title: Devoxx France 2019 class: animation-fade layout: true
.bottom-bar[ #DevoxxFR ]
class: impact
We try to keep the Devoxx France logo and the Tweet hashtag on all slides
This is a slide without background images.
You must load and install 2 Fonts on your system :
- Montserrat (https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/montserrat)
- Open Sans (https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/open-sans)
See online on Adobe color
Try to keep a font size as big as possible. Remember also that too much code on one slide is useless. The audience reads this texte and does not listen to your presentation anymore. Try to split on different slides your presentation.[2]> zadd hackers 1953 "Richard Stallman"
(integer) 1[2]>[2]> zadd hackers 1969 "Linus"
(integer) 1[2]> zadd hackers 1912 "Alan turing"
(integer) 1[2]> zadd hackers 1953 "Richard Stallman"
(integer) 1[2]>[2]> zadd hackers 1969 "Linus"
(integer) 1[2]> zadd hackers 1912 "Alan turing"
(integer) 1[2]> zrange hackers 0 -1
1) "Alan turing"
2) "Richard Stallman"
3) "Linus"[2]> zadd hackers 1953 "Richard Stallman"
(integer) 1[2]>[2]> zadd hackers 1969 "Linus"
(integer) 1[2]> zadd hackers 1912 "Alan turing"
(integer) 1[2]> zrange hackers 0 -1
1) "Alan turing"
2) "Richard Stallman"
3) "Linus"[2]> zrange hackers 0 -1 withscores
1) "Alan turing"
2) "1912"
3) "Richard Stallman"
4) "1953"
5) "Linus"
6) "1969"
class: impact
Devoxx France 2019
241 speakers with a bagde, 68 exhibitors
and more than 3000 attendees ] .col-6[ ]
class: impact
- Devoxx France runs on 3 days
- Audience loves live coding and demo
- Too much bullet points is super boring
- More text : less concentration from the audience that will just read your slides
- So this is exactly what you should not do
- Devoxx France se déroule sur 3 jours
- Le public préfère les démonstrations et l’écriture de code en direct
- Trop de points avec des puces c’est ennuyant
- Si vos slides peuvent vous remplacer, alors vous ne servez à rien comme orateur
- Imaginez que votre ensemble de diapos ne doivent pas pouvoir vivre sans vous, sans votre présentation et votre contenu
- Merci donc de ne PAS faire comme ce slide à mourir
Les diagrammes dynamiques c’est vraiment top
.center[ https://cfp.devoxx.fr ]
- Here are just a few photos from Devoxx France so that you get a better idea of what you’re about to live
- Voici quelques photos de Devoxx France afin de vous donner une idée de ce que vous vous apprêtez à vivre...
class: full, middle, center background-image: url(./images/slide_22.jpg)
class: full, middle, center background-image: url(./images/slide_23.jpg)
class: full, middle, center background-image: url(./images/slide_24.jpg)
class: full, middle, center background-image: url(./images/slide_25.jpg)
Contribute and propose other templates on https://github.com/quantixx/template-presentation
Use Markdown to write your slides. Don't be afraid, it's really easy!
Create slides with your favorite text editor --
Focus on your content, not the tool --
You can finally be productive!
You can also add code
to your slides:
<div class="impact">Some HTML code</div>
You can use .alt[shortcut] syntax to apply .big[some style!]
...or just HTML if you prefer.
Use to the included grid layout classes to split content easily: .col-6[
- I'm on the left
- It's neat! ] .col-6[
- I'm on the right
- I love it! ]
See the wiki to learn more of what you can do with .alt[Remark.js]