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Laravel OpenAPI Validator

Request and response validators based on the OpenAPI Specification.


  • Validate any request and response with a pre-prepared OpenAPI Spec.
  • Automatically load specs from Laravel OpenAPI or L5 Swagger.
  • You can also load your own specs without using these libraries.
  • You can customize validation and error logging behavior on a per-route or application-wide basis.
  • Can display Swagger UI. You can view the documentation and test the API.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Laravel 9.0 or higher


You can install the package via composer:

composer require kentaroutakeda/laravel-openapi-validator


  1. Configure OpenAPI Specification

    If you're using Laravel OpenAPI, you don't need to do anything.

    For L5 Swagger, the following settings are required:

    # .env

    How to load your own schema without using these packages will be explained later.

  2. Register Middleware

    Route::get('/example', ExampleController::class)
        ->middleware(OpenApiValidator::class); // <- Add this line

    Routes with this setting will be validated for all requests including Feature Tests, and depending on the settings, responses as well.

    This repository's ./e2e directory contains working examples for e2e testing. You can see middleware configuration examples in Routing, and actual validations and failures in Tests.

  3. (Optional) Customize Middleware

    If necessary, you can change Middleware behavior for each route.

    Route::get('/', ExampleController::class)
        provider: 'admin-api', // <- Use spec other than default
        skipResponseValidation: true // <- Skip Response Validation

    Response validation for large amounts of data can take a long time. It would be a good idea to switch on/off validation depending on the route and APP_* environment variables.

  4. Deployment

    When deploying your application to production, you should make sure that you run the openapi-validator:cache Artisan command during your deployment process:

    php artisan openapi-validator:cache

    This command caches the OpenAPI Spec defined in your application. If you change the definition for development, you need to clear it as follows:

    php artisan openapi-validator:clear

(Optional) Swagger UI support

You can view the Swagger UI just by installing the package. No additional configuration is required.

  1. Install package.

    composer require --dev swagger-api/swagger-ui
  2. Display APP_URL/openapi-validator/documents in browser.

    open http://localhost:8000/openapi-validator/documents

By default, the Swagger UI can only be displayed when APP_DEBUG is enabled.

(Optional) Customization

Publish Configuration

You can publish the config file to change behavior.

php artisan openapi-validator:publish

Alternatively, most settings can be changed using environment variables. Check the comments in config/openapi-validator.php for details.

Your own schema providers

  1. If you want to use your own schema providers, first publish the config.

  2. Next, implement a class to retrieve the schema.

    class MyResolver implements ResolverInterface
      public function getJson(array $options): string
        // This example assumes that the schema exists in the root directory.
        return File::get(base_path('openapi.json'));
  3. Finally, set it in your config.

    return [
      // Set the provider name.
      'default' => 'my-resolver',
      'providers' => [
        // Set the provider name you created.
        'my-resolver' => [
          // Specify the class you created in the `resolver` parameter.
          'resolver' => MyResolver::class,

Error responses and customization

By default, it is formatted according to RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs.

Validation errors, stack traces and original response can also be included depending on your settings. For example, it might look like this:

  "title": "NoResponseCode",
  "detail": "OpenAPI spec contains no such operation [/,get,201]", // Error reason
  "status": 500, // Same as HTTP response code
  "originalResponse": { "status": "201" }, // Original response before validation
  "trace": [
    { "error": "...", "message": "...", "file": "...", "line": 42 },
    { "...": "..." }

Here's how to change to a different format:

  1. First, implement a class to generate a response. For example:

    class MyErrorRenderer implements ErrorRendererInterface
      public function render(
        Request $request,
        \Throwable $error,
        ErrorType $errorType,
      ): Response {
        return new Response(
          match ($errorType) {
            ErrorType::Request => "Request Error: " . $error->getMessage(),
            ErrorType::Response => "Response Error: " . $error->getMessage(),
  2. Next, register the class to the service container.

    // AppServiceProvider.php
    public function register(): void


If a validation error occurs, an event will be fired depending on the type of error.

  • ValidationFailedInterface - All errors
    • RequestValidationFailed - Request validation error
    • ResponseValidationFailed - Response validation error

Contributing and Development

Feel free to open an Issue or add a Pull request.

When adding a pull request, please refer to the following setup steps.

# Clone this repository and move to the directory.
git clone
cd laravel-openapi-validator

# Install dependencies.
composer install

# (Optional) Install tools: The commit hook automatically formats the code.
npm install

# Run tests.


Laravel OpenAPI Validator is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.