- Complete workflow testing
- Update documentation
- On migrating branches page: add whitespace removal to the procedure
- Provide guidance on sharing development within a branch
- Provide guidance on errors in “other” experiments
- Guidance on a common code check failure: trailing whitespace
- Will the error message indicate the corrective action needed?
- Check that old histories cannot be re-committed to any repository
- Navigate to the LArSoft GitHub organization
- for each repo navigate to settings
- rename reponame to reponame.old (the old ones will be removed later after verifying the webhooks are set up in new instances)
- Navigate to the LArSoft GitHub organization
- The repositories to be migrated:
- larana, larbatch, larcore, larcorealg, larcoreobj, lardata, lardataalg, lardataobj, lareventdisplay, larevt, larexamples, larg4, larpandora, larpandoracontent, larreco, larsim, larsoft, larsoftobj, larutils, larwirecell
- for each repo click New and enter repo name
- click settings and ensure LArSoft/Core group has ownership not just the person doing the repo creation. (The web hook settings will be handled by cms-bot scripts.)
Run the trailing white-space script on the head of develop and commit the changes to the Redmine repo (Lynn)
- Need contents of the script or a link to the script.
- Best to have a link to the script that will run over all the repositories, if there is one
- The script to use to strip trailing white space is larsoft/bin/removeWhiteSpace.sh (${LARSOFT_DIR}/bin/removeWhiteSpace.sh)
Running the white-space script on pull-requests is sufficient. A campaign of pull requests to cleanup whitespace can happen after the migration.
Change the Redmine repos post-commit-hook script to only allow pushes to branches named feature/* (Lynn consulting with MarcM Kyle)
- Need contents of the script here, or a link to the script
- Best to have a link to the script that will run over all the repositories, if there is one
Clone the Redmine repos, truncate the history and push the appropriate tags and branches to github (Patrick)
ssh scisoftbuild01.fnal.gov
cd /scratch/gartung/srcs
mkdir working
cd working
eval $(ssh-agent)
- Branches to be migrated
- master
- develop
- v*
- Tags to be migrated
- LARSOFT_SUITE_v[0-9]_[0-9_[0-9]*
- v[0-9]_[0-9]_[0-9]*
- Truncating_commit_history_at_svn_to_git_transition Script used to perform these tasks updateFBR linked as updateFBR.sh
ssh gartung.fnal.gov
export GITHUBTOKEN=$(cat /web/sites/s/scd-ci.fnal.gov/data/FNALbuild-Github-personal-access-token)
cd cms-bot
./add-externals-gh-labels.py -n -u
./add-externals-gh-labels.py -u
./create-github-hooks -n -u
./create-github-hooks -u
- for each repo navigate to settings
- check that the webhooks were created and that the ping message was accepted by https://scd-ci.fnal.gov/webhook
- Postpone use of approval workflow while debugging
- Postpone migration, revert to Redmine