Releases: KoljaWindeler/ytube_music_player
Fixed volume_down
Fix for volume down not working
AsyncIO Fixes
This releases summerizes the earlier published beta releases to fix the enforcement of asyncio
Beta: added 'like in name'
Added feature
the special call:
entity_id: media_player.ytube_music_player
command: like_in_name
will write the like status in the name ... like 'YTubeMediaPlayer - LIKE'
This nicely integrates into a media_player .. or at least better then nothing
Beta: async jo fixes
Further fixes for async io .. this is this beta!!
Fixes for typo in sonos asyncio
- typo in the sonos section
Beta: Fixed proxy
Fixed file write for proxy server
Beta: Fixes for asyncio
- End of track
- Turn off
- rating of songs, thanks to @CTower
Beta: 2021.04 async io
Hi, this is a beta release for brave 2021.04 testers.
2021.04 forces the usage of asyncio, which required lots of modification on my end.
I works fine here, but there might be bugs in this release!!
Please open tickets/issus on github whenever you find a bug so we can get it back to where it was.
More debug
Hi, this release adds even more debug and error messages so it will be easier to understand what is causing possible issues.
No need to update if everything is working for you.
Updated ytmusicapi
Bump ytmusicapi to 0.15.0 to fix the changed radio interface