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Changelog is kept with respect to version 0.11 of Entropies.jl. From version v2.0 onwards, this package has been renamed to ComplexityMeasures.jl.


  • Updated to StateSpaceSets.jl v2.0
  • Fixed a bug in codify with StateSpaceSet. Now it does exactly as described in the docstring.


  • New information measure: FluctuationComplexity.


  • New multiscale API.
  • New spatial outcome space: SpatialBubbleSortSwaps.
  • A script in the documentation now calculates explicitly the total possible complexity measures one can estimate with ComplexityMeasures.jl. For version 3.5 this is roughly 1,600.


  • New complexity measure: BubbleEntropy.
  • New outcome space: BubbleSortSwaps.
  • New encoding: BubbleSortSwapsEncoding.


  • Added the SequentialPairDistances outcome space. In the literature, this outcome space has been used to compute the "distribution entropy", which can be reproduced with information(Shannon(), SequentialPairDistances(x), x). It can of course also be used in combination with any other information measure.
  • Added the PairDistanceEncoding encoding.
  • Added the entropy_distribution convenience function.


  • missing_outcomes only works with count-based outcome spaces, which is what it should be doing based on its conceptual definition. Previous signature has been deprecated.
  • New function missing_probabilities that works with probability estimators and does the same as missing_outcomes.


  • Pretty printing for Encodings, OutcomeSpaces, ProbabilitiesEstimators, InformationMeasures, InformationMeasureEstimators and ComplexityEstimators.


ComplexityMeasures.jl has undergone major overhaul of the internal design. Additionally, a large number of exported names have been renamed. Despite the major version change, this release does not contain strictly breaking changes. Instead, deprecations have been put in place everywhere.

The main renames and re-thinking of the library design are:

  • We have renamed the concept of "entropy" to "information measure", and entropy has been renamed to information. We consider as "information measures" anything that is a functional of probability mass/density functions, and these are estimated using DiscreteInfoEstimators or DifferentialInfoEstimators.
  • We realized that types like ValueBinning, OrdinalPatterns and Dispersion don't actually represent probabilities estimators, but outcome spaces. To convery this fact, from 3.0, these types are subtypes of OutcomeSpace.
  • Subtypes of ProbabilitiesEstimators now represent distinct ways of estimating probabilities from counts or pseudo-counts over some OutcomeSpace. RelativeAmount is the simplest (and default) probabilities estimator. BayesianRegularization, Shrinkage and AddConstant are some more complex probabilities estimators.

The online documentation now comes with a tutorial that nicely summarizes these new concepts/changes.

New library features

  • New dedicated counting interface for mapping observations into outcome counts. See the counts_and_outcomes function and Counts struct.
  • New function allprobabilities that is like probabilities but also includes 0 entries for possible outcomes that were not present in the data.
  • New extropy definitions that count as information measures (and thus can be given to information): ShannonExtropy, RenyiExtropy, TsallisExtropy.
  • StatisticalComplexity is now compatible with any normalizable InformationMeasure (previously EntropyDefinition).
  • StatisticalComplexity can now estimate probabilities using any combination of ProbabilitiesEstimator and OutcomeSpace.
  • Add the 1976 Lempel-Ziv complexity measure (LempelZiv76).
  • New entropy definition: identification entropy (Identification).
  • Minor documentation fixes.
  • GaussianCDFEncoding now can be used with vector-valued inputs.
  • New LeonenkoProzantoSavani differential entropy estimator. Works with Shannon, Renyi and Tsallis entropies.
  • New encodings available: RelativeMeanEncoding, RelativeFirstDifferenceEncoding, UniqueElementsEncoding and CombinationEncoding (the latter combines multiple encodings).
  • New codify function that encodes sequences of observations (vectors or state space sets) into discrete symbol sequences.

Renaming (deprecated)

  • SymbolicPermutation is now OrdinalPatterns.
  • SymbolicWeightedPermutation is now WeightedOrdinalPatterns.
  • SymbolicAmplitudeAwarePermutation is now AmplitudeAwareOrdinalPatterns.
  • SpatialSymbolicPermutation is now SpatialOrdinalPatterns.

Other deprecations

  • Passing m as a positional or keyword argument to ordinal pattern outcome space or encoding is deprecated. It is given as a type parameter now, e.g., OrdinalPatterns{m}(...) instead of OrdinalPatterns(m = ..., ...).

Bug fixes

  • outcome_space for Dispersion now correctly returns the all possible sorted outcomes (as promised by the outcome_space docstring).
  • decode with GaussianCDFEncoding now correctly returns only the left-sides of the [0, 1] subintervals, and always returns the decoded symbol as a Vector{SVector} (consistent with RectangularBinEncoding), regardless of whether the input is a scalar or a vector.
  • Using the TransferOperator outcome space with a RectangularBinning or FixedRectangularBinning with precise == false will now trigger a warning. This was previously causing random bugs because some bins were encoded as -1, indicating that the point is outside the binning - even if it wasn't.
  • WaveletOverlap now computes probabilities (relative energies) over the correct number of transform levels. Previously, the *scaling *coefficients for the max transform level were incorrectly included, as an extra set of coefficients in addition to the (correctly included) wavelet coefficients. This caused a lot of energy to be concentrated at low frequencies, even for high-frequency signals. Thus the corresponding Probabilities had an extra element which in many cases dominated the rest of the distribution.


  • Fix bug in calculation of statistical complexity


  • Add generalized statistical complexity as complexity measure.


  • Fixed differential entropy "unit" bug caused by erroneous conversion between logarithm bases and introduced the convert_logunit function to convert between entropies computed with different logarithm bases.


  • Moved to StateSpaceSets.jl v1 (only renames of Dataset to StateSpaceSet).


  • Rectangular binnings have been reformed to operate based on ranges. This leads to much more intuitive bin sizes and edges. For RectangularBinning nothing changes, while for FixedRectangularBinning the ranges should be given explicitly. Backwards compatible deprecations have been added.
  • This also allows for a new precise option that utilizes Base Julia TwinPrecision to make more accurate mapping of points to bins at the cost of performance.


  • Like differential entropies, discrete entropies now also have their own estimator type.
  • The approach of giving both an entropy definition, and an entropy estimator to entropy has been dropped. Now the entropy estimators know what definitions they are applied for. This change is a deprecation, i.e., backwards compatible.
  • Added PlugInEntropy discrete entropy estimator.


  • Corrected documentation for SymbolicPermutation, SymbolicAmplitudeAwarePermutation, and SymbolicWeightedPermutation, indicating that the outcome space is the set of factorial(m) permutations of the integers 1:m, not the rank orderings, as was stated before.


  • Added Gao estimator for differential Shannon entropy.
  • Added Lord estimator for differential Shannon entropy.
  • Probabilities now wraps AbstractArray{T, N} instead of AbstractVector{T}, so that it can also represent multidimensional probability mass functions. For vectors, it behaves as before.


The API for Entropies.jl has been completely overhauled, and the package has been renamed to ComplexityMeasures.jl. Along with the overhaul comes a massive amount of new features, an entirely new API, extendable and educative code, dedicated documentation pages, and more!

We believe it is best to learn all of this by visiting the online documentation.

We tried our best to keep pre-2.0 functions working and throw deprecation warnings. If we missed code that should be working, let us know by opening an issue.

Major changes

  • Common generic interface function entropy, entropy_normalized and maximum (maximum entropy) that dispatches on different definitions of entropies (e.g Renyi() Shannon(), Tsallis()) and estimated probabilities.
  • Convenience functions for common entropies, such as permutation entropy and dispersion entropy still exist.
  • New interface DifferentialEntropyEstimator that is also used in entropy.
  • The base of the entropy is now a field of the InformationMeasure type, not the estimator.
  • An entirely new section of entropy-like complexity measures, such as the reverse dispersion entropy.
  • Many new estimators, such as SpatialPermutation and PowerSpectrum.
  • Check the online documentation for a comprehensive overview of the changes.

Minor changes

  • No more deprecation warnings for using the old keyword α for Renyi entropy.
  • The KozachenkoLeonenko estimator now correctly fixes its neighbor search to the closest neighbor only, and its constructor does no longer accept k as an input. It also uses correct scaling factor and adapts to dimension.
  • Using a logarithm base different from MathConstants.e now yields correct results for Kraskov and KozachenkoLeonenko.


  • New probability estimator SpatialSymbolicPermutation suitable for computing spatial permutation entropies
  • Introduce Tsallis entropy.


  • Added dispersion entropy.


  • Introduce convenience function permentropy.
  • Several type instabilities fixed.


No actual changes, just first major version release.


  • Nearest neighbor searches now use Neighborhood.jl and the Theiler window properly.


  • probabilities(data, n::Int) now uses a rectangular binning of n bins for each dimension. Before, while not documented as possible in the public API, using integer n would take it as the bin size.