgraphdata overwritten anyway, and a patch would be very messy
Workshop scrap time wasnt working correctly, no time was passing when object scrapped, fixed this.
Doctors now remove the Death Penalty mod debuffs as part of their usual health restore services
Changed threshold for low health Monochrome screen space effect, reduced it so it dosnt happen as much
Removed PJAR Pistol mod, it had some weird spawn settings with its legendary variants, and it didnt add much that I didnt already have anyway.
Removed everyones best friend mod, as it was being overwritten anyway from survival mods, and I want Dogmeat to be a choice rather than a default companion + dogmeat.
Fixed Notifications popping up with black bars from overlapping elements.
Road Goggles were causing crashes in workbenches - dont know why. Just removed them
Fixed Makeshift Shotgun model
Reduced protection values for PMC operator outfits, they were very high.
Increased Health and Damage Resist and speed of supermutants and deathclaws, they were far too easy in my playthrough
fixed script for pet dogmeat so it forces third person when you activate dogmeat, so the animation can actually start
Ensured that PTSD is not alleviated for every "chem" as it previously was set to, so that bandages etc dont reduce PTSD.
Added Binoculars to levelled lists
Added Coffee to Levelled lists
I had intended to cap health at 80% after dying, but had set 20% in the Death Penalty MCM instead, this was very harsh and could cause death spirals, fixed to 80% now
Not quite happy with survival first aid mod, but will save that for a future version to overhaul it.
Added messagebox after character creation to explain that some things will be very different, so that hopefully players read the readme.