layout | title |
presentation |
Week 4, session 2: using external libraries, operator overloading |
class: title
We continue working on our fMRI analysis project
You can find the most up to date version in the project's solution/
.explain-bottom[ Make sure your code is up to date now! ]
Implement a class called Dataset
to represent a time series of image slices
This class should:
- store a vector of
s - provide methods to:
- load the images
- query the size of the data set (the number of time points / slices)
- get one of the image slices given its index
- get the full timecourse for a pixel of interest, given its x & y coordinates
- have a default constructor
- have a non-default constructor that will also load the data from the relevant file(s)
Modify your own code to use this new class
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "image.h"
class Dataset
Dataset () = default;
Dataset (const std::vector<std::string>& filenames) { load (filenames); }
void load (const std::vector<std::string>& filenames);
unsigned int size () const { return m_slices.size(); }
const Image& get (int n) const { return m_slices[n]; }
std::vector<int> get_timecourse (int x, int y) const;
std::vector<Image> m_slices;
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <format>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "debug.h"
#include "pgm.h"
#include "dataset.h"
std::vector<int> Dataset::get_timecourse (int x, int y) const
std::vector<int> vals (size());
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < size(); ++n)
vals[n] = m_slices[n].get(x,y);
return vals;
: (continued)
void Dataset::load (const std::vector<std::string>& filenames)
if (filenames.empty())
throw std::runtime_error ("no filenames supplied when loading dataset");
for (const auto& fname : filenames)
m_slices.push_back (load_pgm (fname));
// check that dimensions all match up:
for (unsigned int n = 1; n < m_slices.size(); ++n) {
if ( (m_slices[n].width() != m_slices[n-1].width()) ||
(m_slices[n].height() != m_slices[n-1].height()) )
throw std::runtime_error ("dimensions do not match across slices");
debug::log (std::format (
"loaded {} slices of size {}x{}\n",
m_slices.size(), m_slices[0].width(), m_slices[0].height()));
class: section name: cmdline_option_with_args
Currently, our code can print the intensity at a pixel of interest
- but the location of that pixel is hard-coded
It would be better to provide a mechanism to allow us (and our users) to select different pixels
⇒ we can do this using a command-line option, for example:
$ ./fmri ../data/fmri-*.pgm `-p 30 48`
.explain-bottom[ Exercise: implement code to handle such an option, and use it to print out the timecourse of the intensity at various locations
Hint: you will most likely find the following methods useful: - [`std::ranges::find()`](, [`std::distance()`](, [`std::vector::erase()`](, [`std::stoi()`]( ]
In fmri.cpp
void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
debug::verbose = std::erase (args, "-v");
* int x = -1, y = -1;
* auto pixel_option = std::ranges::find (args, "-p");
* if (pixel_option != args.end()) {
* if (std::distance (pixel_option, args.end()) < 3)
* throw std::runtime_error (
* "not enough arguments to '-p' option (expected '-p x y')");
* x = std::stoi (*(pixel_option+1));
* y = std::stoi (*(pixel_option+2));
* args.erase (pixel_option, pixel_option+3);
* }
class: section name: external_library
We could write code to do everything ourselves
- but that is rarely a good use of our time
- often, it is simply not possible, or at best highly impractical
For example, we may wish to perform matrix multiplications
- but it is remarkably difficult to write efficient code to do this!
- what if we need to solve more complex matrix problems, involving matrix inversions, etc?
As another example, we may wish to perform Fourier transforms
- but this is not trivial to code up, particularly if performance matters
⇒ much better to use an external, well-maintained library, written by experts
- it saves us time
- it means (a lot) fewer bugs
- less code for us to maintain, document, etc
- other developpers will likely already be familiar with well-known libraries --
- ... and it often means we can do something that we simply wouldn't be able to do otherwise!
class: info
Libraries come in many formats:
- this is the simplest form
- the library consists only of a set of header files
- we only need to
the appropriate header in our own code and compile and link as before
- the library consists of a set of header files, and a static archive file
- this is essentially a collection of multiple object files
- typically with the suffix
- we only need to:
the appropriate header in our own code and compile- inform the linker to include the archive file when linking
class: info
- the library consists of a set of header files, and a shared library file
- this is also a collection of multiple object files, but produced using different compiler options
- typically with the suffix
- we now need to:
the appropriate header in our own code and compile- inform the linker to include the dynamic library file when linking
- ensure the dynamic library is available in the expected location at run-time on the target system
With dynamic libraries, the executable does not contain the functionality provided by the library
- this differs from header-only and static libraries
- at run-time, the system will need to locate the shared library file and load it into our program
When deploying your program on other systems, you need to take steps to ensure the required shared libraries are also installed and available
- otherwise the program will fail to run on those systems!
We would like to display the images we have loaded, and plot the signal intensity across time points for selected pixels
- we could output the required information to file, and display it using a
different program
- for example, write the intensities to a file, load that file in Matlab, and plot it from there
But we could also use a library that provides that functionality
- there are many libraries available for graphical output --
- unfortunately, most of them are much more complex than we can cover on this course
- many of them are also platform-specific, and will only work on a specific operating system
To keep things simple, we have produced a very simple, header-only library that
provides just the functionality we need: the terminal_graphics
name: terminal_graphics
Let's have a look at the README for the project to get an idea of how to use it.
- for more specific information, you can refer to the
header file - ... or look at the automatically-generated documentation (produced from that header using Doxygen)
We need to:
- make sure we are using a sixel-capable terminal
- MSYS2 uses the
terminal, which already fits that criterion - on macOS, the default Terminal application is not appropriate – use WezTerm or iTerm2
- MSYS2 uses the
- grab the
header file, and place it in our project #include "terminal_graphics.h"
in our own code- use the functionality we're interested in
- we can plot the signal time course using e.g.
TG::plot().add_line (values);
- we can plot the signal time course using e.g.
.explain-bottom[ Exercise: take the steps described here to display the signal time course for the pixel of interest ]
Project folder should now contain:
$ ls
dataset.cpp dataset.h debug.h fmri.cpp image.h pgm.cpp pgm.h `terminal_graphics.h`
In fmri.cpp
*#include "terminal_graphics.h"
void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
Dataset data ({ args.begin()+1, args.end() });
* TG::plot().add_line (data.get_timecourse (x,y));
Add functionality to load the time course for the task
- we recommend the task file be provided as the first argument
Add functionality to plot the time course of the task after the signal itself
Add functionality to display the task on the same plot as the signal
- to do this, you will need to rescale the task to match the min & max intensities of the signal
- you can display multiple lines on the same plot with additional
calls, specifying a non-default colour index, for example:TG::plot().add_line (signal).add_line (task, 3);
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
std::vector<int> load_task (const std::string& filename);
std::vector<float> rescale (const std::vector<int>& task, int min, int max);
In fmri.cpp
auto signal = data.get_timecourse (x,y);
* auto minval = std::ranges::min (signal);
* auto maxval = std::ranges::max (signal);
* TG::plot()
* .add_line (signal)
* .add_line (rescale (task, minval, maxval), 3);
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "task.h"
#include "debug.h"
std::vector<int> load_task (const std::string& filename)
debug::log ("loading task file \"" + filename + "\"...");
std::vector<int> task;
std::ifstream intask (filename);
if (!intask)
throw std::runtime_error ("error opening file \"" + filename + "\"");
int val;
while (intask >> val)
task.push_back (val);
debug::log ("task file \"" + filename + "\" loaded OK");
return task;
: (continued)
std::vector<float> rescale (const std::vector<int>& task, int min, int max)
std::vector<float> out (task.size());
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < task.size(); ++n)
out[n] = min + task[n] * (max-min);
return out;
class: section name: operator_overloading
How about displaying the image slices themselves?
- there is a
method that looks appropriate! -- - ... but the documentation states that our image class needs to implement these
int width() const
int height() const
integer_type operator() (int x, int y) const
⇒ We already have width()
and height()
methods, but what is this operator()
To understand this, we need to learn about operator overloading
C++ allows us to specify the action of the different operators for our classes
Most standard C++ operators can be overloaded:
, ...- we have already used overloaded operators:
std::ifstream infile (filename); if (`!`infile) ... std::string var; infile `>>` var;
Different operators need to be defined differently depending on whether they are unary or binary operators
- i.e. whether act on one or two operands
Let's look at how to overload the ()
name: overload_bracket
Overloading the bracket operator allows us to use our class almost like a function:
Image image;
// use the bracket operator as a getter method:
std::cout << "value at (12,21) = " << image(12,21) << "\n";
// ... or use it as a setter method:
image(12,21) = 1023;
By overloading the bracket operator, we can replace our .get()
& .set()
method with a simpler and more intuitive syntax
The bracket operator is allowed to take any number of arguments
- you can even have multiple overloads, each with different numbers of arguments in the same class!
- in our case, we just need it to take 2 arguments: the coordinates of the desired pixel
layout: true
To overload this operator, we declare it like any other method
- but with the special name
- to be able to modify the intensities values, we need to return a reference to the pixel intensity
- to use our class in a
context, we need to provide both aconst
and a non-const
class Image {
int& operator() (int x, int y) { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
const int& operator() (int x, int y) const { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
class Image {
int& `operator()` (int x, int y) { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
const int& `operator()` (int x, int y) const { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
The method name is specified as operator()
class Image {
`int&` operator() (int x, int y) { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
`const int&` operator() (int x, int y) const { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
Both methods return a reference to the pixel intensity
- technically, the
version could just return the value itself, since anint
is a small object
class Image {
`int&` operator() (int x, int y) { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
const int& operator() (int x, int y) const { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
Returning a reference to the pixel intensity allows the invoking code to modify that value:
Image image;
image(12,21) = 1021;
class Image {
int& operator() (int x, int y) { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
`const` int& operator() (int x, int y) `const` { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
The const
version returns a const
- otherwise this method could not be considered
class Image {
int& operator() (int x, int y) { `return m_data[x + m_xdim*y];` }
const int& operator() (int x, int y) const { `return m_data[x + m_xdim*y];` }
Both methods otherwise do exactly the same thing!
- the only difference is whether the reference returned is
However, there will be cases where the two versions work slightly differently
class Image {
`int& operator() (int x, int y) ` { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
`const int& operator() (int x, int y) const` { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
Why do we need two almost identical const
and non-const
- When we pass our class to a function as a
value or reference, that function can only useconst
methods of our class- otherwise the compiler can't guarantee that the class won't be modified!
- In a context where our class is not
, the compiler will use the non-const
layout: false
Consider this simple function to find the maximum intensity in the image:
int max (const Image& image)
int maxval = `image(0,0)`;
for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++)
maxval = std::max (maxval, `image(x,y)`);
return maxval;
This can only work if a const
version of Image::operator()
is available
- this is because the
argument should not be modified, and is provided as aconst
reference - the
object isconst
within the context of this function – it cannot be modified
⇒ only const
methods of image
can be used in this function
Consider this simple function to add a constant intensity to the image:
void add (Image& image, int val)
for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++)
`image(x,y)` += val;
This can only work if a non-const
version of Image::operator()
is available
- the
object needs to be modified – we are adding to the intensities. - it therefore cannot be passed as a
argument - note that it does need to be provided as a (modifiable) reference since we want to change the intensity values in the original image
⇒ In this case, the non-const
version will be used
class Image {
int& operator() (int x, int y) { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
const int& operator() (int x, int y) const { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
Exercise: add overloaded bracket operators to your own Image
class, and
modify your code to display the first image slice.
You can then remove your .get()
& .set()
In image.h
class Image {
* int& operator() (int x, int y) { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
* const int& operator() (int x, int y) const { return m_data[x + m_xdim*y]; }
In fmri.cpp
void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
Dataset data ({ args.begin()+2, args.end() });
* TG::imshow (data.get(0), 0, 4000);
In dataset.cpp
std::vector<int> Dataset::get_timecourse (int x, int y) const
std::vector<int> vals (size());
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < size(); ++n)
* vals[n] = m_slices[n](x,y);
return vals;
That image is a bit too small...
- thankfully, the
library provides a convenience function to upscale an image:TG::magnify (image, scale_factor)
In fmri.cpp
void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
Dataset data ({ args.begin()+2, args.end() });
TG::imshow (`TG::magnify (data.get(0), 4)`, 0, 4000);
name: overload_subscript
Another commonly-overloaded operator is the subscript (square brackets)
This time however, the operator can only take a single argument
The syntax is otherwise identical to the bracket operator
- Let's illustrate by overloading the subscript operator for our
We declare it in the same way as the bracket operator
- but with the special name
and a single argument
class Dataset {
Image& operator[] (int n) { return m_slices[n]; }
const Image& operator[] (int n) const { return m_slices[n]; }
Exercise: add a subscript operator to the Dataset
class, and use it in your
own code. Remove the now-redundant .get()
In dataset.h
class Dataset {
* Image& operator[] (int n) { return m_slices[n]; }
* const Image& operator[] (int n) const { return m_slices[n]; }
In fmri.cpp
* TG::imshow (TG::magnify (data[0], 4), 0, 4000);
// default values if x & y not set (<0):
if (x < 0 || y < 0) {
* x = data[0].width()/2;
* y = data[0].height()/2;
else {
* if (x >= data[0].width() || y >= data[0].height())
throw std::runtime_error ("pixel position is out of bounds");
name: overload_insertion
Another operator that is often overloaded in C++ is the stream insertion
operator (<<
- this can be useful for debugging and other purposes
This differs from the bracket and subscript operators because it is a binary operator
- there are two operands: the stream and the object being inserted
- the operator sits between the operands
The object to be fed into the stream is on the right-hand side of the operator
- this means this operator cannot be a member function of our class
- ... but we also can't simply add it as a member of the stream class!
This operator is therefore best written as an independent function
- this is also true for many of the other binary operators
layout: true
We need to declare a function outside the scope of either class, which overloads the stream insertion operator. This is what it typically looks like:
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Image& image);
std::ostream& `operator<<` (std::ostream& stream, const Image& image);
As before, this looks like a regular function, but with the special name operator<<
std::ostream& operator<< (`std::ostream& stream`, `const Image& image`);
It takes two arguments:
• the stream object (as a non-const
- we use the
class, which is the base class for all output streams (this will make more sense when we cover inheritance) - we take a non-
reference since pushing data into the stream is clearly a modifying operation
• the object to the inserted (typically as a const
- here, we use our
class to illustrate
`std::ostream&` operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Image& image);
It returns a reference to the stream that was originally provided as the first argument
This allows insertion statements to be daisy-chained, by evaluating left-to-right:
stream << "Image is " << image << "\n";
`std::ostream&` operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Image& image);
It returns a reference to the stream that was originally provided as the first argument
This allows insertion statements to be daisy-chained, by evaluating left-to-right:
`(stream << "Image is ")` << image << "\n";
stream << image << "\n";
`std::ostream&` operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Image& image);
It returns a reference to the stream that was originally provided as the first argument
This allows insertion statements to be daisy-chained, by evaluating left-to-right:
(stream << "Image is ") << image << "\n";
`(stream << image)` << "\n";
stream << "\n";
layout: false
What about the implementation of our insertion operator?
Here is what we might do for the Image
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Image& image)
stream << "Image of size " << im.width() << "x" << im.height();
return stream;
Which we can then use in our own code:
std::cout << image << "\n";
class: section name: friend
In the previous example, it was possible to define an independent function for the
insertion operator because we only needed to access public const
methods of
the class
... but what if we needed access to private members?
If necessary, a function (or class) can be declared as a friend
class Image {
* friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Image& image);
This is done by:
- placing the declaration within the scope of the class
- using the
keyword at the front of the declaration - the full definition still remains outside of the class
⇒ This function will now be able to access private members of our Image
It is fairly common to declare the insertion and extraction operators as
- they cannot be explicit members of the class
- they often need access to private members
In our case, there is no need to declare the insertion operator as friend
- we can do everything we need using public methods
- ... but if we needed to, this is the recommended way to do it
When should you declare a function or class as a friend
- there is no simple rule...
- the C++ FAQ
states: "Use a
member when you can, and a
when you have to"
class: section
add an insertion operator for the
class -
add an insertion operator for the
class- this should provide information about each image in the dataset
- ... using the
class insertion operator!
use your
insertion operator in therun()
function- only use it when in verbose mode – this might be useful for debugging!
In image.h
*#include <iostream>
*inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const Image& im)
* out << "Image of size " << im.width() << "x" << im.height();
* return out;
In dataset.h
*inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const Dataset& data)
* out << "Data set with " << data.size() << " images:\n";
* for (unsigned int n = 0; n < data.size(); ++n)
* out << " image " << n << ": " << data[n] << "\n";
* return out;
In fmri.cpp
Dataset data ({ args.begin()+2, args.end() });
* std::cerr << data << "\n";
class: section
We now have all the machinery in place to finish the project
- an
class to represent a single slice of data - the ability to display an image on the terminal
- a
class to represent a set of images as a time series - the ability to extract the time course for the image intensity for a given pixel
- the ability to load the task time course
All that remains to be done is to compute the correlation coefficient and display!
Add a function to compute the correlation coefficient between the signal and the task time courses
- report the value of the correlation coefficient for the pixel of interest on the terminal
Add a different function to compute the image of correlation coefficients for every pixel in the image, and diplay this image on the terminal
- use your previous function to compute a single correlation coefficient
- hint: you will need to rescale your correlation coefficient values (which range from -1 → 1) to allow them to be stored as integers with minimal loss of precision (for example, multiply them by 1000 and round to nearest)
Modify your program so that:
- by default, it computes the image of correlation coefficients and displays it on the terminal
- when provided with the
-p x y
option, it display only the signal time course and corresponding correlation coefficient for that pixel