Releases: LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw
v5 Production Release - Post Kaon Fix
v5 Production Release with Erin BDT
v5 Production Release
This release will be used to generate a 1e14 ECal PN sample needed to update the whitepaper (v2).
What's New
- v9 detector with 15 mm scintillator, 25 mm absorber HCal was added (#477 )
- The HCal digi processor was upgraded to use a more realistic HCal readout and noise sim (#479 )
- ldmx-sw git SHA-1 of currently used tag is now persisted in the RunHeader (#495 )
- Geant4 git SHA-1 of currently used tag is now persisted in the RunHeader (required changes to Geant4) (#500 )
- Made the run description settable (#501 )
- BDT models were cleaned up (#503)
- Cleanup (#485, #507)
Bug Fixes
v.1.3.0 Whitepaper version 1 Release
This release was used for the studies that are presented in the first version of the LDMX whitepaper.
What's New
- v5 geometry: HCal which uses 50 mm absorber and 25 mm scintillator (#462)
- Birks correction was added to the HCal digitization code (#462)
- Noise hits are now included in the HCal digitization code (#462)
- Updates to LHE reader which allow setting of vertex using #vertex tag (#473)
- Allow users to set G4 cascade parameters (#469)
Bug Fixes
- Fix compiler warning in ClusterAlgoResult (#471)
v1.2.3 - Beryl Release
Merge pull request #463 from LDMXAnalysis/event_display_dev Event Display Enhancements
v1.2.2 - Recon Pass 2 Release
This release will be used to run reconstruction pass 2. It adds several features that will enhance the 2018 LDMX whitepaper studies:
What's New
- Generic noise model that can be used by any subdetector (#414)
- Ecal noise hits (#416)
- EM is biased down when PN is biased up (#417)
- Add event processor which accounts for tracker hit efficiency by killing hits (#429)
- The mean noise of the Hcal was changed (#435)
- An event processor used to skim events where the recoil misses the Ecal was added (#436)
Bug Fixes
v3 Recon Release
This release marks the first stable version of the reconstruction that will be used to process all v3 samples. The resulting recon files will be used for studies included in the 2017 LDMX whitepaper.
This is the first iteration of the recon. Several other changes are likely in the coming weeks.
What's New
- Regeneration of events using particles that cross a scoring plane of interest (#346)
- Pre-processor macro is now used to define a sim plugin (#261)
- Ecal energy calibration (#386)
- Add ability to skim a file based on the trigger (#386)
- The ability to add strips were added to the Hcal digitization (#378)
- BDT is retrained and improved (#391)
- Add ability to skim a file based on whether it passes the Ecal BDT veto (#398)
- PN re-weighting is implemented (#294)
Bug Fixes
- Fixes to SimpleProcessFilter which keep it from filtering out events where a reaction of interest has already occurred (#352)
- Save the generator particles even if the are instantiated within a volume where trajectory saving is turned off by default (#346)
- Plugin messengers missing method call to parent (#382)
- EcalDigiProducer was using the incorrect layer weight for the last Ecal layer (#395)
v3 Production Release
This release will be used to generate all samples used for studies included in the 2017 LDMX whitepaper.
What's New
- v3 geometry including a rewrite of the Ecal GDML (#146) as well as the addition of scoring planes (#241) and magnet material (#252)
- Make xsec biasing operator more flexible #326
- Add track truth information to the BDT #325
- Ecal gaps are now supported #323 #339
- Users can now specify which hit collections to drop from a G4 macro #331
- Switch target to tungsten #359
Bug Fixes
- Correctly handle process types wrapped by the words 'biasingWrapper' #314
- Reset the process type after each event #319
- Correctly handle b-field boundaries #316
- Update biasing code so it correctly handles the v3 geometry #146
- Extend the ID of the Ecal #309
- ldmx-app should allow users to use ctl-C #311
- Fixes to Ecal copynumber #341
- Add epsilon conditions to b-field upper bound to avoid crashes #338
- Fixes to EcalVetoProcessor #342 #345
- Make v3 detector compatible with geometry framework #361
- Fix recoil tracker non-unique ID's #366
- Fix duplicate Hcal ID's #368
- Fix getFieldValue bug #371
v2 Production
This release was used to generate all v2 samples used for studies leading up to the U.S. Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter workshop.
First ldmx-sw release before major development.