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Null constant inserted by memset handling not added to entry points interface #2221

karolherbst opened this issue Nov 16, 2023 · 2 comments


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The handling of memset can create new variables which never get added to the entry points interface. In the example below the variable %30 is not handled correctly.

example opencl C file:

__kernel void test(__global uchar* input, __global int* output)
 *output = (int [5]){ 0,0,0,0,0, }[*input];

llvm ir:

; ModuleID = '<stdin>'
source_filename = ""
target datalayout = "e-i64:64-v16:16-v24:32-v32:32-v48:64-v96:128-v192:256-v256:256-v512:512-v1024:1024"
target triple = "spir64-unknown-unknown"

@constinit = private global [5 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4

; Function Attrs: convergent noinline norecurse nounwind optnone
define dso_local spir_kernel void @resample_ref_14493953481400187574_0(ptr addrspace(1) noundef align 1 %0, ptr addrspace(1) noundef align 4 %1) #0 !kernel_arg_addr_space !4 !kernel_arg_access_qual !5 !kernel_arg_type !6 !kernel_arg_base_type !6 !kernel_arg_type_qual !7 {
  %3 = alloca ptr addrspace(1), align 8
  %4 = alloca ptr addrspace(1), align 8
  %5 = alloca [5 x i32], align 4
  store ptr addrspace(1) %0, ptr %3, align 8
  store ptr addrspace(1) %1, ptr %4, align 8
  call void @llvm.memset.p0.i64(ptr align 4 %5, i8 0, i64 20, i1 false)
  %6 = getelementptr inbounds [5 x i32], ptr %5, i64 0, i64 0
  call void @llvm.memcpy.p0.p0.i64(ptr align 4 %5, ptr align 4 @constinit, i64 20, i1 false)
  %7 = load ptr addrspace(1), ptr %3, align 8
  %8 = load i8, ptr addrspace(1) %7, align 1
  %9 = zext i8 %8 to i64
  %10 = getelementptr inbounds [5 x i32], ptr %5, i64 0, i64 %9
  %11 = load i32, ptr %10, align 4
  %12 = load ptr addrspace(1), ptr %4, align 8
  store i32 %11, ptr addrspace(1) %12, align 4
  ret void

; Function Attrs: nocallback nofree nounwind willreturn memory(argmem: write)
declare void @llvm.memset.p0.i64(ptr nocapture writeonly, i8, i64, i1 immarg) #1

; Function Attrs: nocallback nofree nounwind willreturn memory(argmem: readwrite)
declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0.p0.i64(ptr noalias nocapture writeonly, ptr noalias nocapture readonly, i64, i1 immarg) #2

attributes #0 = { convergent noinline norecurse nounwind optnone "frame-pointer"="all" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "uniform-work-group-size"="false" }
attributes #1 = { nocallback nofree nounwind willreturn memory(argmem: write) }
attributes #2 = { nocallback nofree nounwind willreturn memory(argmem: readwrite) }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0, !1}
!opencl.ocl.version = !{!2}
!opencl.spir.version = !{!2}
!llvm.ident = !{!3}

!0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
!1 = !{i32 7, !"frame-pointer", i32 2}
!2 = !{i32 3, i32 0}
!3 = !{!"clang version 16.0.6 (Fedora 16.0.6-3.fc38)"}
!4 = !{i32 1, i32 1}
!5 = !{!"none", !"none"}
!6 = !{!"uchar*", !"int*"}
!7 = !{!"", !""}


; Version: 1.4
; Generator: Khronos LLVM/SPIR-V Translator; 14
; Bound: 51
; Schema: 0
               OpCapability Addresses
               OpCapability Linkage
               OpCapability Kernel
               OpCapability Int64
               OpCapability Int8
          %1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
               OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
               OpEntryPoint Kernel %46 "resample_ref_14493953481400187574_0" %constinit
               OpSource OpenCL_C 300000
               OpName %constinit "constinit"
               OpName %resample_ref_14493953481400187574_0 "resample_ref_14493953481400187574_0"
               OpDecorate %constinit Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %resample_ref_14493953481400187574_0 LinkageAttributes "resample_ref_14493953481400187574_0" Export
               OpDecorate %14 Alignment 1
               OpDecorate %15 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %18 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %19 Alignment 8
               OpDecorate %21 Alignment 4
               OpDecorate %30 Constant
               OpDecorate %47 Alignment 1
               OpDecorate %48 Alignment 4
      %ulong = OpTypeInt 64 0
       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
      %uchar = OpTypeInt 8 0
    %ulong_5 = OpConstant %ulong 5
   %ulong_20 = OpConstant %ulong 20
    %ulong_0 = OpConstant %ulong 0
%_arr_uint_ulong_5 = OpTypeArray %uint %ulong_5
%_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_uint_ulong_5 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %_arr_uint_ulong_5
       %void = OpTypeVoid
%_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar = OpTypePointer CrossWorkgroup %uchar
         %12 = OpTypeFunction %void %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar
%_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar = OpTypePointer Function %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar
%_ptr_Function__arr_uint_ulong_5 = OpTypePointer Function %_arr_uint_ulong_5
%_ptr_Function_uchar = OpTypePointer Function %uchar
%_arr_uchar_ulong_20 = OpTypeArray %uchar %ulong_20
%_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_uchar_ulong_20 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %_arr_uchar_ulong_20
%_ptr_UniformConstant_uchar = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %uchar
%_ptr_Function_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint
%_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uint = OpTypePointer CrossWorkgroup %uint
%_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uint = OpTypePointer Function %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uint
          %6 = OpConstantNull %_arr_uint_ulong_5
  %constinit = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_uint_ulong_5 UniformConstant %6
         %28 = OpConstantNull %_arr_uchar_ulong_20
         %30 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_uchar_ulong_20 UniformConstant %28
%resample_ref_14493953481400187574_0 = OpFunction %void DontInline %12
         %14 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar
         %15 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar
         %16 = OpLabel
         %18 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar Function
         %19 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar Function
         %21 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__arr_uint_ulong_5 Function
         %22 = OpBitcast %_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar %18
               OpStore %22 %14 Aligned 8
         %23 = OpBitcast %_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar %19
               OpStore %23 %15 Aligned 8
         %25 = OpBitcast %_ptr_Function_uchar %21
         %32 = OpBitcast %_ptr_UniformConstant_uchar %30
               OpCopyMemorySized %25 %32 %ulong_20 Aligned 4
         %35 = OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain %_ptr_Function_uint %21 %ulong_0 %ulong_0
               OpCopyMemorySized %21 %constinit %ulong_20 Aligned 4
         %36 = OpBitcast %_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar %18
         %37 = OpLoad %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar %36 Aligned 8
         %38 = OpLoad %uchar %37 Aligned 1
         %39 = OpUConvert %ulong %38
         %40 = OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain %_ptr_Function_uint %21 %ulong_0 %39
         %41 = OpLoad %uint %40 Aligned 4
         %44 = OpBitcast %_ptr_Function__ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uint %19
         %45 = OpLoad %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uint %44 Aligned 8
               OpStore %45 %41 Aligned 4
         %46 = OpFunction %void DontInline %12
         %47 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar
         %48 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_uchar
         %49 = OpLabel
         %50 = OpFunctionCall %void %resample_ref_14493953481400187574_0 %47 %48
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patch based on 16, the idea is to just emit the variable in each function using global function private variables:

diff --git a/lib/SPIRV/SPIRVWriter.cpp b/lib/SPIRV/SPIRVWriter.cpp
index e8b67d5e..dbc20d02 100644
--- a/lib/SPIRV/SPIRVWriter.cpp
+++ b/lib/SPIRV/SPIRVWriter.cpp
@@ -1792,6 +1792,12 @@ LLVMToSPIRVBase::transValueWithoutDecoration(Value *V, SPIRVBasicBlock *BB,
   if (auto GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(V)) {
+    auto AddressSpace = static_cast<SPIRAddressSpace>(GV->getAddressSpace());
+    // We can't emit private variables globally, we need to create copies of each value inside each
+    // function
+    if (AddressSpace == SPIRAS_Private && !BB)
+      return nullptr;
     llvm::Type *Ty = GV->getValueType();
     // Though variables with common linkage type are initialized by 0,
     // they can be represented in SPIR-V as uninitialized variables with
@@ -1852,7 +1858,6 @@ LLVMToSPIRVBase::transValueWithoutDecoration(Value *V, SPIRVBasicBlock *BB,
     SPIRVStorageClassKind StorageClass;
-    auto AddressSpace = static_cast<SPIRAddressSpace>(GV->getAddressSpace());
     bool IsVectorCompute =
         BM->isAllowedToUseExtension(ExtensionID::SPV_INTEL_vector_compute) &&
@@ -1872,10 +1877,14 @@ LLVMToSPIRVBase::transValueWithoutDecoration(Value *V, SPIRVBasicBlock *BB,
       StorageClass = SPIRSPIRVAddrSpaceMap::map(AddressSpace);
-    SPIRVType *TranslatedTy = transPointerType(Ty, GV->getAddressSpace());
+    SPIRVType *TranslatedTy = transPointerType(Ty, static_cast<unsigned int>(AddressSpace));
+    SPIRVBasicBlock *VarBB = nullptr;
+    if (StorageClass == StorageClassFunction)
+      VarBB = BB;
     auto BVar = static_cast<SPIRVVariable *>(
         BM->addVariable(TranslatedTy, GV->isConstant(), transLinkageType(GV),
-                        BVarInit, GV->getName().str(), StorageClass, nullptr));
+                        BVarInit, GV->getName().str(), StorageClass, VarBB));
     if (IsVectorCompute) {
@@ -3946,12 +3955,12 @@ SPIRVValue *LLVMToSPIRVBase::transIntrinsicInst(IntrinsicInst *II,
       std::vector<SPIRVValue *> Elts(TNumElts, transValue(Val, BB));
       Init = BM->addCompositeConstant(CompositeTy, Elts);
-    SPIRVType *VarTy = transPointerType(AT, SPIRV::SPIRAS_Constant);
+    SPIRVType *VarTy = transPointerType(AT, SPIRV::SPIRAS_Private);
     SPIRVValue *Var = BM->addVariable(VarTy, /*isConstant*/ true,
                                       spv::internal::LinkageTypeInternal, Init,
-                                      "", StorageClassUniformConstant, nullptr);
+                                      "", StorageClassFunction, BB->getParent()->getBasicBlock(0));
     SPIRVType *SourceTy =
-        transPointerType(Val->getType(), SPIRV::SPIRAS_Constant);
+        transPointerType(Val->getType(), SPIRV::SPIRAS_Private);
     SPIRVValue *Source = BM->addUnaryInst(OpBitcast, SourceTy, Var, BB);
     SPIRVValue *Target = transValue(MSI->getRawDest(), BB);
     return BM->addCopyMemorySizedInst(Target, Source, CompositeTy->getLength(),
@@ -4544,8 +4553,8 @@ bool LLVMToSPIRVBase::transGlobalVariables() {
     } else if (MDNode *IO = ((*I).getMetadata("io_pipe_id")))
       transGlobalIOPipeStorage(&(*I), IO);
-    else if (!transValue(&(*I), nullptr))
-      return false;
+    else
+      transValue(&(*I), nullptr);
   return true;
@@ -4587,6 +4596,8 @@ LLVMToSPIRVBase::collectEntryPointInterfaces(SPIRVFunction *SF, Function *F) {
   std::vector<SPIRVId> Interface;
   for (auto &GV : M->globals()) {
     const auto AS = GV.getAddressSpace();
+    if (AS == SPIRAS_Private)
+      continue;
     SPIRVModule *BM = SF->getModule();
     if (!BM->isAllowedToUseVersion(VersionNumber::SPIRV_1_4))
       if (AS != SPIRAS_Input && AS != SPIRAS_Output)
diff --git a/lib/SPIRV/libSPIRV/SPIRVModule.cpp b/lib/SPIRV/libSPIRV/SPIRVModule.cpp
index 91a2e0b8..6fdf973c 100644
--- a/lib/SPIRV/libSPIRV/SPIRVModule.cpp
+++ b/lib/SPIRV/libSPIRV/SPIRVModule.cpp
@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ SPIRVInstruction *SPIRVModuleImpl::addVariable(
   SPIRVVariable *Variable = new SPIRVVariable(Type, getId(), Initializer, Name,
                                               StorageClass, BB, this);
   if (BB)
-    return addInstruction(Variable, BB);
+    return addInstruction(Variable, BB, BB->getNumInst() ? BB->getInst(0) : nullptr);
   if (LinkageTy != internal::LinkageTypeInternal)

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My patch also solves a couple of other related issues, just have to port it to recent version and try it out there

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