BugInsight.exe example_memory_leak.exe
[BugInsight] [info] BugInsight Application under test: 'example_memory_leak.exe'
[BugInsight] [info] Loading 'BugInsight' into application under test.
[BugInsight] [info] BugInsight loaded (version: '')
[Used BugInsight options]
on error: fail on exit
ignore modules memory leak: ''
ignore modules deadlock: ''
collect Call Stacks: true
start detached: false
log to: stdout
log level: info
thread_watchdog: true
thread_watchdog_max_duration_sec: 30
log to debug out: in debugger
exit_code: 66
start in console: 'BugInsight.exe example_memory_leak.exe'
allocated malloc(): 0000019350639F70 size: 100
allocated _strdup(): 0000019350657740 size: 12
allocated HeapAlloc(): 0000019350659820 size: 42
The application under test is currently being shut down...
Analysing '3' leaks...
Memory leak report:
Function | Calls| Bytes allocated
malloc | 1| 100
HeapAlloc | 1| 42
_strdup | 1| 12
Memory leak callstacks:
[Function: 'malloc', Hit count: 1, Sum bytes allocated: 100]
Call Stack:
C:\dev\buginsight\examples\example_memory_leak\main.cpp(28,0): main (example_memory_leak.exe)
vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl(288,0): __scrt_common_main_seh (example_memory_leak.exe)
0x7fff7f15257d (KERNEL32.DLL) (no symbol info)
0x7fff8076aa48 (ntdll.dll) (no symbol info)
[Function: 'HeapAlloc', Hit count: 1, Sum bytes allocated: 42]
Call Stack:
C:\dev\buginsight\examples\example_memory_leak\main.cpp(31,0): main (example_memory_leak.exe)
vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl(288,0): __scrt_common_main_seh (example_memory_leak.exe)
0x7fff7f15257d (KERNEL32.DLL) (no symbol info)
0x7fff8076aa48 (ntdll.dll) (no symbol info)
[Function: '_strdup', Hit count: 1, Sum bytes allocated: 12]
Call Stack:
C:\dev\buginsight\examples\example_memory_leak\main.cpp(28,0): main (example_memory_leak.exe)
vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl(288,0): __scrt_common_main_seh (example_memory_leak.exe)
0x7fff7f15257d (KERNEL32.DLL) (no symbol info)
0x7fff8076aa48 (ntdll.dll) (no symbol info)
BugInsight summary:
[Ok ] Monitored API calls: 3
[Ok ] Potential deadlocks found: No
[Error ] Memory leaks found: Yes
[Ok ] Errors found: No
[BugInsight] [error] Terminate process with exit code '66' due to errors. Use command line option '--on_error=continue' to ignore errors.
[BugInsight] [info] Application under test finished with exit code '66'