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Cal-ITP's dbt project

This dbt project is intended to be the source of truth for the cal-itp-data-infra BigQuery warehouse.

Setting up the project in your JupyterHub personal server

If you are developing dbt models in JupyterHub, the following pieces are already configured/installed.

  • Libraries such as gdal and graphviz
  • The gcloud CLI
  • poetry

You may have already authenticated gcloud and the GitHub CLI (gh) if you followed the JupyterHub setup docs. If not, follow those instructions before proceeding.

Clone and install the warehouse project

  1. Clone the data-infra repo via git clone [email protected]:cal-itp/data-infra.git if you haven't already. Use SSH, not HTTPS. If you haven't made a folder/directory for your git repos yet, you can create one with mkdir git (within your home directory, usually).

    1. You may be prompted to accept GitHub key's fingerprint if you are cloning a repository for the first time.
  2. The rest of these instructions assume you are in the warehouse/ directory of the repository.

    1. You will need to cd to it via cd <git-repos-path>/data-infra/warehouse/ or similar; for example, if you had created your directory with mkdir git, you will navigate to the warehouse directory with cd git/data-infra/warehouse/.
  3. Execute poetry install to create a virtual environment and install requirements.


If you run into an error complaining about graphviz (e.g. fatal error: 'graphviz/cgraph.h' file not found); see pygraphviz#398.

export CFLAGS="-I $(brew --prefix graphviz)/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L $(brew --prefix graphviz)/lib"
poetry install
  1. Execute poetry run dbt deps to install the dbt dependencies defined in packages.yml (such as dbt_utils).

  2. Set up your DBT profiles directory:

    1. If you are using JupyterHub, it should already be set to /home/jovyan/.dbt/.

    2. On your local machine, you will need to modify your respective shell's RC (e.g. .zshrc, .bashrc) file to export DBT_PROFILES_DIR to something like ~/.dbt/.

    You can check with echo $DBT_PROFILES_DIR to make sure it's set correctly.

  3. Execute poetry run dbt init to create the $DBT_PROFILES_DIR directory and a pre-built profiles.yml file; you will be prompted to enter a personal schema which is used as a prefix for your personal development environment schemas. The output should look similar to the following:

    ➜ poetry run dbt init
    19:14:32  Running with dbt=1.4.5
    19:14:32  Setting up your profile.
    schema (usually your name; will be added as a prefix to schemas e.g. <schema>_mart_gtfs): andrew
    maximum_bytes_billed (the maximum number of bytes allowed per BigQuery query; default is 2 TB) [2000000000000]:
    19:14:35  Profile calitp_warehouse written to /Users/andrewvaccaro/.dbt/profiles.yml using project's profile_template.yml and your supplied values. Run 'dbt debug' to validate the connection.

    See the dbt docs on profiles.yml for more background on this file.


This default profile template will set a maximum bytes billed of 2 TB; no models should fail with the default lookbacks in our development environment, even with a full refresh. You can override this limit during the init, or change it later by calling init again and choosing to overwrite (or editing the profiles.yml directly).


If you receive a warning similar to the following, do NOT overwrite the file. This is a sign that you do not have a DBT_PROFILES_DIR variable available in your environment and need to address that first (see step 5).

The profile calitp_warehouse already exists in /data-infra/warehouse/profiles.yml. Continue and overwrite it? [y/N]:
  1. Check whether ~/.dbt/profiles.yml was successfully created, e.g. cat ~/.dbt/profiles.yml. If you encountered an error, you may create it by hand and fill it with the same content:

          fixed_retries: 1
          location: us-west2
          method: oauth
          priority: interactive
          project: cal-itp-data-infra-staging
          schema: <yourname>
          threads: 8
          timeout_seconds: 3000
          maximum_bytes_billed: 100000000000
          type: bigquery
          gcs_bucket: test-calitp-dbt-python-models
          dataproc_region: us-west2
          submission_method: serverless
                spark.executor.cores: "4"
                spark.executor.instances: "4"
                spark.executor.memory: 4g
                spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors: "16"
      target: dev
  2. Finally, test your connection to our staging BigQuery project with poetry run dbt debug. You should see output similar to the following.

    ➜  warehouse git:(jupyterhub-dbt) ✗ poetry run dbt debug
    16:50:15  Running with dbt=1.4.5
    dbt version: 1.4.5
    python version: 3.9.16
    python path: /Users/andrewvaccaro/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/calitp-warehouse-YI2euBZD-py3.9/bin/python
    os info: macOS-12.3.1-x86_64-i386-64bit
    Using profiles.yml file at /Users/andrewvaccaro/.dbt/profiles.yml
    Using dbt_project.yml file at /Users/andrewvaccaro/go/src/
      profiles.yml file [OK found and valid]
      dbt_project.yml file [OK found and valid]
    Required dependencies:
     - git [OK found]
      method: oauth
      database: cal-itp-data-infra-staging
      schema: andrew
      location: us-west2
      priority: interactive
      timeout_seconds: 3000
      maximum_bytes_billed: None
      execution_project: cal-itp-data-infra-staging
      job_retry_deadline_seconds: None
      job_retries: 1
      job_creation_timeout_seconds: None
      job_execution_timeout_seconds: 3000
      gcs_bucket: test-calitp-dbt-python-models
      Connection test: [OK connection ok]
    All checks passed!

dbt Commands

Once you have performed the setup above, you are good to go run dbt commands locally! Run the following commands in order.

  1. poetry run dbt seed
    1. Will create tables in your personally-named schema from the CSV files present in ./seeds, which can then be referenced by dbt models.
    2. You will need to re-run seeds if new seeds are added, or existing ones are changed.
  2. poetry run dbt run
    1. Wll run all the models, i.e. execute SQL in the warehouse.
    2. In the future, you can specify selections (via the -s or --select flags) to run only a subset of models, otherwise this will run all the tables.
    3. By default, your very first run is a full refresh but you'll need to pass the --full-refresh flag in the future if you want to change the schema of incremental tables, or "backfill" existing rows with new logic.


In general, it's a good idea to run seed and run --full-refresh if you think your local environment is substantially outdated (for example, if you haven't worked on dbt models in a few weeks but want to create or modify a model). We have macros in the project that prevent a non-production "full refresh" from actually processing all possible data.

Some additional helpful commands:

  • poetry run dbt test -- will test all the models (this executes SQL in the warehouse to check tables); for this to work, you first need to dbt run to generate all the tables to be tested
  • poetry run dbt compile -- will compile all the models (generate SQL, with references resolved) but won't execute anything in the warehouse; useful for visualizing what dbt will actually execute
  • poetry run dbt docs generate -- will generate the dbt documentation
  • poetry run dbt docs serve -- will "serve" the dbt docs locally so you can access them via http://localhost:8080; note that you must docs generate before you can docs serve

Incremental model considerations

We make heavy use of incremental models in the Cal-ITP warehouse since we have large data volumes, but that data arrives in a relatively consistent pattern (i.e. temporal).

In development, there is a maximum lookback defined for incremental runs. The purpose of this is to handle situations where a developer may not have executed a model for a period of time. It's easy to handle full refreshes with a maximum lookback; we simply template in N days ago rather than the "true" start of the data for full refreshes. However, we also template in MAX(N days ago, max DT of existing table) for developer incremental runs; otherwise, going a month without executing a model would mean that a naive incremental implementation would then read in that full month of data. This means that your development environment can end up with gaps of data; if you've gone a month without executing a model, and then you execute a regular run that reads in the past N (7 currently) days of data, you will have a ~23 day gap. If this gap is unacceptable, you can resolve this in one of two ways.

  • If you are able to develop and test with only recent data, execute a --full-refresh on your model(s) and all parents. This will drop the existing tables and re-build them with the last 7 days of data.
  • If you need historical data for your analysis, copy the production table with CREATE TABLE <your_schema>.<tablename> COPY <production_schema>.<tablename; copies are free in BigQuery so this is substantially cheaper than fully building the model yourself.

Setting up the project on your local machine

If you prefer to install dbt locally and use your own development environment, you may follow these instructions to install the same tools already installed in the JupyterHub environment.

If this is your first time using the terminal, we recommend reading "Learning the Mac OS X Command Line" or another tutorial first. You will generally need to understand cd and the concept of the "home directory" aka ~. When you first open the terminal, your "working directory" will be the home directory. Running the cd command without any arguments will set your working directory back to ~.

You can enable displaying hidden folders/files in macOS Finder but generally, we recommend using the terminal when possible for editing these files. Generally, nano ~/.dbt/profiles.yml will be the easiest method for editing your personal profiles file. nano is a simple terminal-based text editor; you use the arrows keys to navigate and the hotkeys displayed at the bottom to save and exit. Reading an online tutorial for using nano may be useful if you haven't used a terminal-based editor before.


These instructions assume you are on macOS, but are largely similar for other operating systems. Most *nix OSes will have a package manager that you should use instead of Homebrew.


If you get Operation not permitted when attempting to use the terminal, you may need to fix your terminal permissions

Install Homebrew (if you haven't)

  1. Follow the installation instructions at
  2. Then, brew install gdal graphviz to install libraries used by some Python libraries.

Install the Google SDK (if you haven't)

  1. Implied: make sure that you have GCP permissions (i.e. that someone has added you to the GCP project)

  2. Install and configure Google Cloud CLI

    1. Install it via Homebrew for an automatic process or skip to step 2 for a manual installation

      brew install google-cloud-sdk
    2. Follow download the latest release from Google gcloud documentation and follow their instructions or read along here.

      1. Unzip the .tar.gz file that you downloaded

        # This will unzip the file to your home directory (aka ~/)
        tar -xvf <drag file from Finder window to get file name> ~
      2. Then run the installer in your terminal

      3. When prompted to modify your $PATH and enable command completion, choose yes.

      4. After the installation process has completed, check your shell configuration (e.g. ~/.zshrc, ~/.bashrc) to ensure that the google-cloud-sdk folder has been added to your $PATH. The line you're looking for may look similar to,

        export PATH="$HOME/google-cloud-sdk/bin:$PATH"
  3. Restart your terminal, and run gcloud init

  4. Step through the prompts and select the Google account associated with GCP

    • Set cal-itp-data-infra as the default project
    • Do not set a region
  5. You should also set the application default so that dbt can access your Google Cloud credentials.

    gcloud auth application-default login
  6. If bq ls shows output, you are good to go.

Install poetry

  1. Install poetry (used for package/dependency management).
  2. Restart your terminal and confirm poetry --version works.
  3. Follow the warehouse setup instructions
  4. If this doesn't work because of an error with Python version, you may need to install Python 3.9
    1. brew install [email protected]
    2. brew link [email protected]
    3. After restarting the terminal, confirm with python3 --version and retry poetry install

Upgrading Poetry from legacy installer

If you installed Poetry using their legacy script, you may run into issues upgrading to versions past 1.2.0. Here is a workflow that has worked:

  1. Remove the legacy directory that Poetry used (see the "Uninstall Poetry" step in their docs),

    rm -rf "${POETRY_HOME:-~/.poetry}"
  2. Remove ~/.poetry/bin declaration from your shell configuration file (e.g. .zshrc, .bashrc). The line you're looking for may look like this,

    export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH"
  3. Now, you may install poetry as described in the above section.

  4. Run poetry --version to confirm the installation has succeeded. If you get a warning about the location of your TOML configuration files, here's what to do next,

    # Run these two commands to move the Poetry config TOML file from the legacy location to the new location.
    mkdir <directory listed in "consider moving files to" section of warning>
    mv <directory listed in "configuration exists at" section of warning>/config.toml ~/Library/Preferences/pypoetry/
    # Example usage may look like:
    # mkdir ~/Library/Preferences/pypoetry/
    # mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/pypoetry/config.toml ~/Library/Preferences/pypoetry/

Dataproc configuration

If you are not using Python models or are just using the existing Dataproc configuration, you can ignore this section.

dbt docs exist for setting up Python models in general, as well as the specific steps required to configure BigQuery/Dataproc.

The default profile template specifies<date_tag> as the custom image for Dataproc batch jobs. This image is built and pushed via the following; note that the image is hosted on Google Container Registry ( not GitHub Container Registry ( This will need to be migrated to Google Artifact Repository at some point in the future, as it is replacing GCR.

docker build -f Dockerfile.spark -t
docker push

Dockerfile.spark is based on the example provided by Google in their Dataproc Serverless documentation. It references two files that are copied from local into the image; links are provided as comments for downloading these if the image needs to be re-built.

In addition to the steps specified in the dbt docs, Google Private Access was enabled on our default VPC and the cal-itp-data-infra-staging project's default service account ([email protected]) was granted access to the production project since the buckets for compiled Python models (gs://calitp-dbt-python-models and gs://test-calitp-dbt-python-models) as well as external tables exist in the production project.

Testing Warehouse Image Changes

A person with Docker set up locally can build a development version of the underlying warehouse image at any time after making changes to the Dockerfile or its requirements. From the relevant subfolder, run

docker build -t .

That image can be used alongside a local Airflow instance to test changes locally prior to merging, if pushed to GHCR first.

Deploying Changes to Production

The warehouse image and dbt project are automatically built and deployed on every change that's merged to main. When changes to this directory are merged into main, the build-warehouse-image GitHub Action automatically publishes an updated version of the image.

After deploying, no additional steps should be necessary. All internal code referencing the warehouse image utilizes the Airflow image_tag macro to automatically fetch the latest version during DAG runs.