A YAML file for each algorithm + optional pre/post-processing Python scripts. They are not parsed for now, it is a prospective study for the architecture revision.
description: |
Description textuelle
de l'algorithme
input_type: {
executable: {
path: , # an entry of paths.yml
filename: , # optional, if a filename must be appended to the path
command_line: # command line template. between curly brackets are {arguments}, filled below. but {output_folder} is a reserved keyword that will be filled with the output folder path
output_folder: , # string template of the output folder to create ("generative algorithm" case). '%d' replaced by datetime
arguments: { # all keywords in the executable definition must be covered with 'argumentX' entries
input_files: {
argument1: # an filename constant (see content of ../data_folder_types/)
output_files: { # if 'output_folder' defined, these files will be emplaced inside output_folder/, else ("transformative algorithm" case) in the input folder
argument2: # an filename constant (see content of ../data_folder_types/)
others: { # other arguments must contain a description, for --help
argument3: {
default: , # a default value that will define the data type. Can be overwritten from the command line
description: , # description of this argument, to be printed with --help
indication: , # string that will be printed as help/indication message for the user, at the beginning of an execution. Can contain {arguments}
Prototype for a pre-processing Python script ({name}.pre.py
def pre_processing(input_subfolder: DataFolder, output_subfolder: Optional[Path], arguments: dict, silent_output: bool) -> dict:
# your code here
Prototype for a post-processing Python script ({name}.post.py
def post_processing(input_subfolder: DataFolder, output_subfolder: Optional[Path], arguments: dict, data_from_pre_processing: dict, silent_output: bool):
# your code here
Prototype for algorithms defined as Python script ({name}.py
def main(input_folder: Path, arguments: list):
# your code here