Common source code: common.go
The chain overview:
↓ ContrailService
↓ RefUpdateToUpdateService
↓ SanitizerService
↓ RBACService
↓ QuotaCheckerService
↓ NeutronService (optional)
↓ ContrailTypeLogicService
↓ etcd.NotifierService (optional)
↓ db.DBService
↺ Database
- Caller: REST/gRPC framework
- Purpose: Operations on request's payload: common operations, schema-based validation, deserialize payload to resource structure.
- Source code: service.go.tmpl service_common.go.tmpl
Contrail Service is registered as API request handler.
- Caller: ContrailService
- Purpose: Translate reference update to in-transaction resource update.
- Source code: service_interface.go.tmpl
RefUpdate is a special endpoint which is used only for add and delete references. It is risky to make such changes outside of transaction. RefUpdateToUpdate translates add/delete reference to in-transaction resource update.
- Caller: RefUpdateToUpdateService
- Purpose: Fills up missing properties based on resources logic and metadata.
- Source code: sanitizer_service.go.tmpl sanitizer.go
Sanitizer complement properties like: refs or display name by creating or updating resources.
- Caller: Sanitizer service
- Purpose: Check whether resource access is allowed based on RBAC configuration.
- Source code: rbac_service.go.tmpl rbac.go
RBAC does role based access control on resource operations. If a user has not any role which will allow a particular operation, RBAC service won't allow the user to do that resource operation.
- Caller: RBAC service
- Purpose: Implements business logic specific to each type (model).
- Source code: service.go
Here lives business logic specific for each type.
- Caller: ContrailTypeLogicService
- Purpose: Checks if the resource's quantity has been exceeded.
- Source code: base_quota_getter.go.tmpl, base_quota_counter.go.tmpl, quota_checker_service.go.tmpl
Quota is a maximum limit for creation new resources.
Quota checker service is composed of two parts: quota limit getter and counter. Limit getter implements quota limit retrieval and counter implements counting logic.
- Caller: QuotaCheckerService
- Purpose: Notification bus for etcd.
- Source code: etcdserviceif.go.tmpl
Notifier service uses etcd server for pushing change notification. Other Contrail microservices can observe etcd events and react on changing resources.
Notifier is optional and can be disabled in config yaml file by setting server.notify_etcd: false
etcd notifier is a temporary substitute for Sync service.
- Caller: QuotaCheckerService or ContrailTypeLogicService
- Purpose: High level abstraction for database driver.
- Source code: db.go
Database service provides query builder by exposing high level abstraction methods. Works with PostgreSQL driver.
Database service can be accessed through Read and Write services located in ContrailService and ContrailTypeLogicService.
Services which play significant role in the project but are not part of the Service Chain.
- Caller: Intent compiler
- Source code: intent cache.go
Cache is heavily used in Intent Compiler (outside of Service Chain).
Current implementation of cache is responsible for:
- Storing and removing objects from cache
- Updating object and its references in cache