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A Higher-Order Lean 4 Hammer

Note: Still in early stages of development!

This repo adds a hammer tactic for Lean 4.

import HoSmt
set_option HoSmt.cvc5 "./bin/cvc5" -- You need to download CVC5 yourself.

theorem hello : ∀x : Nat, x * 0 = 0
  := by smt [Nat.mul_zero]

How it works

Hammers have three stages:

  1. Lemma Selection: Select roughly 1000 as-relevant-as-possible helper lemmas for the problem (i.e. Lean proof goal) we're trying to solve. Not yet implemented.
  2. Translation: Translate proof goal and helper lemmas from Lean to a language that the SMT solver will understand. Lean is built on Martin-Löf type theory and the calculus of inductive constructions, whereas SMT solvers usually want non-polymorphic first or higher order logic. Types are converted to simple types in roughly two steps:
    1. Type index erasure: For example replacing Vec α len with a subtype { v : VecE α // VecG α len v }, where VecE is the index-erased type, and VecG is a guarding predice which enforces the length of v.
    2. Monomorphization: For example occurences of List Nat are replaced with ListNat.
  3. Proof Reconstruction: Running the SMT solver (such as CVC5) produces a proof for the translated (HOL) problem, from which we need to create a proof for the original MLTT+CIC problem. Not yet implemented.

So far, this repo implements an (admittedly buggy) translation from MLTT+CIC to non-polymorphic HOL.

Setting up CVC5

You can obtain CVC5 from CVC5's GitHub Releases. Tested with CVC5 1.0.2 macOS arm64. For some reason the newest version (1.0.5) doesn't like TPTP.

set_option HoSmt.cvc5 "./bin/cvc5"


This project originates from a science internship (in German: Praxis der Forschung) at KIT.

  • There is a "paper" describing the techniques used, as well as providing tons of references.
  • There also is a presentation.


Huge thanks goes out to Jakob who helped me greatly with his deep knowledge of type theory, steering me in the right direction, and most importantly: For being a cool person who believed in me and helping me stay motivated :D.

Related Work

  • Lean-smt incorporates theories such as bitvectors as well, but translates to first order logic.


Other Options

The default timeout is 3 seconds. You can customize that with

set_option HoSmt.time 10

Folder Structure

Lean-HoSmt/          Repo root (open in VSCode, run `lake build` here, etc.).
    lakefile.lean    Project manifest used by `lake`.
    doc/             Documentation, Presentations, etc.
    HoSmt.lean       "Root source file" defining the `smt` tactic.
    HoSmt/           Source files.