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A Collection of Papers and Codes for ECCV2024 Low Level Vision

整理汇总下今年ECCV底层视觉(Low-Level Vision)相关的论文和代码,括超分辨率,图像去雨,图像去雾,去模糊,去噪,图像恢复,图像增强,图像去摩尔纹,图像修复,图像质量评价,插帧,图像/视频压缩等任务,具体如下。


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相关整理(Related Collections)









Accelerating Image Super-Resolution Networks with Pixel-Level Classification

AdaDiffSR: Adaptive Region-aware Dynamic acceleration Diffusion Model for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

Adaptive Multi-modal Fusion of Spatially Variant Kernel Refinement with Diffusion Model for Blind Image Super-Resolution

A New Dataset and Framework for Real-World Blurred Images Super-Resolution

Arbitrary-Scale Video Super-Resolution with Structural and Textural Priors

BurstM: Deep Burst Multi-scale SR using Fourier Space with Optical Flow

Confidence-Based Iterative Generation for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

Contourlet Residual for Prompt Learning Enhanced Infrared Image Super-Resolution

Data Overfitting for On-Device Super-Resolution with Dynamic Algorithm and Compiler Co-Design

DCDM: Diffusion-Conditioned-Diffusion Model for Scene Text Image Super-Resolution

Enhancing Perceptual Quality in Video Super-Resolution through Temporally-Consistent Detail Synthesis using Diffusion Models

Event-Adapted Video Super-Resolution

HiT-SR: Hierarchical Transformer for Efficient Image Super-Resolution

KEEP: Kalman-Inspired Feature Propagation for Video Face Super-Resolution

Learning Dual-Level Deformable Implicit Representation for Real-World Scale Arbitrary Super-Resolution

Learning Exhaustive Correlation for Spectral Super-Resolution: Where Spatial-Spectral Attention Meets Linear Dependence

Motion-Guided Latent Diffusion for Temporally Consistent Real-world Video Super-resolution

MTKD: Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Image Super-Resolution

OmniSSR: Zero-shot Omnidirectional Image Super-Resolution using Stable Diffusion Model

Overcoming Distribution Mismatch in Quantizing Image Super-Resolution Networks

Pairwise Distance Distillation for Unsupervised Real-World Image Super-Resolution

Pixel-Aware Stable Diffusion for Realistic Image Super-Resolution and Personalized Stylization

RealViformer: Investigating Attention for Real-World Video Super-Resolution

Rethinking Image Super-Resolution from Training Data Perspectives

SMFANet: A Lightweight Self-Modulation Feature Aggregation Network for Efficient Image Super-Resolution

Spatially-Variant Degradation Model for Dataset-free Super-resolution

SuperGaussian: Repurposing Video Models for 3D Super Resolution

UCIP: A Universal Framework for Compressed Image Super-Resolution using Dynamic Prompt

XPSR: Cross-modal Priors for Diffusion-based Image Super-Resolution

You Only Need One Step: Fast Super-Resolution with Stable Diffusion via Scale Distillation

2.图像去雨(Image Deraining)

Efficient Frequency-Domain Image Deraining with Contrastive Regularization

Raindrop Clarity: A Dual-Focused Dataset for Day and Night Raindrop Removal

3.图像去雾(Image Dehazing)

Prompt-Based Test-Time Real Image Dehazing: A Novel Pipeline

Unleashing the Potential of the Semantic Latent Space in Diffusion Models for Image Dehazing


BAD-Gaussians: Bundle Adjusted Deblur Gaussian Splatting

BeNeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from a Single Blurry Image and Event Stream

Blind image deblurring with noise-robust kernel estimation

CMTA: Cross-Modal Temporal Alignment for Event-guided Video Deblurring

Deblur e-NeRF: NeRF from Motion-Blurred Events under High-speed or Low-light Conditions

Deblurring 3D Gaussian Splatting

Domain-adaptive Video Deblurring via Test-time Blurring

Dynamic Neural Radiance Field From Defocused Monocular Video

Gaussian Splatting on the Move: Blur and Rolling Shutter Compensation for Natural Camera Motion

Motion-adaptive Separable Collaborative Filters for Blind Motion Deblurring

Motion Aware Event Representation-driven Image Deblurring

Rethinking Video Deblurring with Wavelet-Aware Dynamic Transformer and Diffusion Model

Towards Real-world Event-guided Low-light Video Enhancement and Deblurring

UniINR: Event-guided Unified Rolling Shutter Correction, Deblurring, and Interpolation


Asymmetric Mask Scheme for Self-Supervised Real Image Denoising

denoiSplit: a method for joint microscopy image splitting and unsupervised denoising

DualDn: Dual-domain Denoising via Differentiable ISP

EDformer: Transformer-Based Event Denoising Across Varied Noise Levels

Exploiting Dual-Correlation for Multi-frame Time-of-Flight Denoising

Region-Aware Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Hyperspectral Denoising

Temporal As a Plugin: Unsupervised Video Denoising with Pre-Trained Image Denoisers

TTT-MIM: Test-Time Training with Masked Image Modeling for Denoising Distribution Shifts

6.图像恢复(Image Restoration)

A Comparative Study of Image Restoration Networks for General Backbone Network Design

AutoDIR: Automatic All-in-One Image Restoration with Latent Diffusion

Blind Image Deconvolution by Generative-based Kernel Prior and Initializer via Latent Encoding

Contribution-based Low-Rank Adaptation with Pre-training Model for Real Image Restoration

DAVI: Diffusion Prior-Based Amortized Variational Inference for Noisy Inverse Problems

Deep Diffusion Image Prior for Efficient OOD Adaptation in 3D Inverse Problems

Depth-Aware Blind Image Decomposition for Real-World Adverse Weather Recovery

DiffBIR: Toward Blind Image Restoration with Generative Diffusion Prior

Efficient Cascaded Multiscale Adaptive Network for Image Restoration

GAURA: Generalizable Approach for Unified Restoration and Rendering of Arbitrary Views

GRIDS: Grouped Multiple-Degradation Restoration with Image Degradation Similarity

InstructIR: High-Quality Image Restoration Following Human Instructions

Learning Equilibrium Transformation for Gamut Expansion and Color Restoration

MambaIR: A simple baseline for image restoration with state-space model

MetaWeather: Few-Shot Weather-Degraded Image Restoration

MoE-DiffIR: Task-customized Diffusion Priors for Universal Compressed Image Restoration

OneRestore: A Universal Restoration Framework for Composite Degradation

Osmosis: RGBD Diffusion Prior for Underwater Image Restoration

Panel-Specific Degradation Representation for Raw Under-Display Camera Image Restoration

Quanta Video Restoration

RaFE: Generative Radiance Fields Restoration

Restore Anything with Masks: Leveraging Mask Image Modeling for Blind All-in-One Image Restoration

Restoring Images in Adverse Weather Conditions via Histogram Transformer

Seeing the Unseen: A Frequency Prompt Guided Transformer for Image Restoration

SPIRE: Semantic Prompt-Driven Image Restoration

Teaching Tailored to Talent: Adverse Weather Restoration via Prompt Pool and Depth-Anything Constraint

Towards Real-World Adverse Weather Image Restoration: Enhancing Clearness and Semantics with Vision-Language Models

UniProcessor: A Text-induced Unified Low-level Image Processor

Unsupervised Variational Translator for Bridging Image Restoration and High-Level Vision Tasks

When Fast Fourier Transform Meets Transformer for Image Restoration

Zero-Shot Adaptation for Approximate Posterior Sampling of Diffusion Models in Inverse Problems

7.图像增强(Image Enhancement)

Fast Context-Based Low-Light Image Enhancement via Neural Implicit Representations

GLARE: Low Light Image Enhancement via Generative Latent Feature based Codebook Retrieval

Image-adaptive 3D Lookup Tables for Real-time Image Enhancement with Bilateral Grids

Joint RGB-Spectral Decomposition Model Guided Image Enhancement in Mobile Photography

Learned Image Enhancement via Color Naming

LightenDiffusion: Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement with Latent-Retinex Diffusion Models

LMT-GP: Combined Latent Mean-Teacher and Gaussian Process for Semi-supervised Low-light Image Enhancement

Low Light Image Enhancement via Generative Latent Feature based Codebook Retrieval

RAVE: Residual Vector Embedding for CLIP-Guided Backlit Image Enhancement

Taming Lookup Tables for Efficient Image Retouching

Towards Real-world Event-guided Low-light Video Enhancement and Deblurring

Unrolled Decomposed Unpaired Learning for Controllable Low-Light Video Enhancement

Unveiling Advanced Frequency Disentanglement Paradigm for Low-Light Image Enhancement


A Simple Latent Diffusion Approach for Panoptic Segmentation and Mask Inpainting

A Task is Worth One Word: Learning with Task Prompts for High-Quality Versatile Image Inpainting

Be-Your-Outpainter: Mastering Video Outpainting through Input-Specific Adaptation

BrushNet: A Plug-and-Play Image Inpainting Model with Decomposed Dual-Branch Diffusion

GScream: Learning 3D Geometry and Feature Consistent Gaussian Splatting for Object Removal

Improving Text-guided Object Inpainting with Semantic Pre-inpainting

Leveraging Text Localization for Scene Text Removal via Text-aware Masked Image Modeling

Single-Mask Inpainting for Voxel-based Neural Radiance Fields

Taming Latent Diffusion Model for Neural Radiance Field Inpainting

9.高动态范围成像(HDR Imaging)

Intrinsic Single-Image HDR Reconstruction

Optimizing Illuminant Estimation in Dual-Exposure HDR Imaging

SAFNet: Selective Alignment Fusion Network for Efficient HDR Imaging

10.图像质量评价(Image Quality Assessment)

A Comprehensive Study of Multimodal Large Language Models for Image Quality Assessment

AID-AppEAL: Automatic Image Dataset and Algorithm for Content Appeal Enhancement and Assessment Labeling

Assessing Sample Quality via the Latent Space of Generative Models

CrossScore: Towards Multi-View Image Evaluation and Scoring

Depicting Beyond Scores: Advancing Image Quality Assessment through Multi-modal Language Models

DSMix: Distortion-Induced Saliency Map Based Pre-training for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment

Enhancing Plausibility Evaluation for Generated Designs with Denoising Autoencoder

Multiscale Sliced Wasserstein Distances as Perceptual Color Difference Measures

PromptIQA: Boosting the Performance and Generalization for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment via Prompts

Scaling Up Personalized Image Aesthetic Assessment via Task Vector Customization

Towards Open-ended Visual Quality Comparison

11.插帧(Frame Interpolation)

Clearer Frames, Anytime: Resolving Velocity Ambiguity in Video Frame Interpolation

DreamMover: Leveraging the Prior of Diffusion Models for Image Interpolation with Large Motion

Dual-Camera Smoooth Zoom on Mobile Phones

FastPCI: Motion-Structure Guided Fast Point Cloud Frame Interpolation

IAM-VFI : Interpolate Any Motion for Video Frame Interpolation with motion complexity map

Mono-ViFI: A Unified Learning Framework for Self-supervised Single- and Multi-frame Monocular Depth Estimation

TimeLens-XL: Real-time Event-based Video Frame Interpolation with Large Motion

12.视频/图像压缩(Video/Image Compression)

A Unified Image Compression Method for Human Perception and Multiple Vision Tasks

BaSIC: BayesNet Structure Learning for Computational Scalable Neural Image Compression

Bidirectional Stereo Image Compression with Cross-Dimensional Entropy Model

EGIC: Enhanced Low-Bit-Rate Generative Image Compression Guided by Semantic Segmentation

Fast Point Cloud Geometry Compression with Context-based Residual Coding and INR-based Refinement

Free-VSC: Free Semantics from Visual Foundation Models for Unsupervised Video Semantic Compression

GaussianImage: 1000 FPS Image Representation and Compression by 2D Gaussian Splatting

HAC: Hash-grid Assisted Context for 3D Gaussian Splatting Compression

Image Compression for Machine and Human Vision With Spatial-Frequency Adaptation

Learned HDR Image Compression for Perceptually Optimal Storage and Display

Learned Rate Control for Frame-Level Adaptive Neural Video Compression via Dynamic Neural Network

Long-term Temporal Context Gathering for Neural Video Compression

Lossy Image Compression with Foundation Diffusion Models

MesonGS: Post-training Compression of 3D Gaussians via Efficient Attribute Transformation

Neural Graphics Texture Compression Supporting Random Acces

Rate-Distortion-Cognition Controllable Versatile Neural Image Compression

Region-Adaptive Transform with Segmentation Prior for Image Compression

WeConvene: Learned Image Compression with Wavelet-Domain Convolution and Entropy Model

13.压缩图像质量增强(Compressed Image Quality Enhancement)

MoE-DiffIR: Task-customized Diffusion Priors for Universal Compressed Image Restoration

OAPT: Offset-Aware Partition Transformer for Double JPEG Artifacts Removal

Online Video Quality Enhancement with Spatial-Temporal Look-up Tables

14.图像去反光(Image Reflection Removal)

L-DiffER: Single Image Reflection Removal with Language-based Diffusion Model

15.图像去摩尔纹(Image Demoireing)

Image Demoireing in RAW and sRGB Domains

16.图像上色(Image Colorization)

ColorMNet: A Memory-based Deep Spatial-Temporal Feature Propagation Network for Video Colorization

17.图像和谐化(Image Harmonization)

Neural Poisson Solver: A Universal and Continuous Framework for Natural Signal Blending

Photorealistic Object Insertion with Diffusion-Guided Inverse Rendering

18.视频稳相(Video Stabilization)

Eliminating Warping Shakes for Unsupervised Online Video Stitching

19.图像融合(Image Fusion)

LiDAR-Event Stereo Fusion with Hallucinations


Adaptive Compressed Sensing with Diffusion-Based Posterior Sampling

Adaptive Selection of Sampling-Reconstruction in Fourier Compressed Sensing

A Simple Low-bit Quantization Framework for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging

Attention Beats Linear for Fast Implicit Neural Representation Generation

Diff-Reg: Diffusion Model in Doubly Stochastic Matrix Space for Registration Problem

Efficient Diffusion-Driven Corruption Editor for Test-Time Adaptation

Event-Based Motion Magnification

Hierarchical Separable Video Transformer for Snapshot Compressive Imaging

Imaging Interiors: An Implicit Solution to Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problems

Improving Feature Stability during Upsampling -- Spectral Artifacts and the Importance of Spatial Context

Latent Diffusion Prior Enhanced Deep Unfolding for Snapshot Spectral Compressive Imaging

Latent-INR: A Flexible Framework for Implicit Representations of Videos with Discriminative Semantics

Learning to Robustly Reconstruct Low-light Dynamic Scenes from Spike Streams

LLMCO4MR: LLMs-aided Neural Combinatorial Optimization for Ancient Manuscript Restoration from Fragments with Case Studies on Dunhuang

Long-range Turbulence Mitigation: A Large-scale Dataset and A Coarse-to-fine Framework

Noise Calibration: Plug-and-play Content-Preserving Video Enhancement using Pre-trained Video Diffusion Models

QueryCDR: Query-based Controllable Distortion Rectification Network for Fisheye Images

RAW-Adapter: Adapting Pre-trained Visual Model to Camera RAW Images

Rawformer: Unpaired Raw-to-Raw Translation for Learnable Camera ISPs

Real-data-driven 2000 FPS Color Video from Mosaicked Chromatic Spikes

Revisit Event Generation Model: Self-Supervised Learning of Event-to-Video Reconstruction with Implicit Neural Representations

RS-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from Rolling Shutter Images

SAH-SCI: Self-Supervised Adapter for Efficient Hyperspectral Snapshot Compressive Imaging

Self-Supervised Video Desmoking for Laparoscopic Surgery

Semi-Supervised Video Desnowing Network via Temporal Decoupling Experts and Distribution-Driven Contrastive Regularization

Temporal-Mapping Photography for Event Cameras

Temporal Residual Guided Diffusion Framework for Event-Driven Video Reconstruction

Topology-Preserving Downsampling of Binary Images

Towards Architecture-Agnostic Untrained Network Priors for Image Reconstruction with Frequency Regularization

Towards Robust Event-based Networks for Nighttime via Unpaired Day-to-Night Event Translation

BlazeBVD: Make Scale-Time Equalization Great Again for Blind Video Deflickering
