The jMetal project started in 2006 as the result of our need of having a easy to use, flexible, extensible and portable multi-objective optimization framework with metaheuristics. Since 2008 it has been hosted in http://jmetal.sourceforge.net. Since 2014 the current development is located in https://github.com/jMetal/jMetal.
After nine years since the first release of jMetal, we have decided it's time to make a deep redesign of the software. Some of the ideas we have taking into consideration are:
- Architecture redesign to provide a simpler design while keeping the same functionality.
- Maven is used as the tool for development, testing, packaging and deployment.
- Promote code reusing by providing algorithm templates
- Improve code quality:
- Application of unit testing
- Better use of Java features (e.g, generics)
- Design patterns (singleton, builder, factory, observer)
- Application of clean code guidelines - “Clean code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" (Robert C. Martin)
- Parallelism support
- Introducing measures to get information of the algorithms in runtime