Your job just got even more demanding. In addition to weather control, you now need to manage emergencies like hijacking, lost communications or a general emergency.
During a hijacking, communication with the cockpit will be compromised. The airplane will fly by itself, ignoring your instructions, which could lead to a collision with another airplane.
During a lost communications emergency, the pilots will attempt to restore contact with you. This will be the only time you can give instructions to that airplane. When contact is restored, the airplane's color will turn back to white. Each time the airplane loses contact, it will be marked as red.
Additionally, airplanes and helicopters have fuel consumption. You must manage them efficiently and fast to ensure they reach their destination airports before they run out, preventing a crash. An airplane will crash if speed is below 140 knots (the minimum speed) or altitude is below 0 and fuel quantity is below 2.5kgs. For helicopters same conditions apply, having minimum speed of 120 knots.
When they run out of fuel, the airplane will still listen to your instructions.
- Fixed Iceland crash when playing in offline mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused an airplane to move faster when it was repeatedly clicked on in flight table.
- Fixed airplanes callsign position.
- Fix for Cyprus air traffic.
- Added icon for game window.
- Removed console for Windows users.
- Lowered volume of loading screen and ATC voice.
- Other minor changes and optimizations.
From now on, your job just got even more realistic with real air traffic integration, thanks to AIRPLANES.LIVE.
Your job as an ATC just got tougher. Control airplanes to ensure they avoid storms. Once inside bad weather, airplanes will rapidly lose altitude, their airspeed will decrease, and their heading will become unstable.
To create a route for a flying entity, click on the flying entity, then press Space on any waypoint available on the map to add it to the current route. To reset the route, change the heading.