Frontend Stack: React, NextJS, TypeScript, React Query, Styled Components, AntD, EditorJS
Backend Stack: NodeJS, NestJS, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, TypeORM
- Think about tech stack, design and development plan of the project
- Initial app setup
- Create UI Kit
- CRUD tasks
- Filter, sort, search, pagination
- Google SignIn
- Refactor and fix
- FullStack App
- Tasks CRUD
- Filter, sort, search, pagination tasks
- SignIn via Google account
- Swaggerd
To start this project run
cd server/
npm i
npm run migration:run
npm run start:dev
cd client/
npm i
npm run dev
- Collaborators CRUD
- CRUD different workspaces
- Via toasts. For example - react-toastify
- Deploy
- Collaborators CRUD
- UX/UI design
was important.
- Different workspaces
- SignIn/SignUp by another methods
- Roles and Permissions
- More statuses fro tasks(In progress, review etc.)
- Drag&Drop
The task is not at all difficult, but it is voluminous. We had to leave such details as responsive design, additional functions for collaborators for the next iteration.
- Thursday - 2h
- Friday - 2h
- Saturday - 5h
- Monday - 5h
- In general - 14 hours