This document aims to represent all notable changes to Vieb.
Vieb is a Vim Inspired Electron Browser made by Jelmer van Arnhem and contributors, and can be copied under the terms of the GPL-3.0 or later versions. See the or LICENSE file for more info and details about Vieb and its license. Links in the changelog are part of The releases page also contains the most important changes per release, but the list below contains much more technical details. The releases of Vieb aim to follow semantic versioning.
- More adblocker default blocklists, mainly the yearly ublock lists
- Pointer not displaying in the right place when used in a split that's not in the topleft area
- Focussing non-supported inputs (like number) showing errors on selection for insertAtFirstInput action
- Translation for openexternal ask permission dialog not showing the url
- Electron 34.2.0 (was 34.0.0)
- Chromium 132.0.6834.196 (was 132.0.6834.83)
12.2.0 - 2025-01-20
- History and favicon storage to be async for reducing temporary freezes
- Command mkviebrc still using single quotes to generate full output
- Electron 34.0.0 (was 33.2.0)
- Chromium 132.0.6834.83 (was 130.0.6723.118)
12.1.0 - 2024-11-24
- Adblock resources file handling, now uses the JSON format for increased coverage
- Argument interface scale not accepting fractional scaling in some cases
- Occasional scaling issue that affected the position of the menu suggestions
- Safer check for document.head.innerText to prevent errors in page console
- Missing space in "New tab" wording of English translation
- Startup not working for users who never used custom settings before 12.0.0
- Electron 33.2.0 (was 30.0.6)
- Chromium 130.0.6723.118 (was 124.0.6367.207)
12.0.0 - 2024-05-15
- Setting "lang" with partial translation support
- Default mappings for navbar modes to select suggestions with C-j and C-k
- Default mappings for cancelling recordings using
- Clone tab buttons to mouse menu of a tab, to either edit or navigate directly
- Actions "p.mediaFaster" and "p.mediaSlower" to control audio/video playback speed
- Experimental optional DRM builds to the build script (default release is not affected)
- Setting "adblockernotifications" to control which notifications should be shown for the adblocker
- Build option for compressing just an asar file of the app to run directly with Electron
- Tab and system audio sharing option support to the improved display capture popup
- Greasemonkey scripts to work with single match argument instead of multiple include statements
- Download pausing and removal to be via uuid instead of index to be more reliable
- Special pages to no longer use a reversed rendering order, making selecting and styling easier
- Special pages to no longer use a fixed minimum width
- Additional cut/copy/paste keys to also work in the navbar (S-del, C-Insert & S-Insert)
- Styling category to be correct for filebrowser (previously page, now file)
- Stored urls of closed tabs to also be in human readable format to better account for special pages
- Special pages to always use the vieb:// prefix again for simpler datafolder switching
- Shift modifier to be less strict for popup input keys
- Display capture popup to be outside of the page as a proper notification
- Greasemonkey scripts that broke when the header was directly next to the script
- Greasemonkey scripts not working if multiple match the same domain by using an IIFE
- Setting "mouse" not working at all in 11.0.0 due to incorrect setting type
- Downloads not kept on restart since V10
- Startup urls not opening in existing instance if the protocol was missing
- String settings not accepting double quote escaping properly in 11.0.0
- Markdown local images not loading properly on Windows due to Windows file paths being weird
- File explorer not working on Windows since 10.4.0 due to Windows file paths being weirrd
- Root url actions breaking the file explorer on Windows by navigating above the root
- Electron 30.0.6 (was 28.0.0)
- Chromium 124.0.6367.207 (was 120.0.6099.56)
11.0.0 - 2023-12-07
- Settings of type list and object, that can also be set with lists or objects with ":set"
- Setting "loadingindicator" to control where the page load status should be shown
- Setting "passthroughkeys" to send keys to the page per site/domain/regex without leaving normal mode
- Option to write command to save pages as MHTML instead of just HTML
- Setting "windowfullscreen" to allow the fullscreen state to be kept after restart (default "restore")
- Setting clear syntax from booleans ":set noexample", to work for objects, arrays and numbers too
- Default value for "dialogconfirm" to "notifyallow"
- Default value for "nativetheme" to "dark"
- Disabled favicons to be empty instead of showing the broken image indicator
- Mapsuggest and notification alignment in default colorscheme
- Table of contents to be always open, it is either opened and shown or not shown at all
- Table of contents to remember the scroll position on hide, until the page is reloaded, for easy toggling
- Default theme suggest position to be below the tabs
- Setting "mousevisualmode" now works with double and triple click selections
- Default screenshot suggestions, highlight behavior and styling to be more prominent
- Setting "modifiers" to use full key names: for example
instead of justCtrl
- Escaping in set commands now only works with double quotes, no longer with single
- Setting "suspendplayingtab" in favor of "suspendtimeoutignore" with the right range
- Option "system" for "nativetheme"
- Option "ask" for "permissionmediadevices"
- Setting "restorewindowmaximize" in favor of "windowmaximize" with value "restore"
- Setting "restorewindowposition" in favor of "windowposition" with value "restore"
- Setting "restorewindowsize" in favor of "windowsize" with value "restore"
- Download success notification showing in info color instead of success color
- Occasional error popup when viewing SVGs directly because of style injection refusal
- Markdownviewer not supporting local images due to file access limits
- GUI-related settings not hiding after follow and pointer actions due to pointer being in mouse override position
- Mapped insert mode inputs with shifted keys sending the keys twice or not at all when unshifted variant exists
- Non-recursive insert mode special keys not always being called with the correct name (hence arrows not working)
- Electron 28.0.0 (was 27.1.0)
- Chromium 120.0.6099.56 (was 118.0.5993.144)
10.6.0 - 2023-11-17
- Settings "windowmaximize" to replace "restorewindowmaximize" and allow fixed defaults
- Settings "windowposition" to replace "restorewindowposition" and allow custom positions
- Settings "windowsize" to replace "restorewindowsize" and allow custom sizes
- Revert deprecation of "tocpages", current empty default wil remain in 11.x.x
- More setting related errors to show the incorrect value
- Setting "restorewindowmaximize" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowmaximize" with "restore"
- Setting "restorewindowposition" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowposition" with "restore"
- Setting "restorewindowsize" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowsize" with "restore"
- Nativetheme not updating correctly because of incorrect deprecation statement in previous release
- Electron 27.1.0 (was 27.0.4)
- Chromium 118.0.5993.144 (was 118.0.5993.129)
10.5.0 - 2023-11-10
- Setting "suspendtimeoutignore" to specify ranges to exclude from the "suspendtimeout" setting
- Setting "suspendplayingtab" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "suspendtimeoutignore" with the right range
- Default value for "dialogconfirm" being "notifyblock" (will change to "notifyallow" in 11.x.x)
- Default value for "nativetheme" being "system" (will change to "dark" in 11.x.x, "system" will be removed)
- Default value for "tocpages" being "" (will change to "vieb://help" in 11.x.x)
- Option "ask" for "permissionmediadevices" (will be removed in 11.x.x)
- Table of contents background being transparent
- Cache not being cleared correctly on quit on Windows resulting in background processes remaining
- Electron 27.0.4 (was 27.0.0)
- Chromium 118.0.5993.129 (was 118.0.5993.54)
10.4.0 - 2023-10-12
- Clickable headers to the filebrowser to go up multiple directories at once
- Extra CSS color variables names for filebrowser, still using the same default colors
- Entry "top" in the toc to go back to the top of the page
- Argument "--execute" to run arbitrary runtime commands from the CLI and get its output
- Option "allowkind" to setting "permissionmediadevices" to only list the device type/kind without labels or ids
- Startup flag "--devtools-theme" and ENV var VIEB_DEVTOOLS_THEME to control devtools theme (default remains dark)
- Command "buffers" to list all the open tabs as "index: url"
- Eslint rules to be more strict with better jsdoc and types
- Url modification functions for subdomain and parent urls to be more accurate
- Clicks on tabs while inside navbar modes to switch tab instead of only going to normal mode
- Rare error popup on quit on some Linux desktop environments
- Location mock not being accurate leading to broken functionality on Gitlab and other sites
- Command "tabnewcontainer" not opening with the right name if using "containernewtab=s:external"
- Extra horizontal scrollbar on failedload and filebrowser pages since last release
- Some selections with email addresses being encoded as if a url on copy
- Setting explorehist not working since 10.0.0 due to incorrect import
- Potential duplicate ids in toc generation if a page already has the generated id
- Config file read from ENV VIEB_CONFIG_FILE always being changed to lowercase
- Chrome pages not being styled directly when changing colorscheme
- Pages without div or main incorrectly using colorscheme instead of a white background
- Permission mediadevices throwing an error instead of returning an empty list for blocking media device list
- Colorscheme verticaltabs breaking the history page layout due to duplicate ids
- Electron 27.0.0 (was 27.0.0-alpha.3)
- Chromium 118.0.5993.54 (was 118.0.5949.0)
10.3.0 - 2023-08-28
- Table of contents that can be triggered for pages via
or using the<showTOC>
actions - Default ozone-platform-hint=auto flag to Linux releases with a desktop file to improve Wayland support
- Command
to remove multiple mappings by using<Any>
as a wildcard
- Failedload and filebrowser pages are now styled with themes like other special pages
- Undo/redo navbar logic to prevent duplicate entries in the edit history
- Commands to list the name and arguments of failing commands more often
- Fullscreen to also toggle when the window is made fullscreen via Linux specific OS fullscreen features
- Simple text pages that disable JavaScript blocking the colors and fontsize being applied
- Actions "toParentSubdomain" and toRootSubdomain" not working with dashes in the domain name
- Media device query being denied if done via the allow list with
- Navbar selection being cleared when dragging outside of the navbar
- Media indicator not showing in numberedtabs colorscheme
- Domain name function not removing port number resulting in wrong paths for
if viewing a page with custom port number
- Electron 27.0.0-alpha.3 (was 25.4.0)
- Chromium 118.0.5949.0 (was 114.0.5735.248)
10.2.0 - 2023-08-09
- Setting "permissionidledetection" to control access to the Idle Detection API, default remains blocked
- Setting "permissionwindowmanagement" to control access to the list of screens and their position, default remains blocked
- Use urls and titles in a command with
- Overflow wrap not splitting words as needed for download title
- Permission check via navigator.permission.query always being allowed, it now uses the permission to correctly inform sites
- USB permission not being blocked in the permissionsasked setting
- Electron 25.4.0 (was 25.2.0)
- Chromium 114.0.5735.248 (was 114.0.5735.134)
10.1.1 - 2023-07-11
- Stored urls to be of the human readable format to better account for special pages
- Adblocker to show a notification if enabled but not present for all builds
- AppImage builds to better handle special pages for changing runtime folder
- Encoding issues since 10.0.0 in markdownviewer, readerview and sourceviewer
- Mappings that send keys to insert mode delayed not working since 10.0.0
- Potential circular reference to parent iframes resulting in freezes
- Electron 25.2.0 (unchanged)
- Chromium 114.0.5735.134 (unchanged)
10.1.0 - 2023-06-22
- Option "external" to "pdfbehavior" setting to open the pdf with externalcommand automatically
- Settings starting with "no" or "inv" not being able to be listed without "?" nor reporting the correct name
- Actions "nextPage" and "previousPage" no longer working for link elements
- Pointer scrolling to search results not working correctly due to Electron's inconsistent API
- Infinite loading issue for unresponsive pages due to loadurl rework
- Newtab actions for pointer mode not working due to tab still loading
- Errors for ipc calls to webview that are still being created by only sending data to webview with ready dom
- First navigation issue that requires a second mouse click to navigate by delaying the useragent reroll
- Relative feed URLs only returning the path (they are now prefixed with the current url as needed)
- Firefox version calculation being ahead of time due to delayed Firefox releases
- Electron 25.2.0 (was 25.1.1)
- Chromium 114.0.5735.134 (was 114.0.5735.106)
10.0.0 - 2023-06-15
- Blocklist uBlock Origin filters to the default list of blocklists
- Setting "requestheaders" to append custom headers to any request
- More default mappings: Firefox/Chromium inspired and mute/pin/internaldevtools mappings
- Settings "userscriptscope", "userstylescope" and "darkreaderscope" to control which pages scripts, styles and darkreader should run
- Suggestions for ranges
- Argument option to the mute command to force a mute state, such as
:mute! true
- Argument option to the pin command to force a pinned state, such as
:pin! false
- Setting "followlabelposition" to control where the label of follow elements should appear
- Set command syntax to rotate between a custom set of values, such as
:set example!value1|value2|value3
- Setting "permissionusb" to list usb devices (default remains blocked, previously grouped as "unknown")
- Types and documentation using JSDoc to most of the source code
- More position options for opening new tabs using "tabnewposition"
- More focus positions after closing a tab using "tabclosefocus"
- Additional flags for ranges to filter suspended/real pages and audio/silent tabs
- Setting "pdfbehavior" to control what happens with PDF files (default changed from viewing to download)
- Support for the context menu key with default mapping to opening the menu
- Setting "historyperpage" to control the amount of history entries to show per page
- Action "pointer.copyTitleAttr" to copy the title attribute of a hovered element
- Action "pointer.copyPageTitle" to copy the page title of the hovered link if in the history
- Full interface scaling startup flag "--interface-scale", which can be combined with custom font sizes to achieve many different ratios
- Setting "notificationlimitsmall" to control how many newlines should be the limit for small/large notifications
- Option "largeonly" to the "nativenotification" setting to only show large ones natively
- Actions "pageRSSLinksList" and "pageRSSLinkToClipboard" to list and copy RSS feed urls found on the page
- Setting "replacespecial" is now by default set to "special"
- Default mapping
will now copy in normal, pointer and visual mode as well - Setting "restoretabs" is now an enum that accepts different options
- Setting "notificationforpermisions" is now an enum that accepts different options
- Example configs to not include as much duplication as before
- Userstyles are now applied even if darkreader fails to apply
- Mapstring splitting to be more accurate when recursively including < and >
- Mappings for recording macros to be more in line with Vim, by mapping and unmapping them on start/stop
- Buffer commands to show all matching commands instead of the first one (especially useful for ranges)
- Pin command to better preserve tab order when using ranges
- JavaScript execution to always allow user interaction APIs
- Svg and "data:" favicons to be used if present in the list, otherwise still pick the first
- History page rendering mechanism to support large history files much better using pagination and background rendering
- Setting "guifontsize" now accepts a much wider range of values to accommodate interface scaling
- Erwic mode permissions to now ask for displaycapture instead of blocking it (Vieb default is still to block)
- Favicon mapping storage now uses a debounce mechanism similar to browsing history to improve performance
- Crashed tabs to allow navigating and reloading by recreating them as a new tab at the same position
- Action "openNewTab" in favor of ":tabnew" command
- Setting "clearhistoryonquit" in favor of "clearhistoryinterval=session"
- Setting "search" in favor of the functionality identical "searchengine" setting
- Setting "tabnexttocurrent" in favor of "tabnewposition" enum
- Setting "tabclosefocusright" in favor of "tabclosefocus" enum
- Image and svg follow links not showing since 9.0.0
- Scrollbar styling not working on pages that block custom CSS
- Userstyles not working on pages that block custom CSS
- Display capture styling not working on pages that block custom CSS
- Index-based ranges not working correctly for some commands
- Navigation delay system updating the current page instead of the right one
- Navigation delay system preventing page navigations for new tabs that are not loading
- Favicon not showing or spinner still rotating for suspended tabs
- Insert mode being left if interacting with the page menu
- System clipboard being used incorrectly on Windows and Mac on selections due to selection clipboard not existing on those systems
- Commands "tabnew" and "tabnewcontainer" not converting arguments to a url (preventing searches from working too)
- Mouse hover remaining on follow element when moving the mouse outside of the window
- Mappings being listed as modified when they were overwritten by the very same entry using :map
- Follow links which vary in height/width compared to parent potentially causing follow highlight to switch between them periodically
- Setting "containernames" not updating listed container immediately and not switching at all for new tabs and mouse clicks
- White background on special pages when reloading them multiple times
- Erwic settings not being saved with :mkviebrc if similar to regular Vieb defaults
- Settings "notificationforpermisions" being set to "none" not preventing notifications from being stored
- Keyboard focus being lost when opening pages that do not allow JavaScript to be run
- Suspendonrestore value "none" suspending all tabs instead of none
- Tabs with file paths open not being stored for next startup
- Incremental search sometimes moving two entries when searching the same string
- Electron 25.1.1 (was 23.2.0)
- Chromium 114.0.5735.106 (was 110.0.5481.192)
9.7.1 - 2023-05-04
- Setting "tabnexttocurrent" boolean in favor of "tabnewposition" enum
- Setting "tabclosefocusright" boolean in favor of "tabclosefocus" enum
- Electron 23.2.0 (unchanged)
- Chromium 110.0.5481.192 (unchanged)
9.7.0 - 2023-04-02
- Command "clear" to wipe browsing data based on intervals or partial urls (currently only history)
- Setting "clearhistoryinterval" to more finely control the deletion of history on quit by interval
- Option "url" to the list of mouse features to control interaction with the input box while already typing (default on)
- Option "leaveinsert" to the list of mouse features to control if clicking outside the page should leave insert mode (default on)
- Option "notification" to the list of mouse features to control if clicking the download notification should open the file (default on)
- Setting "mousedisabledbehavior" to control if elements with no enabled mouse interaction should optionally drag the window (nothing by default)
- Setting "guiscrollbar" to control if and when the scrollbar should appear on pages (default remains always on)
- Documentation for all modes by mode name instead of just the action name (also means better sorted actions)
- More values to "dialogconfirm" to automatically allow the confirm dialog without needing to show it
- More default mappings that are similar to Firefox/Chromium
- Favicon icons to the buffer command suggestions for better recognition
- Actions "startRecording", "stopRecording" and "runRecording" to record key presses and later execute them (macros/records in Vim)
- Resetting focus now happens on every user interaction instead of on a timer
- Url can now be selected from outside explore mode directly (and keep the selection if switching to explore mode)
- History storage is now slightly faster by only wiping empty entries on write
- Settings now have links to documentation about the type of value they can contain
- Naming scheme of setting types is now more streamlined and better documented
- Searchword urls are now filled in with the resolved url in the suggestions while you type
- Seachwords will now also activate if prefixed with spaces
- Filetype suggestions coming from history are now correctly colored in history color instead of file suggest color
- Default theme now shows the default cursor instead of the text cursor on the url box if interaction is disabled
- Locales are now included in regular releases but still excluded from lite builds (see
) - All mouse features now have a "mouse-something" className added to the body if enabled to allow more customization in colorschemes
- Action "menuOpen" will now keep working even if the settings are set to never, this does not affect regular right clicks
- Userstyles are now also applied when the DOM is ready, not just when the page is fully loaded
- Commands "screencopy" and "screenshot" will show the screen highlight even without entering all 4 dimension values
- Single key mapping commands now also combine different modes into one map command if all modes have the same mapping
- Buffer commands now search for matches the same way as explore mode, as do the suggestions
- Setting "clearhistoryonquit" in favor of "clearhistoryinterval=session"
- Default value for "replacespecial" being "newtab" (will change to "special" in 10.x.x)
- Setting "search" in favor of the functionality identical "searchengine" setting
- Ctrl-c default mapping for the stopLoadingPage action instead of the new Esc
- Boolean toggling "restoretabs" in favor providing a value (toggle commands will stop working in 10.x.x)
- Boolean toggling "notificationforpermisions" in favor providing a value (toggle commands will stop working in 10.x.x)
- Action "openNewTab" in favor of running the ":tabnew" command
- Vieb right click menu not working due to removed .path in events
- Follow filtering being cancelled when interacting with the navbar using the mouse
- Explore mode history not storing the first change in the Ctrl-z/Ctrl-y history
- Middle mouse paste not updating explore mode's Ctrl-z/Ctrl-y history
- Self closing tabs not being cleaned up correctly due to Electron devtools close call being unsafe
- Text selection still briefly being visible outside explore mode when toexplore mouse feature is disabled
- Websocket connections being blocked when setting custom resourcetypes due to casing error
- Mousefeature history always being on even if not in the list of enabled features
- Mode selector not being as big as it should be and therefor closing the dropdown occasionally
- Sites without a div and without proper background not getting the default white background
- Pointer mode help commands going to the action if they have the same name
- Ctrl-F4 to close tab default mapping not working
- Default text value for prompt dialogs not being used
- Iframe position not being shifted correctly for iframes inside a same origin iframe
- Electron 23.2.0 (was 23.1.1)
- Chromium 110.0.5481.192 (was 110.0.5481.104)
9.6.0 - 2023-02-23
- Mouse setting "copyselect" is no longer available/needed for copying text by selecting, as it wasn't blocked correctly anyway
- Mouse selections will now copy to the selection clipboard, instead of the default one, and at all times
- Userscript domain name not working at all by using an internal url instead of the page url
- Explore, command and search mode not being exited when dragging the mouse
- Electron 23.1.1 (was 22.0.3)
- Chromium 110.0.5481.104 (was 108.0.5359.179)
9.5.1 - 2023-01-20
- COOP is now enabled again as the old workaround for Twitter navigations is no longer needed
- SharedArrayBuffer is now enabled to make web workers more useful and faster
- Attempting to navigate a page that isn't ready for navigation will now wait until it's ready
- CORS issues when using darkreader
- Exception in devtools when using newtaburl
- Middle-mouse pasting not working in command and search mode as it would switch to explore mode incorrectly
- Electron 22.0.3 (was 22.0.0)
- Chromium 108.0.5359.179 (was 108.0.5359.62)
9.5.0 - 2022-12-14
- Startup argument "--unsafe-multiwin" to have multiple windows in the same datafolder and skip the single instance safety check
- Command "translatepage" to translate the page using Deepl API or LibreTranslate
- Settings "translateapi", "translatekey", "translatelang" and "translateurl" to customize translation settings for ":translatepage"
- Setting "permissionclipboardwrite", as clipboard writing was recently moved to a permission by Electron (default remains allowed)
- Settings "replacespecial" and "replacestartup" to control when new pages should re-use/replace the current tab
- Rpm and deb releases are now symlinked in /usr/bin correctly on updates after this one
- Confirm char "!" for special page commands now opens them in a new tab regardless of the new "replacespecial" setting
- Recursive key mappings not working correctly when the timeout is reached and there are also multi-key mappings
- Cache errors/corruption on Windows upon restart after clearing/disabling cache
- Setting externalcommand is now actually used for opening new tabs externally (fallback remains the default browser)
- Exception popup on Linux when quitting if using window frame borders
- Valid urls without protocol not always being recognized as a startup argument
- Electron 22.0.0 (was 22.0.0-beta.5)
- Chromium 108.0.5359.62 (was 108.0.5359.40)
9.4.0 - 2022-11-16
- Percentage based scrolling when using "gg" or "G" with a count, similar to Vim
- Action "startFollowCopyLink" for copying links of selected elements in follow mode
- Setting "darkreadermode" to switch between light and dark schemes/modes for darkreader
- Settings "resourcetypes", "resourcesallowed" and "resourcesblocked" to control allowed/blocked resource types
- Setting "shell" to control the shell to use for system commands
- Live indicator of current theme preference to the nativetheme help documentation
- Maximum values of darkreader brightness and contrast settings from 100 to 200 percent
- Buffer-like command suggestions to be in sync with actual behavior
- Buffer-like command suggestions to include the page url
- Check if the entire body is scrollable instead of the window for global scroll actions and scrollpos
- Prevent navigation to invalid urls to make sure a page can always be interacted with
- Shell now reads "$SHELL" instead of defaulting to "/bin/sh" for system commands
- Action "openNewTabWithCurrentUrl" not working at all in last release due to unsafe check
- Duplicate downloads due to page restart workaround (which is now fixed by Electron)
- Electron 22.0.0-beta.5 (was 21.1.0)
- Chromium 108.0.5359.40 (was 106.0.5249.91)
9.3.0 - 2022-10-10
- Setting "reloadtaboncrash" to automatically recreate a crash tab with the last known url
- Indicator for unresponsive tabs in the form of a small red border on the left of the unresponsive tab
- Setting "userscript" to run custom JavaScript on pages, optionally using the GreaseMonkey API
- Modifiers/shifted keys for searching, marks and follow mode now work more reliable
- Tabs will no longer refuse to navigate when there is a beforeunload listener that calls preventDefault
- When the current tab is crashed, you can no longer enter irrelevant modes in it
- Initial tab load issues on some devices for specific pages
- Split state not being kept when switching container name based on containernames setting
- Multiple useragents being set sometimes causing duplicate page loads
- BatteryManager errors for insecure pages, since it's an HTTPS-only API
- Follow mode and other main process calls not succeeding when there are crashed tabs present
- Electron 21.1.0 (was 21.0.1)
- Chromium 106.0.5249.91 (was 106.0.5249.61)
9.2.1 - 2022-10-04
- Enter key will now also send keypress events when executed by a mapping
- Pick first matching rule from permission allow, block or ask lists
- Permission allow list can now include labels for mediadevices using "mediadevicesfull"
- Media device requests being mislabeled as display capture permission requests in some cases
- Electron 21.0.1 (was 21.0.0)
- Chromium 106.0.5249.61 (was 106.0.5249.51)
9.2.0 - 2022-09-28
- New themes: light-compact, paper-compact and paper
- Backwards searching if search is started with a shifted key (by default
- Pinned and mute state are now remembered for tabs affected by "containernames" container switching
- Pinned tabs will now be correctly reopened by "containernames" container switching
- Mouse scrolling on Vieb elements will now scroll the underlying page if the "pageoutsideinsert" mouse feature is on (default)
- Search will now find the next match if searching for the same string again
- Default blocklist urls to use adblockplus instead of easylist due to fetch issues
- Follow mode borders showing over labels
- Follow mode mouse hover appearing when not needed
- Backwards searching not working in previous release due to typo
- Special characters not working in custom viewers (markdown, reader and source)
- Electron 21.0.0 (was 20.1.1)
- Chromium 106.0.5249.51 (was 104.0.5112.10)
9.1.0 - 2022-09-07
- Settings "searchscope" and "searchemptyscope" to make local tab-specific searches
- Default mapping for emptySearch using
- Adblocker can now update custom blocklists by adding a "list.json" file to the blocklists folder
- Failed load error page to include certificate permission setting if related to cert errors
- Preload path of adblocker not being correct for all builds
- All remaining runtime error popups related to subframe access issues (they are now shown in the console)
- Erwic datafolder not resolving "~" correctly
- Fixed atob issues by updating to an Electron release with a correct implementation
- Electron 20.1.1 (was 20.0.2)
- Chromium 104.0.5112.102 (was 104.0.5112.81)
9.0.0 - 2022-08-14
- Special type of notification for dialog inform notifications, which can be colored separately
- Setting "suggestbouncedelay" to control the debounce delay of suggestions, to handle fast typing better
- Setting "darkreaderblocklist" to block specific sites (regular expressions) from using darkreader, even if enabled
- Setting "userstyle" to toggle loading of custom CSS files into the page, either globally or per-domain
- Actions "toggleMarkdownViewer" and "toggleMarkdownViewerNewTab" to toggle the new theme supported "markdownviewer"
- Setting "nativetheme" to control the theme to report to pages, used by the "prefers-color-scheme" CSS rule
- Quickmarks to store and reload scroll positions, pointer positions and page urls quickly
- Commands "marks", "restoremark", "delmarks", "pointerpos", "restorepointerpos", "delpointerpos", "scrollpos", "restorescrollpos" and "delscrollpos" to list and delete quickmarks
- Settings "quickmarkpersistence", "pointerpostype", "pointerposlocalid", "scrollpostype", "scrollposlocalid", "markposition" and "markpositionshifted" to control quickmarks
- Actions "storeScrollPos", "restoreScrollPos", "p.storePos", "p.restorePos", "makeMark" and "restoreMark" to add and load quickmarks
- Webpack compilation to the released builds, for better tree-shaking and minified code
- Separate "lite" build/release that does not have any dependency packages installed
- Only show notification popup for notifications with lots of newlines
- Examples are now downloaded as blobs instead of files to allow them to be bundled in the asar file for releases
- Startup argument "--debug" is now called "--devtools" to avoid nodejs argument conflict
- Give "storenewvisits" a new option for "markdownviewer"
- Logic for staying in follow mode after selecting something is now more consistent in remembering the previous mode
- Main process devtools are now always undocked to prevent window size issues
- Follow mode logic to use the much faster async IntersectionObserver instead of sync API
- Follow mode logic to be faster if fewer element types are queried
- Use Electron's clickOnSearch implementation in favor of Vieb's custom one
- Setting "containernames" now also works for current tab navigation, unless you tell it not to with the "~newtab" suffix
- Use regex to detect SVG favicons instead of relying on "is-svg" dependency
- Use nodejs filesystem API instead of relying on "rimraf" dependency
- All runtime dependencies are now loaded safely, and will show a message when missing (this makes ALL dependencies optional)
- Custom icon and name are now shown on the version page as well
- Only include en-US locale in builds to decrease build size significantly
- Invalid or missing chrome:// pages are now redirected to their Vieb counterpart (if it exists) or the help page
- Extension support, see this Github issue to learn more
- Setting "firefoxmode" in favor of setting the "useragent" setting to a Firefox useragent
- Suspended tabs sometimes failing to wake up correctly
- Commands :rclose and :lclose not working correctly when there are suspended tabs
- Race condition in opening new tabs with urls that would sometimes unsuspend them twice
- White background on some pages that load page styling async and in reloaded iframes
- Error popup from the main thread regarding discarded frames
- White background on pages with dark color-scheme preference and no custom styling
- Electron 20.0.2 (was 19.0.6)
- Chromium 104.0.5112.81 (was 102.0.5005.115)
8.1.0 - 2022-06-29
- Darkreader with many settings like "darkreader" and "darkreadercontrast" to toggle and control darkreader theming
- Sponsorblock with settings "sponsorblock" "sponsorblockcategories" to toggle and control blocking
- Reduced the amount of mouse movement events while inside pointer mode, greatly reducing CPU usage
- Setting "useragent" is now separated by tildes
instead of commas,
as to allow commas to appear in useragents - Settings with
separator with each entry having a~
separator can now be removed with just the part before the first~
- Explore mode suggestion logic should now be faster after first search by caching page titles
- Extension support, see this Github issue to learn more
- Compact layout overflowing below the visible window, now uses grid layout
- Shifted space and backspace not working in navbar as a regular space/backspace
- DOM issue when trying to send iframe details before DOM is ready
- Electron 19.0.6 (was 19.0.3)
- Chromium 102.0.5005.115 (was 102.0.5005.63)
8.0.0 - 2022-06-08
- Setting "useragent" to use any number of custom useragents (either one, or a list that is randomly used per page load)
- Settings "encodeurlcopy" and "encodeurlext" to control the percent encoding/decoding of the urls
- Script-based blocking of ads in the adblocker, for example to block Youtube and Twitch ads
- Support for "prompt" dialogs, and thus "show" and "notifyshow" are now valid values for "dialogprompt"
- Mouse option named "movepointer" which moves the pointer to the click location
- Actions "toggleSourceViewer" and "toggleSourceViewerNewTab" to toggle the new theme supported "sourceviewer"
- Actions "toggleReaderView" and "toggleReaderViewNewTab" to toggle the new theme supported "readerview"
- More default themes: numberedtabs and compact (thanks to @stevkazt)
- Setting "windowtitle" now accepts a custom string with variables instead of hard-coded formats (linking to password managers should be easier now)
- Dialog settings are now all blocked with notifications by default
- Duplicate download numbering now starts from (1) instead of (2)
- Duplicate download name for files that end in "tar.something" will now have the counter before the ".tar"
- Iframes are now isolated properly, making them faster and more secure (no more infinite loop to set listeners for them)
- Privacy overrides are now always done with a preload, making them faster and more secure (no more infinite loop to patch them)
- Increase default timeoutlen above Vim's level because it makes more sense for Vieb
- Rename "fontsize" to "guifontsize" to make it more clear where the font size applies
- Url detection logic to be more in line with the actual spec, resulting in simpler implementation
- Downloadpath is now empty by default and will read
/xdg-user-dirs (with the same fallback to~/Downloads
as before) - Give "storenewvisits" new options for "sourceviewer" and "readerview", and rename "builtin" to "special" to make more sense
- Action "toLastUsedTab" in favor of using ":buffer #" in line with other buffer-like commands that support "#"
- Startup option to enable strict site isolation, it is now strictly isolated at all times
- CSS transitions from default theme (specifically on the mode selector)
- Command "reloadconfig" did actually reset the settings instead of just reload them
- Urls prefixed with a protocol not being checked if they are navigable urls at all (possibly resulting in broken tabs if navigated to)
- Race condition on unsuspending tabs and opening tabs with a url directly that led to empty pages
- Composing keyboards typing out the keys in addition to the composed keys on macos
- Internal errors for looping over pages when some of them are suspended (in case of zooming, page capturing, or save page)
- Follow links (or their labels) not being visible if an element continues outside the visible section of the page
- Electron 19.0.3 (was 18.0.1)
- Chromium 102.0.5005.63 (was 100.0.4896.60)
7.2.0 - 2022-03-31
- Setting "suspendplayingtab" to control if tabs playing media should be suspended by suspendtimeout
- Settings "dialogalert", "dialogconfirm" and "dialogprompt" to control if dialogs should show and/or be logged at all
- Permissions for serial and other human interface devices (permissionserial, permissionhid, both blocked by default, same as before)
- Default mappings that make use of the last used tab argument (for example "close #") of buffer like commands (prefixed with "B")
- Useragent was modified to the upcoming reduced/simplified version of the final phase of
- Battery API now returns fixed "no battery" values instead of being undefined
- The SSL error filter now includes more ERR codes by looking for
instead of using a fixed list - Attempt to delete blocked navigator properties from navigator object completely instead of returning undefined
- Disable useragentdata client hints API completely (previously only in Firefox mode)
- The last used tab variable will now as a fallback pick the first tab instead of opening a new search tab with "buffer" and "Vexplore"
- Plugins and mimeTypes overrides in favor of default hard-coded PDF plugin and mimetype lists (as per Firefox and Chromium)
- Reloadconfig command not resetting permissions (and other webview/main thread settings) in some cases
- Crash when pressing cancel in the print dialog (fixed by upgrading Electron)
- Interaction with other pages not working when the debugger is paused (due to overlay, which is now disabled by default for new sessions)
- Electron 18.0.1 (was 17.0.1)
- Chromium 100.0.4896.60 (was 98.0.4758.82)
7.1.2 - 2022-02-20
- Split resize actions (increaseWidthSplitWindow etc.) not being able to resize multiple times in the same direction
- Electron 17.0.1 (was 17.0.0)
- Chromium 98.0.4758.82 (was 98.0.4758.74)
7.1.1 - 2022-02-10
- Telegram channels and a Matrix space now exist and were added to the version page
- AppImage builds being broken
- Electron 17.0.0 (unchanged)
- Chromium 98.0.4758.74 (unchanged)
7.1.0 - 2022-02-06
- Setting "newtaburl" to set a custom url for the new tab page
- Actions "p.mediaDown" and "p.mediaUp" to lower or raise the volume of media elements (audio or video)
- Allow "search" to be empty to disable searching completely (also fixes the same ":mkviebrc full" warning of followelement-type settings)
- Custom btoa and atob implementations not working if the argument is a number (even if that's technically more correct)
- Unclickable follow mode link if it's the only link on the entire page
- Warning when running a ":mkviebrc full" config (because the followelement-type settings didn't allow an empty value)
- White background for XML documents
- First page in history always being the new tab page
- Focus element action failing to get the length of elements that don't have a value (textarea, contenteditable div, etc.)
- Argument issue with scriptnames command preventing it from working
- Electron 17.0.0 (was 17.0.0-beta.4)
- Chromium 98.0.4758.74 (was 98.0.4758.11)
7.0.0 - 2022-01-16
- Range prefix support for many different commands
- Buffer-like commands now accept "#" to specify the last used tab
- Actions "startFollowNewSplit" and "startFollowNewVerSplit" to open links in splits with follow mode
- Setting "inputfocusalignment" to align input fields consistently on focus from follow mode
- Command "runjsinpage" to run any JavaScript inside the current page or pages matching a range
- Context menu options for opening any link in a split of vsplit, such as "split audio link" or "vsplit selected text"
- Pointer mode actions for opening splits of media urls, hovered urls or selected text, such as "splitAudio" or "vsplitText"
- Two new types of links in follow mode: media (audio/video elements) and images (img, svg and background images)
- Setting "followelementpointer" to control which elements should appear in follow mode when used to move the pointer
- Setting "notificationforsystemcommands" to enable or disable notifications for successful or failed system commands
- Setting "followchars" to specify exactly which characters should be used to select elements on the page
- Setting "followfallbackaction" to control what happens on pressing chars not part of followchars (new default is to filter results)
- Command "tabnew" and "tabnewcontainer" to open a new tab programmatically optionally with a custom container name
- Setting "containernames" to control which container names should be used for new tabs with a specific url (based on regex patterns)
- Desktop capture API is now called from main thread and shows the app icons
- Command "reload" to "reloadconfig" to avoid confusion
- Actions "reload" and "reloadWithoutCache" are now called "refreshTab" and "refreshTabWithoutCache" to avoid confusion
- Consistency between menu items and reduced the amount of words in them for easier scanning
- Override for atob and btoa functions so they accept a wider range of characters instead of throwing errors (fixes Protonmail login issue)
- Longtime workaround for electron-builder to manually create the mac zips (they are now valid zip archives instead of being broken)
- Compatibility linter plugin compat, as it's no longer needed due to widespread release of newer node versions
- Resolve file paths with query param characters in them and update the url accordingly
- Background color override not checking for background images before applying
- Mouse forward and back buttons not working on Windows
- Rare crash when the devtools would remain after deleting the webview and you would then interact with it, they are now closed along with the page
- Potential switch to insert mode after clicking on multiple links before leaving follow mode (by using Shift or right-clicking)
- Electron 17.0.0-beta.4 (was 15.3.1)
- Chromium 98.0.4758.11 (was 94.0.4606.81)
6.2.0 - 2021-11-14
- Actions "pageTitleToClipboard", "pageToClipboardHTML", "pageToClipboardMarkdown", "pageToClipboardRST" and "pageToClipboardEmacs" for easier pasting in editors
- Setting "followelement" to filter which kind of elements should be shown in follow mode
- Scriptnames command will now print the script index before the file path
- Automatic suspend timers of "suspendtimeout" will be restarted when the value is updated
- Searchwords now support multiple %s replacements in a single comma-separated query
- Privacy overrides now override the prototype getter instead of the function directly
- Alignment of calculated elements that relied on fixed numbers when using custom stylesheets
- Default mapping for previous tab using CtrlShift-Tab not working
- Audio and video control labels in context menu not being updated for elements with sourcesets
- Incorrect media type being used for the context menu media controls in some cases, such as a video element playing only audio
- Index for the buffer-like commands being shifted if the results are filtered
- Target blank links opening in new tab when using the mouse to click on them
- Relative urls opened using the proxy doing a web search instead of navigation
- Electron 15.3.1 (was 15.0.0-beta.7)
- Chromium 94.0.4606.81 (was 94.0.4606.31)
6.1.0 - 2021-09-19
- Mouse feature "screenshotframe" which allows you to drag the screenshot frame to a specific position
- Visual feedback for follow feature of the mouse using new highlight on hover
- Make special mouse button dragging resize the screenshot frame by changing the width and height instead of position arguments
- Examples with custom commands are now in a separate example file that isn't used by default, due to its explicit and non-native nature
- Crash on uploading files due to Electron bug in beta 4
- Characters with different naming in Electron compared to JavaScript and Vim not being recognized as such in mappings
- Electron 15.0.0-beta.7 (was 15.0.0-beta.4)
- Chromium 94.0.4606.31 (unchanged)
6.0.0 - 2021-09-12
- Setting "suspendbackgroundtab" to toggle if tabs opened in the background should be suspended (on by default)
- Setting "tabopenmuted" to control if new tabs should be muted (default off, can also be set for background tabs only)
- Setting "tabreopenmuted" to control if reopened tabs should keep their muted state (default is "remember")
- Startup option to control the autoplay policy of media in webpages (default changed to require document interaction)
- Make "!" behind close commands (close, lclose, rclose) also close pinned tabs regardless of the "closablepinnedtabs" setting
- DOM attribute "focus" that gets set on body, this can be used in themes to change styling when (un)focused
- Action "toggleAlwaysOnTop" to toggle the always on top state of a window, will try to use the native method for it
- Suspend toggle option to the contextmenu when right-clicking on a tab
- Command "nohlsearch" to hide the search but not clear the query (as done with emptySearch)
- Support for zooming the page with the mouse by scrolling while holding Control (similar to regular browsers) if mouse is enabled
- Double clicking on a tab (or the tabbar) now opens a new tab, at the end or next to it, depending on tabnexttocurrent
- Action "p.moveToMouse" to start pointer mode at the current mouse position
- Setting "permissioncertificateerror" to ask or even allow custom/invalid certificates (default remains to block them)
- Actions "menuTop", "menuBottom", "menuSectionUp" and "menuSectionDown" to give more flexibility of movement inside the menu
- Setting "searchpointeralignment" to control where the pointer should align to when moving between searches in pointer mode
- Actions "nextSuggestionSection" and "prevSuggestionSection" to jump between section in the explore mode suggestions
- Setting "menusuggest" to control if suggestions for explore and command mode should have a dropdown menu
- Feature "copyselect" to the "mouse" setting for automatically copying selected text to the clipboard (disabled by default)
- Actions "scrollLeftMax" and "scrollRightMax" to scroll the page to the absolute maximum left or right
- Command "screenshot" to save screenshots of the page to the downloads folder or a custom location, optionally of a specific page region
- Command "screencopy" to copy screenshots of the page to the clipboard, optionally of a specific page region
- Actions "moveTabStart" and "moveTabEnd" to move a tab all the way to the start or the end of the tabbar
- Many default mappings common in other browsers to the default mappings (if they don't conflict), including numpad mappings
- Link color is now also taken from the current colorscheme for unstyled pages, making links more readable by default
- Setting "startuppages" now accepts optional container name, pinned status and muted status options using "~"
- Unsupported startup arguments are now passed to Chromium, which makes running Vieb on wayland possible
- Logo is now an SVG image with a slightly bolder font for the letters
- Strip packaged builds of unused assets by only including files using opt-in filters
- Apply search actions to all visible splits
- Use workarea instead of entire screen for detecting snapped windows
- Improve reliability of the mousefocus and top of page hover actions
- Make "nextSearchMatch" and "previousSearchMatch" move the pointer to the search match when called from pointer mode
- Newtab related actions in pointer mode are now prefixed with "t" instead of "n" to make room for searching with "n" and "N"
- Firefox release versions in firefoxmode to more realistic numbers because of recent Firefox release date delays
- Same domain check was improved to strip subdomains if needed (for both firefoxmode=google and the new certificateerror caching)
- Scroll position detection when searching which supports auto scrolling before finding the match and after (Electron doesn't do this in a fixed order)
- Algorithm for finding a matching tab based on text now matches the suggestions more accurately for buffer-like commands
- Setting "commandhist" and "explorehist" to optionally and by default store commands/navigations persistently
- Native clipboard actions to custom JavaScript actions which also translate spaces to "%20" for cutting and copying urls
- Mouse setting now accepts a list of features to enable instead of being a boolean toggle for all features
- Action "menuOpen" now opens the menu of the current tab when called from normal mode instead of the page menu
- Action "menuOpen" now opens the suggestions menu when a suggestion is selected instead of the url menu
- List-like settings can now be emptied using the "no" prefix, such as ":set noredirects"
- Selecting text inside an input field will now also switch to insert mode, if "toinsert" is enabled by the mouse setting
- Action "p.insertAtPosition" now also checks parent nodes to work better with SVG images
- List-like settings will no longer accept duplicate identical values in the list
- Buffer commands can now wrap from the end of the tabbar by providing a negative index
- Spellcheck suggestions should now also work for elements that are not input fields (but still not on Windows due to Electron bugs)
- Numbers with actions bound to them that are pressed when there is already a count will no longer execute the action but append the count
- Setting "search" to a list of search urls instead of a single url, which will be selected at random each time
- Numpad keys not typing out numbers in navbar related modes
- Special page navigations sometimes prompting to open externally when stored in the history
- Settings that affect special pages not applying in realtime when there are suspended tabs
- Media playing indicator not being cleared when the page is suspended
- Suggestions for suspend command showing already suspended tabs
- Pointer mode help commands not always working
- Visual mode activating when only moving the scrollbar if "mousevisualmode" is set to "activate"
- Numpad keys not being recognized as such when entered inside the page using insert mode
- Write command path bugs due to previous code rework in 5.x.x releases
- Electron 15.0.0-beta.4 (was 13.1.4)
- Chromium 94.0.4606.31 (was 91.0.4472.106)
5.3.0 - 2021-06-30
- Action "increaseFirstNumber" and "decreaseFirstNumber" for modifying the first number of the url
- Action "increaseLastNumber" and "decreaseLastNumber" for modifying the last number of the url
- Action "increasePortNumber" and "decreasePortNumber" for modifying the port number of the url
- Action "nextPage" and "previousPage" for going to the next or previous page based on website pagination
- Action "nextPageNewTab" and "previousPageNewTab" for going to the next or previous page in a new tab
- Action "toParentUrl" and "toRootUrl" for removing levels/directories at the end of the url (separated by "/")
- Action "toParentSubdomain" and "toRootSubdomain" for removing subdomains from the url (separated by ".")
- Support for certain numpad keys in recursive insert mode mappings
- Funding link to my personal Github sponsors page: Jelmerro
- Mappings
etc. in visual mode now return to normal mode, similar to Vim - Non-recursive insert mode mappings can now refer to a key with native functionality (if supported by Electron)
- Follow mode can now click on JavaScript links without reloading the page
- Action "increasePageNumber" and "decreasePageNumber" now only read the page query parameters, use the new actions for old functionality
- Text copy and download actions not doing the right thing when called from the context menu
- Splits being swapped in the grid if splitting directly to an already open page
- Menu actions being cancelled if parent mode has a multi-key mapping
- Folders with many items not being scrollable in the file explorer
- Electron 13.1.4 (was 13.1.2)
- Chromium 91.0.4472.106 (was 91.0.4472.77)
5.2.0 - 2021-06-20
- Action "repeatLastAction" to repeat the last called action or mapstring
- Action "p.restoreSelection" to restore the previously selected text in visual mode
- Mapping to execute the last executed command again (requires commandhist to be on "useronly" or "all")
- Cheatsheet for default mappings and general usage of Vieb to the help page, website and readme
- Example config for Vivaldi, Surfingkeys, Pentadactyl, Saka Key and Vim Vixen
- Support for numpad/keypad keys in mappings, such as k3, kEnd or kPlus
- Actions for visual mode to search, open, open in new tab, open externally or download selected text
- Setting "mousevisualmode" to control what happens when you select text with the mouse in relation to visual mode
- More consistent opening of splits when many tabs are open
- Further improvements to the encoding and decoding of urls
- Keycodes for popups are now acquired the same way as regular keys, so that they work on different keyboard layouts
- Action "editWithVim" can now also be used to edit text in search, explore and command mode (besides just input fields in insert)
- Action "nop" is now a regular action, old name "Nop" will continue to work due to recent case-insensitive action names rework
- Window state is now also saved after a series of actions, instead of only before it and on quit
- Missing help docs for media related actions, such as pausing, muting and looping
- All actions being reported as countable even though some of them aren't
- Call command and custom mappings not always executing first part of the mapping from normal mode
- Uncountable actions being executed multiple times when not recursively called
- Broken symlink for Linux installers in /usr/bin
- Electron 13.1.2 (was 13.1.1)
- Chromium 91.0.4472.77 (unchanged)
5.1.0 - 2021-06-09
- Open command to navigate to a website or search term directly with a command
- Setting "permissionsensors" to control motion sensor reading (default remains blocked, previously grouped as "unknown")
- Setting "permissionscreenwakelock" to allow sites to prevent dimming/sleeping (default remains blocked, previously grouped as "unknown")
- Setting "mapsuggest" and "mapsuggestposition" to show and control the suggestions for multi-key mappings (by default 50 on the topright)
- Setting "modifiers" to control which keys should not be registered on their own, but only when used as a modifier
- Setting "smartcase" to make searches with capital letters case sensitive while remaining case insensitive by default (setting on by default)
- Command "scriptnames" to print the list of config files loaded at startup (and optionally those sourced by them using "!")
- Command "source" to load other config files either relative to the current one or by an absolute path at runtime
- Small indicator for links on special pages to show which ones will open an external web page
- Example config for qutebrowser
- Actions and context menu options for controlling audio and video playback, such as toggling controls/loop/mute
- Vertical tabs theme now displays multiple pinned tabs horizontally with wrapping
- Redirects are now saved to correctly set the favicon and title in those cases
- Call command now accepts any valid mapstring instead of only simple actions
- Help command now accepts different types of punctuation and casing to find the right section (which is now escaped as well)
- Action names are now case-insensitive and optionally without the "action." prefix, or with the shorter "a." or "p."
- All action names get sanitized to the shortest name possible with the new system, old names are still completely supported just not shown
- Blobs are now recognized as valid urls, just like other common URI schemes
- Default styling of notifications and the new mapsuggest across all themes
- Mappings with multiple keys that get aborted by starting another mapping will now both get executed similar to Vim
- Notification popup text can now be selected and will show all lines completely (last one was sometimes hidden)
- More broad selectors for finding pagination on the page to make page number actions work for more sites
- Help command now accepts any mapped sequence of keys and will open the first action or command those keys are mapped to
- Split commands not switching to the tab directly, which meant that mappings with splits didn't work properly
- Recursive mappings with multiple keys for a single action not being interpreted correctly in all cases
- Context menu actions for navigation history and refresh always being listed even if not available
- Empty new tabs always having a single history entry for the same empty page
- Pointer modes being exited when opening the context menu
- Screensharing throwing a Promise error in 5.0.0
- Media keys being off by default in 5.0.0 (they should be on by default, just as documented)
- Twitter not loading due to media keys overwriting Chromium arguments to fix COOP issue in 5.0.0
- Suggestions for write command not working recently
- Mouse clicks and context menu sometimes throwing errors due to missing DOM api for detecting matching selector on some elements
- Background image urls not always being correctly detected if there are also other types of backgrounds present such as gradients
- Commands with dashes breaking the check for valid keys and therefor not being recognized
- Help command showing suggestions for custom commands (which don't have help)
- Custom commands not having suggestions for existing commands (command and delcommand)
- Encoding issues when navigating to urls with asian characters in them
- Electron 13.1.1 (was 13.0.1)
- Chromium 91.0.4472.77 (was 91.0.4472.69)
5.0.0 - 2021-05-26
- Setting "suggestorder" that merges all explore mode related settings into one, with additional functionality
- The "suggestorder" is a list-like setting that accepts different suggestion types, with optional count and sort order arguments
- Suggestions for searchwords using the new "suggestorder" setting by default
- Default mapping for quitting Vieb with
which doubles as the mapping that gets executed for other close requests - Copy link option for audio, video and images in the context menu
- Copy image option for images, background images and SVG elements in the context menu (they are categorized as images in that order)
- Pointer action "swapPosition" to switch the current pointer location with the start location of the visual selection
- Command syntax to cycle fixed-set strings using the "!" suffix, similar to boolean type settings
- Startup arguments "--config-order" and "--config-file" to better control which config files get loaded
- Command mapping list to the header of commands on the help page
- Setting "menupage" to control when the context menu of the webpage should appear, possibly over the website's menu
- Setting "menuvieb" to control when the context menu should appear for the Vieb elements like the navbar and the tabbar
- Pointer mode actions for most context menu options, such as "pointer.downloadAudio", "pointer.newtabVideo" and "pointer.copyImageBuffer"
- Setting "commandhist" to control which commands should be stored in the history
- Setting "explorehist" to control which navigations should be stored in the history
- Prefix "!" to command mode that will run system commands directly
- Unsupported startup arguments are now ignored with a warning instead of preventing startup (they could be chromium args)
- More names than before are allowed for containers, as it works with a small blocklist instead of an allowlist for characters
- More names for seachwords are now allowed as part of the keyword, for similar reasons as above
- Container names in Erwic configs will no longer replace special characters, but will report and exit
- Word separator keybindings in the navbar will now detect separators for non-latin scriptures using a list of allowed separators
- Default value of "permissionmediadevices" and "permissionnotifications" from "ask" to "block" to reduce the amount of popups
- Startup arguments now accept values separated by
instead of spaces or no value at all - Renamed "rotateSplitWindow" to "rotateSplitWindowForward" to be more consistent with the recently introduced "Backward" variant
- Calling action "menuOpen" from navbar input modes now opens the context menu of the navbar
- Don't load regular tabs on startup, but suspend them (they are not loaded until you switch to them)
- Common URI schemes and IPv6 addresses are now recognized as links by explore mode and when navigating
- Remove side effects of lock keys by mapping them to Nop by default
- Reworked eslint config to be more strict and more accurately represent the desired code style
- Default config parse order is now "user-first", use "--config-order=datafolder-first" to revert to the old behavior
- Startup argument urls are now resolved as files if possible, both absolute and relative paths are supported (relative to CWD)
- Download image action of pointer mode now uses the same logic as the context menu
- Long urls in popups are now not only wrapped at 50 characters, but also maxed at a 1000, after that the rest is hidden
- Setting "nativenotification" to a "Fixed-set string" to allow using native notifications for small messages and show popups for long ones
- Preload scripts for Erwic can still be loaded by tabs even if the file doesn't exist on startup
- Setting "storenewvisits" is now a list of types that should be stored, instead of a toggle for all forms of history
- Permissions for "mediadevices" and "notifications" are now blocked by default instead of asking each time
- Setting "suggestfiles" in favor of the new "suggestorder" setting
- Setting "suggestfilesfirst" in favor of the new "suggestorder" setting
- Setting "suggestexplore" in favor of the new "suggestorder" setting
- Setting "respectsitecontextmenu" in favor of the new "menupage" setting
- Action "closeTab" in favor of the ":close" command
- Broken FreeBSD build target, it's not supported by Electron or Electron Builder
- Tempfile for the vimcommand not working on mac due to spaces in filename
- Spellcheck languages not working correctly when using multiple containers
- Navbar input position not following the caret when text is longer than the input box
- Maximizing the window with double-click that could also incorrectly switch to a tab that happens to be at the second click location
- Middle mouse having side effects in the tab bar on Windows
- Quotes in settings messing with the :mkv command output
- Left-click in pointer mode not clicking on the right location when the page is zoomed
- Container color not always being updated if a color rule is removed from the list
- Search mode not clearing the url correctly if opened from the mouse dropdown selector
- Electron 13.0.1 (was 12.0.5)
- Chromium 91.0.4472.69 (was 89.0.4389.128)
4.5.1 - 2021-04-28
- Rimraf errors sometimes being shown on Windows when quitting
- Electron 12.0.5 (unchanged)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.128 (unchanged)
4.5.0 - 2021-04-28
- Setting "quitonlasttabclose" to quit Vieb when closing the last tab instead of opening an empty tab
- Vimium-inspired and Tridactyl-inspired example viebrc configs to the help page
- Video and audio context menu actions
- Suggestions for typos in the context menu under the new group "Suggestions"
- Action "menuOpen" to open the menu for the currently active insert mode element (or simply at the pointer location)
- Code is now checked by eslint for compatibility with the latest Chromium
- Renderer process now uses modules instead of globals, similar to other code
- Adblocker now updates by making regular web requests from the main partition instead of using the Node request module
- Icon is now optional when manually installing extracted extensions
- Suggestions will now also appear when commands or urls are typed out using mappings (after mapping is done)
- Insert mode with multiple keys are now correctly blocked from their native function, and are repeated properly if the mapping isn't finished
- Native navbar actions (such as "End") are now implemented by Vieb itself so they can be referenced by recursive mappings
- Renderer process no longer uses external modules, rimraf communicates with main, hazardous has been rewritten inside Vieb
- Context menu is now grouped by category to make different types of actions more clear
- Windows not always focusing correctly when closing popups or starting Vieb (mostly a Windows-only bug)
- Built-in special pages not always having the correct title and icon when they are suspended
- Adblocker updating twice at the startup when it's set to "update"
- Action "clickOnSearch" not working when zooming the page
- Mappings containing numbers not being able to override the repeat counter
- Lock key mappings not working when blocked individually instead of being part of a mapping
- File suggestions not working for partial matches for the last two releases
- Extension remove command suggesting the full path instead of the id on Windows
- File explorer not working on Windows
- Clearonquit-type settings not working for all releases due to very persistent electron-builder bugs that exclude "unused" dependencies
- Electron 12.0.5 (was 12.0.4)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.128 (was 89.0.4389.114)
4.4.0 - 2021-04-14
- Command "only" to hide all splits and only show the current tab fullsize
- Action "toFirstSplitWindow" to switch focus to the first (top-left) window split
- Action "toLastSplitWindow" to switch focus to the last (bottom-right) window split
- Action "toNextSplitWindow" to switch focus to the next window split by appearance order (top to bottom, left to right)
- Action "toPreviousSplitWindow" to switch focus to the previous window split by appearance order (top to bottom, left to right)
- Action "exchangeSplitWindow" to exchange the current window split with the one next to it in the current position
- Action "rotateSplitWindowBackward" to rotate window splits counter-clockwise (as opposed to clockwise with the existing rotate action)
- Action "toLastUsedTab" to switch between the two last used tabs or window splits (uses timeoutlen for determining used tabs)
- Default mappings for all the new actions and also the quit command: ZZ
- Check for favicon file existence before setting it as the tab icon
- Also check for matching urls in follow mode links before deciding to keep showing the same one
- Settings "splitbelow" and "splitright" being swapped in functionality
- Extract process of installing extensions not working in last release due to rework and electron-builder bugs
- History info being transferred to the current tab instead of the tab that actually requested it
- Action "editWithVim" not working in last release due rework and missing filename argument
- Electron 12.0.4 (was 12.0.2)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.114 (was 89.0.4389.90)
4.3.0 - 2021-04-05
- Command "lclose" to close all tabs to the left of the current one (respects closablepinnedtabs)
- Command "rclose" to close all tabs to the right of the current one (respects closablepinnedtabs)
- Overall structure and module loading of Vieb
- Follow mode now only uses the input focus when switching to insert mode
- Download confirmation now nicely formats the file size
- Potential error when selecting text or executing related actions and hovering over pseudo-elements
- Switching to other tabs while viewing a fullscreen video making Vieb unresponsive to any bindings
- Incorrect fullscreen styling in the default theme when using window splits
- Electron 12.0.2 (unchanged)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.90 (unchanged)
4.2.1 - 2021-03-28
- Build issues due to electron-builder require statement constraints
- Electron 12.0.2 (unchanged)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.90 (unchanged)
4.2.0 - 2021-03-27
- Startup argument "--disable-media-keys" to disable Vieb from capturing media keys for player controls
- Environment variables for the datafolder and Erwic configuration (can be overridden with CLI arguments)
- Notifications for the final step of loading an extension (either success or failed due to Electron incompatibility)
- Context menu actions, map commands and default mappings (mmap etc.) to navigate and select menu items
- Test coverage report is now generated while testing which is useful to make sure you test all scenarios
- Follow and pointer mode logic for switching to insert mode, should make input focus more reliable
- Delcommand now shows suggestions for user commands that are added
- Select all option of the contextmenu is now listed for shadow roots and iframes
- Action "editWithVim" now works for input elements within shadow roots and iframes
- Map command listing now groups mappings that are the same for all modes into a single :map command
- Search is no longer cleared when navigating to a new page
- Require modules and specific functions only when needed (should be faster)
- Extension zip and folder are now deleted when the installation fails, so it can be retried
- Follow mode now remembers link positions even when returning to other modes, thus keys are more consistently assigned
- Examples not loading on the help page for released builds
- Side effects for Tab key in normal mode by setting it to Nop by default
- Extension path removal bugs on Windows due to backslashes
- Second instances not ignoring datafolder argument when started in certain ways on Windows
- Clipboard actions in contextmenu and visual mode now work in shadow roots and iframes
- Download image pointer action now works in shadow roots and iframes
- Action "clickOnSearch" not working if the page was scrolled
- Follow mode and related actions not working on chrome:// pages due to querySelectorAll oddities
- Follow mode not focusing input field correctly when holding Shift on keydown
- Electron 12.0.2 (was 12.0.0)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.90 (was 89.0.4389.69)
4.1.0 - 2021-03-04
- Zip target for 64 bit Windows releases
- Startup argument "--window-frame" to show the system's native window frame border around the Vieb window
- Allow suitable startup arguments to be set by ENV variables as well
- Spelllang not recognizing languages that should be supported when loading the option on startup from a viebrc
- Custom message with external request details not appearing for openexternal permission
- Zoom level interfering with the right-click menu location
- Insert mode not always activating when clicking on input elements (select elements or clicking on sub-elements of an input)
- Electron 12.0.0 (unchanged)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.69 (unchanged)
4.0.0 - 2021-03-02
- Command "mute" to toggle the audio playback status of a tab (either mute or unmute)
- Setting "respectsitecontextmenu" to toggle if Vieb should show its menu on websites that already provide one
- Setting "suspendonrestore" to restore tabs lazily (loading tabs only once they're visible)
- Setting "suspendtimeout" to automatically suspend background tabs after a delay
- Command "suspend" to manually suspend any background tab right now
- Setting "permissiondisplaycapture" to block or ask screensharing permission (you can select the source with follow mode or the mouse)
- Setting "permissionsasked" to ask for permissions on specific sites, it overwrites permissionsblocked and permissionsallowed configs
- Follow mode support for shadow roots using similar implementation as iframes
- Nop action that does nothing, can be used to prevent side effects for keys in insert mode (site won't register them, similar to mappings)
- Support for modifiers in recursive insert mode mappings
- Support for lock keys in mappings, such as CapsLock
- Setting "externalcommand" to configure the external command that will be used to open links externally
- Action "openLinkExternal" to open the highlighted url or current page url with an "externalcommand"
- Setting "tabclosefocusright" to decide if the right (or left) tab should get focused when closing a tab
- Setting "tabreopenposition" which configures the position that should be used to restore tabs: previous, left or right (default)
- Setting "follownewtabswitch" to toggle if follow mode for new tabs should switch to them on follow mode exit
- Command "makedefault" to make Vieb the default browser (or at least try to)
- Open-url handler to open a new tab for urls that are passed to Vieb via mac's alternative app argument system
- Startup option to enable strict site isolation, to make Google services more reliable, at the cost of blocking follow mode inside iframes
- Experimental command to install extensions: "extensions install" which you call when currently on an extension page
- List or remove installed extensions with "extensions list" and "extensions remove", or using the special page of the same name
- Iframe detection on pages now also works for frames in framesets, embeds and for object tags
- Enable "respectsitecontextmenu" by default to be able to use the right-click menus of websites without Vieb interfering
- Mapped keys in insert mode won't be detected by the website, this prevents all side effects for mappings, including those for split devtools
- Default settings: Mouse is now on, new tabs with the mouse now switch to it, infinite maximum number of command suggestions and ignorecase is now on
- Most number ranges now go much higher (close to
) and are only disabled if set to 0 - Restore the previous search selected when entering search mode (no history, just the previous one)
- Allow multiple languages to be passed to the "spelllang" option (and the "system" value is now handled better)
- The "spell" setting will now immediately take effect, also for existing tabs
- Privacy fixes for navigator properties and media info now run in iframes on a timer, can't be waterproofed without this
- Migrations for old tab structure used in 2.x.x and older
- Fallback to name field for Erwic config files
- Support for search setting values that don't include a "%s" to be replaced by the search
- Action "openNewTabAtAlternativePosition", which is now implemented with a mapping that toggles the setting
- Darkreader plugin in favor of installing the darkreader extension from the Mozilla or Chrome store
- Potentially incorrect execution for following links with a custom datamethod attribute (such as put or post)
- Follow mode not loading on some pages due to querySelectorAll sometimes returning undefined instead of an empty NodeList
- Potential parse errors for invalid urls being stored or opened by pages
- Mouse action listeners potentially being wiped within iframes if re-added to the DOM
- Action "insertAtFirstInput" now works for subframes and for labels that link to hidden fields
- Right click menu potentially appearing when using follow mode on Windows
- Electron 12.0.0 (was 11.2.1)
- Chromium 89.0.4389.69 (was 87.0.4280.141)
3.4.0 - 2021-01-31
- Action "action.reorderFollowLinks" to change which type of follow links appear on top
- Basic detection for pseudo-elements in follow mode, such as switches using ::before as the only visible section
- Right-click menu to websites (when in insert mode or when mouse is enabled)
- Right-click menu for Vieb interface (when mouse is enabled)
- Follow mode support for iframes
- ARM64 build for macOS
- Reduce timer for follow mode, due to the many speed improvements and simplifications
- Labels will now correctly match the type of element they refer to (instead of always assuming the clickable type)
- Default order of elements in follow mode to align with functionality as it was before 3.3.0 (can still be shown with "action.reorderFollowLinks")
- Only display a single line of the url if it's really long (overflow is suggested with ellipsis)
- Pin command can now take an argument to search for a tab by name or index, similar to buffer commands
- Mouse events not getting registered properly when clicking inside iframes
- Potential error on websites when trying to access the return value of the function
- Electron 11.2.1 (was 11.1.1)
- Chromium 87.0.4280.141 (was 87.0.4280.88)
3.3.0 - 2021-01-18
- Action "action.pageToClipboard" for copying the current page url to the clipboard
- Action "action.openFromClipboard" to open pages from the clipboard (optionally in a new tab by calling that action first)
- Action "action.exploreHistoryNext" and "action.exploreHistoryPrevious" for finding previous site navigations in explore mode
- Startup argument to optionally turn off hardware acceleration (by default still turned on)
- Better scrollbar color and sizing: it's now fullwidth and transparent to make search results visible below it
- Actions now contain more checks to prevent locks when Vieb has yet to load the first tab
- The builds of the Mac app are now part of an application category
- Website calls to window.prompt are now instantly returned with the cancel action instead of throwing an error
- Expand the list of supported filetypes and protocols for generated builds
- Colorschemes not being saved with the mkviebrc command
- Anchor tags potentially overriding the user's choice of opening links in the current tab by implementing a custom onclick that prevents the default
- Vertical colorscheme not displaying the pointer at the right location
- Explore mode not clearing the existing selection when opened as part of a mapstring (homepage command didn't work as described)
- Help page not resolving references to pointer chapter correctly
- Permissionsallowed setting not working for correctly for mediadevices if permissionsblocked was unset
- Electron 11.1.1 (unchanged)
- Chromium 87.0.4280.88 (unchanged)
3.2.0 - 2021-01-01
- Searchwords setting to configure custom words that you can use as a prefix in explore mode to search websites directly
- New theme/colorscheme for having vertical tabs on the left of the screen instead of the regular tabbar
- Keep a reference to the input field when using the external editor, will keep working when unfocused and with multiple editors
- Middle mouse pasting not working even when mouse is enabled
- Some sites not loading due to Electron bug related to COOP electron/#25469
- Searching for buffers with matching index not being suggested in the list
- Potential startup issues with some custom settings in the viebrc (including containercolors)
- Electron 11.1.1 (was 11.0.3)
- Chromium 87.0.4280.88 (was 87.0.4280.67)
3.1.0 - 2020-12-06
- Clickable file location on the downloads special page which will open the file in the default application
- Clickable download finish notification that will open the file in the default application (if using the mouse)
- Additional Vieb config location for colorschemes, viebrc and blocklists inside "~/.vieb"
- New permission groups for midi, persistentstorage and clipboardread (all 3 remain by default blocked, but are no longer grouped as unknown)
- Internaldevtools command that opens developer tools for the main Vieb window
- Follow mode will now detect form labels that have invisible embedded inputs but no "for" attribute
- Follow mode now detects absolutely positioned sub-elements of links, where the base link isn't shown
- Multiple speed improvements to follow mode
- More explicit permission messages that list both the permission name and the setting that was read to decide the permission
- Internal devtools now opened undocked by default (both with --debug and :internaldevtools)
- The frame and menu are no longer shown for instances started with --debug (internal devtools and always shown window remain)
- Tab restore not working correctly when disabled, due to duplicate entries being stored when closed
- Line height issue that prevented underscores from showing correctly in some cases
- Random switching between tabs if they execute click or focus events
- Electron 11.0.3 (was 11.0.2)
- Chromium 87.0.4280.67 (unchanged)
3.0.0 - 2020-11-21
- Local file suggestions to explore mode and to relevant commands
- Red border in command mode when the entered command is invalid (for example due to unmatched quotes)
- Setting 'suggestfiles' setting to control when/if file suggestions should appear ('all' by default)
- Setting "suggestfilesfirst" to control if file suggestions should appear before/after history in explore mode
- Setting "closablepinnedtabs" which is disabled by default (meaning pinned tabs can't be closed)
- Setting "containernewtab" to control which container all new tabs should use (default is still "main")
- Setting "containersplitpage" to control which container all split pages should use (default is "s:usecurrent")
- Setting "containerstartuppage" to control which container the startup pages should use (CLI arguments, default is still "main")
- Setting "containercolors" to show container tabs in a custom color based on the container name
- Setting "containershowname" to optionally show the name of the container between the mode and url in the navbar
- Setting "containerkeeponreopen" to toggle the remembering the container name and to use the "containernewtab" setting instead
- Setting "permissionclosepage" to control if pages are allowed to close themselves (previously they couldn't, new default is allowed)
- Setting "incsearch" to enable incremental search (enabled by default)
- Restart command to restart Vieb
- Close command that works similar to the hide command, but instead will close any tab by index (or matching title/url)
- Special container names to open tabs externally, in tabs with a matching domain, or use the same container as the current tab
- Support for SVG favicons by giving it an explicit ".svg" extension if detected by "is-svg"
- Devtools that can be opened as a split window or in a separate tab, in addition to the existing windowed developer tools
- Added "pointer.downloadLink" action that downloads the hovered link in pointer mode
- Colorschemes that can change every single line of CSS inside Vieb: all built-in pages and the app now use the same default theme CSS
- Built-in light colorscheme that displays all built-in pages and the app in a light theme
- Built-in flipped colorscheme that displays all GUI elements at the bottom of the window (in reverse order)
- Suggestions are now scrollable when they don't fit the window
- The setting 'suggesthistory' has been renamed 'suggestexplore' as it might also include file suggestions now
- Command suggestions are now by default set to 1000, as the operation is simple and suggestions are scrollable
- Increased the upper limit for the number of suggestions (for both command and explore mode)
- Pinned tabs can no longer be closed, unless the 'closablepinnedtabs' setting is enabled
- Search setting parsing, you can now include %s as a substitute for the entered search
- Default duckduckgo search engine options now include a persistent header and infinite scrolling
- Tabs are now always modifiable in Erwic mode, because containers can now be managed at runtime
- Multiple tabs of the same special page can now be opened using the commands, as some of them are container specific
- The startup argument "--portable" has been replaced with "--datafolder", use "--datafolder ./ViebData" for old functionality
- Erwic now uses the "datafolder" startup argument instead of a JSON field for the datafolder location configuration
- Tab list can now be scrolled horizontally using the mouse wheel
- Make use of system fonts as much as possible: "DejaVu Sans Mono" -> "Courier" -> "monospace", in that order
- Visual appearance of Vieb: logo is now smaller, everything is now styled with colorschemes and popups are more in line with other elements
- Old tabs file format (3.x.x releases will migrate to the new format, 2.x.x releases will not read the 3.x.x format)
- Conversion from old format will be removed in future Vieb 4.x.x releases
- Supplying a "name" to an Erwic app, use a "container" field instead
- Old line-based history format parser (1.x.x users should update to 2.x.x first, if they want to keep their history)
- Startup argument "--console" is removed in favor of "--debug", debug can do the same plus more and doesn't have mouse focus issues
- Typo in the "storenewvisits" setting (there will be no automatic migration from the name with a typo to the correct one)
- Pointer not updating the location when bringing back the GUI while in fullscreen
- Permission for media devices sometimes being detected as a microphone permission
- Mouse back/forward buttons being ignored when the mouse setting is enabled
- Shift being ignored when pressing named keys that can be pressed with and without Shift such as "Space"
- Border of split pages moving the page slightly when switching (border is now always there but in gray)
- Updating the adblocker files when Vieb is installed on a read-only file system
- Favicons being accepted even though the HTTP status code was an error (such as 404)
- Abort error for aborting page loads in the debug console (using --debug)
- Don't keep closed pages in memory while the 'keeprecentlyclosed' setting is off
- Electron 11.0.2 (was 10.1.1)
- Chromium 87.0.4280.67 (was 85.0.4183.93)
2.4.0 - 2020-09-05
- Erwic option at startup to open a fixed set of tabs in a separate instance (docs are in
- WebGL2RenderingContext calls to get parameters not being invoked in the right context
- App path (usually the asar file) being opened as a file on startup for some custom builds (including Arch)
- New tab page is no longer the first entry in the history of tabs that are opened with a url
- Reopening tabs in bulk (usually at startup) running out of index in rare occasions
- Electron 10.1.1 (was 9.2.0)
- Chromium 85.0.4183.93 (was 83.0.4103.122)
2.3.0 - 2020-08-08
- Firefox mode to replicate the Firefox useragent and navigator properties
- List-like settings for allowing or blocking permissions based on the website (using regex)
- Setting to optionally notify when websites request a permission, including the reason for allowing/blocking
- Filter on the history page to find or remove sites from the history based on title or url
- Redirects are now applied before making a request, making them safer and more reliable
- Don't expose the supported mimeTypes through the navigator
- Better protection for hiding the GPU model
- Window snapping on Windows
- Lack of typing ability for some text inputs after selecting them with follow mode
- Spaces not working as expected in mappings
- Electron 9.2.0 (was 9.0.5)
- Chromium 83.0.4103.122 (was 83.0.4103.119)
2.2.3 - 2020-07-05
- Refactor countable actions to be more consistent and reliable
- Order of page increase and decrease actions, it's now always: inpage relations > port > url page number > first number in the url
- Default download path not saving files to the home directory ("~" was not correctly expanded)
- Catch errors from the adblocker to prevent occasional error popups from cosmetic filtering
- Count not working for the increase and decrease page number actions (such as ports or page numbers)
- Electron 9.0.5 (was 9.0.4)
- Chromium 83.0.4103.119 (was 83.0.4103.104)
2.2.2 - 2020-06-21
- Improve the follow mode speed by reusing DOM calls and only using an interval (no more page observers)
- Disable the remote module entirely
- Load the preload from the main process and prevent changes to its location
- Width of the pinned tabs when playing media
- Regular tabs not always opening to the right of all the pinned tabs
- Potential filename length issue for favicon storage
- Electron 9.0.4 (was 9.0.3)
- Chromium 83.0.4103.104 (was 83.0.4103.100)
2.2.1 - 2020-06-11
- Data urls not being displayed on the new tab page
- Electron 9.0.3 (unchanged)
- Chromium 83.0.4103.100 (unchanged)
2.2.0 - 2020-06-10
- Darkreader setting to apply a dark theme to all websites visited (off by default)
- Pacman archive as a new included build target (for Arch Linux)
- Arm64 architecture builds for most Linux and Windows releases
- Windowtitle setting to optionally include the page title and/or url in Vieb's window title
- Recursive insert mode mappings are now possible
- Tabcycle toggle to jump from the first or last tab with next and previous tab actions (on by default)
- Pin command to toggle pinned tabs, which are exactly the width of the favicon and are always restored on restart
- GUI settings to autohide the navbar and/or tabbar depending on events or always
- User action for toggling fullscreen mode (different from webpage requested fullscreen)
- Downloadmethod setting to change the download behavior
- Mouse specific setting to switch to newly opened tabs automatically (by default turned off, previously it would switch every time)
- Allow the entire window to be used as a drag region if the mouse setting is off and you are not in insert mode
- Minimum tabwidth to 28, due to styling changes in the navigation bar (default behavior is still just the icon)
- Remove the usage of the remote module entirely
- Strict CSP to all of Vieb's pages, which prevents all scripts from running outside of the webviews and preloads
- Insert mode mappings not triggering built-in actions, such as Home or PageUp
- Not all named keys being correctly detected and converted to the right casing
- Digits to repeat actions not being applied when part of a mapping before a built-in action
- Animated SVG images sometimes breaking follow mode (due to href being an object instead of a string)
- Electron 9.0.3 (was 9.0.0)
- Chromium 83.0.4103.100 (was 83.0.4103.64)
2.1.0 - 2020-05-19
- Conversion from and to percent-encoding for urls in the navbar, the url hover and in special pages
- Setting named requesttimeout, to stop a page from loading after a timeout (default is 20 seconds)
- Search string now excludes special characters, instead of only keeping the word characters (this affects non-latin writing scripts)
- Urls not being wrapped in the media device permission request dialog
- Electron 9.0.0 (was 9.0.0-beta.15)
- Chromium 83.0.4103.64 (was 83.0.4102.3)
2.0.0 - 2020-04-13
- Mouse setting to enable mouse support outside of insert mode
- When the mouse is enabled, switch tabs, modes or focus by clicking on it
- New location from where the viebrc file will be read: ~/.viebrc (aside from the viebrc in Vieb's data folder)
- Dark theme and security settings for the website developer tools (:devtools)
- Window splitting using Vexplore, vsplit, Sexplore and split to display multiple sites at the same time
- Use <C-w> sub-bindings to move, relocate or rotate the window splits
- Map command for configuring keyboard mappings (including recursion, nmap, imap, mapclear, etc.)
- Noremap command for non-recursive keyboard mappings (refer to Vieb actions using <action.reload>)
- Tab status indicators, orange for current tab (in multiple layout) and blue for playing media
- Elements with mouse hover actions are now available in follow mode (displayed in gray)
- Popup message for long notifications, with Vim bindings to scroll and close
- Notification special page to view a list of previous notifications of the current session
- New help documentation with descriptions for all commands, settings and actions
- Basic check and compare for prerelease part of semantic versions
- Tests for the version compare function
- Favorite pages setting for manually providing a list of pages that should always appear on the new tab page
- Spellcheck integration (on by default), use spell and spelllang to configure
- New permission for mediaDevices, new default is to ask the user instead of allowing all
- Rename all settings to be lowercase and without dots, similar to Vim
- Set command syntax is now much more similar to Vim with support for all of Vim's set operators
- Booleans can now be set and unset using "ignorecase" or "noignorecase"
- Allow all settings to be changed at runtime, as they can be saved for the next startup with :mkv
- List-like settings are now much more similar to Vim, as they are a comma separated string, with += and -= support
- Viebrc is now named 'viebrc' instead of 'viebrc.json' and is configured by Vieb/Vim commands instead of JSON
- All suggestion settings are now of the number type instead of boolean, and specify the number of entries to suggest (0 to disable)
- Rename the modes: nav to explore and cursor to pointer, to allow for single key identifiers of the modes
- Improvements to mode switching by centralizing mode switching code in the modes file
- Click on multiple elements without having to manually re-enter follow mode by holding Shift
- History storage format is now JSON, for easier parsing and better title storing
- Entries on the history page can now be removed without reloading all history again
- Buffer command can now be used to navigate to new locations (this is also true for the new split and Explore commands)
- Allow <A-F4> and <M-Q> to be mapped as if they are regular keys (most likely to the quit command)
- Reload command no longer resets all settings before running the commands from the viebrc files
- Browsing data of popup windows are now stored in a separate memory-only partitions
- Hide hardware related info, such as GPU model and battery data
- Strip Vieb and Electron from the useragent when downloading favicons
- Old history storage format (TSV has been replaced with JSON), filename remains "hist"
- Conversion from old to new history format, will be removed in 3.0.0
- Support for parsing the "viebrc.json" file, settings are now configured with Vieb commands in "viebrc" or "~/.viebrc"
- Broken page loads for sites using custom EventTargets instead of only DOM Nodes
- Text input actions, such as select all, not working on Mac
- Undo and Redo not being enabled on any system for the navigation bar
- Electron 9.0.0-beta.15 (was 8.0.1)
- Chromium 83.0.4102.3 (was 80.0.3987.86)
1.1.0 - 2020-02-15
- Tests for isUrl function
- Update to the http basic login system to work with the new Electron version
- Open the login dialog in the center of the Vieb browser window
- Running the last command again no longer adds a duplicate to the command history
- Improved url detection as a result of testing the function properly
- The optional 'full' argument of the write command, the full page is now always saved
- Popup dialog for failed favicon downloads (now ignored)
- Empty title in history overriding the older proper title
- Print command only working once without reloading
- Commands not supporting escaping of spaces using quotes
- Electron 8.0.1 (was 6.1.5)
- Chromium 80.0.3987.86 (was 76.0.3809.146)
1.0.0 - 2019-11-30
- Unreachable pages now show an error page with instructions
- Blocked HTTP redirects now show an error page with instructions
- New tab page with top visited sites listed (newtab.showTopSites)
- Setting to disable the added new tab page
- Setting to automatically enter nav mode in new tabs (or not)
- Container tabs, which don't share any data with other tabs (such as cookies or cache)
- Tab titles are now yellow when they are container tabs
- Tabs are now bright red when they have crashed
- Keys can now be mapped to any supported command, such as "F1": ":help" (previously "F1": "")
- Hardcopy (or print) command to print the current page with a printer
- Configure custom redirects in the settings with regex patterns
- History of previously executed commands during the current session
- Minimal width setting for tabs which by default is set to 22 (just the icon)
- Write command to save the current page as HTML, optionally including resources (full) or to a custom location
- Mkviebrc command to save the current settings to the viebrc.json, optionally including the defaults
- Local file browser for directories with improved file navigation
- Favicon setting to disable favicons or configure the cache duration for favicons (cache per session by default)
- Favicons are now present on the new tab and history pages
- Open pages in a new tab without directly switching to them (while holding Shift in newtab follow mode)
- Buffer command to easily switch between all the open tabs (with autocompletion)
- Roboto Mono font for all UI elements (with fallback to system monospace)
- Horizontal scroll actions for cursor and visual mode (with added default bindings for it)
- Shortcut to stop the page from loading (by default mapped to Ctrl-C from normal mode)
- Number increment keys to modify page or port numbers using Ctrl-X and Ctrl-A
- Vim form edit mode to edit form fields using vim or any other editor (gvim by default for cross-system compatibility)
- Portable run option to startup arguments (--portable) to store all Vieb data inside a local ViebData folder
- Overflow setting for the tabs, which can be used to wrap, scroll or hide them when they overflow
- Moved the setting for new tab position to the newtab collection (newtab.nextToCurrentOne)
- Reduce duplicate code to execute commands by grouping them in an object
- Commands can now be entered partially to execute them (if only 1 command matches)
- The setting "clearCacheOnQuit" is now "cache": "clearonquit" (default)
- Cache setting is now simply named cache and has an additional "none" setting to disable cache completely
- Permissions now show the page url in the ask dialog
- The openExternal permission is now by default on ask, which shows the external url that will be opened
- Rework the follow mode invocation to simplify the keybindings and fix some specific mode switches
- Follow mode is now always allowed (no more setting), and will update the visible links by listening to mutations
- Show plain text pages with a dark background and white text
- Also respect font sizes for special pages such as help, version or history
- Rewrite of settings chapter in the help page, including real-time preview of your settings
- Follow mode can now be combined with cursor and visual mode, to move the cursor to the element location
- Cursor now changes color gradually over time so it's more visible on conflicting background colors
- Digits repeating actions are now only applied when needed, and are executed in one go wherever possible
- Permission for openExternal is now set to "ask" by default instead of the setting "block"
- Download method setting: confirm and ask are gone, automatic (previous default) is now the only download mode
- The setting allowFollowModeDuringLoad is removed because the links are now auto-updating
- Sort all html input fields correctly by type in follow mode (input file, image and reset)
- Missing elements in follow mode using jsaction, ARIA roles or contenteditable
- History suggestions not sorting by visits correctly
- Downloads are much more consistent and less prone to race conditions
- Removing active downloads no longer mismatches the info with the progress of another download
- Rounding issues with selecting or inspecting elements using the cursor mode
- Argument issue when running Vieb using npm start and opening links with it when Vieb was already open
- Check the html element styling when detecting an unset background color (not only the body)
- Keybindings bug for chained keys being overwritten when adding new ones to the same key
- Tabs not switching to the correct tab on startup
- Page scrolling not working when the page is still loading
- Incorrect page titles when navigating tab history
- Cursor mode not detecting background images to download (when pressing "d")
- Scrolling to previous input when re-entering insert mode (now using blur)
- Electron 6.1.5 (was 6.0.10)
- Chromium 76.0.3809.146 (unchanged)
0.7.0 - 2019-09-19
- Support for keys being pressed in order with different actions (such as 'gg' or the new 'gi')
- Shortcut to enter insert mode at the first text input using 'gi'
- New option to open tabs next to the current one (using t and u) (now the new default)
- Keybinding to open tabs at the inverted position to the setting configured (so at the end by default)
- Keybindings to move the current tab left or right in the tab navigation bar (ctrl-j or ctrl-k)
- Settings to configure permissions such as microphone or camera access, options are: block, allow or ask
- Boolean toggle for settings, for example:
set caseSensitiveSearch!
- Support for multiple set command arguments, such as:
set caseSensitiveSearch! notifications.system=true notifications?
- Set command suggestions are no longer hard-coded
- Set command write syntax is now similar to Vim:
- The question mark for the set command read option is now optional:
set permissions?
now equalsset permissions
- User agent replacement to work for beta/dev versions
- Permissions changed to block access by default for most permissions
- Also make Control-BracketLeft reset the repeating digits counter to zero
- Electron 6.0.10 (was 6.0.6)
- Chromium 76.0.3809.146 (was 76.0.3809.138)
0.6.0 - 2019-08-30
- Block ads and trackers with easylist and easyprivacy (set "adblocker" to "static" or "update")
- Optionally auto-update these included filter lists directly from (set "adblocker" to "update")
- Related settings for the new adblocker (aside from options mentioned, can also be turned "off" or set to "custom")
- Additional lists that can be added manually in the blocklists subfolder inside the config folder
- Projects that are important to Vieb are mentioned at the bottom of the help page
- Set command support for reading a setting, for example "set adblocker?"
- Tabs not requested to open in the foreground are now opened in a new tab
- Improved support for onclick and onmousedown elements in follow mode
- Increased the default notification duration from 5 to 6 seconds
- More vertical space between headers on the help page
- Location not displaying during load (and staying empty on failed page loads)
- Default settings sometimes displaying in black text on help page
- Buggy favicon on some sites after navigating on the same page
- Electron 6.0.6 (was 6.0.0-beta.15)
- Chromium 76.0.3809.138 (was 76.0.3809.74)
0.5.0 - 2019-07-29
- CHANGELOG file to keep a full list of changes
- Save and restore the window state by default
- Allow specific window properties to be kept or ignored (position, size, maximized state)
- Press "Shift with t" to open a new tab with the current url pre-filled in nav mode
- Simple setting to clear all cookies on quit
- Made version and help output from the CLI more consistent
- Argument --debug now also shows the Electron frame and toolbar (--console remains unchanged)
- Simplified the readme by moving more info to the help page
- Improved the styling and update check of the version page
- Made follow in new tab slightly faster
- Missing folders and files from cache clear and localstorage clear
- Actually apply the digitsRepeatActions settings on startup (set command already worked)
- Always hide the hover url when leaving insert or cursor mode
- Allow escape to reset the digit repeat counter (also don't trigger other actions when doing so)
- Follow mode not working on pages with text nodes (getClientRects is not a function on those)
- Electron 6.0.0-beta.15 (was 5.0.6)
- Chromium 76.0.3809.74 (was 73.0.3683.121)
0.4.0 - 2019-07-01
- Cursor mode to replicate mouse actions
- Mouse hover in cursor mode
- Inspect element in cursor mode
- Image download in cursor mode
- Left and right clicking in cursor mode
- Enter insert mode at the cursor position
- Many basic Vim movement options in cursor and visual mode
- Copy selected text in new visual mode
- Some additional movement options in normal mode
- Link preview in cursor and insert mode
- Enter in normal mode now clicks on the selected search result
- Digits can now be used to enter the number of times an action should be executed
- Support in follow mode for labels as long as they have the 'for' attribute
- Support for 'onmousedown' click handlers in follow mode
- Some better suggestions to the set command (such as 'downloads.')
- Cursor mode toggle example for Firefox, similar to Caret browsing
- Funding link to my personal ko-fi page: Jelmerro
- Follow mode now handles overlapping elements, greatly improving the suggestions
- History is now loaded on startup to work faster when suggesting in nav mode
- History will never re-read the file, because it's entirely processed in memory
- Limit the amount of history suggestions appearing to 20
- The history page will add all history DOM elements in bulk (much faster)
- Downloads are now handled in the main thread to improve consistency
- All checks with if statements now use includes wherever possible
- Follow mode does not leave the mouse hovering anymore, because now there is cursor mode to do so
- Split up the url regex into multiple parts to make it fast for long urls
- Make the history ordering a bit more simple and predictable
- Increased maximum fontSize from 20 to 30 pixels in height
- Limit the history of previously closed tabs to 100 (which should be plenty)
- Strip Vieb and Electron info more reliably from the useragent (should now be similar to Chrome)
- Disable the sharing of local WebRTC ip addresses, only public ip addresses are now shared
- Scrolling to the top or bottom of the page on some pages not working
- Losing focus when switching between certain modes
- Same for possibly losing focus when a website enters fullscreen
- Periodically toggle mouse focus to fully load websites that wait for the mouse to move
- Actually save the recently closed tabs when that setting is on, but tabs.restore is off
- Missing or blurry icons on Windows and some Linux installers
- Electron 5.0.6 (was 5.0.2)
- Chromium 73.0.3683.121 (unchanged)
0.3.0 - 2019-06-07
- Browsing history is now stored when visiting pages
- History can be viewed or be deleted by visiting the new history page
- Suggestions for browsing history when in nav mode
- Suggestions for commands when in command mode
- Restore tabs option when restarting Vieb
- Reopen previously closed tab action mapped to 'u' key by default
- Downloads can now be stored between sessions
- Many new settings for tabs, history and downloads (mostly related to history)
- Custom font size option to scale all elements of the Vieb user interface
- Clear cache on quit option (enabled by default)
- Clear localstorage on quit option (disabled by default)
- More allowed keys to the input field for all modes (such as 'ctrl shift arrows')
- Arrow keys for switching suggestions to the Firefox and Chromium examples
- Eslint configuration to more accurately represent the repository style guide
- Allow commands to start with a single ':', which will be ignored
- Allow multiple login popups, one for each opened tab
- Improve the url detection to more accurately follow the domain specification
- The zoom in and zoom out default keybindings in normal mode
- Startup arguments starting with a single dash being opened as a website
- Special pages not being detected on Windows
- Follow mode duplicate key options for a certain amount of links
- Electron 5.0.2 (was 5.0.1)
- Chromium 73.0.3683.121 (unchanged)
0.2.2 - 2019-05-09
- New alternative shortcuts to go move in history for the current tab
- Preloads on special pages not working on some released builds
- Fix for unsupported 'visibility: collapse' styling
- Electron 5.0.1 (was 5.0.0-beta.8)
- Chromium 73.0.3683.121 (was 73.0.3683.104)
0.2.1 - 2019-04-07
- Use path module instead of url modifications for all paths
- Show no output when a search result has zero matches
- Proper focus when entering search mode
- Electron 5.0.0-beta.8 (was 5.0.0-beta.7)
- Chromium 73.0.3683.104 (was 73.0.3683.94)
0.2.0 - 2019-03-29
- New download support (aside from a basic popup each time)
- Confirm and automatic download configurations
- Added a basic download history for the current session
- Moved the new download page and existing help and version pages to special pages (vieb://help for example)
- Support for fullscreen requests of pages (by hiding the navbar, entering insert mode and a new escape keybinding)
- Added example keybinding and setting configurations for Firefox and Chromium
- Moved most information regarding configuration from the readme to the help page
- Default duckduckgo search engine to use a dark theme
- Improved CLI startup arguments for packaged apps
- Split the preload into multiple separate preloads
- Improved electron-builder configuration (separate file with much better settings)
- Vieb is now a single window application (single-instance): when already open, new urls will be opened as tabs
- Disable follow mode for iframes again due to a couple of issues with it
- Electron 5.0.0-beta.7 (was 4.0.5)
- Chromium 73.0.3683.94 (was 69.0.3497.106)
0.1.0 - 2019-02-17
- Initial project structure and files
- Normal mode with a fair amount of options
- Added settings to Vieb using the viebrc.json file
- Follow mode to click on urls or buttons
- Search mode to find text in the page
- Insert mode to use the mouse in Vieb
- Command mode with implementations for: version, help, reload, devtools, set and quit
- Support for CLI startup arguments
- Notifications for failed commands or other errors
- Electron 4.0.5
- Chromium 69.0.3497.106