Version two of fastn changes the way the component constructors work, to allow for better composition of components.
In fastn v1, component constructors would create a component, modify it, then return it.
In fastn v2, component constructors are passed a component, and they may extend it with functionality.
The v1 way:
function myCoolComponentConstructor(fastn, type, settings, children){
var component = fastn.base(type, settings, children);
// Add properties, implement/override methods, etc...
return component;
The v2 way:
function myCoolComponentConstructor(fastn, component, type, settings, children){
// Add properties, implement/override methods, etc...
return component;
In v1, if you wanted to make a component that was an extension of another component, you would do something like this:
function myCoolFancyList(fastn, type, settings, children){
// Create a list.
var component = fastn.createComponent('list', settings, children);
// Add properties, implement/override methods, etc...
return component;
in v2, you can just call .extend()...
function myCoolComponentConstructor(fastn, component, type, settings, children){
// Become a list.
component.extend('list', settings, children);
// Add properties, implement/override methods, etc...
return component;
Which is extremely handy if you want features from multiple components:
function myCoolComponentConstructor(fastn, component, type, settings, children){
// Become a list.
component.extend('list', settings, children);
// Also be a modal
component.extend('modal', settings, children);
// Also be a whatever
component.extend('whatever', settings, children);
// Add properties, implement/override methods, etc...
return component;
In fastn v2, you can mix components together when you create them, like so:
var myMapList = fastn('list:map', { ... });
Fastn will, under the covers, extend all the types together in the order they are listed, so the above example is equivilent to:
fastn('list', settings, children...).extend('map', settings, children...);
- fastn.createComponent
- componant constructor parameters (fastn, type, settings, children) -> (fastn, component, type, settings, children)
- component.setProperty can now be passed only a key, which will use the existing property, or create a new default one for that key.
- Mixin syntax, fastn('componantType1:componantType2')
- componant.extend(componantType, settings, children)
- -> bool
- fastn.componants._container is now defaulted to containerComponant.
In v1, you could add functionality to a componant arbitrarily, with no real structure
In v2, obviously, using the fastn('foo:bar') style is recommended.
In v1, properties were generally added via
property.addTo(componant, key);
In v2 this is deprecated, and it is encouraged that you instead use:
componant.setProperty('key', property);