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Mark Wylde edited this page Jan 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

the genericComponent shipped with fastn can be used to create DOM nodes.

var fastn = require('fastn')({
    _genericComponent: require('fastn/genericComponent')

var divComponent = fastn('div', {

    // Every property in settings will be set on the rendered DOM element.

    anything: 10, // decides between passing `anything` as a property or using setAttribute to set 10.

    // Some properties have helpers around them to make them more convenient:

    class: ['a', 'b', 'c'] // Accepts a string or array of strings.

    // Accepts an object map of propery:value to be set as an inline style.
    style: {
        color: 'red',
        width: '20px'

    // toggles 'display: none;' on the element if the value is truthy.
    display: true/false

        A shorthand for `.on('eventName', handler)` that automatically sets
        on domevent.

        For example:
        onchange: 'value:value' would listen for the `change` event on the DOM element,
        and set element.value to component.value.

        If you need anything more complicated, you should use `component.on('domevent', handler)`
    domevent: 'fastnPropertyName:elementPropertyName'

        Alternatively you can set a dom event property as a function, which
        is the same as calling `.on('eventName', handler)`
    onclick: function (event) {
// For more complex event handling:
.on('domevent (click, change, mousemove etc...)', function(event){
    this; // the component



events added via component.on('eventname' ... will only be attached if they were added before .render()

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