🖊 A simple tic toc toe made in C++.
1 2 3
A O │ X │
B O │ X │
C │ X │
X played at A2
O played at B1
X played at B2
O played at A1
X played at C2
Winner: X
The program will clear the screen every render.
You have to enter the position where you want to place your symbol (X or O).
Player X turn
Enter a position (e.g. A2):
For win, you need to align 3 of your symbols in a row.
You can you any build system.
If you want to build with built-in script, you will need g++
Linux, maxOs :
$ ./build.sh
The built binary is located in dist/tictoctoe
Windows :
> ./build.bat
The built binary is located in dist/tictoctoe.exe