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115 lines (81 loc) · 3.81 KB

File metadata and controls

115 lines (81 loc) · 3.81 KB


Thanks for showing interest in contributing to ILLA, we think you are the best one!

Here's the table of contents:

  • Setup the Project
    • Commands
  • Create a New Component
    • Directory Structure
  • Make a Pull Request
    • Commit Convention
    • Steps to PR
    • Some Rules

Setup the Project

  1. Fork the repo (click the Fork button at the top right of this page
  2. Clone your fork locally
  3. Setup all the dependencies and packages by running yarn.

If you have some problems, you can take an issue or talk with others on Discord


# start the storybook to preview the components
$ yarn storybook

# lint all code
$ yarn lint

# build all components
$ yarn build-all-components

# run jest & cypress to test all components
$ yarn test

# open cypress test UI on chrome
$ npx cypress run-ct -b chrome

# create a new component
$ yarn plop

# pull & buld & start storybook
$ yarn build-develop
# build storybook project for publish 
$ yarn build-storybook
# only run jest
$ yarn unit-test

Create a New Component

You can run the plop script to create a new component.

$ yarn plop

Then only add some props you can create a new component.

Know more about Plop

You can find it in "packages/{component name}"

Directory Structure

├── src 
│   ├── index.ts                  # index file for this component.
│   ├── {name}.tsx                # main code file
│   ├── style.tsx                 # emotion css style
│   ├── interface.ts              # the component props
│   └── vite-env.d.ts             # vite flag
├── stories
│   └── {name}.stories.tsx        # the storybook file
├── tests
│   ├── __snapshots__             # jest snapshot directory
│   │   └── {name}.test.tsx.snap  # auto generate snapshot file
│   ├── {name}.e2e.tsx            # cypress test cases
│   └── {name}.test.tsx           # jest test cases
├── dist                          # build production
├── .gitignore                    # gitignore file
├──                  # component changelog
├── tsconfig.json                 # typescript build config
├── vite.config.ts                # vite config
└── package.json                  # this component dependencies(monorepo)

Make a Pull Request

If you have some changes, you can make a pull request to let ILLA be better!

Commit Convention

This project uses the commitlint to lint commit.

Please follow the conventional to add the commit messages.

We use the husky to check the commit message before every commit action.

Steps to PR

  1. Fork of the repository and clone your fork
  2. Create a new branch out of the develop branch. We follow the convention [type/scope]. For example fix/accordion-hook or docs/menu-typo. type can be either docs, fix, feat, build, or any other conventional commit type. scope is just a short id that describes the scope of work.
  3. Make and commit your changes following the Commit Convention, As you develop, you can run yarn lint and yarn lint to make sure everything works as expected. Please note that you might have to run yarn first in order to install all dependencies.
  4. We have a pull request template, you only need to add some necessary info to let others know what this pr does.

Some Rules

  1. We need complete unit testing, so please check your test code before committing.
  2. Try not to reduce unit test coverage.