diff --git a/src/lib/Branch.svelte b/src/lib/Branch.svelte
index 96924bb..c59696a 100644
--- a/src/lib/Branch.svelte
+++ b/src/lib/Branch.svelte
@@ -29,15 +29,6 @@
const getNodeId = (node: Node) => `${treeId}-${helper.path(node)}`;
- // get children nodes
- function getChildren(tree: Tree) {
- const directChildren = helper.getDirectChildren(tree, helper.path(branchRootNode));
- const orderedChildren = helper.dragDrop.OrderByPriority(directChildren);
- return orderedChildren;
- }
function setExpansion(node: Node, changeTo: boolean) {
dispatch('internal-expand', { node: node, changeTo });
@@ -135,7 +126,7 @@
class:child-menu={childDepth > 0}
class={childDepth === 0 ? classes.treeClass : ''}
- {#each getChildren(tree) as node (getNodeId(node))}
+ {#each helper.getDirectChildren(tree, helper.path(branchRootNode)) as node (getNodeId(node))}
{@const nesthighlighed = highlightNesting(node, highlightedNode, validTarget, canNest)}
{@const insertHighlighted = highlightInsert(node, highlightedNode, validTarget, canNest)}
{@const expanded = isExpanded(node, childDepth, expandTo)}
diff --git a/src/lib/Checkbox.svelte b/src/lib/Checkbox.svelte
index 11608b4..1e2bf4d 100644
--- a/src/lib/Checkbox.svelte
+++ b/src/lib/Checkbox.svelte
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
import { SelectionModes, type Node } from './types.js';
import type { TreeHelper } from '$lib/index.js';
+ import { SelectionProvider } from '$lib/providers/selection-provider.js';
export let checkboxes: SelectionModes;
export let helper: TreeHelper;
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
export let readonly = false;
let indeterminate: boolean;
$: {
if (helper.props.visualState(node) == 'indeterminate') {
indeterminate = true;
@@ -19,6 +21,8 @@
indeterminate = false;
+ // TODO pass from root
+ $: selectionProvider = new SelectionProvider(helper, recursive);
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
@@ -28,7 +32,7 @@
{#if checkboxes == SelectionModes.perNode || checkboxes == SelectionModes.all}
- {#if helper.selection.isSelectable(node, checkboxes)}
+ {#if selectionProvider.isSelectable(node, checkboxes)}
{#if !recursive || (recursive && !helper.props.hasChildren(node))}
) {
@@ -250,9 +252,9 @@
const nodePath = helper.path(node);
- const changeTo = !helper.selection.isSelected(node);
+ const changeTo = !selectionProvider.isSelected(node);
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, nodePath, changeTo);
+ selectionProvider.setSelection(tree, nodePath, changeTo);
debugLog("changing selection of node '", nodePath, "' to ", !propHelper.selected(node));
@@ -288,202 +290,202 @@
tree = tree;
- //#region drag and drop
- function handleDragStart(e: DragEvent, node: Node) {
- // dont allos drag if is draggable is false
- if (propHelper.isDraggable(node) === false) {
- e.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- console.log('dragstart from: ' + helper.path(node));
- //@ts-ignore
- e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
- //@ts-ignore
- e.dataTransfer.setData('node_id', helper.path(node));
- draggedPath = helper.path(node);
- }
- function handleDragDrop(e: DragEvent, node: Node, el: HTMLElement) {
- //should be necesary but just in case
- highlightedNode = null;
- if (readonly || !dragAndDrop) return;
- //@ts-ignore
- draggedPath = e.dataTransfer.getData('node_id');
- console.log(draggedPath + ' dropped on: ' + helper.path(node));
- //important to check if timetonest is set, otherwise you could spend 30 minutes fixing this shit :)
- if (timeToNest) {
- const nowTimestamp = new Date();
- canNestTime =
- (dragenterTimestamp ? nowTimestamp.getTime() - dragenterTimestamp.getTime() : 1) >
- timeToNest;
- }
- let newNode = helper.findNode(tree, draggedPath);
- let oldNode = { ...(newNode as any) };
- let oldParent = helper.findNode(tree, helper.getParentNodePath(draggedPath));
- let insType = canNest ? 0 : helper.dragDrop.getInsertionPosition(e, el);
- //cancel move if its not valid
- if (insType == 0 && propHelper.nestDisabled(node) === true) return;
- else if ((insType == -1 || insType == 1) && propHelper.insertDisabled(node) === true) return;
- //callback can cancell move
- if (
- beforeMovedCallback &&
- beforeMovedCallback(oldNode, oldParent, node, helper.dragDrop.huminifyInsType(insType)) ===
- false
- )
- return;
- tree = helper.dragDrop.moveNode(
- tree,
- draggedPath,
- helper.path(node),
- insType,
- recalculateNodePath
- );
- let newParent = helper.findNode(tree, helper.getParentNodePath(helper.path(newNode))) ?? null;
- dispatch('moved', {
- oldParent: oldParent,
- newParent: newParent,
- oldNode: oldNode,
- newNode: newNode,
- targetNode: node,
- insType: helper.dragDrop.huminifyInsType(insType)
- });
- //reset props
- dragenterTimestamp = null;
- draggedPath = null;
- highlightedNode = null;
- }
- function handleDragOver(e: DragEvent, node: Node, el: HTMLElement) {
- insPos = helper.dragDrop.getInsertionPosition(e, el);
- //if you are further away from right then treshold allow nesting
- // @ts-ignore
- let diff = e.x - e.target?.getBoundingClientRect()?.x;
- if (pixelNestTreshold && diff > pixelNestTreshold) {
- canNestPos = true;
- } else {
- canNestPos = false;
- }
- //allow drop if valid target
- if (validTarget) e.preventDefault();
- }
- function handleDragEnter(e: DragEvent, node: Node, el: HTMLElement) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- insPos = helper.dragDrop.getInsertionPosition(e, el);
- validTarget = true;
- dragenterTimestamp = new Date();
- // will cause flashing when moving wrom node to node while be able to nest
- //* have to be here if you only use time
- highlightedNode = node;
- if (timeToNest) {
- canNestTime = false;
- //this is so that only one timeout is ticking at one time
- clearTimeout(dragTimeout);
- dragTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- canNestTime = true;
- }, timeToNest);
- }
- //dont allow drop on child element and if both insertDisabled and nestDisabled to true
- if (
- helper.path(node)?.startsWith(draggedPath ?? '') ||
- (propHelper.insertDisabled(node) === true && propHelper.nestDisabled(node) === true)
- ) {
- validTarget = false;
- }
- //if defined calling callback
- if (dragEnterCallback) {
- //get node for event
- let draggedNode = helper.findNode(tree, draggedPath ?? '');
- let oldParent = helper.findNode(tree, helper.getParentNodePath(draggedPath ?? ''));
- //callback returning false means that it isnt valid target
- if (dragEnterCallback(draggedNode, oldParent, node) === false) {
- validTarget = false;
- }
- }
- }, 1);
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function handleDragEnd(e: DragEvent, node: Node) {
- //reset prop on next tick
- setTimeout(() => {
- draggedPath = null;
- highlightedNode = null;
- }, 1);
- }
- function handleDragleave(e: DragEvent, node: Node, el: HTMLElement) {
- // highlightedNode = null;
- }
- /**
- *check if this node is one being hovered over (highlited) and is valid target
- */
- function highlighThisNode(node: Node, highlitedNode: Node, validTarget: boolean) {
- return validTarget && helper.path(highlitedNode) == helper.path(node);
- }
- /**
- * returns true, it should highlight nesting on this node
- * @param node node
- * @param highlitedNode highlited node
- * @param validTarget valid target
- * @param canNest can nest
- */
- function highlightNesting(
- node: Node,
- highlitedNode: Node,
- validTarget: boolean,
- canNest: boolean
- ) {
- return (
- canNest &&
- highlighThisNode(node, highlitedNode, validTarget) &&
- propHelper.nestDisabled(node) !== true
- );
- }
- /**
- * returns true, it should highlight nesting on this node
- * @param node node
- * @param highlitedNode highlited node
- * @param validTarget valid target
- * @param canNest can nest
- */
- function highlightInsert(
- node: Node,
- highlitedNode: Node,
- validTarget: boolean,
- canNest: boolean
- ) {
- return (
- !canNest &&
- highlighThisNode(node, highlitedNode, validTarget) &&
- propHelper.insertDisabled(node) !== true
- );
- }
- //#endregion
+ // //#region drag and drop
+ // function handleDragStart(e: DragEvent, node: Node) {
+ // // dont allos drag if is draggable is false
+ // if (propHelper.isDraggable(node) === false) {
+ // e.preventDefault();
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // console.log('dragstart from: ' + helper.path(node));
+ // //@ts-ignore
+ // e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
+ // //@ts-ignore
+ // e.dataTransfer.setData('node_id', helper.path(node));
+ // draggedPath = helper.path(node);
+ // }
+ // function handleDragDrop(e: DragEvent, node: Node, el: HTMLElement) {
+ // //should be necesary but just in case
+ // highlightedNode = null;
+ // if (readonly || !dragAndDrop) return;
+ // //@ts-ignore
+ // draggedPath = e.dataTransfer.getData('node_id');
+ // console.log(draggedPath + ' dropped on: ' + helper.path(node));
+ // //important to check if timetonest is set, otherwise you could spend 30 minutes fixing this shit :)
+ // if (timeToNest) {
+ // const nowTimestamp = new Date();
+ // canNestTime =
+ // (dragenterTimestamp ? nowTimestamp.getTime() - dragenterTimestamp.getTime() : 1) >
+ // timeToNest;
+ // }
+ // let newNode = helper.findNode(tree, draggedPath);
+ // let oldNode = { ...(newNode as any) };
+ // let oldParent = helper.findNode(tree, helper.getParentNodePath(draggedPath));
+ // let insType = canNest ? 0 : helper.dragDrop.getInsertionPosition(e, el);
+ // //cancel move if its not valid
+ // if (insType == 0 && propHelper.nestDisabled(node) === true) return;
+ // else if ((insType == -1 || insType == 1) && propHelper.insertDisabled(node) === true) return;
+ // //callback can cancell move
+ // if (
+ // beforeMovedCallback &&
+ // beforeMovedCallback(oldNode, oldParent, node, helper.dragDrop.huminifyInsType(insType)) ===
+ // false
+ // )
+ // return;
+ // tree = helper.dragDrop.moveNode(
+ // tree,
+ // draggedPath,
+ // helper.path(node),
+ // insType,
+ // recalculateNodePath
+ // );
+ // let newParent = helper.findNode(tree, helper.getParentNodePath(helper.path(newNode))) ?? null;
+ // dispatch('moved', {
+ // oldParent: oldParent,
+ // newParent: newParent,
+ // oldNode: oldNode,
+ // newNode: newNode,
+ // targetNode: node,
+ // insType: helper.dragDrop.huminifyInsType(insType)
+ // });
+ // //reset props
+ // dragenterTimestamp = null;
+ // draggedPath = null;
+ // highlightedNode = null;
+ // }
+ // function handleDragOver(e: DragEvent, node: Node, el: HTMLElement) {
+ // insPos = helper.dragDrop.getInsertionPosition(e, el);
+ // //if you are further away from right then treshold allow nesting
+ // // @ts-ignore
+ // let diff = e.x - e.target?.getBoundingClientRect()?.x;
+ // if (pixelNestTreshold && diff > pixelNestTreshold) {
+ // canNestPos = true;
+ // } else {
+ // canNestPos = false;
+ // }
+ // //allow drop if valid target
+ // if (validTarget) e.preventDefault();
+ // }
+ // function handleDragEnter(e: DragEvent, node: Node, el: HTMLElement) {
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // insPos = helper.dragDrop.getInsertionPosition(e, el);
+ // validTarget = true;
+ // dragenterTimestamp = new Date();
+ // // will cause flashing when moving wrom node to node while be able to nest
+ // //* have to be here if you only use time
+ // highlightedNode = node;
+ // if (timeToNest) {
+ // canNestTime = false;
+ // //this is so that only one timeout is ticking at one time
+ // clearTimeout(dragTimeout);
+ // dragTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ // canNestTime = true;
+ // }, timeToNest);
+ // }
+ // //dont allow drop on child element and if both insertDisabled and nestDisabled to true
+ // if (
+ // helper.path(node)?.startsWith(draggedPath ?? '') ||
+ // (propHelper.insertDisabled(node) === true && propHelper.nestDisabled(node) === true)
+ // ) {
+ // validTarget = false;
+ // }
+ // //if defined calling callback
+ // if (dragEnterCallback) {
+ // //get node for event
+ // let draggedNode = helper.findNode(tree, draggedPath ?? '');
+ // let oldParent = helper.findNode(tree, helper.getParentNodePath(draggedPath ?? ''));
+ // //callback returning false means that it isnt valid target
+ // if (dragEnterCallback(draggedNode, oldParent, node) === false) {
+ // validTarget = false;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }, 1);
+ // e.preventDefault();
+ // }
+ // function handleDragEnd(e: DragEvent, node: Node) {
+ // //reset prop on next tick
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // draggedPath = null;
+ // highlightedNode = null;
+ // }, 1);
+ // }
+ // function handleDragleave(e: DragEvent, node: Node, el: HTMLElement) {
+ // // highlightedNode = null;
+ // }
+ // /**
+ // *check if this node is one being hovered over (highlited) and is valid target
+ // */
+ // function highlighThisNode(node: Node, highlitedNode: Node, validTarget: boolean) {
+ // return validTarget && helper.path(highlitedNode) == helper.path(node);
+ // }
+ // /**
+ // * returns true, it should highlight nesting on this node
+ // * @param node node
+ // * @param highlitedNode highlited node
+ // * @param validTarget valid target
+ // * @param canNest can nest
+ // */
+ // function highlightNesting(
+ // node: Node,
+ // highlitedNode: Node,
+ // validTarget: boolean,
+ // canNest: boolean
+ // ) {
+ // return (
+ // canNest &&
+ // highlighThisNode(node, highlitedNode, validTarget) &&
+ // propHelper.nestDisabled(node) !== true
+ // );
+ // }
+ // /**
+ // * returns true, it should highlight nesting on this node
+ // * @param node node
+ // * @param highlitedNode highlited node
+ // * @param validTarget valid target
+ // * @param canNest can nest
+ // */
+ // function highlightInsert(
+ // node: Node,
+ // highlitedNode: Node,
+ // validTarget: boolean,
+ // canNest: boolean
+ // ) {
+ // return (
+ // !canNest &&
+ // highlighThisNode(node, highlitedNode, validTarget) &&
+ // propHelper.insertDisabled(node) !== true
+ // );
+ // }
+ // //#endregion
this.getParentNodePath(this.path(x)) === nodePath);
- findNode(tree: Node[], nodePath: NodePath): Node {
+ findNode(tree: Tree, nodePath: NodePath): Node {
return tree.find((node) => this.path(node) === nodePath) ?? null;
@@ -56,38 +50,38 @@ export class TreeHelper {
return includesSeparator;
- getDirectChildren(tree: Node[], parentNodePath: NodePath) {
+ getDirectChildren(tree: Tree, parentNodePath: NodePath) {
const children = (tree || []).filter((x) =>
? !this.nodePathIsChild(this.path(x))
: this.getParentNodePath(this.path(x)) === parentNodePath
- return children;
+ const ordered = this.orderByPriority(children);
+ return ordered;
- allCHildren(tree: Node[], parentNodePath: NodePath) {
+ allCHildren(tree: Tree, parentNodePath: NodePath) {
const children = tree.filter((x) => this.isChildrenOf(parentNodePath, this.path(x)));
return children;
- getAllLeafNodes(tree: Node[]) {
+ getAllLeafNodes(tree: Tree) {
return tree.filter((x) => {
return this.props.hasChildren(x) == undefined || this.props.hasChildren(x) == false;
- joinTrees(filteredTree: Node[], tree: Node[]) {
+ joinTrees(filteredTree: Tree, tree: Tree) {
return tree.map((tnode) => this.findNode(filteredTree, this.path(tnode)) || tnode);
- mergeTrees(oldTree: Node[], addedTree: Node[], nodePath = 'nodePath') {
+ mergeTrees(oldTree: Tree, addedTree: Tree, nodePath = 'nodePath') {
return orderBy(addedTree, oldTree, nodePath);
/** toggles expansion on
- changeExpansion(tree: Node[], node: Node, changeTo: boolean) {
+ changeExpansion(tree: Tree, node: Node, changeTo: boolean) {
const foundNode = this.findNode(tree, this.path(node));
this.props.setExpanded(foundNode, changeTo);
@@ -95,7 +89,7 @@ export class TreeHelper {
/** changes expansion of every node that has this.hasChildren set to true
- changeEveryExpansion(tree: Node[], changeTo: boolean) {
+ changeEveryExpansion(tree: Tree, changeTo: boolean) {
return tree.map((node) => {
if (this.props.hasChildren(node) == true) {
this.props.setExpanded(node, changeTo);
@@ -106,7 +100,7 @@ export class TreeHelper {
/** changes expansion of every node that has this.hasChildren set to true if they are abose set level and expansion property isnt set
- expandToLevel(tree: Node[], level: number) {
+ expandToLevel(tree: Tree, level: number) {
return tree.map((n) => {
if (
this.props.expanded(n) == undefined &&
@@ -130,10 +124,10 @@ export class TreeHelper {
- searchTree(tree: Node[], filter: (node: unknown) => boolean) {
+ searchTree(tree: Tree, filter: (node: unknown) => boolean) {
const filteredNodes = tree.filter(filter);
- const resultNodes: Node[] = [];
+ const resultNodes: Tree = [];
// add all parents from each node
// needed so that tree can be rendered
@@ -149,7 +143,7 @@ export class TreeHelper {
return uniqueNodes;
- getParents(tree: Node[], node: Node) {
+ getParents(tree: Tree, node: Node) {
const parentsPaths: NodePath[] = [];
let nodePath = this.path(node);
@@ -167,4 +161,14 @@ export class TreeHelper {
return parentNodes;
+ /** orders nodes by priorityProp
+ */
+ orderByPriority(tree: Tree) {
+ // TODO investigata that it really works
+ tree.sort((a: Node, b: Node) =>
+ this.props.priority(b) ? this.props.priority(a) - this.props.priority(b) : 1
+ );
+ return tree;
+ }
diff --git a/src/lib/helpers/drag-drop-helpers.ts b/src/lib/providers/drag-drop-provider.ts
similarity index 94%
rename from src/lib/helpers/drag-drop-helpers.ts
rename to src/lib/providers/drag-drop-provider.ts
index b1da482..0a37cc1 100644
--- a/src/lib/helpers/drag-drop-helpers.ts
+++ b/src/lib/providers/drag-drop-provider.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import type { PropertyHelper } from '$lib/helpers/property-helper.js';
import type { TreeHelper } from '$lib/helpers/tree-helper.js';
import type { InsertionType, Node, NodePath, Tree } from '$lib/types.js';
-export class DragAndDropHelper {
+export class DragAndDropProvider {
helper: TreeHelper;
props: PropertyHelper;
separator: string;
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ export class DragAndDropHelper {
insertedPriority = -1
) {
let nextPriority = insertedPriority + 1;
- this.OrderByPriority(this.helper.allCHildren(tree, parentNode)).forEach((node) => {
+ this.helper.orderByPriority(this.helper.allCHildren(tree, parentNode)).forEach((node) => {
if (this.props.priority(node) >= insertedPriority && this.path(node) != movedNodePath) {
this.props.setPriority(node, nextPriority++);
@@ -215,14 +215,4 @@ export class DragAndDropHelper {
return 'after';
- /** orders nodes by priorityProp
- */
- OrderByPriority(tree: Tree) {
- // TODO investigata that it really works
- tree.sort((a: Node, b: Node) =>
- this.props.priority(b) ? this.props.priority(a) - this.props.priority(b) : 1
- );
- return tree;
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/helpers/selection-helpers.ts b/src/lib/providers/selection-provider.ts
similarity index 99%
rename from src/lib/helpers/selection-helpers.ts
rename to src/lib/providers/selection-provider.ts
index 4ae6b03..11b4dae 100644
--- a/src/lib/helpers/selection-helpers.ts
+++ b/src/lib/providers/selection-provider.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import type { PropertyHelper } from '$lib/helpers/property-helper.js';
import type { TreeHelper } from '$lib/helpers/tree-helper.js';
import { SelectionModes, type Node, type NodePath, type Tree, VisualStates } from '$lib/types.js';
-export class SelectionHelper {
+export class SelectionProvider {
helper: TreeHelper;
props: PropertyHelper;
recursiveMode: boolean;
diff --git a/src/lib/stores/drag-and-drop-store.ts b/src/lib/stores/drag-and-drop-store.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..661ca5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/stores/drag-and-drop-store.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import type { TreeHelper } from '$lib/helpers/tree-helper.js';
+import { type BeforeMovedCallback, type DragEnterCallback, HighlighType } from '$lib/types.js';
+import { derived, type Readable, writable } from 'svelte/store';
+const storeDefaults = {
+ dragging: false,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+type dragConfig = {
+ dragEnterCallback: DragEnterCallback | null;
+ beforeMovedCallback: BeforeMovedCallback | null;
+export function startDrag(config: dragConfig) {
+ const draggedNodeStore = writable(null);
+ return {
+ highligh(helper: TreeHelper, node: Node): Readable {
+ // forces update when gragged nodes is changed
+ return derived([draggedNodeStore], ([store]) => {
+ return HighlighType.none;
+ });
+ },
+ isDragged(helper: TreeHelper, node: Node): Readable {
+ return derived([draggedNodeStore], ([draggedNode]) => {
+ return helper.path(node) === helper.path(draggedNode);
+ });
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/src/lib/types.ts b/src/lib/types.ts
index 075c2a1..2f7f649 100644
--- a/src/lib/types.ts
+++ b/src/lib/types.ts
@@ -58,3 +58,10 @@ export type HelperConfig = {
recalculateNodePath?: boolean;
checkboxes?: SelectionModes;
+export enum HighlighType {
+ nest = 'nest',
+ insertAbove = 'insert-above',
+ insertBelow = 'insert-below',
+ none = 'none'
diff --git a/src/test/selection-helper.test.ts b/src/test/selection-helper.test.ts
index 688d28d..48eab94 100644
--- a/src/test/selection-helper.test.ts
+++ b/src/test/selection-helper.test.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { PropertyHelper } from '$lib/helpers/property-helper.js';
import { TreeHelper } from '$lib/index.js';
+import { SelectionProvider } from '$lib/providers/selection-provider.js';
import { type Props, VisualStates } from '$lib/types.js';
import { expect, test } from 'vitest';
@@ -44,126 +45,128 @@ function getTree(treeHelper: TreeHelper, testSpecifcNodes: any[] = []) {
-function getHelper(recursive: boolean): TreeHelper {
+function getHelper(recursive: boolean): { helper: TreeHelper; selection: SelectionProvider } {
const propertyHelper = new PropertyHelper(testingProperties);
- return new TreeHelper(propertyHelper, { recursive });
+ const helper = new TreeHelper(propertyHelper, { recursive });
+ const selection = new SelectionProvider(helper, recursive);
+ return { helper, selection };
test('getChildrenWithCheckboxes test root', () => {
- const helper = getHelper(true);
+ const { helper, selection } = getHelper(true);
const tree = getTree(helper);
// from root
- const children = helper.selection.getSelectableDirectChildren(tree, null);
+ const children = selection.getSelectableDirectChildren(tree, null);
const paths = children.map((node) => helper.path(node));
expect(paths).toEqual(['0', '1', '2', '3']);
test('getChildrenWithCheckboxes parent is normal node', () => {
- const helper = getHelper(true);
+ const { helper, selection } = getHelper(true);
const tree = getTree(helper);
// from root
- const children = helper.selection.getSelectableDirectChildren(tree, '1');
+ const children = selection.getSelectableDirectChildren(tree, '1');
const paths = children.map((node) => helper.path(node));
expect(paths).toEqual(['1.4', '1.6', '1.7', '1.8', '1.9']);
test('getChildrenWithCheckboxes parent is leaf node', () => {
- const helper = getHelper(true);
+ const { helper, selection } = getHelper(true);
const tree = getTree(helper);
// from root
- const children = helper.selection.getSelectableDirectChildren(tree, '1.4');
+ const children = selection.getSelectableDirectChildren(tree, '1.4');
const paths = children.map((node) => helper.path(node));
test('setSelection non-recursive', () => {
- const helper = getHelper(false);
+ const { helper, selection } = getHelper(false);
const tree = getTree(helper);
const nodePath = '1.7';
const node = helper.findNode(tree, nodePath);
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, nodePath, true);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, nodePath, true);
- expect(helper.selection.isSelected(node)).toBe(true);
+ expect(selection.isSelected(node)).toBe(true);
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, nodePath, false);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, nodePath, false);
- expect(helper.selection.isSelected(node)).toBe(false);
+ expect(selection.isSelected(node)).toBe(false);
test('setSelection recursive all children are leaf', () => {
- const helper = getHelper(true);
+ const { helper, selection } = getHelper(true);
const tree = getTree(helper);
const parentNodePath = '1.7';
//test it changes all selection not just toggles
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, '1.7.10', true);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, '1.7.10', true);
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, true);
- helper.selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, true);
+ selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
const children = helper.getDirectChildren(tree, parentNodePath);
const paths = children.map((node) => helper.path(node));
expect(paths).toEqual(['1.7.10', '1.7.11']);
- let newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => helper.selection.isSelected(node));
+ let newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => selection.isSelected(node));
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, '1.7.10', false);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, '1.7.10', false);
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, false);
- helper.selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, false);
+ selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
- newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => helper.selection.isSelected(node));
+ newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => selection.isSelected(node));
test('setSelection recursive all children are not leaf', () => {
- const helper = getHelper(true);
+ const { helper, selection } = getHelper(true);
const tree = getTree(helper);
const parentNodePath = '1';
//test it changes all selection not just toggles
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, '1.7.10', true);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, '1.7.10', true);
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, true);
- helper.selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, true);
+ selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
const children = helper.allCHildren(tree, parentNodePath);
const paths = children.map((node) => helper.path(node));
expect(paths).toEqual(['1.4', '1.6', '1.7', '1.7.10', '1.7.11', '1.8', '1.9']);
- let newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => helper.selection.isSelected(node));
+ let newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => selection.isSelected(node));
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, '1.7.10', false);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, '1.7.10', false);
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, false);
- helper.selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, false);
+ selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
- newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => helper.selection.isSelected(node));
+ newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => selection.isSelected(node));
test('setSelection recursive parent is root', () => {
- const helper = getHelper(true);
+ const { helper, selection } = getHelper(true);
const tree = getTree(helper);
const parentNodePath = null;
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, true);
- helper.selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, true);
+ selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
const children = helper.allCHildren(tree, parentNodePath);
@@ -171,16 +174,15 @@ test('setSelection recursive parent is root', () => {
expect(paths).toEqual(helper.allCHildren(tree, null).map((node) => helper.path(node)));
- let newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => helper.selection.isSelected(node));
+ let newChildrenSelected = children.map((node) => selection.isSelected(node));
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, false);
- helper.selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, false);
+ selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
newChildrenSelected = children.map(
- (node) =>
- helper.selection.isSelected(node) || helper.props.visualState(node) === VisualStates.selected
+ (node) => selection.isSelected(node) || helper.props.visualState(node) === VisualStates.selected
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ test('setSelection recursive if one child has hasChildren set to true but no act
// expected behavior is that graphically it will be selected
// but logically it will be ignored
- const helper = getHelper(true);
+ const { helper, selection } = getHelper(true);
const tree = getTree(helper, [{ nodePath: '2.12', hasChildren: true }]);
const parentNodePath = '2';
@@ -197,18 +199,18 @@ test('setSelection recursive if one child has hasChildren set to true but no act
const children = helper.allCHildren(tree, parentNodePath);
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, true);
- helper.selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, true);
+ selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
- const selected = children.map((node) => helper.selection.isSelected(node));
+ const selected = children.map((node) => selection.isSelected(node));
- helper.selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, false);
- helper.selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
+ selection.setSelection(tree, parentNodePath, false);
+ selection.recomputeAllVisualStates(tree);
// we can never unselect node that has hasChildren set to true but doesnt have any children
- expect(helper.selection.isSelected(helper.findNode(tree, '2.12'))).toBe(true);
- expect(helper.selection.isSelected(helper.findNode(tree, '2.5'))).toBe(false);
- expect(helper.selection.isSelected(helper.findNode(tree, '2'))).toBe(false);
+ expect(selection.isSelected(helper.findNode(tree, '2.12'))).toBe(true);
+ expect(selection.isSelected(helper.findNode(tree, '2.5'))).toBe(false);
+ expect(selection.isSelected(helper.findNode(tree, '2'))).toBe(false);