All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Use available drivers instead of configured ones for verification because of Slack events verification
- Drivers can have a method called
to simplify manual driver loading, when not using BotMan studio.
- Fixed matching middleware inside of conversations not receiving the manipulated
- Added ability to originate inline conversations.
- Moved each driver into their own repository.
- Facebook - Added support to send file and audio attachments.
- Telegram - Added support to send file, audio and location attachments.
- Added Kik driver.
- Added custom Attachment classes.
- Added support to listen for message service events.
- Changed the way middleware works in BotMan.
- Added support for Slack interactive menu messages.
- Added Facebook Referral driver.
- Allow replying to an existing thread for Slack drivers (#327).
- Added
method to BotMan. - Added ability to use BotMan with a local socket.
- Switched from plain text to JSON responses for Slack slash commands, to allow richer message formatting.
- Moved message matching into a separate
- Removed
in favor of the new event API.
Custom drivers now get loaded first.
Fix botframework not using shorthand closing tags (#345)
Fix error when originating MS Bot Framework messages - fixes (#324)
Fixed an issue with the SlackRTM driver in combination with regular file uploads (#323)
- Added unicode support
- Added support for Telegram voice messages
- Additional parameters for
methods now recursively merge the parameters.
- Added
. - Added support for receiving images, videos, audio files and locations.
- Added
method to perform low-level driver API requests. - Allow regular expressions in middleware
- Added fake driver for testing
- Allow typing indicators for Slack RTM driver
- Cache calls
- Cache Wit.AI calls
- Added on-the-fly mini-conversations using
$botman->ask($question, Closure $next, $additionalParameters = [])
. - Added ability to either temporarily skip conversations or completely stop them using the
methods on the conversation object. - Added a
interface that your Conversation classes should use if you want to store / serialize them in queues. - Added
method to the Message class. (SlackRTM support only)
- FacebookDriver now returns user first + lastname
- Fixed a bug with Windows + cash file names (#200)
- Fixed a bug with fluent middleware syntax (#203)
- Fixed a bug with multiple middlewares (#209)
- Added methods to set typing indicators
. - Added middleware.
- Added additional parameters to
method. - Added ability to load command-specific middleware:
$bot->hears('foo', function($bot){})->middleware(new TestMiddleware());
- Added ability to listen only on specific drivers or channels.
- Added
method to conversation objects to repeat the last asked question. - [SlackDriver, SlackRTMDriver] added
method for Slacks new threaded messaging feature. - Added video message to Facebook, BotFramework and Telegram drivers.
- Added Facebook template support.
- Added
method to retrieve general user information.
- Fixed an error that occured when responding to the Facebook driver with thumbs up.
- Fixed SlackRTM driver to respond using the RTM API (Fixes issues #99 and #67).
- Moved listening to Facebook Postback payloads into a separate driver (FacebookPostbackDriver) so it does not interfere with normal user text
- Correctly handle Skype group chats #128
- Telegram - Fixed empty button callback payload #138
- Telegram - Fixed questions not working when the message type is an entity (url, email, etc) #139
- The MiddlewareInterface now uses the DriverInterface instead of the abstract Driver class
- Removed ability to only listen to direct messages / public channels as this was a relic of the old
- Added WeChat messaging driver.
- Added BotMan state methods to store user, channel or driver related data.
- Forced opis/closure
scope serialization.
- Added support for Slack slash commands. Just hear for the complete slash command
$bot->hears('/command foo', ...
- Fixed an error when trying to originate a message using a specific driver name (Issue #70).
- Added support for Microsoft Bot Framework Web Chat
- Added the
to make use of the Slack Realtime API. - Added a new
class to compose messages with images. - Image support is available for these drivers:
- Telegram
- Slack
- Microsoft Bot Framework
- Middleware classes now receive a third parameter
inside theisMessageMatching
method. You can use this method to determine if the regular expression was also matched, in case you do not want to replace the completehears
logic, but only add custom logic to it. Note: This will require you to modify your custom middleware classes.
- Fixed a bug where middleware
would still match the message.
- The
method can now handleClassName@method
- Fixed a bug in combination with middleware classes and regular expression matches
- Added
method to BotMan, to allow originating messages
- The
regular expression now checks for the start of the string botman#52
- Initial release