Examples can be found in the examples
Bindings to Rmath using FFI for kdb+.
provides the routines supporting the distribution and special (e.g. Bessel, beta and gamma functions) functions in R
This example requires the stand-alone Rmath library to be installed as well as FFI for kdb+. Install Rmath according to the platform you are using. For example;
- Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install r-mathlib
- CentOS/RedHat:
$ sudo yum install libRmath
Generate 100K numbers from normal distribution:
q)// Bind rnorm function
q).rm.rnorm:.ffi.bind[`libRmath.so`rnorm; "jff"; "f"]
q)// Bind set_seed function
q).rm.set_seed:.ffi.bind[`libRmath.so`set_seed; "ii"; " "]
q)// Set random seed
q).rm.set_seed (456i; 789i; ::)
q)do[100000; gen:.rm.rnorm (1; 0f; 1f; ::); if[-9h ~ type gen; norms,: gen]]
q)// verify that avg and dev are 0 and 1
q)(avg; dev) @\: norms
0.003488721 1.002219
q)// Buffer
q)buffer: 80#"\000"
q)// Write to buffer and return the number of bytes which was written
q)n:.ffi.callFunction[("i"; `sprintf)] (buffer; "%s %.4f %hd\000"; "example\000"; 3.16f; 144000h; ::)
q)// Show the written charcters
q)buffer til n
"example 3.1600 32767"
q)// Bind qsort function
q).cstdlib.qsort:.ffi.bind[`qsort; "liik"; " "];
q)// Callback function
q)cmp:{0N!"compare: ",.Q.s x,y; (x>y)-x<y};
q)seq:3 1 2i
q).cstdlib.qsort (seq; `int$count seq; 4i; (cmp; "II"; "i"); ::)
"compare: 1 2i\n"
"compare: 3 1i\n"
"compare: 3 2i\n"
1 2 3i
q).cstdlib.qsort (seq; `int$count seq; 1i; (cmp; "BB"; "i"); ::)
"compare: 01b\n"
"compare: 10b\n"
"compare: 11b\n"
q)// symbols are pointers - size of pointer is .ffi.ptrsize[]
q).cstdlib.qsort (seq; `int$count seq; .ffi.ptrsize[]; (cmp; "SS"; "i"); ::)
"compare: `a`b\n"
"compare: `c`a\n"
"compare: `c`b\n"
See examples/rmath.q
for an example.
See examples/c_api.q
This file shows how to use ffi interface to utilize functions in C API for q. This example alone does not make an example. You need to launch another q process connecting to this process and communicate.
See examples/pcre.q
This file shows how to use ffi interface to utilize functions in PCRE library.
See examples/stdlib.q
This file shows how to use ffi interface to utilize functions in C standard library